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上传人:快乐****生活 文档编号:3023548 上传时间:2024-06-13 格式:PPTX 页数:19 大小:2.36MB
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1、第1页Dog,dog,what can you do?I can run after you.Panda,panda,what can you do?I can eat so much bamboo.Mouse,mouse,what can you do?I can hide in the shoe.Mike,Mike,what can you do?I can draw animals in the zoo!第2页Open the door.Turn on the light.Sweep the floor.Clean the window.Put up the picture.Clean

2、the board.第3页helpful第4页 bedroom clean the第5页sweep the floor第6页trash第7页water the flowers第8页cook the meals第9页I can 第10页 Chen Jie,Chen Jie,Chen Jie,Chen Jie,what can you do?what can you do?I can sweep,sweep the floor.I can sweep,sweep the floor.Wu Yifan,Wu Yifan,Wu Yifan,Wu Yifan,what can you do?what c

3、an you do?I can cook,cook the meals.I can cook,cook the meals.Sarah,Sarah,Sarah,Sarah,what can you do?what can you do?I can empty,empty the trash.I can empty,empty the trash.Amy,Amy,Amy,Amy,what can you do?what can you do?I can clean,clean the bedroom.I can clean,clean the bedroom.Zhang Peng,Zhan Pe

4、ng,Zhang Peng,Zhan Peng,what can you do?what can you do?I can water,water the flowers.I can water,water the flowers.Lets chant第11页They need help!April 15th 助老日助老日第12页第13页What can we do for grandpa and grandma?第14页A:What can you do?B:Im helpful,I can What about you?A:Im helpful,I can A/B:Ok,Lets go!第

5、15页Teacher:What can you do,Chenjie?Chen:I can .Teacher:Amy,what can you do?Amy:I can .Teacher:What can you do,Wu Yifan?Wu:I can .Teacher:How about you,Zhang Peng?Zhang:I can sing and dance.What can you do,Miss White?Teacher:Guess!Mike:I know.You can .Teacher:Yes.Lets go to the Home for the Aged(敬老院)now.sweep the floorclean the bedroomwater the flowerscook the meals第16页Make a gift of rose,then left hand stay lingering fragrance!第17页Homework:Read“Unit 4 A Lets learn”,recite the new words.help your parents to do some housework.第18页第19页

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