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1、XX LTD. BUSINESS PLANBUSINESS PLAN XXXX Ltd.AddressMobile:13000000000(86)0000-12345678Your Name DATE TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary1 Management2 Company History6 Product/Service Description8 Objectives10 Competitors11 Competitive Advantages12 Innovation14 Pricing15 Specific Markets16 Growth Str

2、ategy17 Market Size and Share18 Targeting New Markets19 Location20 Manufacturing Plan21 Research & Development22 Historical Financial Data23 Proforma Financial Data24 Proforma Balance Sheet27 Cost Control28 Effects of Loan or Investment30 Attachments31 Executive Summary My Company was formed as a pr

3、oprietorship, partnership, corporation in Month, Year in City, State, by John Doe in response to the following market conditions: Startup, growth opportunities exist in Product/Service. The need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets. I/We have several cu

4、stomers who are willing to place large orders,contracts within the next three months. Several other prospective customers/clients have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months. I/We previously owned a company that was active in the widget markets. Over the past few years I spen

5、t much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits. This plan is a result of that study. The basic components of this plan are: 1.Competitive pricing 2.Expand the markets 3.Increased advertising 4.Lower our unit costs, 5.Thereby achieving higher profits. 1.Sign contracts 2

6、.Increased advertising 3.Increase office staff To this end, I/we need investment from private individuals and/or companies. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. The company will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. The c

7、ompany will be run as a proprietorship, partnership, corporation. Financial Goals Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Sales $1,000,000 $1,400,000 $1,600,000 Net Income $25,000 $250,000 $375,000 Earnings per share .01 .12 .14 Management Name Title Experience Sales growth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years. Led m

8、arket in market share - 30%. Formulated advertising budgets & campaigns. Pioneered new distribution channels. Established national sales force. Established national repair & service centers. Brought new and innovative products to the market. Designed point-of-purchase materials. Education University

9、 of Boston Boston, MA B.A. - Computer Sciences Short Biographies President John Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer, and Director since February 1988 and President since January 1990. Mr. Doe was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the original operating company known as Random Excess, Inc. He ha

10、s had experience in the widget field with his own firm, John Doe Co., of Oshkosh (Wisconsin), from 1980 to 1987. This firm was sold to FatCat Widgets, Inc. in 1987. Mr. Doe has held a sales position with U S West Inc. since then. Mr. Doe graduated from the University of Colorado in 1981 with a bache

11、lors degree in philosophy. Mr. Doe is employed by the Company on a full-time basis. Chief Financial Officer Richard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Director. Mr. Roe joined Random Excess, Inc. in December 1988 as a corporate controller and was named Chief Financial Officer in July 1

12、989. Mr. Roe was appointed Treasurer and a Director in July 1990. He served as corporate controller of XYZ Lumber Company from August 1981 to December 1988. Mr. Roe graduated from Metropolitan State College in Denver, Colorado in 1976 with a bachelors degree in accounting. Since 1979 he has been lic

13、ensed as a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Colorado and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Roe is employed by the Company on a full-time basis. Vice President Joe Dokes, Secretary, Executive Vice President and Director. Mr. Dokes supervises the com

14、panys sales and implementations to its largest corporate customers, including US West, Great West Life Insurance, etc. Mr. Dokes has served as Secretary and a Director since February 1988, Vice President of Operations from February 1988 to December 1988, President of the Company from December 1988 t

15、o January 1990 and Vice President of Contract Sales since January 1990. He has been involved since 1986 with the private company originally formed as Random Excess, Inc., where his duties included managing the purchasing and sales department. From November 1984 to May 1986 he managed the sales depar

16、tment at Integrated Management Systems, Inc. From June 1983 to October 1984 he was a buyer for Adams County, Colorado, School District 50. Mr. Dokes attended Oklahoma State University in 1980 and 1981 and Trinidad State College in Trinidad, Colorado in 1981 and 1982. He did not receive a degree from

17、 either university. Mr. Dokes is employed by the Company on a full-time basis. Vice President Sally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing. Ms. Seaugh has been the Companys Vice President of Marketing since November 1988. From September 1986 to October 1988 she was involved in business development and m

18、arketing for United Bank of Aurora (Colorado). From February 1980 to August 1986 she was self-employed as an independent oil and gas landman. Ms. Seaugh graduated from the University of Denver in 1974 with a bachelors degree in Education. She is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.Responsib

19、ilities John Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer - Responsible for entire operation. Oversees management function and all other executives. Salary - $60,000. Richard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer - Responsible for financial operations, accounts payable, accounts receivable, interaction with auditors

20、, investor relations. Salary - $40,000 Joe Dokes, Executive Vice President - Responsible primarily for sales and sales support. Salary - $35,000 Sally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing. Responsible for marketing, human resources and training. Salary - $30,000. Total Executive Compensation $165,000.

