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1、本科生毕业论文(设计)册 学院 XX学院 专业 英语教育 班级 XXXX级英语教育1班 学生 XXXX 指导教师 XX XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 浅析言语行为理论在英语教师课堂用语的应用 学院: XXX学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: XXXXXX级英语教育X班 学生姓名: XXXX 学号: XXXXXXXX 指导教师: XXXX 职称 XXX 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务 本论文主要探究Austin和Searle的言语行为理论在高中英语教师课堂用语中的应用2、论文(设计)的主要内容本论文内容主要包括: 言语行为理论在英语教师课堂用语的应用研究现

2、状、言语行为理论的主要内容及其在高中英语课堂教师寒暄语、提问语及委婉指示和委婉反馈语中的应用,通过分析,对英语教师课堂用语提出了新的建议。3、论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线通过对言语行为理论的系统学习,初步认识到言语行为理论的广泛应用。随后在高中学校进行的为期六周多的体验及调查,了解了高中英语教师课堂用语的局限性及存在的问题。因此本人意识到改进高中英语教师课堂用语重要意义,通过参考多种相关文献和调查结果后,确定在言语行为理论框架下,对英语教师课堂话语进行分析,以期有助于提高教师课堂效率。4、主要参考文Austin, J.L. 1962. How to Do Things with Words

3、. New York: Oxford University Press.Hu Zhunglin. 1987. Linguistics A Course Book. Beijing: The Beijing University Press.胡学文. 2003. 教师话语的特征及功能. 山东: 山东外语教学.刘旭东. 2009. 中学英语教师课堂反馈话语研究. 中小学外语教学.5、计划进度阶段起止日期1提出论文初步题目3月16日前2与导师见面,填开题报告和任务书3月16日-3月20日3提交论文提纲3月20日-3月23日4交初稿3月23日-4月20日5交终稿和评议书5月8日指 导 教师: 年 月

4、日教研室主任: 年 月 XXXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 XXX 学院 英语教育 专业 XXXX 届学生姓名XXX论文(设计)题目浅析言语行为理论在英语教师课堂用语的应用指导教师XX专业职称XXX 所属教研室基础教研室研究方向语言学课题论证:在言语行为理论框架下,对英语教师课堂话语进行分析,以期有助于提高教师课堂效率。方案设计:第一章介绍言语行为理论在高中英语教师课堂用语中的应用研究现状 。第二章叙述前人对言语行为理论在英语教师课堂用语的应用的贡献。 第三章具体分析言语行为理论在英语教师寒暄语、提问语、委婉语的应用。 第四章总结本文,对英语教师课堂用语提出了新的建议。进度计划:3

5、月16日前确定初步论文题目 3月20日前写开题报告、任务书3月23日前提交论文提纲4月20日前提交初稿5月6日前交终稿和评议书指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日XXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述Literature ReviewDiscourse analysis is the focus of linguists both at home and abroad, especially the analysis of classroom discourse has the attention of linguists and educat

6、ors. The western language teaching circles began to research the classroom from the 50s, 60s of the twentieth century (Moskowitz, 1968) Began in the 1970s, many scholars abroad have begun to study classroom language. In the late 80 s, research achievements of teachers languages embodied in teachers

7、teaching discourse, and the teachers classroom teaching teachers teaching discourse type is analyzed. In the 1990s, language teachers and teachers behavior in language teaching classroom were studied more detail. In recent years domestic and western in foreign language teaching research has been gra

8、dually on standards, the domestic many scholars studied the classroom discourse, such as: Zhou Xing, Hu Xuewen, Li Hua, Liu Xudong and so on. But on the whole, at home on a teachers classroom discourse and the discourse pattern analysis also is less. This paper using the speech act theory to high sc

9、hool English classroom teacher discourse in regards to greetings, classroom questioning and feedback must be discussed.Moskowitzs Fundamental Concepts of Language TeachingVarious aspects of applied linguistic research was put into historical and interdisciplinary perspective by Moskowitz in his book

10、 Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. He divided the book into six parts, Clearing the Ground, Historical Perspectives, Concepts of Language, Concepts of Society, Concepts of Learning and Concepts of Teaching.Based on a survey of language teaching trends from 1880 to 1968, he notonly dealt wit

11、h trends in linguistic theory and their relationship to language teaching, but dealt with the study of education and its relevance to language teaching. Moskowitz gave an authoritative survey of past developments world-wide, and established a set of guidelines for the future.Hu Xuewens The Features

