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1、2013年同等学力英语语法专项复习练习题(二)31. It was _ he was too clumsy to drive a car that Jim hadnt learned to drive. A. as B. for C. because D. because of 32. Do you remember _ to Mrs. Robert during the visit?A. to introduce B. having introduced C. being introduced D. to have introduced 33. The secretary and the m

2、anager _ present at the meeting yesterday. A. was B. were C. have been D. has been 34. Each one of us who_ now living is destined to witness remarkable scientific discoveries. A. is B. are C. have being D. were 35. _ that they are fresh from university, the young people have done a good job. A. Givi

3、ng B. Because C. GivenD. As 36. If the work _ by the end of the month is delayed the construction company will be fined. A. to be completed B. will be completed C. has been completed D. being completed 37. Mark often attempts to escape _ whenever he breaks traffic regulations. A. having been fined B

4、. being fined C. to have been fined D. to be fined 38. Jean did not have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy _ for her examination. A. to prepare B. preparing C. to be prepared D. being prepared 39. _ all the writers of the time Lu Xun enjoyed the greatest popularity among the

5、people. A. In B. About C. Of D. Over 40. “There is nothing I dislike _ children who are dishonest.” This sentence means that I most dislike children who are dishonest. A. more B. than C. more than D. as41. He will come to call on you the moment he _ his work. A. will finish B. had finished C. finish

6、es D. finished42. When I come back in ten years time, all those old houses _ down. A. will have pulled B. will have been pulled C. will be pulling D. will be pulled 43. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I _ to it. A. have not gone B. did not go C. had not gone D. should not have gone

7、44. The boy _ by the peddler (贩子)to carry goods for him. A. made use of B. made used C. was made use D. was made use of 45. “Are you going to take the post Mr. Smith offered you?” “I dont know, but it is worth _ about, isnt it?” A. to think B. of thinking C. thinking D. to be thought 46. The book is

8、 not _ what we paid. A. worth B. value C. valuable D. cost47. Id rather you _ me. Youve made the matter all the worse. A. had not helped B. did not help C. will not help D. would not have helped 48. _ the English exam I would have gone to the concert last Sunday. A. In spite B. But for C. Because of

9、 D. As for 49. He speaks French as if he _ a French man. A. is B. be C. is being D. were 50. Hardly _ time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country. A. he had B. he had had C. had he had D. had he 51. _ had I reached school than the bell rang. A. No sooner B. Only C. Hardly D. Rare

10、ly 52 _, he faced the difficult situation calmly. A. As he was young B. Young was he C. Young as he was D. He was young 53. There is some evidence _ dishonesty may ebb and flow. A. why B. how C. when D. that 54. All _ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A. what is needed B. the

11、time needed C. for our needs D. that is needed 55. _ the train accident was a miracle. A. The child would survive B. Why the child survived C. That the child survived D. When the child survived 56. It _ by the end of last year _ the new student dormitory building had been completed. A. was which B.

12、was that C. had been which D. had been that 57. It was in 1978 _ the Whites settled down in France. A. that B. at the time C. when D. by the time 58. _ you go on the earth, there is always gravity to keep you from falling off. A. When B. Whenever C. Since D. Because59. One or two friends _ coming ov

13、er for supper soon. A. is B. are C. has been D. who are 60. The Taj Mahal in India has been called the most beautiful building in the world. Ive spent _ moonlit night there. A. many a B. plenty of C. a great many D. much2013年同等学力英语语法专项练习答案与解析(二)31. 答案:C 解析:一看题意即可看出本题为强调句,所强调的是原因状语从句。强调原因状语从句时,此从句只能由

14、because 引导,因此排除A、B、D,得出C 为正确选择。32. 答案:C解析:remember doing sth. 是“记得做过某事”;remember to do sth. 为“记着去做某事”。此题讲过去发生过的事情,所以要用remember doing 的句型,而语态应用被动语态,表示被介绍给别的人意思。33. 答案:B 解析:and 并列的两个名词,如果分别都有定冠词修饰,一般指两个不同的事物。据此,可以将A 和D 排除。根据题中时间状语yesterday ,可将C 排除。因此B 为正确选择。题意为:秘书和经理昨天都出席了会议。34. 答案:B 解析:根据题意,who 引导定语从

15、句,其谓语动词的性数应与定语从句所修饰的先行词取得一致。根据题意,who 引导的定语从句的先行词为us,因此A 可排除。根据定语从句中now 一词,C 和D 可以排除,B 为正确选择。35. 答案:C 解析:过去分词短语作条件状语。全句意思为:如果考虑到他们刚从大学毕业,那么这些年轻人就干得不错啦。36. 答案:A 解析:动词不定式的被动语态作定语。37. 答案:B 解析:动词escape 后要接动词 + -ing 形式,故C 与D 选项可以排除。escape 后一般不接动词 + -ing 的完成形式,选项A 可排除。全句的意思为:每当违反交通规则时,马克常常试图逃避惩罚。38. 答案:B 解

