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1、Neil Buchannan 第1页Unusual picturesUnusual pictures第2页Tools:Materials?pencilsbrushescharcoalscrayon第3页 fruits shells featherstring第4页eggplantmushroomstrawberrystrips of seaweeds(海带丝海带丝)ingredient(原料原料)grocery(杂货店杂货店)第5页A picture of Mona Lisawas made out of slices of bread toasted to different colors.

2、(被烘烤成被烘烤成)第6页Skimming:Skimming:What types of unusual pictures are mentioned in the passage?Pizza pictures String pictures Feather and shell pictures Rubbish pictures Rubbish prints第7页Unusual picturesUnusual pictures1.Pizza faces (比萨脸画比萨脸画)第8页2.String pictures (麻绳画麻绳画)第9页3.Feather and shell pictures

3、(贝壳羽毛画贝壳羽毛画)第10页5.rubbish prints (垃圾印画垃圾印画)4.rubbish pictures 三维垃圾图画三维垃圾图画第11页TypeThings neededWay to makepizza facesdifferent foods;a camera;Small slices of _,cheese or stripes of seaweed for hair._ for eyes._ for ears.A _ for a nose.Half a tomato slice or a slice of _ for the mouth.carrotTomatoes

4、mushroombacon Food Food materialsmaterials Pieces of cheese think about the _create a _ with the foods on a pizza take a _ of itfacephotopattern第12页string picturesThings needed Way to make 1_ 2_ 3_ crayon or pencil draw the 4 _ on the card 5_ the glue on the card 6_ the string to the glue 7 _ the st

5、ringspreadattachpaintcardthin stringglueoutline第13页feather and seashell pictures 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_5 _about the pattern 6_all the pieces out on the card7 _them downfeathersseashellscardgluethinklaystickThings neededWay to make第14页rubbish picturesThings neededWay to makerubbish including plastic,_,cloth and

6、 paperstrong paper cardvery1_ glue2 _ the rubbish onto the card 3_the different sections with paintstrongsticksprayaluminium第15页rubbish printsThings neededWay to makea tin or old pieces of clothpaintcard 1 _one end of a tin into paint 2 _the painted rubbish on a card to make different3_dippressshape

7、s Purpose:Try to have a go at some of the ideas above and try out some ideas of your own.第16页1 Which idea do you think is the most amazing?Why?2 Which type of unusual picture will you try yourself?第17页cloth paste picture第18页第19页shell picture第20页第21页egg picture第22页string picture第23页feather picture第24页第25页

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