12、and Functionality of English Teacher DiscourseHu Xuewen has made the preliminary discussion to an important factor in second language acquisition-teacher discourse. The teacher talk is discussed from two aspects of features and functionality. One is the characteristics and functions of the teacher d

13、iscourses adjustment to the speed, pause, accent, vocabulary, syntax and discourse. According to the article, the adjustmen of the teacher discourse in these aspects is mainly to reduce the difficulty of the language input, so that it is at or near the extent of the learners can understand. Moreover

14、, this adjustment is based on information communication. Secondly, teacher discourse, as teacher organization, management, arrangements, guidance of second language classroom activities means and tools, has characteristics and functions. According to the article, in China, the tongue in the FLL clas

15、sroom should not too much pursuit the students to participate in in the form, that is to say, teacher should talk less as far as possible, and make the students to say as much as possible. The quantity of teacher discourse, questioning methods, the interaction adjust between teachers and students as

16、 well as the form of the feedback to students performance largely determine the success of second language acquisition. Li Huas On Present Situation and Research Strategies of Teacher Talk in ChinaLi Hua reviews studies abroad on classroom teaching and teacher talk. In recent years, studies on teach

17、er talk carried out at home have also been explorded. At the same time, the limitations of teacher talk and research strategies on teacher discourse are also explorded. Finally, Li Hua revealed the implication of teacher discourse in foreign language teaching as well as its important learners second

18、 language acquisition. In his paper, he analyses the weaknesses existed in teacher discourse at that time. In his opinion, the researches on teacher discourse provide certain guidance, but it has its limitation. The systematic research is not enough, the relationship between teacher discourse and En

19、glish Learning remains to be explored. He put forward teacher discourse research should emphasis on the followings: the quantity of teacher discourse, the characteristics of teacher discourse adjustment, teacher inquiry and the pattern of feedback. Zhou Xings Investigation and Observation to Teacher

20、 Discourse in UniversitiesThrough investigation and observation, Zhou Xing found that the teacher mainly use English teaching, the teacher talk provides a large number of comprehensible language input for students, 63.3% of students think the teachers words are understandable. But at the same time,

21、teacher talk occupy most of the time in classroom, 48.3% of students think teachers discourse occupies more than 50% of the class time, 65.6% of students think they speak in the class time is not more than ten minutes. The excessively using teacher discourse represents some simple repetition, be eag

22、er to tell students the answer before the student answer the question, repetition students answers. The single of class activities and the method of question setting also make students participation in classroom communication opportunity reduced.Liu Xudongs High School English Teachers Classroom Fee

23、dback Discourse ResearchLiu Xudong analysed four high school English teachers classroom discourse and found that teachers use a lot of feedback in classroom discourse is beneficial to change the traditional teaching of teachers centralized phenomenon, but in the actual teaching, many teachers use mo

24、re content of the feedback, and language form is single and form feedback and topic feedback is less. This study also found the effective use of feedback strategies, such as teachers ask, repeat mistakes, is beneficial to improve students language output quality, thus contributing to the interaction

25、 between teachers and students in class. 本科生毕业论文题目:浅析言语行为理论在英语教师课堂用语的应用 姓 名: XXXX 班 级: XXXX级X班 指导教师: XX 专 业: 英语教育 院 系: XXX学院英语系 完成日期: XXXX年5月8日 An Analysis of the Application of Speech Act Theory in English Teacher Discourse BY XXXProf. XXX, TutorA Thesis Submitted to Department of English Language

26、and Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of B.A in English At XXXX University May 8th, XXXX 摘要本文主要是从语用学的角度运用言语行为理论对高中英语课堂英语教师的语言加以分析。教师话语是教师行为的重要组成部分,是指教师在第二语言(外语)学习的课堂上为组织和从事教学所使用的语言。言语行为理论是语用学研究中一个非常重要的理论。运用该理论分析英语教师话语,不仅能从理论的角度揭示教学中的教师话语存在的问题,并且可以为改进和评价教学提供重要的依据。本文

27、在言语行为理论框架下,对英语教师课堂话语进行分析,以期有助于提高教师课堂效率。关键词:言语行为理论教师话语英语教学AbstractThe focus of the paper is to present the pragmatic analysis of English teacher discourse with the Speech Act Theory. Teacher discourse is an important part of teachers behavior. It refers to the language used by the teacher in class of

