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1、Unit 4 PygmalionReading 第1页This play,Pygmalion,was also made into a film called My Fair Lady.Have you seen the film?If you have,did you like it?Have a discussion and give reasons.Pre-reading第2页第3页第4页The play by Shaw has the same theme as the Greek Story.In pairs discuss what this theme might be.第5页T

2、heme of the Greek story:Pygmalion,an artist create a statue from stone and make it have a new life.Theme of My fair lady:Higgins,a phonetics create a new girl Eliza from lower class to upper class by teaching her English.第6页Pygmalion第7页ActingAct oneFateful meetings:Try to act it out.Eliza DoolittleH

3、enryHigginsColonel Pickering第8页Eliza Doolittle(E):a poor flower girl who is ambitious to improve herself.Professor Higgins(H):an expert in phonetics,convinced that the quality of a persons English decides his/her position in society.Colonel Pickering(P):an officer in the army and later a friend of H

4、iggins who sets him a task.第9页1.This text is mainly about the first experience of Eliza meeting with _.A.Professor Higgins B.Colonel Pickering C.Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering D.a gentlemanC Choose the best answer.第10页2.Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order to _.A.ask him to buy some flow

5、ers from her B.talk with him C.ask him to teach her D.beg some money from himA 第11页3.Why Eliza began to cry?Because _.A.she thought Professor Higgins would arrest her B.the gentleman didnt give her some money C.Pickering beat and scolded her D.there was no reasonA 第12页4.Professor Higgins believed th

6、at he could judge a person by _.A.his appearance B.his action C.his conversation D.his mannersC 第13页5.From the text,we can infer that Professor Higgins is a man described below EXCEPT _.A.he doesnt care about money B.he is an expert in phonetics C.he is proud D.he is greedyD 第14页CharacterPosition in

7、 societyEvidence in the playElizaLower classLanguage:calls gentleman“sir”and _(or captain)which is a complimentBehaviour:_ to people of higher classrespectful“capin”Fill in the chart.第15页CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playHenry HigginsLanguage:calls Eliza“_”and Pickering“_”Behaviour:_ t

8、o lower class;_ to same or upper classMiddle classrudepoliteyou silly girlmy dear man第16页CharacterPosition in societyEvidence in the playColonel PickeringUpper classLanguage:prepared to begin a _ with Henry,whom he does not know;generous with praise to himBehaviour:generally confident and _;but _ El

9、izapoliteignoresconversation第17页1.Eliza was selling some flowers when Higgins first met her.2.She succeeded in selling some dead flowers to Huggins for some small change.3.Huggins wrote down her name and address.4.Huggins was good at judging people from their own speech.T F F T True or False?第18页 5.

10、Huggins could earn a lot for his job.6.Huggins promised to find her a good job.7.Either man had planned to meet the other although they didnt know each other.T F T 第19页1Read Act One of the play and then answer these questions.Comprehending 1.What is the name of the man hiding from the rain?Henry Hig

11、gins第20页2.Why is Eliza frightened of him at first?3.Where has Colonel Pickering been living and what has he studied?She thinks he is a policeman in disguise.He has been living in India and has studied many Indian dialects.第21页4.Who is Henry Higgins anxious to meet and why?He is anxious to meet Colon

12、el Pickering because he is researching in the same academic field as Pickering.第22页5.What is Elizas ambition and what does she decide to do about it?Her ambition is to be a shop assistant.She decides to take lessons from Professor Higgins to achieve her aim.第23页6.Can you recognize each characters so

13、cial position by their behaviour and language?Is he or she from the upper class,middle class or lower class?Give your reasons.第24页2The social position of each character influences the way they behave to each other.Generally speaking,people are more polite to those who they think are of a higher soci

14、al class(H)and less polite to those they consider are members of a lower class(L).Is this true of the characters in Shaws play?Give your evidence in the chart below.第25页Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playHenry Higgins:1.respect his _ work as a _;calls him sir and my dear man2.watc

