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1、Lesson 21:At the MarketUnit 4 Food and Restaurants初中英语冀教版七年级第1页Have you ever been to the morning market?你曾经去过早市吗?第2页cabbagewatermelongrapecarrotpearWhat do the markets sell?早市上卖什么?第3页 New words1.市场2.葡萄3.胡萝卜4.洋白菜5.西瓜6.甜7.梨1.market2.grape3.corrat4.cabbage5.watermelon6.sweet7.pear第4页uLook at the pictur

2、es and fill in the blanks.1._ are my favourite.They are sweet.2.Lets buy a _ at the market.3.I like to eat _ in soup.Grapes watermeloncabbage第5页Listen and fill.Li Ming:This is the morning market,Jack.Many people buy _ and _ here.Do you like _ and _?Jack:Yes,I like _ very much._ are my favourite.Li M

3、ing:I like _._ are my favourite.fruitvegetablesfruitvegetablesvegetablesPotatoesfruitGrapes第6页Look at the carrots.They are big.Do you like cabbage?Yes,I like cabbage.In Canada,we eat cabbage in salads.第7页The pears dont look good.How about the apples?The apples look good.第8页1.Li Ming likes fruit.Grap

4、es are his favourite.()2.In China,people like to eat cabbage in salads.()3.The apples dont look good,but the pears look good.()T T F uRead and write true(T)or false(F).第9页uImportant sentences:1.Li Ming takes Jack to the morning market.李明带杰克去早市。2.Potatoes are my favourite.土豆是我最喜欢。3.I like to eat cabb

5、age in soup.我喜欢汤里洋白菜。4.Lets buy a watermelon.让我们去买一个西瓜吧。5.The pears dont look good,but the apples look good.那些梨看上去不太好,但苹果看上去不错。第10页uLanguage points“my favourite+名词”表示“我最喜欢”。1.Potatoes are my favourite.e.g.my favourite colour my favourite food第11页Do you like?表示“你喜欢吗?”2.Do you like fruit and vegetable

6、s?必定回答:Yes,I do.否定回答:No,I dont.e.g.Do you like English?Yes,I do./No,I dont.第12页uWork in groups.Interview your classmates and fill in the table.Do you like?Jim CarrotsPearsGrapesWatermelons第13页uAsk and answerDo you like?fruitvegetables第14页Do you like?uAsk and answer第15页uMake up a dialogue.Do you like

7、 carrots?Yes,I do./Yes,I like them very much.Do you like pears?Yes,I do./Yes,I like them very much.第16页uPractice 1.早市_2.看_3.What would you like?I want _ grapes.A.much B.little C.some D.anymorning marketlook atC第17页4.Are they_?Yes,they are.A.tomato B.tomatoes C.tomatos D.tomatose5.I like to eat fish and tofu(豆腐)_soup.A.at B.in C.to D.withBB第18页

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