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1、花了不少的力气,终于将考试作文的基本思路及一些方法,注意事项总结了出来.考试作文做为一种语言技能测试.主要考的是考生的行文能力,只要作文内容符合主旨,逻辑合理,语法顺畅,语言得体,并适当的体现语言技能.相信一定可以拿到不错的成绩. 全文节选,摘抄,总结自刘春伟老师主编的一书.总结出来仅供有需要提高英语写作水平的志同道合人士共同学习,交流,提高.请尊重版权. 通过几天的总结,个人认为以下知识要点很到位,而且比较详细,经常翻阅参考,必有裨益! 至于书信,便条等应用文部分,待再做总结. 壹. 写作的基本要求 应试作文结构模式化已经成为一条核心策略.一般考试作文形式不外乎: 议论文,(提纲式,图表式)

2、,应用文 (信件与便条),说明文和记叙文 英语的直线性(Linear)思维方式使英文文章通常都是开门见山,英语语篇一般按照直线展开,通常包括四个部分: 导入,主题,支撑,结论. 也就是说,首先陈诉主题或中心思想,然后按照一条直线展开,分点说明中心思想,而且每 个段落都会有一个主题句,主题句通常位于句首,使读者一目了然,整个语篇是一个完整的统一体. 语言流畅 所谓统一性是指全篇的各个段落都是为一个中心思想服务,而且每个段落都会围绕一个主题句来展开,如果有游离于中心思想 之外的句子就会使文章零散杂乱.中心突出是因为开头第一句话就提出了主题句(controlling idea).造成段落结构松散的原

3、 因是句子的结构杂乱,要整理句子的结构,把某些句子变成修饰或限定形式,紧缩句子结构.为使段落中心突出,中心句必须能 高度概括所在段落的论据.中心句的概括性和具体性是段落和文章发展的基石. 思维直线性-统一性-完整性-连贯性(意义连贯,形式连贯), 连贯性要使用一些过渡性的词语: 表层进: first/firstly to begin with/second/secondly to start with/third/thirdly whats more/also and then/and equally important/besides in addition/further in the f

4、irst place/still furthermore/last but not the least/finally 表列举: for example/for instance/to illustrate as an illustration/after all/as a matter of fact/frankly speaking/in this case namely/in other word 表总结: in summary/in a word/in brief/in conclusion/to conclude/in fact/in short/in other word/of c

5、ourse it is ture specaily/thus as has been said/altogether in other word/finally in simpler terms/in particul- ar/that is/on the whole/therefore 表强调: of course/indeed/above all/most important/emphasis/certainly/in fact 表让步: still/nevertheless/in spite of/all the same/even so/after all/concession/nat

6、urally 表比较: in comparision with/likewise/similarly equally/however likewise/in the same way/by contrast 表转折: although/but/in contrast/nevertheless/on the contrary/on the other hand/otherwise/regardless/ yet/despite/even so/even though/for all that/however/in spite of/instead 表时间: after a while/after

7、ward/as long as/at last/at length/at that time/before/earlier/eventually/ finally/formerly/further/furthermore/in addition/in the first place/in the past/last/lately/meanwhile/ moreover/next/now/presently/second/shortly/simultaneously/since/so far/soon/subsequently/then/thereafter until now/when 贰 议

8、论文 议论文的目的在于阐述道理,说服他人,使人相信某种道理或假设,它是所有应试作文中最常见文体.议论文通常有两种推论方 法,即归纳法和演绎法.但要在应试作文比较短的篇幅中取得良好的效果,通常会遵从以下思路:引言段,正文主题段,结论概述. 引言段(introduction), 为了引起读者的好奇和兴趣,引言段通常会有以下内容: 1,关于主题的一些背景知识 2,提及主题 3,表明中心句(thesis statement) 正文(body),正文是一篇文章的主要部分,本部分要讨论,回答在引言段提出的问题,而且语言的组织要自然,有逻辑.主体部分 要有几个自然段,每个段落都要有自己的主题句,最好能在段首