28、 learning a second language (English) for the purpose of organizing and engaging in teaching. Speech act theory is a very important pragmatic research theory. Using the theory to analyze English teacher discourse, can not only reveal the problems existing in the teachers discourse in teaching from t

29、he angle of theory, but can provide important basis for improving and evaluating teaching. The thesis analyzes the English classroom discourse under the framework of speech act theory, in order to help improve the efficiency of teachers classroom. Keywords: Teacher discourse Speech act theory Englis

30、h teaching Tables of ContentsChapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Literature review 3Chapter 3 Theoretical framework: Speech Act Theory63.1 Austins Speech Act Theory6 3.1.1 Performatives and Constatives6 3.1.2 A theory of the Illocutioary Act83.2 Searles Speech Act Theory10 3.2.1 Five basic illocution

31、ary acts10 3.2.2 Indirect speech act theory13 3.2.3 Searles classification of indirect speech act14Chapter 4 common speech acts in English classrooms 17 4.1 Greetings and phatic communion 17 4.2 Inquiry language184.3Euphemist expression of instructives and feedback language21Chapter 5 Conclusion24Re

32、ferences26vi Chapter 1 IntroductionEnglish Teacher Discourse refers to the English teachers discourse used in teaching knowledge organization of classroom teaching, including classroom teaching organization, the interpretation of rendering of teaching content, organization and implementation of clas

33、sroom activities, communication and interaction between teachers and students, instruction and assessment to the students, etc. Nunan, as early as 1991 in the book Language Teaching Methodology pointed out: “teachers discourse is crucial to both classroom teaching organization and the students Langu

34、age acquisition, it is not only because through the perfect organization of teachers discourse and teaching of knowledge, the ideal teaching effect can be achieved, and because it has the demonstration effect as a target language using, is another important way of students language input.(Nunan, 199

35、1) In the 33rd annual meeting of International English Teacher Associations in 1999, SteveWalsh pointed out that the difference between the foreign language classroom teaching and other classroom teaching lies in language is the purpose of learning and teaching media. So teachers discourse is both a

36、n instrument of teachers teaching mission, and the largest source of students language input. Teacher discourse plays a vital role on the learners language acquisition process. Teacher discourse used properly or not has a positive or negative impact on the students language output. (Wang Yinquan, 19

37、99)Teacher discourse is an important medium of communication of English classroom, it is not only a source of target language, but an efficient way of classroom management. The quantity and quality of teacher discourse will influence and even decide the success or failure of classroom teaching. Kras

38、hens input method thinks that people only get comprehensible input, can they learn a foreign language. In second language classroom teaching, teacher discourse is the largest and most reliable source to learner input. Appropriate teacher discourse can give students effective language input, thus imp

39、rove their communicative competence, directly affect the output of language. Therefore, the study of Chinese high school English classroom teacher discourse has important theory value and practical significance. Careful study of teacher discourse can promote English teachers deeper understanding of

40、teaching, so as to effectively guide the teachers classroom English teaching practice. Chapter 2 Literature ReviewDiscourse analysis is the focus of linguists both at home and abroad, especially the analysis of classroom discourse has the attention of linguists and educators. The western language te

41、aching circles began to research the classroom from the 50s, 60s of the twentieth century (Moskowitz, 1968) Began in the 1970s, many scholars abroad have begun to study classroom language. In the late 80 s, research achievements of teachers languages embodied in teachers teaching discourse, and the

42、teachers classroom teaching teachers teaching discourse type is analyzed. In the 1990s, language teachers and teachers behavior in language teaching classroom were studied more detail. In recent years domestic and western in foreign language teaching research has been gradually on standards, the dom

43、estic many scholars studied the classroom discourse, such as: Zhou Xing, Hu Xuewen, Li Hua, Liu Xudong and so on. But on the whole, at home on a teachers classroom discourse and the discourse pattern analysis also is less. This paper using the speech act theory to high school English classroom teach

44、er discourse in regards to greetings, classroom questioning and feedback must be discussed.Moskowitzs Fundamental Concepts of Language TeachingVarious aspects of applied linguistic research was put into historical and interdisciplinary perspective by Moskowitz in his book Fundamental Concepts of Language Teaching. He divided the book into six parts, Clearing the Ground, Historical Perspectives, Concepts of Language, Concepts of Society, Concepts of Learning and Concepts of Teaching.Based on a survey of langu

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