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1、Unit OneEstablishing Trade Relations第1页Establishing Trade Relations In foreign trade activities,the wise businessman knows that he should have extensive business connection to maintain and expand his business with others.Therefore,the establishment of business relations is one of most important unde

2、rtakings in the field of foreign trade.在对外贸易活动中,精明商人知道,要保持和扩大业务就要有广泛业务关系。所以,建立商业关系是外贸领域里极为主要一项工作。第2页 Generally speaking,the main procedures of entering into business relations are as follows:1.To obtain the desired name and address of the company.2.To write some letters to the parties concerned.3.To

3、 make status inquiries on the company.4.To make a final decision.普通来说,建立商业关系主要步骤以下:1.取得企业名称和地址 2.向相关方面发函 3.对该企业进行资信调查 4.作出最终决议第3页 In foreign trade,when a newly established company or a certain corporation with a longer history wishes to open up a market to sell something to or buy something from oth

4、er firms,the person in charge should first of all find out whom he is going to deal with.Such information can be obtained through the following channels:在对外贸易中,当一家新成立企业或某家历史较长企业想在国外开拓市场,方便向其它企业销售一些商品或购置一些商品时,该企业主管人员应该首先查明将与哪些企业做生意。此种信息能够从以下渠道取得:第4页ChannelsBanks _ they are always ready to supply the

5、names and addresses of exporter/importer in their respective cities.银行Chamber of Commerce 商会The Chinese Commercial Counselors Office in foreign countries 中国驻国外商务参赞处(商务代表处).Trade Directory 贸易商行名目Advertisement 商业广告Friends in Business Circles 生意圈朋友Trade shows,Fairs and Exhibitions 贸易展销会,交易会,展览会Business

6、 House of the same trade 同业商行Consumers organizations 消费者组织Libraries 图书馆Internet 互联网第5页 As for libraries and internet,they are available for our information collection.There is nothing quite as wonderful as a well-stocked,well-run library.They are without doubt the most effective source of informatio

7、n you can find.Wherever you find them,theyll contain a whole host information sources.Reports,Surveys,Lists,Test Data etc.All you have to do is go and get it.去图书馆和互联网上查找相关信息是非常有效路径。图书馆是最有效信息源,不论在哪家藏书丰富,运行良好图书馆,我们都会发觉大量汇报,调查,目录,试验数据等。只要我们去专心搜集,就会找到相关产品,企业和联络方式。第6页 On line,all you need to know is how

8、to link into that communications net using a computer.With the help of an ISP _ internet service provider,you can access all kinds of fields.The main advantage that the internet has is its immediacy and convenience.关于互联网,你所要做就是将自己电脑与网络连接,在互联网服务器帮助下,你能够进入各个信息领域。经过网络搜集信息优点在于及时性和方便性。第7页Market Research

9、and Firm Research In foreign trade activities,it is very important for businessman to learn as much as possible about the market they want to enter,the potential client or partner they will deal with before doing business.So we have to do two researches.在做生意前,业务人员应尽可能了解相关市场,潜在客户和竞争对手信息。所以我们要做两个调研。第8

10、页Market Research 市场调研市场调研A.Using trade statistics published by most countries to narrow down the scope of research.利用大多数国家公布贸易统计数据,缩小调查范围。B.Knowing the cultural and social backgrounds of the target market,such as language,religion and local peoples aesthetical viewpoints.了解目标市场文化及社会背景。如语言,宗教信仰和当地人们审

11、美观等。C.Knowing the relevant government policies.搞清相关政府相关政策。D.Being familiar with the geographical conditions and features of different countries _ because temperature,altitude and humidity extremes may affect the proper functioning of some equipments.熟知各国地理情况与特点。因为,温度,海拔及湿度巨大改变会影响一些设备正常运行。E.Knowing t

12、he target market conditions,such as the commodities,the price,the competitors,etc.熟知目标市场行情,如商品情况,价格情况,竞争对手情况等。第9页Firm Research 企业调研企业调研 After market research,we have to focus our attention on something about the firm we are about to do business with.市场调研后,我们要集中研究我们对手企业经营情况,尤其是新建立关系企业更应如此。A.The finan

