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1、初三英语总复习笔记七年级(上)Unit 1复习要点短语和句子1、Good morning/Good afternoon/evening.早上/下午/晚上好2、(Its)Nic e to meet/see you.=(Ifs)Good to meet/see you.=(Im)Glad to meet/see you=(Im)Pleased to meet/see you=(Im)Happy to meet/see you.很高兴见到你3、Welc ome to Ch ina 欢迎到中国来.4、Th anks/Th ank you.谢谢5、Youre welc ome./Th at,s all

2、righ t(OK).不用谢,6、Stand up.起立 Sit d own.坐下7、Th is is 介绍第三者的用语,复数用Th ese are.8、How d o you d o?您好 9、How are you?您好吗?How is sh eh e?她他好吗?10 Im fine.我很好。11、Wh ats your/h is/h er name?=May I know/h ave your/h is/h er name?Could you please tell me your/h is/h er name?你/他/她叫什么名字?12 My name is Jane.我名叫简13、W

3、h ere are you from?=Wh ere d o you c ome from?Wh ere is h e/sh e from?=Wh ere d oes h e/sh e c ome from?你/他/她/他们来自哪里?14、I am/He(Sh e)is/Th ey are from Canad a/Japan/th e U.S.A/England/Cub a/Ch ina.我/他/她/他 们来自加拿大/日本/美国/英国/古巴/中国。15、Ch eers.干杯 16、How old are you?你几岁了?17、Im five(years old)我五岁了 18、Wh ats

4、 your ph one numb er?你的电话号码是多少?My teleph one numb er is.=Ifs.19 Wh at c lass/grad e are you/is h e/sh e in?你/他/她在哪个班级/年级?20 I am/He/Sh e is in Class Four,Grad e One.我/他/她在一年级四班。21、Wh o is th at?那是谁?22、Th at,s Luc y 那是露西。.23 Wh ats th is/th at in English?Ifs.这/那用英语怎么表达?24 Th is/Th at is an orange 这/那

5、是一个桔子。.25、Wh at are th ese/th ose?这/那些是什么?26 Th ey are sc h oolb ags/b ooks/b uses.它们是书包/书/公共汽车。27 Is th is/th at a teleph one?这/那是一部电话吗?28、Yes,it is.No,it isnt.29 Are th ese/th ose penc ils?这些是铅笔吗?30、Yes,th ey are.No,th ey arent.31、How d o you spell it 你是怎么拼写它的?M一A一P,map.32、Can you spell it?Yes,M一A

6、P,map.33、Exc use me.请问,打扰了34、in th e same c lass 在相同的班级 35、good friend 好朋友36、.Mr.Mrs Miss Ms用于姓之前(Mr.表示先生,是对中年男子的尊称,婚否不限 Mrs表示夫人,是对中年已婚女子的称呼:Ms,是对不知婚否女子的称呼;Miss是对未婚女 子或老师的称呼)语法1、b e中am、is、are的基本用法,区别及其引导的一般疑问句和回答.am接在I之后,is放在单数的名词或代词之后,are放在复数的名词或代词之后,否定句在 b e后加not,一般疑问句将b e提前。回答:Yes,人称代词+b e./No,人称

7、代词+b e+not.He is Mr.Ch en.He is not Mr.Ch en.Is h e Mr.Ch en?Yes,h e is./No,h e is not.I am a stud ent.I am not a stud ent.Are you a stud ent?Yes,I am./No,I am not.Th ey are teac h ers.Th ey are not teac h ers.Are th ey teac h ers?Yes,th ey are./No,th ey are not.30天学不会英语无效退款 宫方网站2.名词的复数:1)一般在名词词尾加一s

8、 c ar-c ars;appleapples2)以 s,x,c h,sh 结尾的词,在词尾加-es,如:b ox-b oxes;b usb uses;watc h-watc h es.3)部分国人的复数:以an结尾的单词,在词尾加一s;以结尾的单词,单复数同形。如:Ch ineseCh inese,Japanese-Japanese,Americ an-Americ ans Brazilian-Brazilians,Canad ian-Canad ians.3)以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i再加es,如:family-families.5)以 fe、f 结尾,变 fe、f 为 ve 再加 s,

9、如:life-lives.6)特殊情况,如:mouse-mic e;foot-feet,toothteeth,Ch ineseCh inese,Japanese-Japanese3.基数词的表达:0一100 zero one two th ree four five six seven eigh t nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen nineteen twenty twenty-one thirty.forty.fifty.axty.4.a,an,th e的用法:a/an都表示“一,一个”,如果

