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1、Wilkins also said: “provided one knows the appropriate vocabulary, communication in a foreign language may not be very difficult. Without vocabulary, however, it is next to impossible.” (Wilkins, 1978) Krashen clearly indicated “vocabulary is of prime concern in the second language settings because

2、it plays a dominant role in classroom success.” (Krashen, 1989) In a word, Vocabulary is one of the most fundamental means for the language learning and also the preconditions of the language application. The more vocabulary one owns, the more easily it is possible for him to express better. The imp

3、ortance of vocabulary knowledge in learning a second language is nicely summed up by McCarthy (2001, p. 2).He concluded that vocabulary forms the biggest part of the meaning of any languages, and vocabulary is the biggest part of the meaning of any languages, and vocabulary is the biggest problem fo

4、r most learners. 1.2.2 The purpose of the studyAlthough many studies have been conducted on VLS, few researches have been done to combine VLS with the Multi-media and Internet environment, which would possibly make learners vocabulary learning better. Furthermore, by reviewing the relevant studies a

5、broad and at home, the researcher found that few studies are mainly concerned on the vocabulary learning strategies used by Non-English majors. The purpose of this study is to explore the overall pattern of VLS adopted by Non-English major in the Internet and Multi-media environment, to find out whe

6、ther there exists different tendency among the facets of listening, speaking, reading and writing and lastly to conclude the main obstacles among these students during VLS in the Internet and Multi-media environment, so as to enable their vocabulary learning process more efficiently and smoothly.1.3

7、 General frameThis essay consists of five chapters. Chapter one provides a brief introduction in which the research background and the research questions are proposed and the arrangement of the essay is outlined. Chapter two offers literature review on previous studies on vocabulary learning strateg

8、y, the development of computer-assisted language learning and vocabulary learning strategy adopted in Multi-media and Internet environment. Chapter three describes the research design, which includes research subjects, method, the instruments applied to the investigation, the procedure, and research

9、 results. Chapter four presents and analyzes the data obtained through the questionnaire, and the results are discussed so as to answer the proposed questions. Chapter five draws a conclusion to the whole thesis. It sums up the findings and points out some recommendations for future study.Chapter Tw

10、o Literature Review2.1 The previous researches on VLSSince the learning strategies provide learners an effective way to promote their language learning, they should be applied in every field of language learning, such as listening strategies, reading strategies, vocabulary strategies, speaking and c

11、ommunication strategies, and writing strategies. Among those strategies, vocabulary strategies are considered as the important ones of them. (Carter & McCarthy, 1988) But most of learners, especially Non-English majors still cannot find an appropriate way to learn vocabulary due to various reasons.

12、So many investigations have been made towards VLS. A number of different learning strategies for increasing vocabulary have been researched across these years. These include but are not limited to repetition, using the semantic network, inferring the meaning of words from context, using dictionaries

13、, using keyword method and using word list.2.1.1 The definition of VLSBased on Oxfords definition, vocabulary learning strategy can be defined as specific actions, behaviors, steps or techniques that learners use in order to help the result of their learning in inputting and outputting the vocabular

14、y of the target language. (Oxford, 1990) As a subject of learning strategies, vocabulary learning strategies no doubt share the common features of learning strategies in principle. To make the present study more operational, the author of this thesis uses a tentative definition of vocabulary learnin

15、g strategies based on the Oxfords vocabulary learning strategies, which are specific and learnable actions taken by the learner to directly or indirectly make vocabulary learning easier, faster, more effective, and more transferable to new situation.2.1.2 The classification of VLS In the area of VLS

16、 research, because there are different bases and criteria, it can be concluded that no classification is perfect, and any individual strategy may be into one category or another according to the aspect of focus. However, vocabulary learning strategies are more or less consistent in including some co

17、ncrete strategies, such as repetition, memory strategies and some Metacognitive strategies, such as monitoring. The classification of this thesis would like to adopt is that proposed by Gu & Johnson, which is also the most favorable and widely adopted one, especially in China:Gu and Johnson (1996, p

