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1、北京五中分校20122013学年度第一学期期中考试试卷初二英语第一卷(选择题共68分)一、听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(共4分,每题1分)1听下面一段对话回答第1小题。2听下面一段对话回答第2小题。3.听下面一段对话回答第3小题。4听下面一段对话回答第4小题。二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独自内容,从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。(共12分,每题1分)。听下面一段对话回答第5-6小题。5. When does the first class begin?A. At 8:30 B. At 9:30 C. At 2:30. 5. How

2、manr classes are there in the evening? A.0 B.1 C.2听下面一段对话回答第7-8小题。 7. Who will go to see the doctor? A. Mike. B. Alice. C. Betty. When will they go to see the film? 8.When will they go to see the nlm7 A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.听下面一段对话回答第9-10小题。 where are they talking? A. At home. B.

3、 At school.C.111 the street10. What should they do first?A. Follow the teacher. B. Wash the hands. C. Listen and watch.听下面一段对话回答第11-13小题。11. What was the boy doing in the park? A. Riding a bike. B. Playing with a cat. C. Walking the dogs.12. The boy hurt his head yesterday because_. A he fell off th

4、e bike. B. the dogs ran after him.C he had car accident 13.Tne boys mother _.A. hurt her arm. B. stayed in hospital. C. was all right. 听下面一段对话回答第14-16小题。14. Which par is the most difficult one in the program? A. Searching. B. Collecting. C .Carrying.15. What color cans are for waste? A. Pink. B. Blu

5、e C. White. 16. What you hear might be _.A. an advertisement. B.an introduction. C. a piece of news三、听短文,根据听到的短文内容和提示词语,记录关键信息。短文读两遍。(共4分,每题1分)Telephone MessageWho calls: John Brown .Where to go: 17._Whom to visit: 18. _When to leave: 19._How long to stay: 20. _四.单项选择。(共 14分,每题 1分 )21.-Would you lik

6、e _ some fruit?-No thanks. I dont feel like_ anything now.A. to have, to eat B. having, to eat C. having, eating D. to have, eating22. -Do you often get on-line? -Yes. I _ most of my time on it .lts a good way to kill time.A. cost B. spend C. pay D. take .23. -I eat _vegetables and ._meat than I did

7、 last year. -Thats why youre getting fatter.A. fewer, more B. more, less C. less, more D. more, fewer24. -What do you think of the environment? -lts a lot worse than before. Everyone seems to _ it.A. complain about B. write about C. think about D. learn about25. -Everyone knows that Tom is a talente

8、d boy, what does that mean exactly? -Well, Tom has a special interest _ music. He has a special talent_ languages and he is also very good _ machines.A. for, in, at B. in, at, for C. in, for, with D. for, in, with26. -Why did you come back so late today? -Because it _ heavily when the meeting was ov

9、er. We had to wait until it came to a stop.A. rains B. was raining C. rained D. is raining27. -Maths isnt as_ as Chinese. -I agree with you. I think Chinese is _ than other subjects. .A. easy, much easier B. easy, more easierC. easier, more easy D. easier, a little easier28. -Why dont you go to the

10、lecture-room and listen to the talk? -I hear there isnt _ in it.A. something new B. new anything C. anything new D. nothing new29. The old lady _ very beautiful.A. used to being C. used to beB. was used to being D. was used to be30. -There _ a concert in the hall tonight. -Yes, and the last performa

11、nce will be given by Michael Jackson.A. is going to have B. will have C. are going to be D. will be31._ Iraqi people were killed in the war which broke out on March 20.A. Thousand B. Thousands of C. Thousand of D. Thousands32. -How _ is it from Ningbo to Xian? -Its about two _ flight.A. long, hours

12、B. far, hours C. long, hours D. far, hours33. -What about doing something totally different this weekend? -Good idea. Lets ask Tom our club. A. join B .to take part in C. to join D. taking part in34. -_ ? -Hold on, please.A. Are you Bruce, please B. Who are youC. Are you at home, Bruce D. May I spea

