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1、合作出版协议(草案)日期:协议双方当事人如下:中国XX出 版社,位于(以下简称“CHEP”);和Springer-Verlag GmbH (与Springer-Verlag纽约有限责任公司和Springer-Verlag东京公司合作运营),位于德国Heidlberg 69121 T iergatenstr. 17,以 下简称“Springer”。鉴于CHEP拥有27种 名为(加上主题,如“电子电力工程”)前沿研究-中 国大学出版物选集(以下简称“期刊”)的规划期刊的所有权,并将拓展和/或获得期刊中发表作 品的版权。鉴于Springer从事科学期刊、技术期刊和医学期刊及其它各种 期刊的出版发行业

2、务,并有意取得以在线版和印刷版的形式发行期刊的权利。尽管印刷版和在线版期刊均由CHEP在 中国内地发行,但Springer也被授予在中国内地非排他性地主持发行在线版 期刊的权利。在世界上的其它地方(包括香港特别行政区、澳门和台湾),前述两种版本的期刊均将由Springer独 家发行。除在2005年1月25日 签订谅解备忘录外,双方还对作为本合作出版协议基础的任务说明书、宗旨和目标作了详细的说明。鉴于前述的相互谅解和允诺,CHEP和Springer作 出如下约定:1所有权CHEP拥有期刊及其所发表的版权作品的所有权,并保留全面控制期刊的所有权利,但在本协议期限 内依照以下约定委托给Springe

3、r处理的事项除外。期刊的名称权包括封面设计和 印刷样式均归属于CHEP和Springer共 同所有。2权利CHEP授予Springer在世 界范围内(不包括中国)发行、销售、许可和推广印刷版期刊的独家权利和在世界范围内储存、传播、销售和许可在线版期刊的独家权利。在本协议期限内,双方均 可在中国通过不同的主机主持发行各种在线版期刊。CHEP授予Springer将全 部或部分在线版期刊与其它Springer科学内容或第三方文献数据库进行超链接的独家 权利。CHEP授予Springer以订 阅方式向订阅人销售期刊以及组合产品(即经过装订的印刷版和在线版期刊)和电子产品(即仅在线版)的独家权利。CHE

4、P授予Springer为期 刊在世界上所有相关市场做广告的独家权利,包括但不限于对期刊作推广活动、向可能的订阅人邮寄宣传小册子和策划推广性广告活动。3版权尽管双方同意,原以中文发表的各篇文章的版权分别属于各篇文章的作者,但CHEP保 证,各篇文章的作者将会把各篇文章英文版的独家出版权转让给双方当事人,且在本合作出版协议期限内,期刊的版权应当归属于CHEP和Springer共 同所有。各期期刊的扉页均应当载明下述出版标记:本书由CHEP(中国北京)和Springer共 同出版中国境外独家发行人:Springer封面和版权声明页包括条形码均必须注明国际标准期刊号。电子版期刊的国际标准期刊号将由CH

5、EP申 请。各期期刊的封面上应当载明双方的名称和标识。对各期印刷版和在线版期刊而言,本条规定均为有效。4出版周期、页面设计和格式CHEP和Springer将会 对页面设计、各期期刊内的文章数量、每年发行的期刊期数、格式和其它技术细节另行作出约定。电子版期刊应当通过目前称为Springerlink的因特网入口进行出版。电子文档应 当采用PDF和/或HTML格 式。有关出版周期、页面设计、每年发行的期刊期数、增刊出版计划、格式和其它技术细节(包括划分和再次出版现有 书目)的任何变更可经双方当事人互相协商后予以确定。双方当事人至少应在前述变更当年年初前6个 月对前述变更作出约定。Springer可以

6、调整期刊的国际订阅价格,以反映各期增刊 所增加的内容。5CHEP的 责任CHEP应当负责编辑工作包括对各篇文章进行挑选、评估、翻译和语言编辑并对印刷版期刊进行排版 和加工(编排、论文挑选、打印和装订)。CHEP应当任命一名总编辑,负责日常的编辑加工和对期刊拟发表的作品进行质量控制。CHEP应当成立期刊编辑委员会,由该编辑委员会就原稿挑选向总编提出建议并提供某些必要而科学 的专家意见。对依照Springer就经审校的拟在在线版期刊发表的所有正文和插 图所发出的指令而编制的电子文档,应当由CHEP负责向Springer提 供。CHEP应当与Springer的加 工部门非常密切地进行合作,以获得优质

7、的电子文档格式期刊和印刷版各期期刊。CHEP将在2006年向Springer供 应可在中国境外分销的各期印刷版期刊的复制本。前述复制本的数量将按照中国境外的现有订阅数量进行确定,但最晚在每年的7月 由双方当事人最后确定。CHEP同意在2006年将各种期刊 的50件复制本另行提供给Springer营 销使用。6Springer的 责任Springer应负责印刷版期刊和电子版期刊在中国境外的发行。Springer负 责支付发行的总成本。Springer应当向CHEP支 付其净收益百分之三十五(35)的费用。就本协议而言,净收益是指收自各种来源的所有款项,包括但不限于:所有的订阅费减去订阅代理人(或