15、hes her;_her reactions;talks about her in front of her;calls her _1.Attitude to Colonel Pickering(H)2.Attitude to Eliza(L)Is the statement true?1._ 2._professionalphoneticiannotessilly girlYesYes第26页Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playColonel Pickering1.Appreciates his _;_him;asks

16、his opinion;Happy to be friends2._her;does not _ Henry when he talks about Eliza in front of her(which is very rude)1.Attitude to Henry Higgins(H)2.Attitude to Eliza(L)Is the statement true?1._ 2._expertisepraisesYesYesignoresstop第27页Relationships between charactersEvidence from the playEliza 1._;_

17、not to do the wrong thing;_ to improve herself;_ and curious about Henrys expertise2._ not being included in the conversation when talked about1.Attitude to Colonel Pickering(H)2.Attitude to Henry(H)Is the statement true?1._ 2._feels upsetYesUnclearanxiouseagerambitiousrespectful第28页3 What other thi

18、ngs show ones status in Society apart from how one speaks?You can show your social status by:Clothes you wearExpensive possessions(like cars or jewellery)Attitudes and behaviorEducation levelhow many foreign languages spoken and countries visited第29页4Choose those adjectives in the list which best de

19、scribe each character in the play.In pairs discuss them and then place them in the boxes below.Some can be used more than once.impatient kind polite rude confident anxious eager enthusiastic emotional self-important ambitious generous unsure superior dynamic 第30页kind,polite,generous,enthusiastic,eag

20、er,confident impatient,rude,confident,superior,self-importantanxious,eager,emotional,ambitious,unsure,dynamic第31页5 Suppose you have a chance to help Eliza improve her use of the English language.Correct all these sentences in terms of grammar,spelling,etc,so that she can use them properly.第32页1.Come

21、 overere,capin,and buy me flowers off a poor girl.Come over here,captain,and buy some flowers from a poor girl.2.I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman.I havent done anything wrong by speaking to that gentleman.第33页I thought maybe you were a policeman in disguise.4.How do I know whe

22、ther ou took down right?How do I know whether you wrote down what I said accurately?5.A shop assistant?Now thats sommat I want,that is!A shop assistant?Now thats something I would like to be!3.I thought maybe you was a policeman in disguise.第34页1.Professor Higgins(H):an expert in phonetics,2.convinc

23、ed that the quality of a persons English 3.decides his/her position in society.4.希金斯教授是一位语音学教授希金斯教授是一位语音学教授,他认为一个人他认为一个人5.英语水平决定这个人社会地位。英语水平决定这个人社会地位。1)convinced vt.to cause to believer or feel certain;to persuade 说服说服;使相信使相信,说动某人说动某人我们说服了他坐火车去我们说服了他坐火车去,不要搭飞机去。不要搭飞机去。We convinced him to go by train

24、 rather plane.第35页2)(be)convinced+of 短语短语/that 从句从句 “坚信坚信”;“确信确信”。比如:。比如:我确信他有罪。我确信他有罪。3)convince(vt.)sb+of 短语短语/that 从句从句,“使使坚信坚信”;“使使确信确信”。I am convinced of his guilt.=I am convinced that he was guilty.我不认为她强作欢颜能使她父亲相信她在我不认为她强作欢颜能使她父亲相信她在那个小孤岛上过得开心。那个小孤岛上过得开心。I dont think her forced smile _ on tha

25、t small lonely island.father that she lives happilywill convince her第36页2.While watching,he makes notes.他一边观察他一边观察,一边做笔记。一边做笔记。while watching 为为 while he was watching 省略句。在以省略句。在以when,while,if,unless 等引导状语从句中,假如从句等引导状语从句中,假如从句中主语与主句主语一致且从句谓语动中主语与主句主语一致且从句谓语动词含有词含有be动词形式,往往将从句中主动词形式,往往将从句中主语及语及be动词省略