18、p. 643-679) establish two main dimensions of vocabulary learning strategies: Metacognitive and cognitive strategies. Metacognitive strategies are defined as a conscious overview of the learning process and making decisions about planning, monitoring, or evaluating the best ways to study. The former

19、includes selective attention and self-initiation and the latter covers six subcategories: contextual guessing, dictionary, note-taking, memory, rehearsal, encoding, and activating, all of which can be further subcategorized. 2.1.3 Previous research on VLS abroadNowadays, vocabulary study is developi

20、ng rapidly. Many aspects of vocabulary learning have effectively been concerned about. They are mainly listed as follows:(1) Vocabulary acquisition: Krashen (1982) suggested that to remember a new word successfully, one should encounter it seven times continually. R.J. Alexander (1984) claimed that

21、learners benefit a lot from three “Cs”: collocation, connotation and context when learning vocabulary. (2) Techniques, methods and strategies in vocabulary learning: such aspects of vocabulary are now attracting researchers attention. There are a large number of research articles in this field. Alle

22、n (1983) in Guidelines for vocabulary teaching gave some useful methods of vocabulary learning, such as: learning the usages of words in situation and context, encouraging students to guess words in context and making good use of their background knowledge. (3) Context and vocabulary: since 1920s, r

23、esearchers (Cater & McCarthy, 1988) have taken consideration into how context works in language learning and teaching. They put forward the concept of context and raised the concept of register, which refers to language environment. They defined context as form and context of text, setting, particip

24、ants, and needs and so on. 2.1.4 Research on VLS at home With the realization that vocabulary is an important aspect in language learning and the assumption that learning strategies may influence vocabulary learning outcome, many empirical studies have been conducted in recent years.(1) Gu and Johns

25、on (1996:643-679) presented a general picture of vocabulary learning strategies with 850 sophomore non-English majors from Beijing Normal University as their subjects. Their study came to the conclusion that the participants generally did not dwell on memorization, which was a popular belief about A

26、sian learners. (2) Wang Wenyu (1998) also employed a quantitative approach to investigating the relationship between vocabulary learning beliefs and learning strategies and the retention of English vocabulary with 50 Chinese university students as her subjects. This study demonstrates that Chinese E

27、EL learner believed that vocabulary was deliberately learned instead of being acquired naturally; students were found to use a series of strategies to facilitate relation while learning English vocabulary items; there was a significant correlation between students achievements in a vocabulary recall

28、 test and their use of memory strategies.(3) Wen and Johnson (1997) concluded that vocabulary learning strategies and mother tongue avoidance strategies had positive effects upon English language proficiency.In addition, more aspects of vocabulary have been concerned. Researchers also give more atte

29、ntion to exercises of vocabulary, principles, problems and issues, and mental processes involved in vocabulary learning. 2.2 Previous researches on the development of Multi-media and InternetAs Multi-media and Internet assisting learning covers a broad range of activities, it is difficult for us to

30、describe it as a single idea or simple research agenda. It surely involves issues like materials design, technological development, function popularization, actual practice, and pedagogical theories.Firstly, Language learning is a complicated process including reading, listening, speaking and writin

31、g, therefore, the Internet and Multi-media instrument, especially the computer should touch upon these areas and make it possible for language learners to be fully involved.Secondly, Multi-media and Internet assisting learning can be employed in many ways, both in and out of the classroom. Language

32、labs and computer centers are no longer the exclusive place for computer practice. Nowadays, Multimedia classrooms equipped with computers provide students with a convenient environment to learn language. With advanced equipment and new teaching mode, students can be exposed to the target language w

33、henever they want to.Besides, the prevalence of World Wide Web makes language learning a more accessible and flexible activity. Network-based language teaching and learning gradually outdo the traditional way of language teaching and learning. Distant learning, communication through E-mail and onlin

