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1、 Lesson 7 What is the meaning of life? 【背记清单】 单词短语: 1.life (复数为lives) 2.succeed(名词为success 形容词为 successful 副词为 successfully) 3.think of 认为,想起 4.write down 写下,记下 5.be different from 与不同 6.learn from. 向学习 句型: 1.succeed in sth / doing sth.=have success in (doing) sth.=be successful in (doing) sth. 成功做某

2、事 2.What doesmean? =Whats the meaning of? =What do you mean by.?.是什么意思? 自主预习,认真准备 一.写出下列词及词组。 1.life(复数)_ 2 .succeed(名词, 形容词, 副词)_ _ _ 3.wonder(同义短语) _ 4. mean(名词) _ 5. sad(反义词)_ 6.rich(反义词) _ 7.认为,想起_ 8.努力学习_ 9.这个问题的答案_ 10.写下_ 11.与不同_ 12.使某人高兴_ 二翻译并背记下列句子 1.Lets think of some questions about life .

3、_ 2.How do we succeed in life? _ 3.What do you think is the answer? _ 4.Why are people different from animals? _自主探究,合作交流 一Read the tape and answer the question. 1.Whats Wang Meis questions about life? _ 2. Whats Li Mings questions about life? _ 3.What is Wang Meis idea about“success in life”? _ 二La

4、nguage points 1.Why are we alive? alive , live , living 的用法区别: alive 多用于指人,在句中只能做表语或后置定语. live 用于指物,放在名词前,只做定语,意为 “活生生的,有生命的”. living 既可指人,也可指物,指没有死或消失,继续生存,活动或起着作用,既可位于名词前做定语,也可做表语. Eg: (1)He is the greatest artist _ today. (2)It caught a _ mouse . (3) Look,the tiger is still _. (4)Is his father st

5、ill _? 2.How do we succeed in life? 做某事成功结构为:_/_/_. Eg: Lily succeeded in _(pass) the maths exam.(同义句) Lily _ _ _ _ the maths exam. Lily_ _ _ _ the maths exam. 3. I think that you will succeed if you work hard. if引导条件状语从句,如果主句为一般将来时,从句为 “_”. if引导的从句可以在前,也可在后,如果在前,后用逗号与主句分开。 (1)Well go for a picnic i

6、f it _(not rain) tomorrow. (2)If you _(not hurry), youll be late for class. (3)We _(play) football with him if he _(come) tomorrow. 当堂练习,检测固学 一.选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。 1. What does this word mean? A. What do you mean with this word? B. Whats the meaning of this word? C. Do you know this word? D. Can you

7、find the meaning of this word? 2.-How do you like China? -Its great. A. What do you like about B. How do you think of C. What do you think of D. Why do you like 3. I wonder if it will rain tomorrow. A. want to know B. dont know C. think D. ask 4. You dont have to clean the room now. A. mustnt B. can

8、t C. may not D. neednt 二用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Many people lost their _(life) in the Second World War. 2. The old man isnt dead, he is still _(live). 3. If my mother _(have) enough money, she will buy a new computer. 4. Many people learn English so they can have more _(succeed) in business. 5. If you dont k

9、now the meaning of a word, you may _(查字典). 6.My telephone number is 2276599.Please _(写下它). 7.-_(什么语言) do people in Canada speak? - -English and French. 三.句型转换 1.My bike is broken.(划线提问) Whats_ _ your bike? 2.My grandfather died three years ago.(同义句) My grandfather_ _ _for three years. 3.The weather

10、in Beijing isnt the same as that in Shanghai. (同义句) The weather in Beijing is _ _ that in Shanghai 4.What does life mean? (同义句) What do you _ _ life?/What is the _ _life?应用与拓展: With a groups of classmates, think some questions about life, such as What are your dreams for the future?; What does life mean?;Does success means you are rich or famous? Please write them down. _ 教学反思20 20

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