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1、同等学力英语词汇练习精选1. In some western countries, demand for graduates from MBA courses has reduced.A. turned downB. turned overC. fallen downD. fallen over2. Only sovereign states are able to make treaties.A. constitutionalB. powerfulC. legitimateD. independent 3. Soils are not renewable resources that sup

2、port all mankind.A. gentlemenB. humansC. structures D. culture4. Calipers (测径仪) are instruments that can be used to gauge the distance between two surfaces.A. createB. measureC. fillD. enclose5. It was foolish of him to look at his notes during that important test, and as a result, he got punished.A

3、. stick toB. refer toC. keep toD. point to6. Unlike his brother,who is truly a handsome person,Adam is quite ill-favored.A. uglyB. good-lookingC. prettyD. attractive7. It is absurd to spend more money on highways. The wise solution for overcrowded road is public transportation.A. ridiculousB. wiseC.

4、 difficultD. necessary 8. The man was so jealous of his wife that he would not allow her to talk to other men.A. afraidB. trustfulC. envious D. hateful9. “When making this mixture,”the man said, “you dont need two teaspoons of salt, because one teaspoon is sufficient.”A. lessB. enoughC goodD. not en

5、ough10. The workers lives were wretched; they worked from morning to night in all kinds of weather, earning only enough money to buy their simple food and cheap clothes.A. happyB. interestingC. miserableD. dull11. On the whole,men hold a higher position in society than women. Because of this status,

6、 men enjoy more power than women.A. positionB. locationC. attitudeD. behavior12. A personal prestige often depends on his title or profession. For example, in many countries, doctors and lawyers are greatly admired.A. nameB. reputationC. occupationD. power13. There seems to be a correlation between

7、ones sex and ones status in society. On the whole, men enjoy higher status than women.A. persons authority B. persons altitudeC. natural or close relation D. natural phenomena14. Most womens clothing is made without pockets. As a result, women are forced to carry their belongings in the purse.A. poc

8、ketB. sackC. suitcaseD. handbag15. Despite the fact that women often make valuable contribution, they have not been able to attain the same social and economic status as men.A. becomeB. achieveC. surpassD. understand16. The practice of hanging clothes across the street is a common phenomenon in many

9、 parts of the city.A. lookB. signC. sightD. appearance17. We firmly believe that war never settles anything. It only results in violence.A. runs intoB. comes fromC. leads toD. begins with 18. Of the seven days in a week, Saturday is said to be the most popular selection for a wedding in some countri

10、es.A. wayB. situationC. eventD. choice 19. Would you please check this form for me to see if Ive filled it in right?A. take offB. look afterC. give upD. go over20. We need honest, energetic and qualified workers, without consideration for their age and sex. A. no matterB. regardless ofC. as ifD. in

11、spite 21 At times, worrying is a normal, unavoidable response to a difficult event or situation - a loved one being injured in an accident, for example.A. effectiveB. individualC. inevitableD. unfavorable 22. This painting is so valuable that it is difficult to compute what its price would be if it

12、was sold. A. makeB. carryC. calculateD. do 23. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without looking at his notes.A. bringing upB. referring toC. looking forD. trying on24. It was already past midnight and only three young men still stayed in the tea houseA. leftB. remainedC

13、. delayedD. deserted25. Four dollars a pair? I think its a bit too much If you buy three pairs, the price for each will be reduced to three fifty. A. come downB. take downC. turn overD. go over26. My mother always gets a bit worried if we dont arrive when we say we will.A. anxiousB. ashamedC. weakD.

14、 patient27. Always read the guide on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.A. explanationsB. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions28. His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has resulted in many good changes in their lives.A. got

15、 throughB. resulted from C. turned intoD. brought about29. Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost. Nevertheless, their political influence should be very great.A. As a resultB. As usualC. Even soD. So far30. James had not studied, so he wrote down the information on his desk. When the t

16、eacher passed by his desk during the test, James used his hand to conceal what he had written.A. knowB. seeC. hideD. admit31. We did not get on the last bus and didnt have any money for taxi, so we had to walk homeA. reachedB. lostC. missedD. caught32. Everyone agreed that the woman in the photo was

17、 gorgeous. It was easy to see why she had won the beauty contest.A. angryB. beautifulC. carefulD. jealous33. One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to form healthy eating habits.A. growB. developC. increaseD. raise34. When the man put his gun in my face and asked for my money,my hands began

18、to tremble.A. fallB. shakeC. feelD. echo35. He is a courteous young man. He always says “please and thank you” and respects older people.A. politeB. shortC. smartD. mannered36. Its already 10 oclock. I wonder how it happened that she was two hours late on such a short trip.A. came overB. came outC.

