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1、(完整版)表示数量概念的名词词组作主语的主谓一致问题以表示数量概念的名词词组作主语的主谓一致问题表示确定数量的名次词组作主语1. 数量概念被看做一个整体,动词用单数;被看做一个个的个体,则动词用复数Three years is too short a time, the senior high school headmaster warned.There are 3 dollars in each of the stockings。2. 主语由“分数/百分数+of+词组构成,其后动词的形式依of后名词类别而定;Two thirds of the water is polluted。 Two t

2、hirds of the students are boys.Over sixty percent of the city was destroyed in the war。Thirty-five percent of the doctors in Shekou Hospital are women.3. 主语由“one in/one out of+复数名词”构成,其后动词通常用单数;One in (out of) ten students has failed the exam。4. 加减乘除运算一般用单数,加和乘也可以用复数;40 minus 15 is 25。 40 divided by

3、 8 is 5。7 plus 4 is/are 11. 5 times 8 is/are 40.以表示非确定数量的名词词组作主语1. 主语由most of,some of,all of等构成,其后动词形式依of后名词类别而定.Most of the money we used today is made of paper.Most of the teachers are women in our company.Half of the building was damaged in the explosion。Half of the students were absent yesterday

4、 because of the flu。2。 主语由lots of, loads of, plenty of等构成,其后的动词形式依of后名词类别而定。Lots of food is going to be wasted. Lots of people are waiting outside。Plenty of sugar is imported from Cuba.Plenty of apples have been picked from the trees。3。 主语由a portion of, a series of, a pile of等构成,其后的动词通常用单数形式。Only a

5、portion of your previous working experience is related to teaching。A series of accidents has been reported. There is a pile of books on the table。4。 主语由“many a/more than one+名词”等构成,其意义虽属于多数,但随后的动词仍遵循“语法一致”原则,用单数。I met him many a time in the bus。More than one person has been concerned in this affair.

6、5. 主语由“an average of/a majority of+名词复数”构成,其后的动词形式通常用复数。An average of 10 students are absent each day.A majority of Taiwanese believe in Buddhism and Taoism。6。 主语由“限定词+kind/type/sort of+名词”等构成,分为两种情况:A: 在a kind/type/sort of+名词,this kind/type/sort of+名词之后,动词用单数;There is a kind of rose, which fills the air with fragrance when May comes。This kind of man annoys me。 This type of car is oldfashioned.B: 在these kinds of+名词, many/several kinds of+名词之后,动词用复数;There are many kinds of different snake in the mountain.These kinds of insects are harmful. These types of car are imported from Japan.

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