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1、 六年级英语第三次月考试卷 一、选出不同类的一项( 10分) ( )1 A sleep B rice C play ( )2 A swimming B going C send ( )3 A panda B believes C thinks ( )4 Afish B snake C basketball ( )5A nose B small C big 二、选择题(30分) ( )1 He _ like fish . A dont B doesnt C not ( )2I want _ China next year. A visits B visiting C to visit ( )3

2、Daming _ a Chinese dragon kite . A has got B have got C have get ( )4 Have you got any stamps from China?_ A Yes, I havent B No, I have C No, I havent ( )5 Please _ me. A write to B write C writing to ( )6 Have you got a stamp from China _ a stamp from Canada ? I have got a stamp from China. A on B

3、or C to ( )7I have got a kite ,_I cant fly it . A or B and C but( )8 What _ interesting DVD . A a B an C the ( )9 The snake _frightened. A get B gets C getting ( )10 Do you like _ books now ? A read B reads C reading 三 用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1 I love _(take ) photos. 2 It _ (live) in a tree. 3 I _ ( sto

4、p ) a long time ago. 4 ( sheep) _like grass. 5 I am _(Daming ) friend. 四连词成句(20分)1 Does, of the why ,snake ,out ,the ,come ,box (?) _ 2 it a present is fantastic (.) _ 3 Cant says, hear, it ,snakes (.) _ 4 Like sleep to winter in Bears(.) _ 5 Playing Do often you with dolls ( ?)五情景交际(10分) ( )1我也想成为你

5、的笔友,应 该 怎 么 说: A I want to be your pen friend. B I want to be your teacher. ( )2 你有一本有关中国的书吗?,应该怎么说: A Have you got a book about the world ? B Have you got a book about China? ( )3你有一封来自纽约的信,怎么说: A He has got a letter from New York . B You have got a letter from New York . ( )4 我简直无法相信,你会说: A He don

6、t believe it. B I dont believe it. ( )5 蛇喜欢太阳,应该说: A Snakes love the sun. B Snakes dont like the sun. . 六 阅读短文,判断正(T)误( F).(10分) Dear Sue How are you ? Im glad to be your pen friend. I have got a small bedroom ,In my bedroom ,I have got a big bed, and a teddy bear .I have got a picture and a mirror(

7、镜子) on the wall. I have got a desk and a chair and some flowers. I havent got a TV , and I havent got a computer .My bedroom is clean. From Amy 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) ( )1 The letter is from Sue . ( )2 Amy and Sue are pen friends. ( )3Amy has got a big bedroom . ( )4 Amy has got a computer. ( )5 There is a mirror in Amys bedroom. 七 选出问句和答语相对应的选项。( 10分) ( ) 1 Did he often take photos? ( ) 2How many hours do pandas eat a day? ( ) 3 Do you often clean your room? ( ) 4 Does your dog eat music ? ( ) 5 Thank you again ? A Yes, it does B Not very often C Yes, he did D Youre welcome E Twelve hours20 20

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