19、came aboutD. came up37. The building around the corner caught fire last night. The police are now investigating the matter.A. seeing throughB. working outC. looking intoD. watching over38. As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village reminded scenes of my childhoo

20、d.A. called upB. called forC. called onD. called in39. Although the wind has weakened, the rain remains steady. So you still need a raincoat.A. turned upB. gone backC. died downD. blown out40. As to the achievement, last weeks ministerial meeting of the WTO here earned a low, though not failing, gra

21、de. A. with regard toB. In case ofC. As a result ofD. In face of 答案解析:1. 正确答案 C 【译文】在西方国家,对于工商管理硕士毕业生的需求已经减少了。【解析】turn down 把(声音)关小,拒绝;turn over打翻,翻转,反复考虑;fall down 跌倒,下跌;fall over 落在.之上,摔倒2. 正确答案 D 【译文】只有主权国家可以指定条约。【解析】constitutional 立法的,立宪的;powerful 有权利的,有势力的;legitimate 合法的,正统的;independent 独立的,自治的

22、3. 正确答案 B【译文】土地是不可再生资源,它维系着人类的生存。【解析】gentlemen 出身高贵的人, 有教养的人, 绅士, 有身分的人;humans人(类);structures 结构, 构造, 组织;culture 文化4. 正确答案 B【译文】测径器是一种可以用来精确测量两个平面之间距离的仪器。【解析】create 创造; 建立;measure测量,尺寸, 尺度,标准;fill装满, 注满;enclose装, 封入, 附寄5. 正确答案 B【译文】在那次重要的测试中,他愚蠢的查看了笔记,结果受到了惩罚。【解析】stick to粘住;refer to查阅, 提到, 谈到, 打听;ke

23、ep to遵循;point to指向6. 正确答案 B【译文】和他的哥哥帅气不太一样,Adam却相当的丑陋。【解析】ugly 丑陋的;good-looking 样貌好看的;pretty漂亮的, 俊俏的; 清秀的(通常指经过修饰的女人的美丽);attractive 有吸引力的7. 正确答案 A【译文】在高速路方面花费太多的钱是很荒谬的,明智的解决道路过分拥挤的方法是利用公共交通工具。【解析】ridiculous可笑的,滑稽的;荒谬的;wise 明智的;difficult困难的;necessary 必要的 8. 正确答案 C【译文】那个男人很爱吃他妻子的醋,以至于他不会其他任何男人同她讲话。【解析

24、】trustful 信任的, 深信不疑的;envious忌妒的; 羡慕的 9. 正确答案 B【译文】“当制作这种混合液体的时候”他说,“你没必要放两茶匙盐,因为一茶匙就足够了。”【解析】less 更少;enough 足够的 10. 正确答案 C【译文】工人的生活很可怜,他们无论天气怎样都要从早工作到晚,赚的钱只够他们买简单的食物和便宜的衣服。【解析】miserable悲惨的; 可怜的, 不幸的;dull迟钝的; 呆笨的; 麻木的; 不敏感的11. 正确答案 A【译文】总体来讲,在这个社会上男人要比女人的职位高,因为这种地位,男人也比女人享受的权利要大。【解析】location 位置; 场所;b

25、ehavior 行为 12. 正确答案 B【译文】个人的威望经常是取决于他的头衔和职业,例如,在很多国家,医生和律师是非常受人尊敬的。【解析】reputation名声; 名誉;occupation职业, 占领, 占据;power 力量,权势13. 正确答案 C 【译文】在社会上,似乎人的性别和地位有着很大的关系,总体来说,男人比女人享有更高的地位。【解析】persons authority 个人的权力;persons altitude 个人的威望14. 正确答案 D【译文】很多女士衣服都设计的没有衣兜,结果,女士们只能把自己的随身物品放在手包里。【解析】sack 麻布袋;suitcase 手提

