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2、2014年北京大学外国语学院211翻译硕士英语专业硕士考研真题(回忆版)I.Vocabulary and Grammar(30points)考点回忆:slept后面接什么介词,从on、off、through、over选择as much as用法truculent、loathsome、abhorrent、abeyant、sumptuous等词义辨析intestines、guts、gall、bile等词义辨析incredible、increditable、incredulous、incremental词义辨析ingenuous、ingenious、insidious、invidious等词义辨析b

3、aptism、tribulation、catechism、crucifixion词义辨析dooming、blanketing、penetrating词义辨析rest介词搭配选出没有语法错误的句子(七八个题)II.Reading comprehension(40points)Section 1 Multiple choice(28 points)文章内容是关于康拉德著作Heart of Darkness的评论分析,文章后为7个选择题。Section 2 Answering questions(12 points)文章内容是关于David miles的文章“The Picaros Journey

4、to theConfessional:The Changing Image of the Hero in the GermanBildungsroman”的评论分析,文章后为4个问答题。III.Writing(30 points)今年的作文是让对马克吐温The fear of death follows from the fear oflife.A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.这句话进行评析。2013年北京大学外国语学院211翻译硕士英语专业硕士考研真题(回忆版)1本试卷共6道大题(共计61个小题),满分100分;2本卷

5、属试题卷,答题另有答题卷,答案一律写在答题卷上,写在该试题卷上或草纸上均无效。要注意试卷清洁,不要在试卷上涂划;3必须用蓝、黑钢笔或签字笔答题,其它均无效。I.There are 15 sentences in this part.Beneath each sentence there arefour words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Choose the right one.(30points)考点回忆:resign oneself to的用法so muchas 的用法China Daily前加不加冠词虚拟语气jog,wake,remind,alert四

6、选一,后面的词是his memoryamiable,amenable,amicable形近词辨析好几道题都是判断句子有没有错II.There are 3 passages and each is followed by 5 questions orunfinished statements.Choose from the four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D the one you think is the best answer.(30 points)Passage 1Philip Roths Departure From writingBern

7、ard Avishai第一篇讲的是一位作家封笔了,文章题目都不难,5道选择。Passage 2Your Pro-Slut Problin-NotSamuel第二篇是一位女性(貌似是以色列的)参加了一个party,被驱逐了,然后脱衣服表达了不满,作者以前写了一篇声援她的文章,被别人说是pro-slut,这篇文章是反驳的,5道选择。Passage 3The Final Insult:Mitt Romneys Clueles Gift GaffreJohn Avon第三篇讲的是罗姆尼选举失败,他说奥巴马贿赂了大众,文章比较支持奥巴马,认为罗姆尼脱离了modern America,幸亏他没有胜出。4道

8、问答题。III.Writing(30 points)Joseph Epstein,a famous American writer,once said,“We decide whatis important and what is trivial in life.We decide,we choose.In the end,weforming our own destiny is what ambition is about.”However,the otherscholar said modesty is most important.Write an essay to state your

9、 opinionabout the relationship about modesty and ambition,and how they affectfuture and success.2012年北京大学外国语学院211翻译硕士英语专业硕士考研真题(回忆版)I.Vocabulary and Grammar(30points)30个单选,有词汇题、语法题和选出句子中没有错误的试题II.Reading comprehension(40points)Section 1 Multiple choice(20 points)文章内容有关一种转基因的鱼,文章后为8个选择题。Section 2 Ans

10、wering questions(20points)文章内容是有关欧债危机的,讲的是德国和英国的态度。文章后为5个问答题。III.Writing(30 points)作文是关于“小悦悦”事件的看法第2章北京大学外国语学院211翻译硕士英语专业硕士模拟试题及详解北京大学外国语学院211翻译硕士英语专业硕士模拟试题及详解(一)I.Vocabulary and Grammar(30points)1.Meanwhile,the US and Israel regard Iran as a rogue state that seeks toexport terror,build nuclear weap

11、ons and _ the Middle East peaceprocess.A.conspireB.deviateC.distortD.sabotage2.Nxele denounced sorcery,adultery,_,incest,extortion,andmurder;he would not eat prepared food,which he said was unclean,andstopped drinking milk.A.monogamyD【答案】sabotage对进行蓄意破坏。conspire搞阴谋,共谋。deviate背离,偏离。distort曲解,歪曲。【解析】B

