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1、An Analysis on the Connection between Mark Twain and His WorksWang ZhifeiA Thesis Submitted toForeign Language DepartmentUnder the Supervision ofAssociate Professor Hu YanTaiyuan University of Science and TechnologyJune 2007ContentsAbstracts-i摘要-ii1. Introduction of the Purpose of this Paper -12. In

2、troduction of the Background-22.1. The Social Background-22.2. The Surroundings and Personal Experiences of the Author-42.3. A Summary-53. Analysis of Mark Twains Major Works-63.1. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn & The Adventures of Tom Sawyer-6 3.1.1. On the Characterization-6 3.1.2. On the Crea

3、tive Use of Dialects-8 3.1.3. On the Dialogues between the Figures-8 3.1.4. On the Details or Psychological Depicts-103.2. Some Other Short Novels-114. Conclusion-12References-13AbstractThis paper holds a perspective that the social background in which Mark Twain lived and Mark Twains personal exper

4、iences have an enormous influence on his unique expressional method disclosing serious social problems in satiric mood in his great works. In turn, having a proper knowledge about Mark Twains relevant information is very helpful to understand his works correctly and deeply. This idea is put forward

5、by taking an analysis of the research on the connections between Mark Twains works and the environment he lived in, which built his critical characters of high responsibilities on the society. Key words: connection; background; Mark Twain; writings; satire 摘要在马克吐温大部分作品中,读者都可以体会到他的一种独特的现实主义表达方式嬉笑怒骂路不

6、平.本文就马克吐温所处的时代背景和作者个人的特殊经历对这种表达方式所产生的影响进行分析研究,并且结合其作品提出这样一种观点: 马克吐温生活的社会背景和其特有的生活经历影响并决定了他的这种风格.反过来说,对马克吐温个人背景有一定的了解可以帮助读者更好得理解他作品中的深刻内涵.关键词:联系;背景;马克吐温 ;作品 ;讽刺1. Introduction of the Purpose of This Paper All the literary works are fictitious to certain degree. But why there able to be so many pieces

7、 and they attract so many readers as well as producers? It is the nature of literature, whose strong effects on people, even on the whole society, is uncountable. Literature is not just a group of words composed together to tell a story or present an idea or a kind of emotions. It is the best and ef

8、fective way to dwell on peoples wishes, desires, love, and hatred. Generally speaking, the purpose of literature is to inspire and satisfy human beings spiritual demands. These are too much injustice, failures, despair, and unpredictable frustrations in the real world. So in order to fulfill the que

9、st of perfect dreams, someone would like to turn their whole attention to how much they possess. They obtain self-satisfaction from any proud feelings and conveniences brought by them, while others resort to pursuing a higher demand, which refers to the spiritual demands as their survival choice. Th

10、ey are invisible world only existing in our minds by peoples image abilities, which is hardly available in real lives. However, this world provides people with a comfortable shelter to release their depression and stress to have a short refreshment and regain of courage.In terms of the advantages me

11、ntioned above about literature, a result can easily be got that it is inevitable to get access to those literary works and its necessary to cultivate personal corresponding abilities to comprehend their themes. Looking back the progress of human spiritual civilization and reflecting the temporary co

12、nditions and tendency of modern literature, a colorful, multilateral, multicultural forum has been formed in front of us. More and more different races, nations, religions have been partners in the global literature and have established a wilder unity of literature .To keep up with the universal dev

13、elopment and well communicate with in the coming international world, wed better learn the exotic cultures through these foreign masterpieces. The writer concerned in my paper is Mark Twain, who was famous in American literature in 19th Century and specialized in ironic style. Most of his works indi

14、cate social problems deeply and directly. They were compiled by seemingly trifles but embodied the authors criticism of the social reality. The materials used mostly took a foot of the authors self-experiences, the observations on the behaviors of people living around and some interesting things hea

