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1、 七年级下册Unit 4 After-school ActivitiesHow was Your Weekend?第1页1.掌握一些与周末活动介绍相关词汇:everybody,away,help,sing.2.利用所学知识介绍自己周末活动情况。3.让学生了解电子邮件正确写法。4.深入掌握be going to 使用方法。Aims第2页 I had a great weekend.How about you?Now lets learn Lesson 24!How was Dannys weekend?What did he do on the weekend?What is he going

2、to do next weekend?Lead in第3页Presentation第4页1.We are going to take a bus there.take a bus 意为“乘公共汽车”,表示使用某种交通工含有以下几个表示方式:by+交通工具 by bike by boat Language points第5页take+冠词+交通工具 take a bus take the subway in(on)+冠词/物主代词+交通工具 in a car on ones bike/on a bikeLanguage points第6页 2.My uncle is going to bring

3、 his camera.bring为动词,意为“带来,拿来”,反义词为take也可表示“拿;取”,但使用方法有所不一样,bring,take与fetch 所表示物体离说话人方向有所不一样。Language points第7页Eg:Bring me the book.Bring the book to me.Language points第8页Who has taken my bike?Language points第9页Please fetch me some paper.Language points第10页be going to/will 使用方法区分be going to与will二者都

4、可表示将要发生事、将要去做某事,但它们有以下几点区分:Language points 1.be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生事情,will 表示未来时间则较远一些,如:He is going to write a letter tonight.He will write a book one day.第11页 2.be going to 表示依据主观判断未来必定发生事情,will表示客观上未来势必发生事情.He is seriously ill.He is going to die.Language points第12页3.be going to 含有“计划,准备”意思,而 wil

5、l 则没有这个意思,如:She is going to lend us her book.Language points第13页4.在有条件状语从句主句中,普通不用 be going to,而多用will,如:If you have any trouble,Ill stay with you and help you.Language points第14页1.I can make donuts (me)now.用所给词适当形式填空myself 2.Tom will (go)swimming sometime next week.go 3.The children are playing (ga

6、me)on the grass.games Exercises第15页依据汉语完成句子1.从我家到公园有一个小时。The park is one hour my house.away from 2.我们度过了一个高兴周末。We had .a great weekend 3.爬山是有趣。_ is so fun.Mountain climbing 4.他天天坐公交车上班。He to work every day.takes a bus 5.下周末你打算干什么?What_ do next weekend?are you going to Exercises第16页 1.What are you going to do after school this week?Make up a dialogue.2.Preview Unit 5 Lesson 25 Homework第17页

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