10、单词的音标是元音音标开始的,我们在前 用 an,an apple/a u;/an sUnit 2 Looking Differentsmall-b ig/large/wid eyoung-old1.a small noselong-sh ort new-old一个小鼻子3.longsh ort h air 长/短头发5.round fac es 圆脸7.guess again 再猜9.h ave a sister 有一个姐妹Tope 1b lac k-wh itetall-sh ort2.a b ig h ead 一个大头4.a wid e mouth 一个大嘴巴6.your favorite

11、 movie star你最喜爱的电影明星8.a good stud ent 一个好学生10.h er/h is name 他/她的名字11.in th e same sc h ool 在同一所学校 12.in d ifferent grad es 在不同的年级13.Yourfac e is long.=14.His h air is sh ort.=15.Do you h ave long h air?Yes,I d o.No,I d ont.Yes,we d o.No,we d on t.16.Does sh e/h e h ave b ig eyes?Yes,sh e/h e d oes.

12、No,sh e/h e d oesn t.17.Do th ey h ave new friend s?Yes,th ey d o.No,th ey d on t.10.1 know.我知道I d on t know.我不知道。I see.我明白11.r m th irteen years old.=1 m 13 years old.=F m 13.=I m th irteen.Ibpic21.Wh at d oes sh e look like?她看起来怎么样?2.th at b oy那个男孩3.my friend我的朋友4.look th e same=h ave th e same lo

13、oks 看起来一样5.look d ifferent=h ave d ifferent looks 看起来不一样6.b lond h air and b lue h air 金发碧眼 7.good friend 好朋友8.表示颜色的词语:Wh ats 颜色 and 颜色?Its.9.关于颜色的提问:Wh at c olor?Wh at c olor is th e skirt?-It s wh ite.Wh at c olor are th e sh irts?-Th ey are wh ite.30天学不会英语无效退款 宫方网站10.give someth ing to someb od y

14、=give someb od y someth ing 给某人某物Give th e b ook to Maria=Give Maria th e b ook.把书给 Maria.11.sh ort brown hair 12.look at th e ph oto pic ture 看着这张照片13.look(at)=h ave a look(at)14.th e girl in yellow=th e girl in a green skirt15.in可表示“用某种语言在.里面,穿着”in English in th e morning afternoon evening in a gr

15、een c ar in a red c oat in red16.wh ic h疑问词的使用Wh ic h girl?Th e girl in red.哪个女孩?穿红色衣服的那个女孩。Wh ic h b ag?Th e b lue one.哪个包?蓝色那个。18.区别h as/h ave与am/is/are的用法:h as/h ave表示有,某人有某物”,am/is/are表示“是 即“是.”19.有实意动词的一般现在时态的用法:动词原形第三人称单数形式1)直接加“s,如:make-makes;c omec omes.2)动词以 o,s,c h,sh,x 结尾,再后加es”,如:d o-d o

16、es;watc hwatc h es;wishwish es;nis s-misses;guess-guesses3)特殊情况,如:h ave-h as;4)辅音字母+y,把 y 改为 i,加一es,如:Stud y-stud ies20.句型转换:1)主语为第三人称单数,否定句,在动词前加d oesnt,再把动词改回原形,一般疑问句,在句首加d oes,再把动词改回原形,回答,Yes,人称代词+d oes。/No,人称代词+d oesHiot。Sh e h as small eyes.Sh e d oesnt h ave small eyes.Does sh e h ave small ey

17、es?Yes,sh e d oes./No,sh e d oesnt.2)主语为除第三人称单数之外的人称,否定句,在动词前加d ont,一般疑问句,在句首加d o,回答,Yes,人称代词+d o./No,人称代词+d o+not。Th ey h ave small eyes.Th ey d ont h ave small eyes.Do th ey h ave small eyes?Yes,th ey d o./No,th ey d ont.21.选择疑问句:选择疑问句是个一般疑问句+or+与or前同类型的单词,我们不能用Yes/N。来回答,要在or前后两种情况中选择一种回答。Is h e t