12、.monologueC.polygamyD.polygene3.In addition to the Mandarin dialects,there are six other Chinesedialect groups,spoken mainly in southern and southeastern China.Thislinguistic _,particularly in southeastern China,has provided the basisfor strong regional identity and some ethnic variation within the

13、larger Hancommunity.A.fragmentationB.unanimityC.lethargyD.apotheosis4.Here,so profligate has its use become the air conditioner is almost_ the automobile of the national tendency to overindulge in everyC【答案】句意:Nxele对巫术、通奸、多配偶制、乱伦、勒索和谋杀进行公开谴责;。polygamy多配偶(制)。monogamy一夫一妻制。monologue独白。polygene多基因。【解析】

14、A【答案】fragmentation分裂,破碎。unanimity无异议,全体一致。lethargy无精打采,无生气。apotheosis神化。【解析】technical possibility,to use every convenience to such excess that the countrylooks downright coddled.A.as glaring symptom asB.as glaring a symptom asC.as symptom glaring asD.as glaring as a symptom5.A rogue loose called a h

15、acker could take control of the entire systemby implanting his own instructions in the software and then he could programthe computer to erase any sign _.A.of his being ever thereB.he ever has been thereC.of his having ever been thereD.of him having ever been there6.Petrazzinis main concern is not s

16、o much cultural homogenizationB【答案】本句是so.that.句型。空白部分是用as表示同级比较,语序应为:as+adj.+不定冠词+n.+as,所以选项B正确。【解析】C【答案】本题考察动名词的所有格形式;另外,根据句意可知,sign的动作已经发生,应用动名词的完成时。所以选项C正确。【解析】associated with the spread of the Internet,but an exacerbation of the gapbetween young and old and between spread of the Internet.A.unifo

17、rmityB.discrepancyC.conventionD.distinction7.Lee Ford and Dan Brooks,a London-based creative and developmentteam,came up with an“edgy”Volkswagen spot for a demo:a terrorist triesto detonate a car bomb outside a crowded caf.A.igniteB.stainC.impedeD.ascribeA【答案】句意:Petrazzini的主要观点不是随着互联网的普及而带来严重的文化同化,而

18、是青年人和老年人之间以及因特网传播的代沟扩大的恶化。homogenization匀化,同质化。uniformity同样,一致。discrepancy差异,矛盾。convention大会,协定。distinction区别,差异。【解析】A【答案】detonate引爆。ignite点燃,引爆。这里指“一个恐怖分子在一个拥挤的咖啡馆想引爆一个汽车炸弹”。stain污点,瑕疵。impede阻【解析】8.In a competitive and fast-paced modern society,busy businessexecutives are so _ their work that they

19、hardly know what the wordleisure means.A.engrossed inB.exempt fromC.skeptical ofD.extraneous to9.She often remains coldly remote from him;probably his badly scarredface produced an involuntary feeling of _ in his neighbor.A.discordanceB.deliberationC.perversityD.repulsion止。ascribe归因于。A【答案】句意:在一个充满竞争

20、和快速发展的现代社会,繁忙的商业执行官太全神贯注于他们的工作而几乎不知道“休闲”这个词是什么意思。be engrossed in全神贯注于。be exempt from免除于。be skeptical of怀疑的。be extraneous to与无关系。【解析】D【答案】10.Most of us go through life adding _ to knowledge,polishing aconcept here or there,doing an experiment,contributing a few leavesor,ifwe are lucky,a twigto the tr

21、ee of knowledge.A.impartiallyB.impassablyC.incrementallyD.melodiously11.The novel will be read a long time for its minute and almost uncannyinsight into army life,its _ dialogue,its sheer narrative pull,itsportrayal of the tenderness that sometimes is found beneath the crudestanimal drives,its absen