26、箱 15. 正确答案 B【译文】尽管女人也总是做出很有价值的贡献是个不争的事实。但是,到目前为止,她们还没有她们还没有获得同男人一样的社会和经济地位。【解析】achieve 获得 收获;surpass 超过; 超越; 凌驾; 胜过16. 正确答案 C【译文】在这个城市的很多地方,在大街上晾衣服是个很平常的现象。【解析】sign征兆; 预兆;sight 视觉 景观;appearance 外貌 17. 正确答案 C 【译文】我们坚信,战争不能解决任何问题,只能导致暴力。【解析】run into跑进, 撞上, 偶遇, 陷入, 达到;lead to导致, 通向;begin with 首先18. 正确答

27、案 D【译文】一周的七天中,周六在很多国家被认为是最受欢迎的结婚之日。【解析】event(重大)事件;way 方式, 道路;choice 选择19. 正确答案D【译文】您能不能帮我看下这张表格填写的是否正确?【解析】 take off拿掉, 取消, 脱衣, 起飞, 减弱, 离开, 岔开, 复制;look after 目送, 寻求, 照顾, 关心;give up放弃(念头、希望等), 停止, 抛弃, 认输;go over (渡过.)转变, (对.进行)仔细检查, 润色, 复习20. 正确答案B【译文】我们需要诚实,精力充沛,有能力的员工,而不会考虑他们的年龄和性别。【解析】no matter 无

28、论(常与how,what等疑问词连用);regardless of不管, 不顾;阿as if 好像;in spite 尽管 21. 正确答案 B【译文】有时候,着急是对一种棘手事件和窘境的很正常的,难以避免的反应,例如:你爱的人在意外中受伤了。【解析】individual 个体;inevitable不可避免的,无法避免的;unfavorable不利的,有害的,不吉祥的22. 正确答案C【译文】这幅画太有价值了以至于如果出售的话很难估算出他的价值。【解析】calculate 计算 23. 正确答案 D【译文】董事长(主席 )在这次商务会议上脱稿演讲了近一个小时。【解析】bring up教育, 培

29、养, 提出;refer to查阅, 提到, 谈到, 打听;look for寻找, 期待;try on试穿, 试验24. 正确答案 B【译文】已经过午夜了,只有三个人还呆在茶馆里。【解析】left 被留下;remain停留, 留下;delay 推迟;desert 抛弃25. 正确答案 A【译文】-四元一双? 我觉得有点贵。-如果你买三双,每双给你3.5元。【解析】come down 下降,降价;take down 拿下, 记下, 拆卸, 病倒;turn over打翻, 营业额达到, 移交给, 反复考虑26. 正确答案 A【译文】如果我们没有按预期的时间到家,妈妈就着急了。【解析】anxious

30、焦急,渴望;ashamed羞耻, 惭愧, 害臊 27. 正确答案 B【译文】服药时总是要仔细阅读药瓶上的说明书,并且按正确剂量服用 。【解析】explanation 解释;instruction 指导,说明;description 描述 28. 正确答案D【译文】他的这种关于周末聚餐的想法虽然起初有点困难,但是已经使他们的生活有了很多很好的改变。【解析】get through到达, 做完, 通过, 度过, 打通;result from 起源于.;由.而造成的;Turn into进入, (使)变成;bring about使发生, 致使29. 正确答案 C【译文】商业联合会的权力大部分已经消失了,

31、但是,他们的政治影响力应该是非常大的。【解析】as a result 结果是;as usual 和往常一样;even so虽然如此;so far 到目前为止 30. 正确答案 C【译文】詹姆斯一点都没有学习,所以他把答案写在了桌子上,考试时,老师经过他的桌子的时候,他就用手遮住了答案。【解析】hide 隐藏;admit 承认 31. 正确答案 C【译文】我们没有赶上最后一班公共汽车,也没有钱坐出租车,所以只能走着回家了。【解析】Lost 丢失;miss 错过,想念 32. 正确答案 B【译文】所有人都觉得照片上的女人很漂亮,很容易明白为什么她会在选美比赛上获胜。【解析】jealous 嫉妒的

32、33. 正确答案 B【译文】让人们保持健康的最好方式之一是养成良好的饮食习惯。【解析】develop发展, 使发达, 进步, 洗印, 显影 使成长;increase 增加;raise饲养,养育,栽培34. 正确答案 B【译文】当那个人举枪对着我要钱的时候,我的手就开始发抖了。【解析】Shake摇动,摇撼,使震动;Echo 重复,共呜,仿效35. 正确答案 A【译文】他是个很有礼貌的年轻人,总是将“请”和“谢谢”挂在嘴边,而且对老年人也很有礼貌。【解析】polite 礼貌的,具有某种状态的(well mannered 有礼貌的)36. 正确答案 C【译文】已经十点了,我真不知道这么段的路程她竟然