13、k to Bruce, please五、完形填空。(共 12分 ,每题1分) Joseph sat on a hill in the middle of nowhere, writing his name into the dirt with a stick. Joseph! his mother called. Joseph looked at the farmhouse that was now supposed to be his home. As he finished the last _35_ , he noticed something metal shining in the

14、rosy late-afternoon sunlight: He picked it up: a rusty old _36_ . He put it in his pocket and walked down the hill. Grandpa passed away last year, leaving the house and farm to his mother. Joseph had hope a that she would just _37_ it and buy a house in the city, However, she chose to move to the fa

15、rm. Joseph had been very _38_ about leaving his friends and his school. In the city, dinnertime had always been an opportunity for conversation between Joseph and his mother. Here, though, he had_39_ to say. He knew his silence hurt his mother, but surely it was better than the angry words waiting b

16、ehind it. It was best to keep _40_ . He quickly finished his food on the plate and went to his room upstairs. Later, he went down the stairs to look for something to read. In the deep silence, his mother sat alone on the living-room sofa. On her lap lay a photograph album. Looking up, she smiled_41_

17、 and said, See what I found? Heres your great-grandfather. Hes about your age in this picture. Do you think you look like him? Joseph stuffed(塞)his hands into his pockets and shrugged. He_42_. the old key. As he moved closer to look at the photograph, something else _43_ his eye. Whats that? he aske

18、d, pointing to a painted wooden box on the coffee table. Its a silent music box, his mother said softly. Years ago, when I was a little girl _44_brother, 2 years older than me, took the key away. He didnt mean to lose it. But he dropped it out somewhere. We searched and searched but _45_ found it. J

19、oseph sat down beside her and handed the rusty key to her. Suddenly his mothers eyes sparkled. With trembling hands, she wound up the music box. As its sweet melody played, mother and son listened together. It has been silent for a long, long time, she said. Its so clear! said Joseph. It sounds as g

20、ood as new. They _46_ the silence.35.A, name B. number C. letter D. picture36. A. box B. key C. photo D. stick37.A. sell B. fix C. buy D. paint38A. worried B. excited C. pleased D. unhappy39.A.something B. anything C. nothing D. everything40.A. brave B. quiet C. calm D. strict41. A. surprisingly B.

21、seriously C. hopefully D. thoughtfully42. A. felt B. found C. took D. carried43.A. hurt B. caught C. took D. had44.A. her B. his C. my D. your45.A. still B. never C. almost D. ever46. A. kept B. beat C. improved D. broke六、阅读理解。(共20分,每题2分)阅读下面A、B、C三篇短文然后从其后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳答案。(A)Here are some course for

22、 you. You can choose one of them if you like.47. Li Ming is free on Friday and Wednesday. He can choose the course_.A. Basic Photograph B. SkatingC. Typing D. Understanding Computer48. If you are free on Saturday and Sunday, you can take part in the courseA. Skating B. Basic Photograph C. A and B D.

23、A or B49. Which course cost least?A. Skating B. Basic Photograph C. Typing D. Understanding Computer(B) You have heard of Webster Toys. Webster has made good, safe and interesting toys for more than a hundred years. We sell them, and children play with them in different countries from Australia to C

24、anada, from Japan to Italy. Now we are looking for someone to sell our toys in the Far East. He must be between the ages of thirty and forty. He must have some years of experience of selling toys in the world markets. He must be able to speak English and at least one other language of the Far East.