15、rd of accidentally. The language to compose the stories was so humorous and profound that it not only amused the readers greatly, but ridiculed and criticized values and practices of adult world towards which the characters were headinghypocrisy and the essential childishness. In a word, under the a

16、ffection from both the society and the personality, Mark Twain used his own unique stylesatireto express his affections as well as criticism of the reality and created so many popular figures in American literature. 2. Introduction of the Background 2.1 On the Social Background Mark Twain, the pseud

17、onym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, was born in 1835 and died in 1910, which happened to be a revolutionary period in American both politically and literarily. The Civil War broke out in 1861, which marked a change in America. Before the Civil War, America had been essentially a rural, agrarian isolat

18、ed republic whose idealistic, confident, and self-reliant inhabitants for the most part believing in God. After the Civil War, the United States was transformed into an industrial and urban nation. On the surface, there is all security, elegance, security, and comfort but economic power became more

19、and more concentrated in the hands of the few. Great wealth nation became a land of contrasting wealth and poverty; political and commercial corruption grew widespread. All these made its people begin to question the assumptions shared by the Transcendentalists natural goodness, the optimistic view

20、of nature and man, benevolent God. In the meantime, the Romanticism was disappeared after the civil War, just as they turned away from Puritanism at the close of the 18C. A new inspiration came over them. Instead of thinking about the mysteries of life and death, peoples attention was now delivered

21、to the interesting features of everyday existence, life itself held a challenge. A zest of living naturally, completely, and even boisterously became the vogue. Thus new attitude was characterized by a great interest in the realities of life. Therefore a new spiritrealistic attitudeemerged in Americ

22、an literature, which started a new period in American writing known as the rise of Realism. In many ways, the WWI dimmed American optimism, and pioneers settle new territories in the west, writers now focused on the differences between the various regions of the United States rather than on a steady

23、 vision of the expanding country. Many outstanding writers called for the describing local life realistically. Such as William Dean Howells, Bret Harte, a story teller who brought the raw camps and settlements of the far west to life in The Luck of Roaring Camp, and Mark Twain.Realism is the theory

24、of writing in which familiar aspects of contemporary life and everyday scenes are represented in a straightforward or matter-of-fact manner. It stresses truthful treatment of materials. It is anti-romantic, anti-sentimental, and without interest in nature, death, etc. Writers would describe the char

25、m of human characters reacting under various circumstance or authors picture the pioneers of the Far West the new immigrants, and the struggles of the working classes. By the 1870s New England Renaissance had wanes. Hawthorne and Thoreau were dead, Emerson and Longfellow were old and feeble, and eve

26、n Melville had ceased to publish. This indicated that the age of Romanticism and Transcendentalism was by and large over. Instead a host of new writers and poets appeared. They are William Dean Howells; Henry James; Mark Twain & Francis Bret Harte. It was difficult to point out the first realist amo

27、ng American writers, but Bert Harte was often given credit for the starting of the movement, though most of these great writers of the period were not educated formally, their haphazard education enabled them to find their individual and appropriate styles as well as subjects. (汪 冷,2003:7)The realis

28、ts believe that the purpose of the portrayal of American life is to produce reality. So they depict life around them, identify their characters, from their surroundings and sometimes achieve psychological penetration. They write about individual characters, confronted hardships and moral dilemmas. T

29、heir writings expose the values of common humanity; Life appears as it is, not picturesque, adventurous, heroic eras of life. The narrators in their novels stand back, and try not to let their own emotions gain the way of which their works give to the readers. They just present the reader what the c

30、haracters do instead of telling the reader what it means in their writings. As time passed, Romanists optimism was replaced by the philosophical realism. With Howells, James and Mark Twain active on the scene, realism became a major trend in 1870s and 1880s of American literature.In a word this hist

31、orical period fostered a new literary tendency realism, and called for a group of writers to represent and develop it. So they turned up, including Mark Twain. In another word, the social circumstance determined and restrained the peoples moral values or judgments. Besides, this special background m