8、其它分销合伙人)所享有的惯行折扣或 与Springer自身内部交易条款有关的各项折扣(此等折扣符合Springer整 个期刊项目的目的);经由订立联合协议进行重印销售而获得的收入;因行使附属权利而获得的收入。Springer应当向CHEP提 供有关电子文档的所有技术性要求,该技术性要求应当包括有关元数据、页眉、摘要、引用和完整正文的所有信息。Springer将邀请CHEP员 工到Heidelberg协商期刊的技术要求和工作流程。Springer应当负责以在Springerlink即Springer因 特网平台加入内容的方式出版在线版期刊。Springer保证,有关电子出版和发行的费用将由Spr

9、inger承 担。Springer应当向CHEP免费交付印刷版期刊的复制件,且CHEP可 免费地通过享用摘要和索引服务使用在线版期刊。(原文有问题)Springer应当以符合CHEP最 大利益的方式出版、发行和推广电子版期刊,并保证,电子版期刊文章将在其收到电子版文章文档后不晚于六周予以出版和发行。7订阅Springer将处理中国境外的订阅事宜。期刊在中国境外的正式订阅将由Springer与CHEP协 商后确定。8附属权利为了能对各种汇编作品进行加工或能生产为迎合特定市场需求而制作的其它定制产品,Springer有 权向任何第三方许可与期刊的全部或部分摘录或改编有关的所有印刷和在线附属权利。9

10、期限和续展一经双方最后签字,本合作出版协议即告生效,并在2010年最后各期期 刊合订本出版前的首次期限内持续有效。此后,本协议将自动续延三年,但当事人在首次期限终止前十二个月发出相反通知的除外。双方均同意尽最大努力建立一种良好而长期的工作关系。10管辖双方当事人之间所出现的所有争议均应当通过友好协商解决。如协商不成的,则前述争议应按照国际仲裁准则在被告所在国以仲裁解决,即如果 被告是Springer,则前述争议的管辖权应适用德意志联邦共和国的法律;如果被告是CHEP, 则前述争议的管辖权应适用中华人民共和国的法律。11协议的双语文本双方当事人同意将本合作协议翻译成中文,并且两种文本一经签署即告

11、生效。为表示同意本协议所规定的各项条款,双方当事人已经签署并交换了本合作出版协议的副本。中国XX出版社Springer-Verlag GmbH北京,Heidelberg,.Co-Publishing-Agreement (Draft Only)DatedBetweenChina Press(hereinafter called CHEP)on the one partandSpringer-Verlag GmbHTiergartenstr, 1769 121 HeidelbergGermanyActing in cooperation with Springer-Verlag New York

12、 LLC. And Springer-Verlag Tokyo lnc.(hereinafter called Springer)on the other partWhereas, CHEP is the owner of the planned 27 journals entitledFrontiers of (plus subject, e. g. “Electrical and Electronic Engineering”)Seiected Publications from Chinese Universities(hereinafter called the “journals”)

13、, and develops and/or acquires copyright materials for publication therein.Whereas, Springer is engaged in the business of publishing and distributing scientific, technical and medical periodicals, among other things, and desires to obtain the right to distribute the journals both in the online and

14、printed version, The printed and online version of the journals will be distributed in the Mainland China by CHEP, whereas Springer is granted the right to host also the online versions of the journals in Mainland China on a non-exclusive basis.Both versions will be distributed exclusively by Spring

15、er in the rest of the world including Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau and Taiwan.With Memorandum of Understanding signed on January 21, 2005 both parties developed together a Mission Statement, objectives and goals that serve as the basis for the present co-publishing-agreement.On the

16、 mutual understanding and promises from the foregoing CHEP and Springer agree upon the following;1. OwnershipCHEP is the owner of the journals and copyrighted material published in the journals, and retains all rights to full control of the journals, except in matters as are hereinafter delegated to

17、 Springer for the term of this Agreement, The right to the title including cover design and typography is owned by CHEP and Springer,2. RightsCHEP grants Springer the exclusive right to distribute, sell, license and promote the printed edition throughout the world (excluding China) and to store and

18、disseminate, sell and license the online edition of the journals throughout the world, whereas both parties will host and distribute the online version of the journals via different hosts in China for the term of this agreement.CHEP grants Springer the exclusive right to hyperlink the online edition

19、s of the journals in whole or in part to other Springer scientific content or to third party bibliographic databases,CHEP grants Springer the exclusive right to sell subscription of the journals as well as combined products, i.e. bundled printed and online version and e-only product, i.e. online ver

20、sion only.CHEP grants Springer the exclusive right to advertise the journals to all appropriate worldwide markets, including but not limited to promoting the journals mailing brochures to prospective subscribers and planning promotional advertisements.3. CopyrightAlthough parties agree that copyrigh