16、析:be busy + -动词 + -ing 是固定用法,故选项A 和C 可排除。在该用法中,主语与动词 + -ing 具有主谓关系,所以可排除D 项。全句的意思为:简昨晚没有时间去听音乐会,因为她正忙于复习迎考。39. 答案:C 解析:在最高级的句子中,of 和in 均可用来说明一个范围。如果这两个介词后的名词与句子主语属同一范畴用of,否则用in。故C 项为正确答案。40. 答案:C 解析:英语比较级句子中,more 和than 一般均需同时使用,如果只有more 没有than,或反之,一般为错句,所以本题的正确答案为C。41. 答案:C 解析:某些表示时间的名词加上the 后可以引导时间

17、状语从句,相当于as soon as 。如the minute, the moment, the second 等。题中the moment 后即为一个时间状语从句。42. 答案:B解析:四个选择都为将来时。根据题意,主句中谓语动词应为被动式,因此排除主动式,即A 和C。根据从句的内容和时态,可排除D,从而得出正确选择B。43. 答案:C 解析:根据题中前一句内容,说话者的愿望与过去事实相反。因此wish 后从句应用虚拟式,即动词的过去完成式。故正确选择为C。44. 答案:D 解析:根据空当前后内容以及四个选择项的内容可推断,句中动词应为被动式,因此排除A、B。短语动词改为被动式时,一般将其看

18、作一整体,不拆开或去掉任何部分,因此C 排除,得出D 为正确选择。题意为:小贩子利用这个男孩为他搬运物品。45. 答案:C 解析:属于it is worth doing sth. 这一句型。题意为:“你打算接受史密斯先生给你提供的职位吗?”“我不知道,但这还值得考虑,是不是?”46. 答案:A 解析:属于be worth sth. 这一句型,其他选项不符合语法规则。47. 答案:A 解析:Id rather (that) 从句的动词应该用过去式,表示虚拟语气,表示一种不符合事实的愿望。48. 答案:B 解析:题中主句部分的谓语动词为虚拟式,前面部分应为if 虚拟条件句或意思上相当于一个虚拟条件

19、句的短语。四个选择中,只有B 符合上述要求。but for 作“若不是,若非”解。49. 答案:D 解析:as if 或as though 引导的方式状语从句常常用虚拟式,表示一种很可能与客观事实不相符的假设。从句动作如先于主句动作,谓语动词用过去完成式。如果从句动作与主句动作几乎同时发生,无明显先后关系,谓语动词则用一般过去时(be 为were)。50. 答案:C 解析:hardly 为表示否定意义的副词,放在句首时,所在句要求部分倒装,据此,排除A 和B。C 和D 的区别在于时态。在hardly when的结构中,主句谓语动词一般为过去完成时,从句谓语动词一般为简单过去时。题意为:他刚刚安

20、顿下来就又将房子卖了,并离开了国家。51. 答案:A 解析:本题主句为倒装句,助动词had 被提前,A、B、C、D 四个选择都符合倒装这一要求,但只有no sooner 才可以和than 连用。因此A 为正确选择。注意:no sooner than和hardly when 为固定搭配。52. 答案:C 解析:属于形容词young 放在句首的部分倒装句型,young as he was = although he was young 。53. 答案:D 解析:根据空当后内容判断,它解释说明空当前evidence 的具体内容,因此,空当以及后面应为同位语从句,同位语从句一般由that 引导。只有带

21、有reason 后的同位语从句才由why 来引导。题意:有迹象表明:不诚实行为有减有增。54. 答案:D 解析:空当后出现的谓语动词和空当前的all 组成一个完整的主谓结构。据此推断:空当处为一个定语或定语从句。what 不可引导定语从句,A 即可排除。B 和C 语义不通,也可排除。因此,D 为正确选择。that 引导定语从句,在从句中作主语。题意为:所需要的一切是不断提供基本的生活必需品。55. 答案:C 解析:根据四项选择及空当后内容可推知题意:小孩在火车事故中幸免于难,这真是奇迹。据此题意,was 前为一个主语从句。A 无引导词,故排除。B 和D 虽有引导词,但语义不通。C 为正确选择。

22、that 引导主语从句,在从句中不充当成分。56. 答案:B 解析:显然本题为一个强调句,强调的是时间状语从句,因此,首先排除A 和C。因为强调状语时,不能用其它词代替that 。强调结构中be 动词只有两个形式:is 和was,如强调现在的情况,be 为is;如强调过去的情况,be 用was。因此,排除D,得出B 为正确选择。7. 答案:A 解析:强调的是时间状语,所以A 为正确选择。58. 答案:B 解析:A、B、C、D 四个选择都为关联词,句法上都可置入空当处,但C 和D 置入后,句子意思不通。A 和B 可以置入,但意思略有区别:whenever 具有强调意义,它相当于no matter

23、 when 。根据主句中always 一词可推断,原题具有强调意味,因此B 为正确选择。题意:无论你何时行走在地球上,总有重力使你不至于从地球上掉下去。59. 答案:B 解析:one or two 后接复数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。据此,可排除A 和C,D 显然不通。因此B 为正确选择。现在进行时可表示即将发生的动作。60. 答案:A 解析:many a 是固定形容词短语,其后跟单数可数名词,如:Many a place was bombed in that war 。many a 等于many ,如:He has been to many countries (many a country). plenty of 也可代替many,后面用名词复数和复数谓语动词,如:He has bought plenty of sweets. /Plenty of trees have been planted. much 后面跟不可数名词,如:This crop needs much water.相关阅读:同等学力英语复习资料 同等学力成绩查询 2013年同等学力考试报名

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