25、The person we are looking for will live in India and work there in our office, but he will travel for about six months in a year in other countries and above all, he must know how to sell in our old markets and where to find new ones. He must know how to make more than ever before, for himself, and

26、for Webster. Webster wants someone who can stand on his own feet. If you think you are the right person we are looking for, please write to Mr. Roger Bradshaw at our headquarters : Webster Toys Inc. Church Mill, Wafford Herr. WD 36HE50. You can most probably read this passage_.A. in a book B. in a n

27、ewspaper C. in a dictionary D. in a novel51. Which of the following is the most important if someone wants to be the right person?A. He can speak very good English.B. He has experience of selling toys in the world markets.C. He can live and work in India.D. He can open new markets for Webster.52. Th

28、e underlined sentence who can stand on his own feet means_.A. who never sits down or lies down B. who has nothing wrong with his feetC. who can do his business all by himselfD. who likes taking a walk by himself(C) Studies have shown it takes a doctor about 18 seconds to stop a patient after he begi

29、ns talking. It was Sunday. I was almost in the clear. I had one last patient to see. I came close to her room in a hurry and stood at the doorway. She was an older woman, sitting at the edge of the bed, trying to put socks on her swollen (肿大的) feet. I spoke quickly to the nurse, saw her chart saying

30、 she was in stable (稳定的) condition. She asked if I could help put on her socks. Instead, I began a long speech that went something like this: How are you feeling? Your blood sugar and blood pressure were high but theyre better today. The nurse said you cant wait to see your son whos visiting you tod

31、ay. Its nice to have family visit from far away. Im sure you really look forward to seeing him. She stopped me with a serious voice. Sit down, doctor. This is my story, not your story.” I was surprised and ashamed. I sat down. I helped her with the socks. She began to tell me that her only son lived

32、 around the corner from her, but she had not seen him in five years. She believed that the pressure of this caused greatly to her health problems. After hearing her story and putting on her socks, I asked if there was anything else I could do for her. She shook her head and smiled. Ail she wanted me

33、 to do was to listen. Listening to someones story costs less than expensive diagnostic (诊断的) testing but is key to healing. . I often thought of what that woman taught me - the importance of stopping, sitting down and truly listening. And, not long after, unexpectedly, I became the patient, with a d

34、iagnosis of sclerosis(硬化症) at age 31. Now, 20 years later, I sit all the time - in a wheelchair. For as long as I could, I continued to see patients from my chair, but I had to give up my job when my hands were influenced. I still teach medical students and other health care professionals, but now f

35、rom the view of doctor and patient. I tell them I believe in the power of listening. I tell them I know firsthand that huge healing takes place within me when someone stops, sits down and listens to my story.53. Which sentence is True according to the passage?A. I was about to finish my work when I

36、went to see the woman.B. There was nothing wrong with the woman s feet.C. It wasnt important to listen to the patients. D. The writer gave up his job when he began to sit in a wheelchair. .54. From the 4th paragraph, we can infer the woman _ from the way she said.A. refused to listen to the doctor B

37、. showed her anger and impatienceC. liked giving orders to people D. could not wait to break in 55. What lesson did the woman teach the doctor?A. Never be angry with your patientB. High blood pressure is very dangerous.C. Her son didnt go to see her.D. Sometimes listening is better than talking.56.

38、What is the best title of the passage?A. A lesson given by a patient B. An unforgettable experienceC. Listening - a powerful medicine D. Care -a key to treatment七、阅读短文,还原句子。(共6分,每小题2分)You speak, write a letter, make a telephone call. Your words carry a message. People communicate with words. Do you

39、think you can communicate without words? _57_ Tears in. your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying ;No. You nod and people know you are saying Yes. _58_ F

40、or example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the wall of you r school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive message from them all the time?

41、 Other things can also carry messages. An artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains, about the blue sea and many other things. Books are written to tell you about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books, magazines, TV and radios and film

42、s all help people communicate with each other._ 59_A. They also help us to know more about what other people are thinking about.B. People can communicate m many ways.C. A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly.D. Fewer and fewer people talk to each other on the phone.第二卷(笔答题共32分)八、阅读短文,回答问题。(共8分,每题2分)The Big. Mac, the most famous hamburger in the world. had its 30th birthday in 1998.A big Mac is a round piece of ground beef with pickle, ketchup and mayonnaise in a bun. Thats all. But as much as 1% of the worlds b

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