34、e group discussion create an unusual opportunity to shift from the classroom to any place in any time and permit a new type of relationship between students and teachers. Using Web technology in language education can also create a learning environment where students are transformed from passive lea

35、rners into active participants, working independently or collaboratively (Fetherston, 2001). WWW extends the learning environment beyond the traditional face-to-face setting. It also provides the learner with more and easier access to updated, authentic, unabridged material in the target language in

36、 a much wider range of texts. In Spolskys theory of conditions for language acquisition, motivation/affect is among the four crucial variables that contribute to the acquisition of future knowledge and skills in the target language.(Spolsky, 1989) Regarding students motivation to learn the target la

37、nguage, CMC provides a wide range of communication that allows effective language learning to take place in social settings and to generate higher interest and greater motivation through social activities, such as E-Mail conversations across countries in which learners interact with native speakers

38、(Cunningham, 2000). When well planned and implemented, activities over the Internet generate excitement and enthusiasm among students (Lee, 2000). Class FrontPages where students can publish their works make them feel involved and satisfied (Krajka, 2000), which will in turn reinforce their motivati

39、on to learn the target language.2.3 Previous researches on VLS in CALL environment With the awareness that different learning environments have different effects on the employment of learning strategies, Chapelle and Jamieson (1991) have long suggested that research on computers incorporate the area

40、s known to be relevant in language acquisition, such as learning strategies.As early as 1989, Chapelle (1991) added some basic questions to the heated researches on CALL, among which are those on strategies used by learners during CALL activities. Recognizing the importance of learning strategies in

41、 language learning, many researchers and teachers have started doing the relevant research in Multi-media and Internet environment. Researchers carried out empirical researches into learners application of learning strategies in CALL environment. These studies can be grouped briefly into three aspec

42、ts: learning beliefs, affective management strategies and language learning strategies.Firstly, Warschauer (1996) found that there was a highly positive belief about and attitude towards the use of computer and the Internet in all the courses, with little difference between ESL and EFL classroom. He

43、 also concluded that three main factors attributed to it: their interest in authentic communication, the amount of personal power and control that they felt mastering computers and the Internet gave them, and the positive impact they perceived computer mastery had on their learning and achievement.

44、Other researches reported that project-based learning features collaboration and interaction, mutual feedback and courage, which may decrease learning anxiety. Email, for instance, is found useful for informal consultations. Besides, network provides real-time communication through tools such as MOO

45、 (Mud, Object Oriented) chat. Through this written conversation among students in a class, all students can “speak” at once, giving shy students a greater chance to participate (Warschauer & Kern, 2000).Thirdly, Robinson (1989) investigated the effectiveness of various feedback strategies in CALL. H

46、e concluded that CALL feedback which guides learners to discover correct and incorrect responses themselves is more effective than program disclosure of answers and incorrect responses. Studies on language learning strategies in CALL environment reveal that students tend to use strategies such as in

47、formation processing and inferencing. As for the reason why information processing is frequently used in CALL, it mainly due to the amount of information available worldwide boomed up in recent years with the advent of the Internet. With the development of the study of the learning strategies in Mul

48、ti-media and Internet environment, researchers gradually pay special attention to the vocabulary learning strategies in CALL environment, such as Dai Weidong & Ren Qingmei (2005), Chen Qin &Tan Jingde (2006), Ying Zhenjian (2006), Tang Xuri (2006), etc. Theoretically speaking, some analyzed the theo

49、retical basis of VLS employment in CALL environment. Chen Qin&Tan Jingde (2006) proposed that it mainly consists of three theories: Systematic Theory, Communication Theory and Constructivism Learning Theory. Dai Weidong and Ren Qingmei(2005)emphasize the importance of providing an optimum cognitive-psychological environment based on Internet technology for various learning activities. Based on Stoffers framework of VLS categorization, Ying Zhenjian (2006) attempts to elaborate how som

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