9、提出. 结论/结尾段(concluding paragraph),结尾部分要言简意赅,与主题密切相关,要总结观点或提出希望,并给读者留下深印象. 文章中如果缺少了这三大部分中的任何一部分,都会使人感到结构残缺.对于一篇150-200字的文章,要在短短的篇幅中把问题 说明清楚,应该遵循下面这个黄金比例:开头结尾各15%,中间的正文主题要在70%左右.才能组织出一篇结构合理的文章. 应试议论文的形式虽然多变.其实都是在考察两种能力: 1,Can you express and support your opinion? 2,Can you choose and defend a point of

10、view? 而且以上两种能力的考察归根结底是以 提纲式作文和图表(画)式作文 来体现的. 1、提纲式作文 Direction: A: Title : Fast Food B: Word Limit : about 200 words C: Your composition should be based on the outline given in Chinese below 1、在节奏迅速的当今时代,快餐受到了人们的青睐 2、快餐受欢迎的原因,营养方面比较差 3、对快餐的态度应该是少吃为佳 提纲式作文是一种控制性作文,写作者要根据题目和提纲,确定文章的中心思想,然后紧紧围绕中心思想展开讨论

11、,表达提 纲的主旨。但要注意,提纲只是文章中必须包括进去的内容要点,只是为文章提供一个支撑的骨架,不能拘泥,硬搬。 提纲式议论文的内容可以划分为以下几个大框: 原因式 : 作文要求考生对一类社会问题或现象的原因进行分析解释。 例如 My view on fake commodities 1、目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品,为什么会有这种现象。 2、举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人,社会等的危害。 虽然题目的要求多变,但通常可以采用以下的模式来解决: 第一段:引入话题(引出文章要进行解释的某种现象或问题),表明作者对此问题的看法和态度。 第二段:过渡性语言,概括全段主题,支持自己的观点的有力证据或

12、理由(各个理由或论据之间加上合适的过渡 性语言)。 第三段:结论 因此,原因式提纲式作文的写作思路具体规范一下,可以遵循以下格式: paragraph 1 thesis statement: A phenomenon or problem in society and my view/attitude on it paragraph 2 reasons : transitional expression + reason 1 transitional expression + reason 2 paragraph 3 conclusion, to restate the thesis 分析解决

13、式 :所谓分析解决式是指针对某一社会现象找出其解决办法。此类似与原因式,但不同的是,分析解决式不仅要 分析事件或现象的原因外,还要有相应的解决方法。 这类题目,通常会采用以下的模式来解决: 第一段:引入话题,(引出文章要进行解释的某种现象或问题),表明作者的态度或看法。 第二段:过渡性语言+分析造成这种现象或问题的原因(几个原因) 第三段:过渡性语言+就上述问题的起因逐个给出对应的解决办法或建议。 第四段:总结+发出倡议或号召或展望未来。 因此,可以将分析解决式作文的格式归纳如下: paragraph 1 thesis statement:A phenomenon or problem in

14、society/my attitude on this issue paragraph 2 reasons: transitional expression + reason1 transitional expression + reason2 paragraph 3 solution/advice: transitional expression + solution/advice 1 transitonal expression + solution/advice 2 paragraph 4 conclusion: to restate the thesis 对比/比较式 :此类作文要求考

15、生比较两个事物或观点的优缺点,并且要有自己的观点,有自己的倾向.多数情况下,对赞成 的事物要多写优点,对于反对的事物,优点少写,多谈缺点,这样在结论的时候才能达到另人信服的效果. 此类通常有以下的语言模式出现: Which idea do you agree with?/Do you agree or disagree with the statement./ which kind ofdo you prefer?/Which do you think is better?/Then which one do you agree with and why?/ Write a short ess

16、ay in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each 写作此类作文为了能使文章脉络清晰,使阅卷者能够迅速的找到文章的行文思路,通常采用下面的交替式格式: 第一段:引入话题(引出对该问题的不同看法),承认不同看法各自有各自的理由。 第二段:过渡性语言+陈诉一方的观点或优点。 第三段:过渡性语言+陈诉另一方的观点或缺点。 第四段:结论表明自己的立场是支持一方的。 sths advantage far outweighs its disadvantages Direction: For this part you are g

