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1、My father goes to work at eight oclock every morningModule 7 Unit 1第1页She rode a horse.She climbed the Tianshan Mountains.She visited the Tianchi Lake.Where did you go last July?第2页1.能听懂policeman evening late worker factory early taxi等词汇.2.会利用短语:every morning,every evening,every night.3.会利用what does

2、 she/he do?问询他人职业.4.能用普通现在时态描述他人天天某一时间点要做事情。第3页Guess:Whats this?126What time is it?Its six oclock.第4页Its half past seven.What time is it?第5页Where will Amy go tomorrow?She will go to the park.Watch the CD and answer the questions.第6页 When will Dad take them to the park?第7页 When will Dad take them to

3、the park?At half past seven.第8页When will Mr Smart take them to the park?At half past seven.Guess:What will I do tomorrom?Ill go to work tomorrow.I go to work at eight oclock every morning.Does your father go to work every morning?第9页GuessShes a teacher.What does she do?第10页What does she do?Shes a da

4、ncer.第11页What does she do?Shes a doctor.第12页What does he do?Hes a policeman.第13页What does he do?Hes a driver.第14页What does she do?Shes a nurse.第15页第16页What are they talking about?第17页What are they talking about?They are talking about their parents。第18页Shes a taxi driver.1.What does Damings father do

5、?2.What does Fangfangs father do?3.What does Damings mother do?4.What does Fangfangs mother do?Hes a policeman.Hes a worker.Shes a nurse.第19页第20页第21页第22页第23页第24页第25页Practise.My uncle goes to work at _.Hes a _.seven oclock every morningteacher第26页Practise.My father goes to work at _.Hes a _.half past eight every morningdoctor第27页Practise.My mother goes to work at _.Hes a _.ten oclock every eveningnurse第28页Homework1.Listen to tape and read the text.2.Write the new words.必做:选做:搜集十个人职业英文单词,以及他们上班时间。第29页第30页

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