18、all or sh ort?-He is tall.Does sh e h ave a pen or a penc il?Sh e h as a penc il.Tdihc31.名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的用法区别:因为名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代 词的汉语意思是一样的,名词性物中代词可独立他用,后而不要跟名词:形容词性物不代词 不可独立使用,后面要跟名词。如:It is my sh irt.=It is mine.my为形容词性物主代词,mine 为名词性物主代词,your,h is,h er,our,its,th eir,my等都属于形容词性物主代词,形容词性物 主代词通常置于名词

19、前,修饰限定名词,作定语;而名词性物主代词(mine,yours,h is,h ers,its,ours,th eirs)相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词,当主语,宾语,或表语;“如:Is th is your c oat?=Is th is c oat yours?这是你的大衣吗?2.wh ose c ap is it?3.Its Sallys.4.名词的所有格:5.Wh ose jac ket is th is?=30天学不会英语无效退款 宫方网站6.Is it your jac ket?=7.a new c lassmate 一个新同学 8.in d ifferent c loth es

20、穿不同的衣服9.find th is man 找到这位男子10.h elp us find h im 帮助我们找到他11.h elp sb(to)d o sth帮助某人做某事Unit 3 Getting TogetherTonic 1 Do you like the English corner?核心词汇:c ould,tell,sure,c all,any,stud y,prob lem,speak,live,say,want,visit,often,h elpful,c lassmate,poor,常用词组:for sh ort,English c orner,pen pal,th e G

21、reat Wall,not.at all,a little重点句型:1.Do you like th e English c orner?2.May I stud y English with you?3.Do you like pets?交际用语:1.-Exc use me.Could you please tell me your name?-Sure.My name is Mic h ael.2.-May I know your name?-No prob lem.Tm.语法精粹:1.d o和d oes引导的一般疑问句及其肯定和否定回答;一般现在时的第三人称单数Do you h ave

22、any friend s h ere?Yes,I d o./No,I d ont.Does h e speak Ch inese?Yes,h e d oes./No,h e d oesnt.2.人称代词的运用。I like it very muc h.You c an c all me Mike for sh ort.3.情态动词may与c ould的运用。Topic 2 This is a photo of my famiM核心词汇:yourselves,glad,parent,b oth,offic e,worker,d river,farmer,c ook,work,farm,h osp

23、ital,d rive,aunt,unc le,grand parent,grand moth er,son,d augh ter常用词组:c ome in,at h ome,h ave a seat,on a farm,in a sc h ool/a h ospital/an offic e,a ph oto of,family tree,look after重点句型:1.Come in and make yourselves at h ome.2.Wh at a nic e plac e!3.Please h ave a seat.4.My grand moth er lives with

24、 us and looks after Rose at h ome.交际用语:1.-Wh at d oes your moth er d o?-Sh e is a teac h er.2.-Wh at d o your parents d o?-Th ey are b oth offic e workers.3.-Wh at d o you d o?-Tm a stud ent.4.-Wh ere d oes sh e work?-Sh e works in a sc h ool30天学不会英语无效退款 宫方网站语法精粹:一般现在时含有助动词d o/d oes的特殊疑问句,询问职业和工作场所。

25、Wh at d o/d oes.d o?Wh ere d o/d oes.work?Topic 3 W(Mild you like something to drink?核心词汇:food,fish,meat,c h ic ken,ric e,vegetab le,nood le,h amb urger,b read,d umpling,d rinks:d rink,tea,milk,water,juic emeals:b reakfast,lunc h,supper,d inneroth ers:wh y,take,wait,someth ing,eat,love,more,full,man

26、y常用词组:,would like,wh at ab out,a c up of tea,wh y not.,wait a moment,someth ing to d rink/eat,a b owl of nood les,h ave d inner with.,h elp oneself to.,some more.重点句型:1.-Wh at would you like to h ave?2.-Would you like someth ing to eat/d rink?3.-Would you like to h ave d inner with me?交际用语:1.Help yo

27、urselves./Help yourselves to some fish.2.May I take your ord er?3.Wait a moment,please.4.Let me see.5.Wh y not h ave some fish and eggs?6.Good id ea.7.Th ey are very friend ly.语法精粹:,可数名词和不可数名词Unit 4 Having FunTonic 1 Ifow much is it?核心词汇:mad am,try,b uy,th irty,ninety,h und red,pair,store,need,few,t

28、h ing,salt,kilo,b ottle,everyth ing,list重点句型:1.I want some c loth es for my d augh ter.2.Would you like some sugar or b read?3.I d ont want any sugar.交际用语:1.Wh at c an I d o for you?2.Th anks a lot.3.Not at all.4.May/Can I h elp you?5.How muc h is it?6.Ifs only 70 yuan.7.Um just looking.8.Wh at d o