17、oing to write an essay on the topic of City Life and Suburban Life. You should write about 200 words and base your composition on the outline below. 1、最近几年愈来愈多的居民选择在郊区生活。 2、城市生活和郊区生活各有各的特点。 3、我的观点 此类作文的写作方式非常丰富,基本可以分为: A,交替式优点比较法(一个段落写A的优点,另一个段落写B的优点) B,交替式缺点比较法(一个段落写A的缺点,另一个段落写B的缺点) C,板块式优缺点比较法(既在一

18、个段落的空间里,谈到A的优点的同时谈一下B的缺点,或谈到A的优点后再谈A的缺点,反正 此比较法形式多样,只要可以起到另人满意的比较效果,都可取)。 驳斥式 : 主要针对一些社会上比较流行而又存在谬误的做法或看法来进行批判的一种命题模式。这种命题方式的对应思 路既类似于比较式,又类似于原因式,其格式不外乎下面的模式: 第一段:引出社会中存在的一种谬误现象或看法,并提出自己的立场 第二段:过渡性语言+实例例证该现象或看法的谬误所在 第三段:重申自己的观点 Direction: Scientific discovery has brought about many negative effects

19、to our life at the same time of promoting our life. Some people think that the development of science has disastrous side effects so that we shou- ld not live in modern society. Whats your point of view? 可以将驳斥型英文的写作格式归纳如下: paragraph 1 thesis statement: A wrong belief or problem in society and my cri

20、ticism toward this view. paragraph 2 disputing process: transitional express + evidence 1 transitional express + evidence 2 paragraph 3 conclusion:to restate the thesis and my point of view 以上为提纲式议论文的一些总结。 3、图表(画)议论文 图表(画)式作文和提纲作文一样,都是根据题目所提供的已知信息进行写作,不同之处在于,其限定性要求是以图表或者图画的 形式来间接规定的.对于这种命题形式的作文,首先要对

21、图表或图画作出认真分析,弄清图表(画)所含有的信息以及不同信息之 间的关系,抓住其表现趋势. 由于这种作文形式的信息载体不是文字而是图表,所以需要注意以下几点: 第一、不能遗漏图表(画)中的信息,否则不能全面体现命题的写作要求,容易跑题或不切题。 第二、在图表(画)中,特别是图表似作文中会有大量的数据,应该体现一定的数据,靠事实来说话,以数据来支持。 第三、结尾处应该对图表(画)所表现的趋势加以预测。 此类命题最广泛接受的模式如下: 第一段:描述图表(画),概括图表(画)所表现的社会问题。如果是图表式作文,在本段中不要出现具体的数 据来说明情况,否则开头缺乏概括性,而图画式作文则要求文字稍微详

22、细一些,但篇幅不可超过全文的1/3。 第二段:在图表式作文中,用图表数据来论证第一段的主题,或者分析各个数据产生的原因,在图画式作文中, 揭示图画的主旨。 第三段:在图表式中分析预测走势,在图画式中发表议论或提出建议。 可以把这种类型文章的格式归纳如下: paragraph 1 : thesis statement: A phenomenon or problem ravealed by the diagram paragraph 2 : analysis of the diagram: transitional express + analysis 1 transitional expres

23、s + analysis 2 paragraph 3 : solution/suggestion/expectation 图表(画)作文会有一些自己的语言 1、图形种类 泛指图表:a data graph/chart/diagram/illustration/table 饼图:pie chart 2、图标/数值 直方图或拄形图:bar chart/histogram 图解:scheme 绘制:plot 趋势曲线图:line chart/curve diagram 简图:sketch 插图:plate 表格图:table 区域:section 流程图或过程图:flow chart/sequenc

24、e diagram 图标:block 程序图:processing/procedures diagram 箭头:arrow 草图:draft 圈:circle 图画:picture/depiction 阴影区:shaded area 漫画:cartoon 垂直线:vertical stroke 肖像:image 星号:asterisk 连环画: comic 调查结果:protocol 3、开头段常用语言:在图表式作文第一段,我们通常要概括图表的内容,并揭示其中的含义,要用到以下语言: The table/chart diagram/graph shows (that) show,describ

25、e,illustrate,can be seen from,reveal,represent,indicate,depict figure/statistic/number/percentage/proportion The scheme/sketch/block shows that The arrow/circle/shaded area represents The table is a protocol of the experiment According to the table/chart diagram/graph, As is shown in the table/chart