26、,而以动词动词省略,而以动词-ing形式形式或过去分词形式来代替。或过去分词形式来代替。第37页 After finishing the work,he went home.完成工作后他就回家了。完成工作后他就回家了。After being discussed,the plan should be carried out at once.计划讨论后,应马上实施。计划讨论后,应马上实施。While crossing the street,look out for cars passing by.过马路时,小心过路车辆。过马路时,小心过路车辆。第38页1)When_ help,one often

27、says“Thank you.”or“Its kind of you.”A.offering B.to offer C.to be offered D.offered2)While_ the river,he saw a big crocodile.A.to cross B.crossing C.cross D.crossed3)Before_,the play must be examined by the director.A.putting on B.to be put on C.put on D.being put onD B C 第39页4)Never_ faith in himse

28、lf,the scientist went on with his research.A.losing B.to lose C.lost D.to be lost5)-Whats the matter with you?-_ the window,my finger was cut unexpectedly.A.Cleaning B.To clean C.While cleaning D.While I was cleaningA D 第40页3.hesitate v.犹豫犹豫,犹豫犹豫hesitate to do sth.对做某事犹豫不决对做某事犹豫不决hesitate about doin

29、g sth.对做某事犹豫不决对做某事犹豫不决I always hesitate _ advising my friends on what to read.A.with B.to C.for D.about If you have any questions,dont hesitate _me.A.ask B.asked C.to ask D.asking D C 第41页4.hold up 1)raise;keep up 举起举起 Hold up your right hand.2)show as an example 提出提出(作为榜样作为榜样)The teacher always hol

30、ds up Tom as a model of hard work.3)to delay 阻滞阻滞 The building of the new road has held up by bad weather.短语短语:hold back 使固定使固定;阻挡阻挡 hold down 压制压制 hold to 遵照遵照;坚持坚持 hold together 使团结使团结;连接在一起连接在一起第42页5.I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman.我跟那位先生说话我跟那位先生说话,又没做什么坏事呀。又没做什么坏事呀。aint 是

31、不规范语言是不规范语言,相当于相当于am not,is not,has not,have not。We aint coming.我们不来了。我们不来了。They aint got it.他们没有那玩意儿。他们没有那玩意儿。第43页6.in disguise 意为意为“乔装乔装”我认为你是便衣警察。我认为你是便衣警察。I thought maybe _这位皇帝喜欢微服私访。这位皇帝喜欢微服私访。联想联想:in need of 意思是意思是“需要需要”。他需要剪发了。他需要剪发了。in need 意思是意思是“在困难在困难(穷困穷困)中中”。比如:比如:我们应该帮助贫困人。我们应该帮助贫困人。yo

32、u was a policeman in disguise.He is in need of a haircut.The emperor liked travelling in disguise.We should help those in need.第44页7.Here you are(hands over the paper covered with writing).给你给你(他把写满字纸递过来他把写满字纸递过来)。hand over 移交移交;让与让与;交给某人照料交给某人照料 The captain was unwilling to hand over the command of

33、 his ship.船长不愿移交军舰指挥权。船长不愿移交军舰指挥权。第45页 The thief was handed over to the policeman.小偷被交给警察处理。小偷被交给警察处理。hand down 传给传给 hand on 传递传递 hands up 举手举手 hand out 分给分给,分发分发第46页8.mistaken adj.错误错误,不正确不正确 If Im not mistaken,we must have met before.be mistaken about 对对持错误看法持错误看法 mistake n./v.错误错误;犯错误犯错误 make a m

34、istake mistake A for B 把把A错当成错当成B 9.What if I was?假如我是又怎样呢?假如我是又怎样呢?此句为省略句。原句为此句为省略句。原句为:What if I was born in?What if意思为意思为“要是要是又会怎样又会怎样?”第47页10.classify v.编排编排;分类分类;归类归类be classified by/according to 经过经过归类归类be classified as 被归类为被归类为classify sth in/into 把某物分成把某物分成In the library,books are usually cl

