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1、Lesson 30 A Famous Friend?第1页一、认知学习目标一、认知学习目标1.识记课后单词和短语:wise,actor,2.掌握短语:ask for advice,work for,give advice to sb,no matter what=whatever;等3.经过学习,能流利和同伴谈论未来。第2页 二、预习结果展示二、预习结果展示按要求完成以下各题。1.wise(副词)_ 2.演员(男)_(女)_3.write(过)_ 4.tall(比较级)_ 5.famous(同义词)_6.play(名)_ 7.ask for _ 8.为工作_9.给某人提提议_10.不论什么_1

2、1.much taller_ 12.给写一封电子邮件_wiselyactor actresswrotetallerwell-knownplayer索要,请求恐高症give some advice to sb=give sb some adviceno matter what=whatever高许多write an e-mail to sb第3页三、课堂研讨助学三、课堂研讨助学活动一:Listen and write true(T)or false(F).1.Danny is going to be a basketball player when he grows up.()2.Helen g

3、ives advice to people on the phone.()3.Danny would like to be a famous movie star someday.()FFT第4页活动二:Read the lesson and answer the questions.1.What questions did Danny ask Helen?2.Whats Helens advice for Danny?3.Will Danny and Li Ming be friends when they become rich?About his futureShe said Danny

4、 would be a good actorYes,they will第5页Im much taller this year.我今年高了许多。much taller意思是“高很多”。普通情况下形容词比较级前可用much,a lot,a little 等词来修饰。而very,quite,too只能修饰原级不修饰比较级。如:The sun is much bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大多。He is a little thinner than me.他比我瘦点儿。活动三:Language Points第6页活动二:Language Points1.But no matter

5、 what,I will always be your friend!不论怎样,我都是你朋友no matter what=whatever 不论怎样no matter when 不论什么时间no matter where 不论在哪里no matter how 不论怎样No matter what the world will be,we are always friends.不论世界怎样改变,我们都是朋友。No matter how you deal with it,I will agree with you.不论你怎样处理这件事,我都同意。No matter where you are,I

6、will find you in time.不论你在哪,我都会及时找到你。第7页2.Im much taller this year.我今年高了许多。much taller意思是“高很多”。普通情况下形容词比较级前可用much,a lot,a little 等词来修饰。Eg:The sun is much bigger than the moon.太阳比月亮大多。He is a little thinner than me.他比我瘦点儿。Tom is much better than Jim in maths.汤姆比吉姆更擅长数学。er第8页四、当堂训练检测1.The boy wants to

7、 be a good_in the future.A.act B.actor C.acting D.actress 2.They will always _your friend.A.am B.is C.are D.be3.She gave me some _ _ (advise).4.The woman might _ (buy)the blue skirt.5.Ba Jin is famous_(for/as)a writer.6.Do you love_(play)chess?Yao Ming is a good basketball_(play).BDadvicebuyplayingplayeras第9页7.John is my daughters favourite_(act).He is handsome.8.He may be the best student in our class.(同义句)_he_the best student in our class.9.Li Ming gave me some advice.(同义句)Li Ming gave _ _ _ _.Maybe is some advice to me actor第10页

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