26、 diagram/graph, As can be seen from the table As we can spot from in the chart It can be seen from the figures/statistics, we can see from the figures/statistics, It is clear from the figures/statistics, It is apparent from the figures/statistics, 4、数据变化:在描述图表式作文的内容时,会遇到一些表示“变化”的词,可以增强文章的语言表达色彩 固定不变

27、:fixed in time 波动:fluctuate/rebound/undulate/wave 转变:change over time 稳定:remain stable/stabilize/level off 增加:increase/raise/rise/go up/soar/shoot up 最高点:peaked/reached a peak/high point 减少:decrease/grow down/drop/fall/decline/reduce/slump 最低点:bottomed out/reached the bottom 形容词副词:about/almost/appro

28、ximately/dramatic/dramatically/exactly/gradual/gradually/just over/nearly over/precisely/sharp/significant/significantly/slight/slow/stable/stably/steady/steadily/steep/steeply/ sudden/suddenly/rapid/rapidly 5、比较级或倍数,比例关系 as many as/the largest group/almost half of/ranks first/by far show the ration

29、 of/to:呈比例 similar to double the number of be in a direct ration to/with:呈正比 different from be in a inverse ration to/with:呈反比 more than compare with twice as many as on the contrary/in contrast to three times as many as the same as half the amount of 对于一篇一二百字的文章中,各个部分应该遵循下面这个黄金比例,即开头和结尾各占左右,中间的主题正文

30、要 左右。这样才能组织出一篇结构合理的好文章。当然对于不同的情况有时候需要具体情况具体分析 二、开头的写法(开头指出文章主题,并为主题的发展做铺垫) 、现象法:指在文章的开头就指出某种社会现象。并对此提出自己的看法 常用词汇: 事件:issue/problem/question 热门,棘手:hot/heated/urgent/burning/pressing/pervasive/rampant 争论:debate/controversy/argument/dispute 一致,同意:consensus 引起注意:in the limelight/brought into attention/f

31、ocus/concern 带来问题:impose/cause 出现问题:loom up/crop up 面临问题:confront/encounter/face question 使恶化:worsen/deteriorate 紧急的:acute 讨厌:undesirable 困扰:be plagued/embarrassed/upset by 广泛的:pervasive/rampant/prevalent 见证:witness 存在:under way 惊人的:alarming 套用句型: with the rapid /amazing development of according to

32、recent survey/poll/study,there have occurred there is a heated/focused debate at present about the issue of all reliable evidence justifies the fact/view thatis a rampant issue in todays society recently/nowadays/at present,the phenomenon of has loomed up wide public concern the alarm about the issu

33、e of has caused considerable/general attention the question of has been in the limelight/brought into focus nowadays, our society is witnessing more and more all available evidence points to the fact that 2、观点法,开头就提出社会上人们的看法和观点,从而引出自己的主题和论据 常用词汇: 观点:idea/opinion/belief/attitude/illusion 涌现:spring up

34、 认识:recognize/be aware of/be conscious of 构成威胁:pose threat on 认为:regard/view 挑战:challenge 影响思维:shape our mind 明显的:marked/obvious/conspicuous/visible 承认:ackownledgement/recognition/admission 威胁,危险:stake 热衷:preoccupation/enthusiasm 抱怨:groan/complain 前景:prospect 破除观点:explode the belief 根深蒂固的观点:deep-sea

35、ted idea 假想:premise/assumption 困扰:be obsessed with 毋庸质疑:undisputed 正确的:justified 传统观点: orthodoxy 套用句型: Now people in significant/growing numbers are aware of the idea that Now people in significant/growing numbers are coming to recognize that Researchers/scientists have established the concept that

36、Its well known/believed/agreed that Various views exist as to the problem/phenomenon of One of the hottest/most popular/serious issues many people talk/complain about nowadays is Peoples views are divergent on the question of when asked aboutthe overwhelmingly majority of people will 3、正反对比论证法,开头首先引