35、assified by subjects.第48页11.People begin their working life in a poor neighborhood of London with 80 pounds a year and end in a rich one with 100 thousand.人们在伦敦一个贫穷地域开始工作人们在伦敦一个贫穷地域开始工作,年薪年薪 80英镑英镑,而最终成为拥有而最终成为拥有10万英镑富人。万英镑富人。此句为并列句此句为并列句,主句为主句为 people beginand end in;in a poorwith,in a rich.with 在在

36、 句中作状语。句中作状语。第49页12.But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.但每次一张嘴说话但每次一张嘴说话,他们就原形毕露。他们就原形毕露。betray oneself 无意中露出本性无意中露出本性;背叛背叛相当多人面对金钱诱惑便原形毕露。相当多人面对金钱诱惑便原形毕露。_When tempted by money.Quite a lot of people will betray themselves第50页betray 1)vt.give away or make known 泄露泄露(秘密秘密)他向全

37、部朋友透露了这个消息。他向全部朋友透露了这个消息。_He betrayed the news to all his friends.2)vt.to be disloyal or unfaithful to 出卖出卖;背叛背叛他最好朋友背叛了他。他最好朋友背叛了他。_His best friend betrayed him.他背叛祖国,向敌人投降了。他背叛祖国,向敌人投降了。_.He betrayed his country to the enemy第51页3)to be a sign of(sth.One would like to hide)显露显露;显示显示 他脸显露出他很生气。他脸显露出

38、他很生气。_ betray+n.+to 出卖出卖,背叛背叛 betray+n.+(to be)/-that“无意中显示无意中显示,暴露暴露”名词形式名词形式 betrayal,如如:an act of betrayal 背叛行为背叛行为His face betrayed that he was angry.第52页13.Now once taught by me 一旦由我来教一旦由我来教 When finished,the homework was handed in.作业一完成就交上了去。作业一完成就交上了去。以以once,if,as,unless,when,though,although引

39、导状语从句引导状语从句,若从句主语与主句主语一致若从句主语与主句主语一致,且从句中谓语动词为且从句中谓语动词为 be+v.-ed 形式形式,或从句中或从句中主谓结构为主谓结构为it is(was)+adj.时时,则从句结构能够则从句结构能够直接由以上连词加直接由以上连词加v-ed或或adj.代替。代替。第53页14.condemn vt.训斥训斥1)condemn sb./sth.训斥某人训斥某人/某事某事 大部分人训斥任何形式暴力行为。大部分人训斥任何形式暴力行为。_2)be condemned to death/be sentenced to death 被判死刑被判死刑 那个罪犯被判处死

40、刑。那个罪犯被判处死刑。_3)condemn sb.to do sth.判处某人服判处某人服刑刑 他病使他被迫一直呆在床上。他病使他被迫一直呆在床上。_ Most people condemn any sort of violence.The criminal was condemned to death.His illness condemned him to be in bed all thetime.第54页15.But,sir,(proudly)once educated to speak properly,the girl could pass herself off in thre

41、e months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.可是可是,先生先生(自豪地自豪地),一旦那个女孩被教会一旦那个女孩被教会说正确英语说正确英语,她就能够在三个月后在一位大使她就能够在三个月后在一位大使举行舞会上冒充一位女公爵。举行舞会上冒充一位女公爵。这是一个复合句这是一个复合句,从句为从句为once she is educated to speak properly 省略形式。省略形式。第55页pass off as 冒充冒充她冒充自己是位有经验演员。她冒充自己是位有经验演员。_She passed herself as an expe

42、rienced actress.pass off 逐步消失逐步消失;不加理会;不加理会;(进展进展)顺利顺利你牙疼还没消吗?你牙疼还没消吗?Has your toothache passed off yet?他回避了那个难问题他回避了那个难问题。He passed off the difficult question.舞会进展顺利。舞会进展顺利。The party passed off well.第56页pass away 逝世逝世pass down/on 把把传给后世传给后世pass out 昏过去昏过去;失去知觉失去知觉 pass on to 把把传递给传递给 pass through 经