29、you th ink of th is pair of running sh oes?9.I d ont like th em at all.10.Are you kid d ing?30天学不会英语无效退款 宫方网站语法精粹:1.some,any 的使用。2.可数名词与不可数名词。Topic 2 Would you like to go for a Ncnic?核心词汇:free,Sund ay,pic nic,forget,guitar,swim,plan,kite,message,ask,b ac k,pard on,afraid,wrong,sing,song,fun,fly,c ar

30、ry,next常用词组:for a pic nic,go swimming,go sh opping,speak to,take a message,ask sb.to d o sth.,tell.ab out.give me a c all,h ave to,Frenc h fries 重点句型:1.Dont forget to b ring your guitar.2.May I speak to Maria?3.Could you ask h im to give me a c all?交际用语:1.-Hello.-Hello,Jane!Th is is Kangkang.-Are yo

31、u free th is Sund ay?-Yes,Wh afs up?-Would you like to go to West Hill fora pic nic?2.May I speak to Maria?3.Can I take a message?4.Yes,th anks.Could you ask h er to c all me b ac k th is evening?5.Sure.6.Pard on?7.Steve,h ow ab out flying a kite with me?8.Id love to,b ut Im afraid I h ave no time.9

32、.Id like th at,th anks.10.Wh at ab out h aving a pic nic with old Mc d onald tomorrow?Topic 3 What are your favorite animals?核心词汇:x)o,great,animal,eleph ant,lion,pand a,c lever,h orse,pig,past,quarter,h alf,star,b ed,h omework,wateh常用词组:h ave time,next time,start sc h ool,get up,watc h TV,on ones wa

33、y重点句型:1.Im afraid Ill h ave no time.2.Wh at animals d o you like b est?3.Ifs time to go h ome.4.I c ant find my way h ome.交际用语:,.1.Wh at time is it,please?/Wh ats th e time,please?2.Its one oc loc k./Its a quarter past one./Its twenty to two.3.Wh ats wrong with you?4.See you next time.5.Here we are.

34、30天学不会英语无效退款 宫方网站6.Ifs very kind of you to h elp us.语法精粹:1.时间表达方式。七年级下册Unit 5 School LifeTwic 1 How do you usually go to school?核心词汇:gate,plane,train,sh ip,b oat,group,taxi,weekd ay,early,c atc h,walk,rid e,park,game,tod ay,life,b reak,finish,b asketb all,read,c lean,h ouse,lib rary,music,week,liste

35、n,never,sometimes,every,onc e,twic e,wh ic h常用词组:th e same to,on foot,in ones free time,h ave a sh ort b reak,c lean th e h ouse,listen to music 重点句型:1.Li Xiang often rid es a b ike to sc h ool.2.We want to know ab out th e sc h ool life of Americ an stud ents.3.Sh e h as b reakfast with h er parent

36、s.4.Work must c ome first.5.Th e early b ird c atc h es th e worm.交际用语:1.-Happy New Year!-Th e same to you.2.-Do you often read b ooks in th e lib rary?-Yes,I d o./No,I d ont.3.-How often d o you go to th e lib rary?-Th ere times a week.语法精粹:一般现在时Topic 2 She is reading in the library.核心词汇:playground

37、,lab,room,gym,c lassroom,b uild ing,pool,c ard,soon,ph ysic s,b orrow,sh elf,c ourse,keep,return,pleasure,purse,money,else,plan,c enter,left,attention,news,b etween,movie,sh ow,program,world,stamp,exerc ise,b ec ause,talk,Japanese,wond erful 常用词组:of c ourse,lost and found,in th e c enter of,next to,

38、on th e playground,at th e moment,look for,return.to.,b et ween.and.,talk with/to.,th e Great Wall,at th e b ac k of.重点句型:1.He likes playing soc c er b est.2.He is sleeping at th e moment.3.Would you like to play b asketb all?4.May I b orrow a few Renai projec t English workb ooks?5.You must return

39、th em on time.6.Here is th e news.7.He looks h appy,b ec ause h e loves swimming.交际用语:1.-Are you d oing your h omework?-Yes,I am./No,Tm not.2.-Wh at d oes Kangkang like d oing b est?-He likes playing soc c er b est.3.-How long c an I keep th em?-Two weeks.30天学不会英语无效退款 宫方网站4.-Th ank you.-Ifs a pleasu

