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1、五分钟短文朗诵背诵五分钟短文朗诵背诵-三餐三餐 I have a good friend,Tom.He is a nice boy,but he eats too much(太多太多)and he doesnt like sports.He has a big breakfast every morning.He has four eggs,some bread and milk.For lunch,he eats two hamburgers,lots of French fries and chicken.He has much Coke(可乐)(可乐),too.For dinner,he

2、 likes beef(牛肉牛肉)and salad.He likes ice cream,Coke,hamburgers and dessert.Too much food is not good for Tom.And he is not healthy.第1页五分钟短文朗诵背诵五分钟短文朗诵背诵-介绍介绍This is Jims room.Its a nice room.There are some pictures on the wall(墙墙).There is a desk and a chair in his room.There is a sofa and a bookcase

3、,too.The desk is between(在在之间之间)the bed and the bookcase.His backpack and pencil case are on the desk.There are some pencils,a pen and a ruler in the pencil case.Jims sofa is near the desk.His baseball is under the bed.第2页大声朗诵背诵以下文章Dear Lucy,Thanks for the photo of your family.Here is my family phot

4、o!This is my father and this is my mother.These are my grandparents.Who is the boy?Oh,he isnt my brother,he is my cousin-my uncles son.The girl is not my sister,she is my aunts daughter.Oh,what are those on the wall?They are pictures.Your friend,Emma.第3页五分钟短文朗诵背诵五分钟短文朗诵背诵Sonia Hall is my good friend

5、.She l_ sports.And she has a s_ collection.In the day she often plays b_ in the club.In the evening,she looks after h_ collection.l_ go to her home and have a look at t_.Look!She has five b_,eight v_ ,four soccer balls,twelve tennis r_ and thirteen ping-pong b_.But she has m_ basketballs.She wants t

6、o b_ some basketballs and l_of other balls.Can you h_ her?Can you bring your old basketball t_ her?ikesportsasketballeretshemaseballsolleyballsacketsallsanyuyotselpo第4页五分钟短文朗诵背诵五分钟短文朗诵背诵Here is a new picture.There are four boys and three girls in the room.They are all students.The boy on the desk is

7、 Jim.The girl near the window is Kate.Jims sister Jane is on the chair.Ann is behind Mike.Mike is at the door.Mikes brother Sam is under the table.Where is Tom?Oh,he is over there,behind the door!They are all very happy.第5页重点难点总结-记下来1.thanks for the photo of your family2.this 复数复数 these that复数复数 tho

8、se3.on the table under the bed In the backpack 介词短语提问用介词短语提问用where4.take to 反义词反义词bring to 5.here is/are 6.单三和复数别忘记要加单三和复数别忘记要加s7.want to do 8.let s do=let us do.9.lots of=a lot of第6页Unit10 背诵听写1.这些袜子这些袜子 多少钱?多少钱?五十美元。五十美元。How much are these socks?They are.s2.你裙子多少钱?八十元钱。你裙子多少钱?八十元钱。is your skirt3你想

9、要什么颜色你想要什么颜色?我想要黄色。我想要黄色。a yellow one4花椰菜是九元钱。花椰菜是九元钱。Broccoli is 9 yuan.5请在华星大减价期间来买你衣服。请在华星大减价期间来买你衣服。P59-3a6我们有价格非常优惠毛衣。我们有价格非常优惠毛衣。Sweaters at good prices.7你需要运动包吗?你需要运动包吗?Do you need bags for sports?8 我们有为女孩准备仅我们有为女孩准备仅18元红色元红色T-恤。恤。For girls,we have red T-shirts for only 18 yuan.9 对男孩来说,你能够买到每

10、双仅对男孩来说,你能够买到每双仅5元短袜元短袜For boys you can buy socks for only 5 yuan each.第7页10.healthy food健康食品健康食品11.how much is 多少钱多少钱=What is the price of.12.have a look at 看看看看13.for yourself 亲自亲自14.in all colors 各种颜色各种颜色15.like bananas Like 后加名词复数后加名词复数16.have/eat something for lunch午餐吃什么。午餐吃什么。第8页Unit 101.服装店服装

