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1、威特教育期中检测卷五年级英语试卷 考试时间:60分钟班级: 姓名: 本试卷测试时间为60分钟,满分为100分,其中听力部分占30分,笔试部分占70分,书写要工整哟!Part Listening(听力部分,共30分).听音,选择。(Listen and choose) (共5分) 听句子,选图片,将选项写在题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。( )1. A. B. C.( )2. A. B. C.( )3. A. B. C.( )4. A. B. C.( )5. A. B. C.听音,选择。(Listen and choose) (共10分) 听句子,选择恰当的回答。句子读两遍。( )1. A. No,

2、 I cant. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I do.( )2. A. Cool! B. Spring. C. Five.( )3. A. At 5:oo. B. In October. C. In the morning.( )4. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. In September.( )5. A. Its hot. B. Its warm. C. Because I can swim.听音,排序。(Listen and rank) (共10分) 听短文,将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ). 听音

3、,标记。(Listen and tick) (共5分) 听短文,在相应的表格里打。短文读两遍。Go to the Great Wall Have a sports meetHave a big partyHave a singing contestHave a school tripAprilMayJuneOctoberDecemberPart Writing (笔试部分,共70分)一、找出划线部分读音不同的词,并将序号填在括号里。(5分)( )1、A. clean B. clock C. class D .plate( )2、A. play B. please C. eggplant D.

4、clever( )3、A .brown B. library C. brother D. grow( )4、A. umbrella B. grapes C .grandpa D. green( )5、A .sheep B .fish C. lunch D. shirt二、选出正确的选项。(10分)( )1. 1. How many seasons are there in a year? . A.Five B.Four C.Ten( )2. Which month is the first month? . A.January B. May C. July.( )3.-which season

5、 can we make a snowman? . A. Fall B. Spring C. Winter( )4. has a birthday in June? A.Who B. Whose C. What( )5.I often go home 5:00 in the afternoon. A.at B .on C.in( )6.I dont like winter.Its cold me. A.to;to B.for;to C.too;for( )7.I can play the snow in winter. A.in B.with C. ( )8.There are seasons

6、 in a year. A.three B.four C.five( )9-What is the weather today? -Its sunny. A.like B.in C.at( )10.I often play pipa on Sundays. A.the B.a C.不填三、问答配对。在括号中填序号。(5分)( )1 When is Childrens Day? A. No,its in July.( )2 When do you finish class in the morning? C. Its in June.( )3 Which season do you like b

7、est? B. I like winter.( )4 Why do you like winter? D. Because I can play with snow.( )5 Is your birthday in June? E. We finish class at 1 oclock.四、连词成句。(10分)1、like,season,best,which,you,do ?2、do ,you, do ,what, the ,on ,weekend ?3、I, summer, like, vacation, because . 4、class,have,9:00,English, at,I

8、. 5、is,when, the,trip,year,this ?A. Why do you like winter? B. No, I cant. C. Yes, I do.D. What do you do on the weekend? E. When do you get up?F. When is your birthday? G. Which season do you like best?五、选择合适的句子补全对话,将其大写字母编号填在横线上。(每空1分, 共 5分)Mary: Hello,Tom.Tom: Hi, Mary.Mary: _?Tom: I get up at 6:

9、45a.m.Mary: _?Tom: I often go shopping on the weekend.Mary: Do you like summer?Tom: _.Mary: _?Tom: I like winter best. And my birthday is in winter.Mary: _?Tom: Its in February .Mary: Thank you very much.六. 写出下列英语(共10分)1儿童节_ 2.进行体育运动 _ 3.购物 _ 4.上舞蹈课_ 5. 打扫房间_ 6.上。课_7.去野餐 _ 8摘苹果_9.做早操_ 10. 母亲节_七.看图,根

10、据句意及首字母提示填单词或短语。(共5分) 1 2 3 4 51. I usually e b at 7 oclock. 2. Sometimes we g for a w . 3. I can m a s in winter. 4. S vacation is in July and A . 5. Teachers Day is i S . 八.判断正(T)误(F),并将错误改正,改错参考例句。(共5分)例:( F )Easter is in August. ( April )( ) 1. Thanksgiving Day is in March. ( )( ) 2. Mothers Day

11、 is in July. ( )( ) 3. New Years Day is in February. ( )( ) 4. Childrens Day is in May. ( )( ) 5. Chinas National Day is in December. ( )九根据句意,选择合适的单词完成句子。(共5分)1. - do you like spring best? - Because the weather is nice. 2. - season do you like best? - I like winter best.3. - do you go to school? -

12、I go to school at 8:00.4. - is your computer? - Its on the desk.5. - do you often do on weekends? - I often go shopping.十. 阅读对话,判断下面的句子与文章是否相符,相符用“T”表示,不相符用“F”表示。(10分)David: Hi, Wu Yifan. Nice to meet you!Wu Yifan: Hi, David. Nice to meet you, too.David: When do you go to school?Wu Yifan: I go to sc

13、hool at 7:30.David: How many classes do you have every day?Wu Yifan: Five or six.David: Whats your favourite class?Wu Yifan: Math, I like math.David: Good!What do you do after school?Wu Yifan: I do homework. Sometimes I play ping-pong.David: What do you do on the weekend?Wu Yifan: I usually play foo

14、tball and go to my English class.David: Thats great!( )1、Wu Yifan goes to school at 7:30.( )2、Wu Yifans favourite class is English.( )3、Sometimes Wu Yifan plays ping-pong.( )4、Wu Yifan has four or five classes every day.( )5、Wu Yifan has art class on the weekend.威特教育期中检测卷五年级英语试卷参考答案及评分标准Part Listeni

15、ng(听力部分,共30分)I. 共5分,每小题1分。依次是:AAABBII. 共10分,每空2分。依次是:CABACIII. 共5分,每小题1分。依次是:21354 IV. 共5分,每小题1分。如下:Go to the Great Wall Have a sports meetHave a big partyHave a singing contestHave a school tripAprilMayJuneOctoberDecemberPart Writing (笔试部分,共70分)一. 共5分,每小题1分。依次是:DDDAC 二. 共10分,每小题1分。依次是:BACAACBBAA三.

16、共5分,每小题各1分。依次是:CEBDA四. 共10分,每小题2分。略五. 共5分,每小题各1分。依次是:EDCGF六共10分,每小题1分。略七共5分,每小题1分。略八共5分,每小题1分。略九共5分,每小题1分。依次是:1. Why; 2. Which; 3. When; 4. Where 5. What十. 共10分,每小题2分。依次是:TFTFF呈贡区实验学校20152016学年度下学期期中检测五年级英语试卷听力材料I. 听句子,选图片。每小题听两遍1. I do morning exercises at 6:00. 2. 2. I often go swimming on Sundays

17、.3. We plant trees in March. 4. Autumn is my favourite season.5. Christmas is in December. II. 听句子,选择恰当的回答。每小题听两遍1. Do you do morning exercises in the morning?2. Well go to the Great Wall! 3. When is the school trip this year?4. Is Chinas National Day in October? 5.Why do you like summer?III. 听短文,将下

18、列图片排序。注意听两遍Im Sarah. I am often busy on weekends. On Saturdays morning, I clean my room, and then I go shopping. In the afternoon, I take a dancing class. In the evening, I often sing. On Sundays morning, I do my homework. In the afternoon, I go for a walk with my friend. What about your weekend?IV. 听短文,在相应的表格里打。注意听两遍This year, we have a few fun things. The sports meet is in April. Then we have a school trip in May. In June, we have a singing contest. Well go to the Great Wall in October. In December, we have a big Christmas party. How happy we are!

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