21、This Page is for an Organization Chart, if applicable.Company History In Month, Year I/we formed a Product/Service company that manufactured start-of-the-art complex widgetry. This company was located in City, State. I/we formed this company as a proprietorship, partnership, corporation. Others invo

22、lved in this business were: names. The main goal of this company was to explain. Financing was arranged through home equity loans, savings, venture capital, friends and family, etc. Explain terms, rates and ability to repay. This venture was very successful in generating and increasing sales, but wa

23、s not effective in achieving profitability. The main reason for this was the amount of actual overhead experienced. This overhead was not initially anticipated by me at the beginning of that venture. Items including credit checking, warranty program management, extensive travel, maintaining warehous

24、e stock and the management and expense of a national sales force were expenses not originally forecast or expected. With this level of overhead, it was mathematically impossible to achieve profitability. or: This venture was very successful in generating and increasing sales, as well as effective in

25、 achieving profitability. This was due to the following reasons: Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3 OR: My Company was recently conceived and is still in the beginning stages. To this point the following has been accomplished: A team consisting of list names and primary responsibility. (i.e John Doe - Marke

26、ting) has been formed. A prospective customer/client list has been drawn up. Strategy meetings are being held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. This business plan has been drawn up. Now link the past to the future - why a former company will lead into this one or how your present company

27、and history will lead into any future plans. A short paragraph should suffice. We are now able to adequately address the markets we have targeted. We have adjusted our staff, redirected our advertising and sales force, and have added the products necessary to meet the needs and expectations of our c

28、ustomers.Product/Service Description My Company intends to offer product/service. This product/service offers our customers the best possible solution as it: Offers the lowest price on the market Is the most technically advanced Offers more useful features Saves them time and money Offers our users

29、better value per dollar spent Provides an alternative way to achieve a similar task. Provides a service which is not presently available in this area. Is strengthened by a team with combined experience of XX years. Saves them time and money Provides an alternative, cost effective way for them to rea

30、lize a similar goal. We have a copyright, service mark, trademark or exclusive agency, marketing rights for this product/service. This agency will last until XXX at which time it may be extended for XX years or terminated. This agency agreement is cancelable upon XX days written notice. The product/

31、service has a useful life of XX years. To distribute this product so that it remains usable for our customers, we must use the following methods of storage and transportation: 1.Overnight delivery 2.Cold storage 3.Incorporate preservatives 4.Shipment within two weeks to distributors. 5.Specially pad

32、ded boxcars. Even though the technology used to create this product is new, we expect that others will be able to substantially reproduce our patented results within XX years. To remain on the leading edge of this product, we will need to devote approximately XX% of revenues toward research and deve

33、lopment. Also due to the fast changing nature of this industry, we will need to retrofit these machines within XX years at customer expense. Our manufacturing plan has considered this. If general service to be offered is not obvious, such as carpet cleaning, sales rep, lawn care, consulting, etc. ex

34、plain what service is. Then give a detailed description of your particular service and its uniqueness. Short Examples: 1. Our carpet cleaning machinery is state-of-the-art. 2. Our consulting practice will address these specialized areas: list 3. We will only rep these specific product lines. list Ev

35、en though at this time our expertise is unique in the marketplace, we expect advances to be made and competitors to arise and offer similar services. We will meet this challenge by: 1.Hiring staff specialized in these new areas. 2.Increase our continuing education and training expense. 3.Adding comp

36、lementary lines. 4.Make regular investments in new equipment.Objectives Long Term My Company believes very strongly in technical, financial, business and moral excellence. To secure a stable future for all those connected with My Company we have set the following long term goals: Present market is e

37、stimated at $XXX. Our goal for market share is XX%. We want to be considered by our peers to be the market leader in sales as evidenced by: Trade industry awards High end of scale in financial ratios Major market share Technical excellence (awards, honors, etc.) Community involvement (Rotary, United

38、 Way, etc.) Short Term Market share goals - 1.First Year XX% 2.Second Year XX% 3.Third Year XX% 4.Fourth Year XX% Decrease, Maintain costs through acquisition of new plant and equipment. Increase productivity by investing in employee training and education. 1.Budget for complete computer training fo

39、r appropriate applications. 2.Set up, Maintain employee benefit program for continuing college education. 3.Budget for necessary seminars and/or continuing job-specific education. 4.Maintain state-of-the-art accounting system for careful tracking. 5.Monthly reports on financial status vis-a-vis the

40、industry. 6.Aggressive recruitment of the best technical staff in the industry. 7.Support company involvement in various local and national charity events.Competitors Name Address City, State Strengths: Location - next door to supplier factory, on major artery, close to terminal, etc. Pricing - Low

41、cost producer, known for aggressive pricing policy. Delivery - ships overnight to anywhere in the world. Management - Everyone has an MBA from Harvard. Weaknesses Service - takes more than 3 months to receive spare parts. Dedication - If its sunny, theyre on the golf course or ski slope. Machinery -

42、 Slowly approaching obsolescence unless replaced within six months. Overhead - Spend lavishly on corporate dining room, limousines and champagne.Competitive Advantages The distinctive competitive advantages which My Company brings to this market are: Experience in this market. I/we have XXX years of

43、 hands-on experience in this industry. Sophistication in finance and distribution. This results in my being the low cost supplier in these price sensitive markets. The philosophy of My Company is to price not just according to our costs, but also according to what the market will pay. Our targeted m

44、inimum gross profit margin for a category must be XX%. By pricing to the market, I/we will achieve higher sales and therefore increase my buying power. As the amounts of my purchases increase, my per unit costs of shipping decrease and I/we will achieve higher discount levels from my suppliers. Thro

45、ugh these economies of scale, many items currently on the market can be sold with lower prices, yet a higher net profit. Product pricing will include a range of quantity discounts as well as an early payment discount. Rather than being strictly regional, I/we will expand into the national market. To

46、 control foreign exchange risks, I/we will monitor the markets and hedge accordingly. I/we will also use overseas bank accounts. With those companies with which I/we have established a relationship or are known to be financially secure, I/we will work on a pre-pay basis. This allows me greater discounts. A level and policy of Capitalization that will allow me to fully address the respective markets with comprehensive marketing and customer service plans. By keeping my overhead low, I/we will be able to funnel my profits back into operations thu

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