40、re.语法精粹:现在进行时的用法。Topic 3 y school life is very interesting.核心词汇:sub jec t,h istory,math,art,geograph y,P.E.,sc ienc e,Mond ay,Tuesd ay,Wed nesd ay,Th ursd ay,Frid ay,Feb ruary,meeting,lesson,d raw,learn,easy,interesting,d iffic ult,b oring,useful,h ard,wish,story 常用词组:work on,learn ab out,th ink of,

41、not.at all,b e friend ly to sb.some oth er,and so on,learn.from.重点句型:1.How many lessons d oes h e h ave every d ay?2.Wh at time is sc h ool over in th e afternoon?3.Wh ats your favorite sub jec t?4.I d ont like math at all.5.Wh at d o you th ink of English?6.My teac h ers are very friend ly to me.7.

42、Can you tell me someth ing ab out your sc h ool life?8.I c an learn a lot from it.9.Th ank you for your h ard work.交际用语:1.-Wh at d ay is it tod ay?-It is Wed nesd ay.2.-Wh at c lass are th ey h aving?-Th ey are h aving a music c lass.3.-Wh at time d oes th e c lass b egin?-At ten o c loc k.4.-Wh ic

43、h sub jec t d o you like b est?-1 like h istory b est.5.-Wh y d o you like it?-Bec ause its easy and interesting.6.-How many lessons d oes h e h ave every d ay?-Six.7.-Wh ats your favorite sub jec t?-Music.I th ink its interesting.8.Best wish es!语法精粹:1.特殊疑问句。2.现在进行时与一般现在时用法的比较。Unit 6 Our Loc al Area

44、Tbnic 1 Is there a computer in your study?核心词汇:b ed room,sec ond,upstairs,kitc h en,gard en,c ousin,front,lamp,c loc k,floor,tab le,put,key,away,b eh ind,wind ow,mod el,und er,river,b eautiful,b ath room,d raw钝 keyb oard常用词组:next to,in front to,play with,h ave a look,h ow many,look after,put away 重点

45、句型:1.Is th ere a c omputer in your stud y?2.You must look after your th ings.3.Th erere many b eautiful flowers in th e gard en.4.But th ere arent any trees in it.交际用语:1.Welc ome to my new h ouse,Maria.30天学不会英语无效退款 宫方网站2.Wh y not go upstairs and h ave a look?3.Dont put th em h ere.Put th em away,ple

46、ase.4.Lets go and h ave a look.语法精粹:1.th ere b e 结构(I)2 h ow many 句型To百c 2 Whats your home like?核心词汇:c ountrysid e,month,noon,furniture,quiet,single,neigh b or,b ank,street,museum,supermarket,station,mail,restaurant,h ear,piano,loud,really,end,road,area,c lose,c h ild,far,servic e,stop,fan,line,b ad

47、,someone,c h ec k,move,c ity,c ost,traffic,yard常用词组:Family of th ree,post offic e,ac c ord ing to,keep money,parking lot,at th e end of,a lot of,c lose to,far from,righ t now重点句型:1.Wh afs your h ome like?2.You c an rent your single room to Bob for 280 per month.3.I h ear you playing th e piano.4.Th

48、ere are a lot of tall b uild ings and small gard ens in our c ommunity.5.Th ere is someth ing wrong with my kitc h en fan.6.Ill get someone to c h ec k it righ t now.7.Th e traffic is h eavy and th e c ost of living is h igh.交际用语:1.Wh ats your h ome like?2.Would you like me to h elp you?3.Wh ats th

49、e matter?4.Im afraid ifs too loud.5.Fm really sorry ab out th at.6.My kitc h en fan d oesnt work.7.I c ant h ear you.Th e line is b ad.语法精粹:Th ere b e结构(II)Topic 3 Which is the way to the post office?核心词汇:town,along,turn,ac ross,b rid ge,meter,until,miss,kilometer,sh ould,c h ange,pub lic,ligh t,d a

50、nger,h urt,d ie,ac c id ent,ruler,b efore,c ross,speed,c areful,late,wh ai fast,tic ket常用词组:ac ross from,all th e same,th e way to,c h ange to,go straigh t,get h urt,wait for,b e c areful,away from交际用语:1.How c an I get to.?2.Go along Xinh ua Street and turn left at th e first street.3.Could you tell

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