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1、英语六年级下册第1页Unit 1 How tall are you?第2页Key words taller-shorter,older-younger,stronger,little,tail,think第3页 -bigger,-heavier,-longer,-thinner,-smaller,-size,wear.第4页Key sentences -How tall are you?Wu yifang is160 cm tall.-Whos taller than you?John is taller the wu yifang.第5页 -How heavy are you?Im 86 k

2、g.-Whos heavier than you?John is heavier than me.第6页 -Youre taller than your brother.-John is shorter than you.-Amy is older than Sarah.-Helen is younger than Sarah.第7页 -His tail is longer.-His head is smaller.-My hands are bigger than yours.-Im thinner than you.第8页Tips 利用以上问句提问问题以及利用课文中单词比较级形式回答。第9

3、页Unit 2 Whats the matter,Mike?第10页Key words hurt,matter,sore,nose,angry,bored,tired-excited,sad-happy.第11页Key sentences -Have a fever,-Have a cold,-Have a toothache,-Have a headache,-Have a sore throat.第12页 Whats the matter?/Whats wrong?How are you feeling?How do you feel?第13页 I feel sick.I have a f

4、ever/toothache/headache/cold,sore,etc.学会应用以上句型以及表示感觉词汇比如:sick,headache,etc.第14页Tips 用颜色表示情感,such as:If you are healthy,you are in the pink.If you are sad,you are in feeling blue.If your are angry,you are seeing red.If you are very very sad,you are in a black mood.第15页Unit 3 Last weekend第16页Key words

5、 动词过去时态:-watch,watched -wash,washed -clean,cleaned -play,played -visit,visited -do,did第17页Key words -cook,cooked -go,went -read,read -study,studyed -fly,flew -swim,swam 第18页 -last,weekend,cook,to,park,-go(went)swimming -go(went)fishing -go(went)hiking 第19页Key sentences -What do you usually do on the

6、 weekend?-What did you do last weekend?-Did you.?第20页Tips 学会应用以上句型提问和回答,以及学会利用动词过去时态和动词过去式改变形态。比如:What did you do last weekend?I played football./I visited my grandparents.Did you play basketball?yes,i did./No,i went swimming.第21页 What did you do yesterday?I went hiking.I read a book.I went to park.

7、I cleaned my room.第22页Unit 4 My holiday第23页Key words 动词过去时态 learn-learned sing-sang dance-danced eat-ate take-took climb-climbed 第24页 have-had buy-bought row-rowed see-saw leave-left get-got第25页 Chinese,and,good,cousin,present,boat,elephant,how,last,-go(过去时went)skiing -go(went)ice-skating 第26页Key se

8、ntences What do you usually do on your holiday?Where did you go on your holiday?What did you do on your holiday?第27页Tips 学会应用以上句型和词汇提问和回答,正确应用动词过去时态。Where did you go on your holiday?I went to.What did you do on your holiday?I sang and danced with my new friends.I learned Chinese.I ate delicious food.第28页 I climbed a mountain.I took pictures.I went ice-skating.I rowed a boat.I bought presents.I saw elephants.第29页

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