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2、6 42Investigation and analysis on current situation of empathy in practice nursing studentsLI Qin,DUAN Lingxue,LONG Manyu,TIE Songyuan,ZHANG Yin,LIANG Hui(Hedth Management Center,The First Peoples Hospital of Yunnan,Kunming Yunnan 650000,China)Abstract:Objective Through investigating the current sit

3、uation of empathy ability of nursing students in practice and analyzing theinfluencing factors of empathy ability,so as to provide scientific basis for teaching in practice.Methods A total of 91 nursing studentswere selected from our hospital by convenience sampling,General data questionnaire and Je

4、fferson Empathy Scale in Chinese version wereused for questionnaire survey,data collection and analysis.Results The respondents empathy ability was in medium level.Groupcomparison:There was statistical significance in the total score of empathy between undergraduate and junior college nursing studen

5、ts(P0.05).From transpositional consideration:There was statistical significance in undergraduate and junior college,male and female,Han and non-han nursing students(P0.05).Conclusions It is suggested that teachers should make the cultivation of empathy abilityinto the teaching plan in order to impro

6、ve the empathy ability of different types of nursing students and lay a solid foundation for theimplementation of quality nursing services.Key words:practice nursing students,empathy,investigation and analysis共情又称移情、同理心等,被认为是有效护理的必要条件,其通过个人情商和性格特质,强化沟通交流能力,有助于建立和维持良好的护患关系,降低护理实习生护理差错发生率,提高护理质量。护理临床实

7、践是护生转换角色成为护士的重要阶段,在这一阶段护生由于临床经验不足、护患沟通不畅,使护理质量和患者满意度低下。有研究发现,共情在实习压力与患者安全感知间起部分中介作用2 。护理实习生职业获益感较低,共情疲劳达到重度,两者为负相关3。因此,提高护生的共情能力是非常必要的。目前临床带教老师多关注于护生理论知识和技能操作的强化,对于人文关怀和共情能力的培养重视不足,必然导致护生对患者情感和情绪无法正确识别和接纳,造成认知和沟通障碍。基于这一现状,采用便利抽样对本院实习护生的共情能力现状进行调查研究,为今后对护生实习带教计划和内容提供依据,现报道如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料选取91名三甲医院实习的

8、护生作为研究对象,平均年龄(2 0.8 10.8 55)岁。其中独生子女2 名,收稿日期:2 0 2 3-0 3-30作者简介:李芩(197 5)女,本科,主管护师,从事护理工作2 9余年。通讯作者:梁会,E-mail:17 54311458 q q.c o m。云南医药2 0 2 4年第45卷第2 期实习护生共情现状的调查分析李芩,段岭雪,龙漫宇,铁崧元,张茵,梁会(云南省第一人民医院健康管理中心,云南昆明6 50 0 0 0)文献标志码 A1.3数据收集与分析对实习护生进行施测,测试时间大约15min,由研究者做主测试,问卷当场回收,问卷回收率10 0%。1.4统计学方法数据分析采用SPS

9、S16.0进行统计,计量资料以文章编号】10 0 6-4141(2 0 2 4)0 2-0 0 6 4-0 3非独生子女8 9名。本科学历6 6 名,专科学历2 5名。男性9名,女性8 2 名。汉族43名,非汉族48 名。1.2研究方法采用安秀琴等4 进行翻译和修订的,由美国杰弗逊大学Hojat及其研究小组成员研制的杰弗逊共情量表(the Jefferson Scale of Empath,JSE)进行问卷调查。该量表共2 0 个条目,采用李克特7 点评分,条目1,3,6,7,8,11,12,14,18 和19为反向计分,,量表的得分范围为2 0 140 分,包含观点采择、情感护理和换位思考三

10、个维度,量表总得分为量表的得分总和,得分越高,共情反应水平越高。量表中文版的a系数为0.7 5,表明量表内部一致性较好;量表的分半信度r=0.771,P 0.0 1,表明量表有较高的信度;重测信度r=0.659,P 0.0 1,表明量表具有相当的跨时间稳定性。云南医药2 0 2 4年第45卷第2 期xs表示,统计检验使用t检验,检验水准=0.05,以P0.05为差异有统计学意义。2结果结果发现,在共情总分上,只有本科和专科护生组别本科(n=66)专科(n=25)tP男性(n=9)女性(n=82)tP独生子女(n=2)非独生子女(n=89)tP汉族(n=43)非汉族(n=48)tP注:*P0.0

11、5)。65.差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。在其他三个维度中,只有换位思考维度,本科和专科护生、男性和女性护生、汉族与非汉族护生差异有统计学意义(P 150 0 m,高原居民多达8 0 0 0 万。高原心脏病的特殊性导致高原性心脏病和心房颤动常见多发,二者的病诱因和患病率显著多于非高原人群,引发心功能衰竭和缺血性卒中,严重威胁患者生命。充分利用高原习服一适应研究的宝贵资源,探索高原性心脏病合并房颤的流行特征、病因诱因、发病机制、临床表现和防治方法,对开发西部和振兴乡村意义重大。【关键词高原性心脏病;心房颤动;肺动脉高压中图分类号 R541.9;R541.7+5Progress in diagn

12、osis and treatment of high altitude heart disease(Ultrasonic Department,Fuwai Yunnan Cardiovascular Hospital/Afiliated Cardiovascular Hospitalof Kunming Medical University,Kunming Yunnan 650102,China)Abstract:China is the worlds largest plateau country,with more than 50%of the land at an altitude of

13、 1500m and 80 millionplateau residents.The particularity of high altitude heart disease leads to the frequent occurrence of high altitude heart disease and atrialfibrillation.The causes and prevalence of the two diseases are significantly more than of non-plateau population,causing heart failure and

14、ischemic stroke,which seriously threaten the lives of patients.It is of great significance for the development of the western region and therevitalization of the countryside to make full use of the valuable resources of high altitude acclimatization-adaptation research to explore theepidemiological

15、characteristics,etiology,pathogenesis,clinical manifestations and prevention methods of high altitude heart diseasecomplicated with atrial fibrillation.Key words:high altitude heart disease,atrial fibrillation,pulmonary arterial hypertension收稿日期:2 0 2 3-10-2 5作者简介:何媛(1998)女,在读硕士研究生,研究方向为心脏及大血管。通讯作者:郭秋哲,E-mail:d r g u o z 16 3.c o m。文献标志码 Acomplicated with atrial fibrillationHE Yuan,YANG Wenhui,GUO Tao,GUO Qiuzhe文章编号10 0 6-4141(2 0 2 4)0 2-0 0 6 6-0 4

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