33、会晚两个小时。【解析】 come over过来,抓住;come out 出现,真相大白;come about发生, 产生, 改变方向;come up走近, 上来, 发芽37. 正确答案 C【译文】拐角处的大楼昨晚着火了,警察现在正在调查。【解析】see though看穿, 识破;work out可以解决, 设计出, 做出;look into窥视, 浏览, 观察;Watch over看守, 监视38. 正确答案 A【译文】 因为我是在大山脚下的小镇长大的,所以这次山村之行勾起了我对童年时光的回忆。【解析】call up召唤, 使想起, 提出, 打电话给.;call for 要求, 提倡, 为.叫

34、喊, 为.叫;call on 号召, 呼吁, 邀请, 访问;call in召集, 召来, 来访39. 正确答案 C【译文】虽然风力已经减弱,雨也下的不是很急了,你还是要带件雨衣。【解析】turn up找到, 发现, 出现, 折起;go back 回去;die down 变弱, 逐渐停止, 渐渐消失;blow out 吹熄, 爆裂40. 正确答案 A【译文】至于成果,上周的WTO部长级会议虽称不上是失败,但收获的确也非常小。【解析】with regard to 关于;in case of假设, 万一;as a result of 结果;in face of 面临词汇练习1Jack to the

35、manager for the mistakes he had made.A. excused B. pardoned C. forgave D. apologized2_scientists have observed increased pollution in the water supply.A. Late B. Later C. Latter D. Lately3This watch is_to all the other watches on the market.A. superior B. advantageous C. super D. beneficial4Fresh fr

36、uits and vegetables are generally less expensive when they are in_A. sale B. need C. season D. time5We can surelyall difficulties that may come upAget on B. come over C. get over D. come across6He_very quickly after his illness.Arecovered B. discovered C. uncovered D. covered7The designing of a sate

37、llite in the heavenly environment isan easy jobA. by all means B. by any means C. by every means D. by no means8The good harvestthe price of strawberries.A. brought down B. cut out C. arose from D. added to9Most great artists are exceptionallypeople.A. sensitized B. sensitive C. senseless D. sensory

38、10The gloves were really too small,and it was only bythem that managed to get them on.Astretching B. spreading C. extending D. squeezing参考答案:D D A C C A D A B A 1.When workers are organized in trade unions,employers find it hard to lay them . A. off B. aside C. out D. down2.The wealth of a country s

39、hould be measuredthe health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce. A. in line with B. in terms of C. in regard with D. by means of3.He has failed me so many times that I no longer place anyon what he promises. A. faith B. belief C. credit D. reliance4.My students f

40、ound the bookit,provided them with an abundance of information on the subject. A. enlightening B. confusing C. distracting D. amusing5.Nobody yet knows how long and how seriously the shakiness in the financial system willdown the economy. A. put B. settle C. drag D. knock6.In this factory the machin

41、es are not regulatedbut are jointly controlled by a central computer system. A. independently B. individually C. irrespectively D. irregularly7.Every chemical change either results from energy being sued to produce the change,or causes energy to bein some form. A. given off B. put out C. set off D.

42、used up8.Our corporations obligation under thisis limited to repair or replacement A. warranty B. license C. market , D. necessity9.They are a firm of good repute and have large financial A. reserves B. savings C. storages D. resources10.In the past 10 years,his company has graduallyall of its small

43、er rivals.A. engaged B.occupied C. monopolized D.absorbed参考答案:A B D A C B A A A D同等学力英语阅读理解练习精选Passage OneIn recent years, Israeli consumers have grown more demanding as they ve become wealthier and more worldly-wise. Foreign travel is a national passion;this summer alone, one in 10 citizens will go

44、 abroad. Exposed to higher standards of service elsewhere, Israelis are returning home expecting the same. American firms have also begun arriving in large numbers. Chains such as KFC, McDonalds and Pizza Hut are setting a new standard of customer service, using strict employee training and constant

45、 monitoring to ensure the friendliness of frontline staff. Even the American habit of telling departing customers to “Have a nice day” has caught on all over Israel. “Nobody wakes up in the morning and says, Lets be nicer,” says Itsik Cohen, director of a consulting firm. “Nothing happens without competit

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