11、店 clothes store 2.以优惠价格以优惠价格 at a good price 3.我要买我要买它们它们。I will take them.4.在在服装店服装店 at .s Clothes Shop 5.你亲自来看看你亲自来看看 for yourself6.减价减价 降价降价 on sale7.运动包运动包 bags for sports=sports bags 8.12美元包美元包 bags for 12 dollars 9.我能帮助你吗?我能帮助你吗?Can I help you?=what can I do for you?第9页Unit 9 背过准备听写1你喜欢香蕉吗?是我喜

12、欢。你喜欢香蕉吗?是我喜欢。2她们喜欢沙拉吗?不她们不喜欢。她们喜欢沙拉吗?不她们不喜欢。3我喜欢梨,我喜欢梨,不过不过我妈妈我妈妈喜欢喜欢草莓。草莓。4他他不喜欢不喜欢汉堡。我不喜欢薯条。汉堡。我不喜欢薯条。5。Sandra早餐时早餐时喜欢喜欢薯条,香蕉和汉堡。薯条,香蕉和汉堡。6赛跑明星赛跑明星吃吃好。她天天好。她天天吃吃健康食品。健康食品。第10页Unit8 背诵听写1.你有一些桔子吗?不,我没有。你有一些桔子吗?不,我没有。2.他他没有字典。没有字典。He doesnt have 3.它听起来很有趣。它听起来很有趣。It sounds.4.不过他天天不做运动。不过他天天不做运动。He

13、doesnt do 5.她妈妈在电视上看它们。她妈妈在电视上看它们。Her mother watches 6他们有一些棒球,我们有三个篮球。他们有一些棒球,我们有三个篮球。7Mary有三个表兄吗?有三个表兄吗?Does Mary have 不她没有。她有两个。不她没有。她有两个。8让我们打排球吧。那听起来很有趣。让我们打排球吧。那听起来很有趣。Lets play .That sounds 9我们有很多运动俱乐部。我们有很多运动俱乐部。Many sports clubs第11页Unit7 背诵听写1.棒球在沙发上吗?棒球在沙发上吗?不,不,它它在床底下。在床底下。2.我录像带在哪里?我录像带在哪

14、里?它们它们在我床底下。在我床底下。3他手表在桌子上。他手表在桌子上。4请将这些东西带给你姐姐。请将这些东西带给你姐姐。taketo.5.你能带一些东西来学校吗?你能带一些东西来学校吗?Bring to6.我需要我笔记本,电脑,和钢笔。我需要我笔记本,电脑,和钢笔。第12页Unit6 背诵听写1.这些是她弟兄吗?这些是她弟兄吗?不,他们不是。他们不,他们不是。他们是是Mary弟兄。弟兄。2.那些那些是你表姐妹吗?是,他们是。是你表姐妹吗?是,他们是。3.那是你红色卷笔刀吗?是,它是。那是你红色卷笔刀吗?是,它是。4.你妈妈是你妈妈是Mrs Green吗?吗?5.这里这里是我全家福。是我全家福。

15、6.那些人是我弟弟朋友。那些人是我弟弟朋友。7.感激你感激你来信来信8.他是你表弟吗?不,不是。他是你表弟吗?不,不是。9.这是这是我女儿。她叫我女儿。她叫Lisa.第13页基础测试1.Tom has a tennis racket.2.My parents like playing ping-pong.3.These dictionaries are on the floor.普通疑问句普通疑问句必定回答必定回答否定回答否定回答否定句否定句划线提问划线提问第14页随堂测试-写在课堂作业本上首字母填空首字母填空1.What c_ is the ruler?2.W_is my backpack?

16、3.Lucy w_TV in the evening.4.How m_are the socks?5.L_play volleyball.6.That s_good.第15页7.The book is very i_.8.Ithink Math is very b_.9.My shirt is y_.10.He has many s_collections.11.My bag is b_the desk.12.Lets have a look a_the clothes.13.Are t_your friends?14.We eat h_food.15.How m_apples do you have?第16页16.What do you have for d_?17.Zhou Jielun is a singsing s_.18.we play football very w_.19.There are l_ of books in the bag.20.For b_,we eat eggs.21.We can eat v_,they are h_.22.Please t_the things t_ your mother.23.Can you b_your family photo t_me?24.Do you like d_(字典)?字典)?第17页

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