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1、新津中学高2016级高一(下)英语入学考试题第一部分 听力第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A. B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How much will the man pay for the cards? A.Fifty yuan. B.Forty-five yuan. C Thirty-five yuan.2. What will the speakers do together? A. Go campin

2、g. B.Hold a party. C.Take a ride.3. What does the man think of Mrs. Jones? A. She misses school often. B. She hates her job. C.She is a good teacher.4. What does the man think of the first half of the play? A. Its somewhat beyond his comprehension. B. Its been quite enjoyable so far. C. Its more app

3、ealing than expected.5. Why is the woman worrying so much? A. She cant get the books she needs. B. She is required to read a lot of books. C She doesnt like reading lustory books. 笫二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A. B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两

4、遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。6. Where are the two speakers? A. In a museum. B. In a hospital. C. In a painting room.7. What is probably the woman? A. A painter. B. A visitor. C. A guide. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9题。8. Whats the mans telephone number? A. 489-7246. B. 589-6248. C. 589-7248.9. What does the man ask the gi

5、rl to do? A. Call again sometime after 7:00 p.m. B. Ask her father to call him later. C. Tell her father that he will come around 8:30 p.m. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12题。10. Why are the two speakers discussing about the apartment? A. The woman wants to put an ad about it in the paper. B. The man is considering

6、 buying it. C. The man is considering renting it.11. What does the woman say about the two-bedroom apartment?A. Its too small for the man. B. It has plenty of light. C. It doesnt have much space of closet12. What does the woman say about parking? A. Each car is given a parking space. B. Its difficul

7、t to find a parking space. C. Each owner has to pay for a parking space. 听下段对话,回答第 13至第 16题013. Why does the woman ask the man those questions? A. To see what type of work is best for him. B. To know what kind of interests he has. C. To get an area near his workplace.14. What are the mans interests?

8、 A. Building and selling TV sets. B. Building, repairing and selling things. C. Making things and writing for newspapers.15. What has the man been doing this year? A. Asking business people to buy school newspapers. B. Selling advertising space for newspaper. C. Selling newspapers on campus.16. Whic

9、h column will the woman write down Practical and Sales? A. Education. B. Interests. C. Experience. 听下一段独白 ,回答第 17至第 20题。17. Which is NOT true about most of O. Henrys short stories? A. They often have happy endings. B. They are mostly about the poor people in New York C. They often have unexpected en

10、dings.18. How was O. Henry different from many other famous writers according to the passage? A. He didnt go to school for a long time. B. He didnt write many books. C. He wrote stories about poor people.19. What was O. Henrys first job? A. He was a clerk at a bank. B. He was a teacher. C. He worked

11、 for a newspaper.20. How was O. Henrys death? A. He died poor. B. He died alone. C. He died in prison.第二部分 阅读理解第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。A One Halloween a little boy and his friend went out for a fun night of trick-or-treating. At first everything was great. They were

12、getting lots of candy as they went from house to house,but then they saw a house which they hadnt been to before. It was a very spooky(阴森森的) house. Being young and brave, they decided to go up to the door and knock.After all,scary houses might have the best candy! As they walked up the long winding

13、path,they saw things that chilled(使恐惧) them to the bone! They heard sounds that frightened them. Maybe they should turn back. Bur the little boys,being very brave.just wanted to see what was in that house. so they went on, not deterred by the things they heard or saw. As they slowly made their way u

14、p to the door,they imagined what might be inside. Maybe it would be a witch or maybe a ghost! After knocking several times,the door slowly creaked:(嗄吱作响) open. To their surprise,a monster(怪物) slowly came out to greet them. They were .so scared that they couldnt move! What could they do? Then the lit

15、tle boy had an idea. He said,Trick or treat! Then the big scary monster, much to the kids surprise, reached over and brought out a huge bowl of the best candies they had never seen. Wow,the kids thought,this was great! It turned out that the house was decorated for Hallow-en;and the big scary monste

16、r was just wearing a costume, just like the kids. Since they were the only kids,and were brave enough to go to the scary house,they could take as much candy as they wanted.21. This passage is . A. a funny Halloween story B. mainly about two brave kids C. mainly about a spooky house D. mainly about t

17、he custom of Halloween22. Why do you think the kids were brave enough to enter the strange house? A. Because they were prepared for what would come to the door. B. Because they expected to meet other trick-or-theaters inside. C. Because they were curious about what was in the house. D. Because they

18、were anxious to get more candy.23. According to the passage,we can see that . A. nobody had ever been to the house B. the owner of the house was creative C. a monster lived in the house D. there was a witch in the house24. It can be inferred.from the passage that . A. the monster was afraid of the p

19、hrase tr/ck or treat B. the two kids were also wearing costumes C. not all families prepared candy for brave kidsD. some other children had been to the house before the two kidsB Sudha Chandran,a classical dancer from India,had to have her right leg cut after a car accident. She was also cut off on

20、her bright career road. However,she didnt stop struggling. In the painful three months that followed,Sudha met a doctor who had an operation on her leg. So strongly she wanted to go back to dancing after she had been fitted with a man-made leg.Sudha knew that she believed in herself and could realiz

21、e her dream,so she began her brave journey back to the world of dancing-learning to balance, bend, stretch, walk, and turn. After every public recital (个人表演 ) , she might ask her dad about her performance. You still have a long way to go was the answer she used to get in return.In January 1984 ,Sudh

22、a gained popularity again by giving a public recital in Bombay. She performed in such a great manner that it moved everyone to tears and this performance pushed her to the number one position again. That evening when she asked her dad the same question,he didnt say anything. He just touched her feet