32、akes the realists existence possible and reasonable.2.2. The Surroundings and Personal Experiences of the AuthorSamuel Langhorne Clemens, more wildly known by the pen name of Mark Twain, was born in Florida, Missouri, on the 30th November 1835. His father was a local layer. Their economic conditions

33、 were unhappy. So he received only a basic public school education before beginning to work. He was the first major American writer to be born away from the east coast and grown up in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi. After his fathers death in 1847, he worked as a printer in his brother

34、s print shop. At the age of 18 he left school and begun his 3-year restless travel, earning his living as a printer in St Louis, Chicago, NY, Philadelphia, and other places. In 1857 he was attracted by the lure of river life of the Mississippi, and became a steamboat pilot. It is from this work that

35、 he got the idea of his penname. It was a nautical team used by sailors to report soundings to the ships officers. One of his best works, Life on the Mississippi, is built around at that time. Then he worked on the Mississippi riverboats as a pilot, this temporary life also gave him considerable mat

36、erials for several of his works, including the raft scenes of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and all of the materials for his autobiographical Life on the Mississippi. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer was based on Twains personal memories of growing up in Hannibal in the 1840s. In his preface to the

37、 novel he states that “most of the adventures recorded in this book really happened” and that the character of Tom has a basis in “a combination of 3 boys whom I knew.” Indeed, nearly every figure in the novel comes from the young Twains village experiences: Aunt Polly shares many characteristics wi

38、th Twains mother; Mary is based on his sister; Pamela and Sid resemble his younger brother-Henry; Huck, the Widow Douglas and actual Injun Joe also have real-life counterparts, although the actual Injun was more of a harmless drunk than a murder. When the Civil War begun, the riverboats ceased opera

39、tion, and after a brief trial of soldiering with a group of confederate volunteers, he went with his brother to Nevada and California, where he made his living as a job printer, a mining prospector and a journalist. He earned his recognitions as a writer in 1865 with the short story The Celebrated J

40、umping Frog of Calaveras Country. Which was based upon storied he heard in the mining camps. In 1867, he was sent to Europe by a Californian newspaper. The result of this trip was a series of newspaper articles later published as a book called Innocents Abroad (1869), a humorous narrative that ridic

41、ules foreign signs and manners from the point of view of American democracy, who scorns the sophisticated and ravels in his own national advantages.In 1870 he married Olivia Langdon and settled down in Hartford, Connecticut. Then his most productive years as a novelist came. During the following per

42、iod he published several books of satire and travel.In 1895, at his age of sixty, Twain lost all of his money through an unwise investment. He refused to become despondent, however, and set out on a lecturing tour around the world to collect another future. Then his personal tragedy came. While he w

43、as lecturing in Europe, his daughter died, his wife suffered a serious breakdown from which she never recovered and even his own health was falling. All these disastrous events led him to pessimism. Twain blamed himself for these trudges. His pessimism and skepticism about human nature grew deeper.

44、His last writings revealed the deep grief over his personal losses and reflected deep cynicism and disillusionment with this world. For instance, The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburn (1900), What Is Man (1906), and The Mysterious Strangers (1916), exuded an air of savage despair. At the age of seventy-

45、two he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Literature by Oxford University. He went to England to receive the degree. Three years later he died in Connecticut on the 21st April 1910.From the introduction of Twain life, we can come to a conclusion that most of his works came from his experiences. He

46、adopted a lot of slang to express his true feelings and opinions about the events happened around him. Meanwhile, formed his theory of localism and partly through his colloquial style. 2.3. A SummaryUnder the strong influence of the realism and regionalism at that time, Mark Twain chose a genuinely

47、colloquial and Native American speech to compose his works, which earned his outstanding humorist and satirist in American literature. And on him personal private conditions, his wealthy traveling and living experiences made a great contribution to his literal production. Besides, his moral values formed when he lived in his little town were full

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