22、ce of mock heroics,its comic absurdities and ironyand,above all else,its revelation of the perversity of human nature in the faceof evil.A.pungent句意:她经常与他冷淡地保持距离,也许因为他那有严重伤疤的脸给他的邻居不知不觉地造成了一种排斥感。repulsion排斥;厌恶。discordance不调和,不和。deliberation熟思;考虑。perversity反常。【解析】C【答案】incrementally增加地。这里指“我们大多数人一生都在不断

23、增加知识”。impartially公平地,无私地。impassably不能通行地。melodiously音调优美地。【解析】B.notoriousC.anticlimacticD.shaky12._ and grit are much more important than intelligence andtalent.So those who were responsible for cheating were kicked off the team,even in the face of overwhelming criticism.A.integrityB.culpabilityC.pe

24、rsistenceD.indolence13.By starting treatment early,and interrupting it for brief periods oncethey had the virus under control,all of the studys eight participants wereA【答案】从句意来看,这篇小说写的是军队生活的离奇荒诞之处,用其尖锐的对话、纯粹的叙述和描写来阐释。pungent尖锐的;严厉的。notorious声名狼藉的。anticlimactic突减的;虎头蛇尾的。shaky不可靠的;动摇的。【解析】A【答案】句意:诚实和勇

25、气远比智慧重要。那些弄虚作假的人将会被开除,甚至会面临严厉的指责。integrity诚实,正直。culpability有罪性,过失。indolence懒惰,懒散。【解析】able to _ their immune responses.A.consoleB.fosterC.bolsterD.decrease14.Both sections are designed to be taken by high school seniors.Over20 percent of the children with these top scores were found to be left-handed

26、or _,twice the rate observed among the general population.A.ambidextrousB.ambivalentC.ambientD.dexterous15.Poorer parents,meanwhile,may be tempted to borrow more thanC【答案】bolster支持,增强。console安慰,慰藉。foster培养,鼓励。decrease减少。【解析】A【答案】句意:获得高分的孩子中20%以上都是左撇子或者是左右手都能灵活运用。ambidextrous左右手都能灵巧运用的。ambivalent矛盾的。

27、ambient周围的,四周的。dexterous敏捷的,熟练的。【解析】they ever expect to repay;the _ rate on government-backed loans isroughly 22%and bound to rise.A.interestB.mortalityC.defaultD.velocity16.Which one of the following sentences is free from error?A.The development of adult training programs which aim at improvingthe

28、ir skills for the job market have partly resulted from the women liberationmovement.B.It seems oil is leaking from this pipe for some time.Well have totake the machine apart to put it right.C.No sooner OPEC made its statement that oil supplies would remainsteady and unchanged than oil prices went up

29、.D.The pressure to compete causes Americans to be energetic,but it alsoputs them under a constant emotional strain.【解析】A项:have应改为has;B项:is应改为has been;C项:C【答案】句意:贫穷的家庭可能会借贷超出他们偿还能力的数额;由政府承担的借贷拖欠率大约为22%,而这一比例还会上升。default拖欠。mortality死亡率。velocity速度,速率。【解析】D【答案】OPEC made应改为had OPEC made。17.Which one of t

30、he following sentences is free from error?A.The hours when the children spend in their one-way relationship withtelevision undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.B.They expected that several hundred guests would attend the openingceremony but only dozens of people actually show

31、ed out.C.The basic features of the communication process are identified in onequestion:Who says what through what channel to whom?D.In the view of his youth,the police have decided not to continue withthe case against him.【解析】A项:when应改为that;B项:showed out应改为showedup(出席,到场);D项:In the view of应改为In view

32、 of。18.Which one of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?A.There are 933 million smokers in the worlds low and middle incomecountries comprising 82 percent of smokers worldwide.B.The main purpose of classifying animals is to show the most probableevolutionary relationship of the differ

33、ent species to each other.C.In 1852 Massachusetts passed a law requiring all children from fourto eighteen years old to contend school.D.Only after being asked several times did he tell us the story of hisC【答案】adventures on the remote island19.Which one of the following sentences is grammatically in

34、correct?A.Newborn infants show a distinct preference for human voices overother sounds and also prefer his or her own mothers voices of strangers.B.Each major style of architecture emerged because new problems inbuilding or challenges in design appeared for architects to resolve.C.Hydrogen,the ninth