37、起人们对要讨论的问题的不同看法和观点,然后提出作者对此问题的态度。正反论证法与 观点法有一定相似,不同是,正反论证法多用于有争议的主题,而观点法只是在开头提出一种见解或观点。 常用词汇: 反对:object/against 假想:assumption 认为:maintain/accept/hold/conceive 适度的,适量的:moderate 争议:controversy 怀疑的:skeptic 招致反对:provoke criticism 不满:beef/lament/fuss/grumble 不可避免的:inevitable 可行性:feasibility 歪曲事实:distort

38、套用句型: There is much discussion nowadays as to the problem of Those who object to argue that But those who advocate on the other hand,argue that There is no agreement among people as to the issue of Some people say that Others say that As to me,(I am on the first side of the argument.The following ex

39、amples can prove my standpoint.) There is a public debate as to the issue of When asked about the vast majority of people say that but others people view it as When faced with quite a few/most people claim/believe that but other people regard as There is a public controversy nowadays over the issue

40、of Those who object to the idea argue that But people who favor argue that There is a heated debate today about the problem of seems to provoke wide criticism in todays society There is growing skepticism toward 4、数据法,增强文章的可信度和说服力 常用词汇: 调查:poll/survey/research 高居榜首:at the top of the list 民意调查:poll/g

41、allup 显示:show/display/demonstrate/indicate 进行调查:conduct a survey/a survey undergone 稳定:remain stable/stabilize/level off 数据:statistics/data 估计:estimation 从某角度:in terms of 套用句型: according to the survey/research/poll the figure indicates that A survey is undergone about An astonishing number is disclo

42、sed during a national survey Such statistics present an undisputable fact that 5、问题法,在文章开头提出一系列问题,引起读者好奇,从而展开对问题或事件原因的讨论。此法相对来说表达主题的能力 不是很明显,有些问题的设计不合理或明知顾问,会导致首段中心不突出,主题句表达苍白/ 套用句型: One of the basic/hot topic facing our society is:what How do you think of the problem of?In seeking answers to the qu

43、estions, In answer to these quentions,we must Why is there a(a growing drift toward)in society?It is no easy task to identify the cause for it. 6、名人名言法 常用词汇: 谚语:proverb 深思:contemplate 俗语:old saying 哲学家:philosopher 座右铭:motto 警句:epigram 评说:remark 被验证:be confirmed 声言:statement 议论:comment 回应:echo 被否定:be

44、 shattered 套用句型: One of the great men once remarked that Nowadays it still has a realistic/profound significance. One of the scientists once said that Nowadays it is still working in our modern society. One great wirter had ever said that Now more and more people share this belief. The remark is sti

45、ll confirmed by people in todays society./has been shared by generations. 7、故事法 Last week, a classmate of mine The story is not rare.It has drawn public attention to the problem of The story/case/incident is not rare/unique/unusual in our life. Such a story is well-acknowledged by people: 8、定义法 定义:n

46、otion/definition 理念,概念:concept , defined as , is by difinition we generally define as by the word,we mean 三、主题段落的写作 段落与段落之间,以及段落的不同层次之间都应该有自然的过渡,以达到文章通顺流畅的目的。 1、并列法(分类法),分类时常用:most of all/next/moreover/in addition/besides/furthermore/to begin with/ to start with/first of all/first/second/third/addit

47、ionally/apart from 套用句型: Among the most important reasons offered by people for ,one should be mentioned A multitude of factors could contribute/account for the increase in A number of factors could contribute to the success in A multitude of factors could lead to the failure in Another contibuting

48、factor/contributory cause of is But along is not the answer.Another best way to expain is at the first glance-moreover-the last but not the least Whats more, 2、比较对照法,用于比较优缺点或不同观点的文章,经常伴有正反对比论证的开头。在这种主题段落写作中,分别列出某事 物或观点的优点和缺点,通过这种比较对照得出某种结论。 常用词汇: 超过:outweigh 无与伦比:without rivals 明显的优势:distinct advant

49、age 缺点:drawback/demerit 可取的:preferable 相反的:reverse 比较,对比: to weigh and 区别:distinction 抵消:offset/counterbalance 套用句型: By contrast,it is also important to note that The advantages of A outweigh any benefit we gain from B. The advantages of B carry more weight than those of A. Good as A is,however, it has its own disadvantages. Although A has a distinct advantage over B, it cannot compete with B in Although A enjoys conside

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