43、过经过;穿过穿过pass by 走过走过;不理会不理会第57页我很久以前已经认识他了。我很久以前已经认识他了。我知道这门语言。我知道这门语言。16.acquaintance n.相识相识;了解了解 acquaint vt.I have some acquaintance with the language.I made his acquaintance long ago.使某人了解使某人了解make ones acquaintance/make the acquaintance of sb.认识某人认识某人be familiar with/be acquainted with对对熟悉熟悉acq

44、uaint sb.with第58页have a nodding acquaintance with sb.与某人为点头之交与某人为点头之交The musician had little acquaintance _ modern science.A.in B.with C.to D.of I am delighted to _ your acquaintance.A.pull B.take C.have D.make B D 第59页17.a handful of 一把,少数一把,少数(人人)我给了那个男孩一把糖。我给了那个男孩一把糖。我们邀请了我们邀请了12人人,但只有几个人来。但只有几个人

45、来。I gave the boy a handful of sweets.We invited 12,but only a handful of them came.a basketful ofa bagful of a mouthful ofa pocketful of一篮子一篮子一书包一书包一口一口一袋一袋第60页18.a fortune!一笔财富一笔财富1)U success;good luck 成功成功;好运好运,幸运幸运Fortune smiled on him.他事事顺利他事事顺利.By good fortune he was not hurt.2)C 未来命运未来命运;运道运道;

46、运气运气What will be our fortune?One day good fortune befell him.3)C 财富财富He received a large fortune when his father died.fortunate adj.幸运幸运 fortunately adv.幸运地幸运地make a fortune 发财发财 seek ones fortune 外出找出路外出找出路try ones fortune 碰运气碰运气 be fortunate to do sth./in doing sth.幸运地做某事幸运地做某事第61页19.Generally spe

47、aking,people are more polite tothose whom they think are of higher social class.总来说总来说,人们对那些他们认为属于较高社会阶层人们对那些他们认为属于较高社会阶层人更礼貌一些。人更礼貌一些。1)本句中本句中of 表示表示”隶属隶属”关系。关系。物以类聚物以类聚,人以群分。人以群分。Birds of a feather flock together.2)be of+形容词形容词+抽象名词抽象名词=be+副词副词+与该抽象与该抽象名词同根形容词。名词同根形容词。如如:我所说非常主要。我所说非常主要。What I sai

48、d is of great importance.=What I said is very important.第62页可用于以上结构抽象名词及相对应可用于以上结构抽象名词及相对应形容词有形容词有:ability-able,help-helpful,importance-important,interest-interesting,significance-significant,use-useful,value-valuable.第63页20.superior 作为形容词有两大使用方法:作为形容词有两大使用方法:1)作为普通形容词作为普通形容词,意为意为“高傲高傲”。比如:。比如:我讨厌他那

49、高傲态度。我讨厌他那高傲态度。I hate his superior manner.2)作为暗含比较级形容词作为暗含比较级形容词,意为意为“较高级较高级”、“很好很好”、“较较为优异为优异”。因为因为superior本身隐含着比较意义本身隐含着比较意义,所以不能所以不能在前面再加在前面再加more。在与另一事物进行比较时。在与另一事物进行比较时,与之搭配介词要用与之搭配介词要用to,不能用不能用than。如:。如:约翰逊数学比王先生好。约翰逊数学比王先生好。Johnson is superior to Mr.Wang in mathematics.第64页与与superior使用方法相同词还有

50、使用方法相同词还有inferior,senior,junior,prior等。等。比比优越优越,不屈服于不屈服于 be superior to 低于低于 be inferior to 比比年长年长 be senior to 比比年轻年轻 be junior to如如:青铜不如金子。青铜不如金子。Brass is inferior to gold.他比我小很多岁。他比我小很多岁。He is junior to me by many years.我母亲在结婚前曾经是电工。我母亲在结婚前曾经是电工。Prior to her marriage,my mother was an electrician.

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