35、 most abundant element in the Earths crust,is acolorless,and tasteless gas.D.Although Christopher Columbus failed in his original goal,thediscoveries he did make were than important than the route to Asia heexpected to find.20.Which one of the following sentences is grammatically incorrect?A.The dis

36、ruptive students were sustained after school until their parentshad been notified.B.Under the guidance of the experienced hunter,we easily climbedC【答案】contend改为attend。attend school上学。contend竞争,主张。【解析】A【答案】his or her改为their。先行词是infants,所以代词应该用their。【解析】down the side of the cliff.C.The body structure

37、that developed in birds over millions of years iswell designed for flight,being both light in weight and remarkably strong.D.It is the interaction between people,rather than the events that occurin their lives that is the main focus of social psychology.II.Reading comprehension(40points)Section 1 Mu

38、ltiple choice(28 points)Scientists studying the activity of the living brain with widely used newimaging techniques have been missing,some of the earliest steps in brainactivity because those changes are subtle and are masked by reactions thathappen seconds later,Israeli scientists say.The imaging t

39、echniques-positron emission tomography scanning andmagnetic resonance imaging,known as PET and functional M.R.I.scans-areused prominently in studies of brain activity.The most active brain areasappear to light up on the scans as specific tasks are performed.The twotechniques do not measure nerve-cel

40、l activity directly;they measure the extraflow of blood that surges to the most active brain areas.Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot,Israel,have monitored these changes in blood flow in anesthetized cats by removingparts of the skull and observing how the nerve cells in act

41、ivated regions fuelA【答案】sustain改为detain。detain拘留,被监禁,暂时关押。sustain支撑,撑住,维持。【解析】their activities by rapidly removing oxygen from nearby red blood cells.This rapid uptake of oxygen,made evident by visible changes in thecolor of the red cells,proves that early oxygen transfer gives these neuronsthe ener

42、gy to do their work,the researchers said.They also found that subtle changes in blood flow began significantlyearlier than was detected by PET and functional M.R.I.scans,which lacksufficient resolution and do not form their images quickly enough to followsuch rapid changes.Dr.Amiram Grinvald publish

43、ed the findings in theJournal Science.“The initial event is very localized and will be missed if you dont lookfor it soon enough and use the highest possible resolution,”Dr.Grinvald said.“Now people are beginning to use our results with other imaging methods.”Working on the exposed brain lets resear

44、chers follow electrical activityand the accompanying blood flow in greater detail than is possible by usingindirect imaging methods that track neural activity through the skull.However,opportunities for open-skull studies of humans are limited to somekinds of neurosurgery,and researchers must mostly

45、 rely on PET andfunctional M.R.I.images for studies linking behavior with specific brainactivity.By directly observing exposed cat brains and in similar work with a fewhuman cases,Dr.Grinvald and his associates have been able to observe thefirst evidence of electrical activity and other changes in b

46、rain cells after alight has been seen or a limb moved.The newest research showed that it took three seconds or more after anevent for the flow of blood to increase to an area of the brain dealing with astimulus.That is the blood-flow increase usually pictured in brain-functionstudies with PET or fun

47、ctional M.R.I techniques,the Israeli researcherssaid.However,the initial reaction observed in the Weizmann research bydirectly imaging the exposed brain-the direct transfer of oxygen from bloodceils to neurons-occurred in the first-tenth of a second and was lost toconventional imaging,they said.The

48、later increase in blood flow to the area,Dr.Grinvald said,wasobviously an attempt by the body to supply more oxygen for brain activity.But the increase in blood was so abundant that it covered an area much largerthan the region directly involved in the activity being studied,masking someof the subtl

49、e changes,he said.The bodys reaction,the researchers said in the paper,was like“watering the entire garden for the sake of one thirsty flower.”Dr.Kamil Ugurbil,said that the Israeli research provided clues thatallowed the use of functional M.R.I.scans to picture earlier events in theactivity of brai

50、n cells.“Dr.Grinvalds observations are very important,and they havesignificant implications for functional imaging with high resolution,”Dr.Ugurbil said in an interview.“We have actually been able to look at the earlychanges with magnetic resonance imaging,but you need to use highermagnetic fields t

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