13、cial position 财务情况B.The credit 信用C.The reputation 声誉D.The business methods 业务做法 普通依据3C标准:Conduct 品行,Capacity能力,Capital 资本。第10页 取得上述信息有各种方法。商人普通向银行,商会,驻国外商务处或其它咨询机构咨询,而不是向他们同行或朋友了解。因为经由上述渠道得到信息是最可靠。但银行是不会向陌生商人提供信息,除非咨询来自他们同行。所以,商人假如想从银行取得信息,记着要经过自己开户行。第11页 Having obtained the desired name and address

14、 of the firm from any of the above sources,the person concerned in the company may write a letter or e-mail and send it to the party concerned.Such letters or e-mails should begin by telling the receiver how his name and address are obtained.Then,the desire of establishing business relations should

15、be expressed,and some general information about the lines of business being handled in both firms should be added in it.从上述渠道取得所需企业名称和地址后,相关人员可向其发函或电子邮件。信中应首先通知收信人你是怎样得知他们企业名称和地址。然后,表示欲与对方建立贸易关系愿望,并须提及双方所经营商品范围。第12页Useful Sentences for Beginning in Correspondence1.Your name and address have been giv

16、en to us by the Chinese Consumers Association in Beijing.2.Your letter expressing the hope of entering into business relations with us has been received with thanks.3.Your Commercial Counselors Office has referred us to you for establishing business relations with your corporation.4.We wish to intro

17、duce ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation dealing in light industrial goods.5.We owe your name to the Canadian Commercial Bank,through whom we learned that you are importers and exporters of medicines and health products.6.We have read(seen)your advertisement in the TIME magazine and hav

18、e pleasure in establishing business relations with you.7.On the recommendation of China Bank in your city,we have learned with pleasure the name of your company.8.We write to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of garments in China.第13页Marketing and Promotion After studying the infor

19、mation and data obtained through market researches,the maker or the exporter may decide whether there are good prospects for his goods in the foreign market,and then take effective measures to promote the export of the goods to that market.经过分析市场调研结果后,制造商或出口商能够判断出他商品在国外市场前景,并采取有效办法来促进对那个市场出口。第14页 To

20、 help start an export business,the exporter may not only collect information or data from outside sources but also make his products known to others abroad on his own initiative.Nowadays,new equipment,new productive developments and expanded researches have brought about an entirely new point in eco

21、nomic development.There is no longer a market waiting to consume everything the factories turn out.It has become evident that businessman will have to sell and promote aggressively in order to develop and expand the markets necessary to consume all the things the factories produce.It means that busi

22、nessman has to determine beforehand what,how much,at what price and under what circumstances the ultimate consumer will purchase.Accordingly,various marketing strategies have been developed.Underlying all marketing strategies is“The Marketing Concept”which can be illustrated in the following diagram

23、.为了出口贸易,出口商不但要从外部渠道搜集信息或数据,而且还要发挥本身主动性来使他产品为国外所知。今天,新设备,新产品开发和扩展研究已给经济发展带来了全新意义,不再有一个等候着消费工厂所生产全部产品市场。很显著,商家必须主动地去销售和促销,以发展和扩大必需市场来消费工厂生产一切产品。这就意味着商家必须事先决定最终消费者将购置什么,买多少,在什么价位以及在什么情况下购置。与之对应,他们采取各种不一样营销策略关键就是“营销理念”,该理念能够经过图表表示出来。第15页 The marketing concept We must produce what people want,not what we

24、 want to produce 我们必须生产人们想要,而不是我们想生产。This means that we put the customer first 这意味着我们必须把消费者放在首位 We organize the company so that this happens 我们组织公司以达到目 We must find out the customer wants 我们必须发觉用户真正需要什么 We carry out market research 我们进行市场调研 We must supply exactly what the customer wants 我们必须提供与用户需求严格一致商品We can do this by the right marketing mix _ 4Ps为此,我们提供正确营销组合四个P 1.The right products 正确商品 2.The right price 适当价格 3.经过恰当分销渠道:地点3.Available through the right channels of distribution:place 4.Presented in the right way:promotion 用正确方式展示:促销第16页

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