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1、WRITING第1页邀请函 Invitation Letter1、I would like to invite you to come to dinner/take part in the speech contest.2、Im writing to invite you to_3、We are looking forward to meeting you at the party.第2页4、Thank you for your invitation.5、Im afraid,I cant come because_.Thank you all the same.第3页v感激信 Thank-yo

2、u Letter v开头vThank you very much for_填原因vIm writing to give my thanks to you for_第4页v结尾vI must thank you again for your generous help.vThank you again from the bottom of my heart.第5页v祝贺信 congratulationvI was glad to hear that you were successful in finding a job.vPlease accept my warmest congratulat

3、ions on_v(请接收我最热忱祝贺)第6页v道歉信 ApologyvIm sorry about forgetting about our appointment.It was completely my fault.v我忘记了我们约会,我深感抱歉,都是我错。vI was writing this letter to apologize to you for第7页v求职信 Cover LettervThis is the very job Im looking for.v这正是我要找工作。vIm good at _vI am looking forward to hearing from

4、you soon.v希望很快能收到你回复。第8页v便条和留言条 Note and MessagevId like to apply for one weeks leave from Monday to Sunday,in order to see a doctor.v我想请一个星期假,从星期一到星期天。是为了去看医生。vIll go back to school as soon as I recover from my bad cold.第9页vI want to tell you that tomorrows meeting has been put off because of the e

5、xam.v我想告诉你明天会议因为考试而被推迟。第10页vMay I visit you in my other spare time?v下次有空时能否去拜见你?vThis is to inform you of_短语_v inform you that_句子在此通知你第11页v通知 NoticevThere will be a meeting on Thursday,November 12th in the meeting room,starting at 7:30pmv会议于十一月十二号星期四下午7:30在会议室召开。vAll are expected to attend the meeti

6、ng.第12页v海报 PostervAll are welcome.v欢迎全部些人参加。vA meeting will be hold at _第13页二、关于二、关于“分段分段”和和“过渡词过渡词”v议论、说明段落中惯用过渡词:议论、说明段落中惯用过渡词:v分两点拓展:分两点拓展:vFor one thing第一点。For another,第二点。vOn the one hand第一点。On the other han第二点v分三点拓展分三点拓展vFirst and foremost第一点 Additionally第二点vLast but(centaily)not least第三点v分四点拓

7、展:分四点拓展:vTo begin with第一点 Moreover第二点vWhats more第三点 Finally,第四点第14页四、关于语言v首先,我祝愿大家更加快乐,更健康vI wish sb.would do vFirst,I wish all students would be happier and healthier.第15页四、关于语言v最简单升级技巧v【黄金圣衣句型黄金圣衣句型】vIt is clear that vIt is obvious thatvThere is no doubt thatvNo one can denyvNeedless to sayvIt goe

8、s without saying that 清清明明疑疑否否不用不用走走第16页内容要简单,结构要清楚,语言要精彩内容要简单,结构要清楚,语言要精彩vSue,I thank you.You taught well.We learned a lot.We had a great time together.第17页内容要简单,结构要清楚,语言要精彩内容要简单,结构要清楚,语言要精彩vSue,I thank you.First and foremost,there i you taught well.Additionally,we learned a lot.Last but not least,we had a great time together.第18页内容要简单,结构要清楚,语言要精彩内容要简单,结构要清楚,语言要精彩vSue,needless to say,I thank you.First and foremost,there is no doubt that you taught well.Additionally,it is obvious that we learned a lot.Last but not least,no one can deny we had a great time together.第19页

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