23、 as a praise. Sudhas comeback was so touching that a film producer decided to make the story inio a film,which has moved more and more people. When someone asked Sudha how she had managed to dance again, she said quite simply, YOU DON T NEED FEET TO DANCE. Nothing is impossible in his world.If you h

24、ave the will to win,you can achieve anything.25. What can we learn about Sudha Chandran from Para-graph l? A. She lost her job because of her leg. B. She used to be well-known in India. C. She got her legs injured while dancing., D. She had a traffic accident on a freeway.26.What happened to Sudha a

25、fter she met the doctor? A. Her right leg was cut off. B. She gave up dancing soon afterwards. C. She started a difficult recovery training. D. She got well in three months.27. Sudhas performance in Bombay A. was a great success B. attracted a great number of directors C. was based on a film D. was

26、supported by a film producer28. What does the story tell us? A. Practice makes perfect. B. He who smiles last smiles best. C. Failure i.s the mother of success.D. Where there is a will,there is a way.C Many people think that the most popular way of communicating with other people is through the mout

27、h. But what they dont know is that actual communication using the mouth accounts for only around IO% ( or even less) of all the means to communicate a message. Moreover,you can never determine the truthfulness or honesty of people by what they say alone. In fact,words ex-pressed through the mouth of

28、ten do not reflect what people really think or feel. The more reliable way you can deter- mine their true inner feelings and thoughts is by reading their body language. Everybody communicates using these gestures and if you understand the gestures and their meanings you will be able to read people a

29、nd know what they are really communicating to you. One researcher even went as far as to say that we speak to hide whats on our minds. But gestures cannot lie. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you can see through the emotions of other people? Lets say you ask a person whether he can d

30、o an important task. He says OK. But deep inside,you are questioning yourself,Is he really willing to do this job? or Does he have the confidence in finishing this task? You cant question him directly because that would be like belittling him. And even if you ask him those questions,his replies will

31、 not tell you what he really feels or thinks. So the most useful way is to observe his body language. Expressions like smiling, frowning, pouting, facial reddening, sweating, toe curling and sideways glances are visible hints that can help you make a right judgment. 29. According to the passage,we k

32、now A. words through the mouth are the most common way in communication B. body language is the quickest way to help people understand each other C. expressions are the most powerful tool to judge whether a man is confident or not D. you may know what a person really thinks with the help of reading

33、his body language30. What does the underlined sentence mean in the second paragraph? A. We can express ourselves well by body Language. B. We use words to prevent others knowing our true thoughts. C. Spoken words can fully reflect our truesef. D. We use body language to help express ourselves.31. Th

34、e underlined Word in the third paragraph can be re- placed with A. looking down upon B. speaking highly of C. laughing at D. believing inD Good evening parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends. I would like to thank you all for coming on this very special day for every student on this stage.

35、 1 know how proud you must be. As we have grown over the years,there are many steps and stages we all have gone through. From learning our shapes and colors,to getting our first kiss in middle school how about explaining to our parents. why we skipped school because the headmaster called home. As we

36、 remember these days, things that weve done will be with us forever. But this is only the start of our journey. To graduate is one more step weve taken in our lives. Now I would like to take the time to thank everyone who has helped me get this far. First of all,thank you to all the teachers.None of

37、 us would be here without you always pushing our studying abilities to the fullest. My brother Jeramie who always said.lf anyone is meant to you,Ill take care of it. My mom,thank you for always believing in me and putting up with me. And last but not least,my dad, for proving to me that I always nee

38、d to take responsibility or my actions and deal with the results. Thank you all! I love you. Now.advice to the students! Many of you Think,This is as good as it gets! but the future holds a bigger plan for all of us. So good luck and congratulations to the class of 2015. We did it !32. This passage

39、is most probably_ A. a suggestion letter B. a greeting card C. a graduation speech D . a letter of congratulations33. What the writer learns from her dad is that . A. knowledge is power B. one should answer for what he does C. where there is a will,there is a way D. a good beginning is half done34.

40、According to the writer,many students . A. hardly study at school B. hate to follow others advice C. should pay more attention to the future D. are afraid of dealing with difficulties35. We can infer from the passage that the writer of the pas-sage is . A. a parent B. a headmaster C. a teacher D. a

41、student第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Changing the world des not only mean finding a medicine for cancer or finding the origin of human beings, but recycling a piece ofpaper as well. 36 What follows are three simple ways we can go green and change the word.Recycle. Ev

42、ery day about 63 million newspapers go out, and 44 million of them are thrown away. By recycling the newspaper alone we could save half a million trees a week. New phones, iPods, or computers are created every day. 37 . By taking them to the local stores that collect them theycan go to people who do

43、nt have enough money to buy one. Go vegetarian one day a week According to the scientists at New York University, if the whole population skips one meal of chicken, the amount of carbon dioxide would be the same amount if more than half a million cars were taken offroads in the US. 38 Refuse bottled

44、 water. Most people drink bottled water because they think that bottled water is healthier than tap water. However, 25% ofthe bottled water actually comes from tap water but you are paying more. 39 So it is necessary to use reusable water bottles instead of plastic water bottles. Changing the world

45、has to start from small things. 40 However, every little helps a lot. Keep in mind what Margaret Mead once said, Its only the small thing that ever has the world.A. But what happens to the old ones? B. So give up just one day of eating meat. C. Also plastic bottles will cause plastic pollution. D. O

46、ne of the most serious threats to our planet is plastic pollution. E. It may seem as if the small changes are not influencing the world. F. Actually there is little or no difference between bottled water and tap water. G. Going green is a way that we can have a meaningful influence on the world.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题

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