21、t of single articles published originally in the Chinese language will remain with the authors CHEP assures that authors will transfer the exclusive publishing rights of the English version to both parties and that during the term of the journals will carry an imprint on the title page;Jointly publi

22、shed by CHEP, Beijing, China and SpringerSole distributor outside China; SpringerThe ISSN appears on the front cover and the copyright page including the barcode, CHEP will apply for the ISSN of the electronic versions of the journals.The names and logos of both parties shall appear on the cover of

23、each issue of the journals, This provision is valid for both printed and online issues.4. Frequency, Page Budgets and FormatsCHEP and Springer will agree separately on page budgets, number of articles in one issue, numbers of released issues per year, formats and all other technical details.The elec

24、tronic edition of the journals shall be published via Springers internet portal currently known as SpringerLink, Electronic files shall appear in PDF and/or HTML, formats,Changes in frequency, page budgets, numbers of released issues per year, also plans to publish cupplementary issues, formats and

25、all other technical details, including splitting and re-launching existing titles,May be determined by mutual agreement of the parties, Such changes should be agreed at least six month before the star of the year in which they are to apply.Springer may adjust the international subscription prices in

26、 order to reflect the additional content by means of supplementary issues.5. CHEPs ResponsibiltiyCHEP shall be responsible for the editorial work including selection, evaluating, translation and language editing of articles, typesetting and manufacturing (layout, selection of paper, printing and bin

27、ding) of the printed edition of the journals.CHEP shall appoint Editors-in-Chief who will be responsible for all day-to-day aspects of editorial development and who will exercise control over the material to appear in the journals,CHEP shall select editorial boards for the journals, to advise the Ed

28、itors-in-Chief on manuscript selection and to provide the necessary scientific expertise.CHEP also shall be responsible for providing Springer with electronic files prepared according to Springers instructions for all approved text and illustrations to be published in the online edition of the journ

29、als,CHEP shall work very closely together with the production department of Springer in order to achieve an excellent quality of the electronic files formats and the printed issues of the journals.CHEP will supply Springer in 2006 with copies of the printed version of each issue of the journals for

30、distribution outside of China.The number of copies will be determined according to the number of existing subscriptions outside of China and will be fixed by both parties in July of every year at the latest.CHEP agrees to provide Springer in 2006 additionally with 50 copies of each journal for marke

31、ting purposes.6. Springers ResponsibilitySpringer shall be responsible for the distribution of the printed and electronic version of the journals outside of China, Springer shall be responsible for the total cost of distribution.Springer shall pay a fee of 35%(thirty five percent) of the net proceed

32、s to CHEP.For the purpose of this agreement, net proceeds are defined as monies received from all sources and including but not limited to; subscriptions less any customary discounts to subscription agents (or other distribution partners) or discounts related to Springers ownInternal trading terms,

33、such discounts to be consistent with Springers entire journal program; income from Consortia Agreements, Reprint sales; Income from exercise of subsidiary rights.Springer shall provide CHEP with technical requirements of electronic files which should include information about metadata, headers. Abst

34、racts, citations and full text.Springer will invite stall of CHEP to Heidelberg in order to discuss technical requirements and workflow of journals.Springer shall be responsible for publishing the online editions of the journals by including the content in SpringerLink, the Internet platform of Spri

35、nger, Springer assures that the costs of electronic publication and distribution will be born by Springer.Springer shall deliver free copies of the printed version of the Journals and provide free access to the online versions to abstracting and indexing services.Springer shall publish, distribute a

36、nd promote the electronic version of the journals in the best interest of CHEP and shall ensure that the electronic articles of the journals are published and distributed no later than six weeks after receipts of the electronic files by Springer.7. SubscriptionsSpringer will handle the subscriptions

37、 outside of China.The regular subscription rate of the journals outside of China will be determined by Springer after consultation with CHEP.8. Subsidiary RightsSpringer shall have the right to license to any third party all print and online subsidiary rights associated with excerpting or adaptation

38、 of the journals, in whole or in part, for the purpose of producing compilations or other customized products tailored to specific market demands.9. Term and RenewalThis co-publishing agreement shall become effective upon final signature by the parties and remain in force for an initial term until p

39、ublication of the last issues of the journals for the volume year 2010. Thereafter, this agreement will automatically be extended for further 3-years-period unless notice is given 12 months prior to the end of the initial term.Both parties agree to that every effort should be made to achieve a good,

40、 long-term working relationship.10. JurisdictionAny differences arising between the two parties should be resolved through friendly consultations, If such consultations fail, in accordance with international arbitration rules, arbitration of the defendant country will be applicable, i.e. if the defe

41、ndant is Springer, jurisdiction shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany; if the defendant is CHEP, and jurisdiction shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China.11. Bi-Iingual versions of AgreementsParties agree that the co-publishing agreement will be translated into Chinese and both versions will be signed and valid.To signify their agreement to the terms outlined herein, both parties have signed and exchanged this duplicated co-publishing agreement._ _China Press Springer-Verlag GmbHBeijing._ Heidelberg,_

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