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1、早教英文早教英文课程程pptCopyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Questions(put your name at the top)(put your name at the top)1.From your own experience,do you think that 1.From your own experience,do you think that development is continuous,discontinuous,or both Give development is continuous,discontinuous,or both Give one

2、 or more examples to illustrate your thinking.one or more examples to illustrate your thinking.2.In your view,when people change or develop this is 2.In your view,when people change or develop this is mostly as a result of:mostly as a result of:-experiences they have-experiences they have-their gene

3、tic makeup and underlying biological changes-their genetic makeup and underlying biological changes-a combination of experience and biological factors-a combination of experience and biological factorsGive an example of a change in your own development that Give an example of a change in your own de

4、velopment that demonstrates what you think.demonstrates what you think.Copyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Domains of DevelopmentDomainDomainChanges inChanges inPhysicalPhysicaln nBody size&proportions,appearanceBody size&proportions,appearancen nFunctioning of body systems,healthFunctioning of body systems,h

5、ealthn nPerceptual&motor capacitiesPerceptual&motor capacitiesCognitiveCognitiven nIntellectual abilitiesIntellectual abilitiesn nLanguageLanguageEmotional Emotional and Socialand Socialn nEmotional communicationEmotional communicationn nSelf-understanding,knowledge about Self-understanding,knowledg

6、e about othersothersn nInterpersonal skills&relationshipsInterpersonal skills&relationshipsn nMoral reasoning&behaviorMoral reasoning&behaviorCopyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Periods of DevelopmentPrenatalPrenatalConception to birthConception to birthInfancy and Infancy and ToddlerhoodToddlerhoodBirth to 2

7、 yearsBirth to 2 yearsEarly ChildhoodEarly Childhood2 to 6 years2 to 6 yearsMiddle ChildhoodMiddle Childhood6 to 11 years6 to 11 yearsAdolescenceAdolescence11 to 18 years11 to 18 yearsEmerging AdulthoodEmerging Adulthood18 to 25 years18 to 25 yearsCopyright Allyn&Bacon 2011TheoryAn orderly,integrate

8、d set of An orderly,integrated set of statements thatstatements thatn ndescribes behavior.describes behavior.n nexplains behavior.explains behavior.n npredicts behavior.predicts behavior.Photodisc,Education 2 Royalty FreeCopyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Basic Issues in Development1.Continuous or discontinu

9、ous2.One course of development or many possible courses3.Relative influence of nature and nurtureFigure 1.1Copyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Continuous or Discontinuous DevelopmentFigure 1.2Copyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Nature and Nurture Nature(Biology&genetics)Inborn,biologic givensInborn,biologic givens Base

10、d on genetic inheritanceBased on genetic inheritanceNurture(Experience)Physical and social worldPhysical and social world Influences biological and Influences biological and psychological developmentpsychological development Stuart Monk|D Copyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Stability vs.PlasticityStabilityInd

11、ividuals high or low Individuals high or low in a characteristic in a characteristic remain so at later remain so at later ages.ages.Early experience may Early experience may a have lifelong impact.a have lifelong impact.PlasticityChange is possible,Change is possible,based onbased on experiencesexp

12、eriences.Copyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Resilient Children Personal characteristics Personal characteristics A warm parental relationship A warm parental relationship Social support outside the immediate family Social support outside the immediate family Community resources and opportunities Community re

13、sources and opportunities Ami Beyer|D Copyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Eating Dinner Together Can Make a Difference Figure 2.8Copyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Historical Views of ChildhoodMedieval EraMedieval EraChildhood(to age 7 or 8)regarded Childhood(to age 7 or 8)regarded as separate phase with special as se

14、parate phase with special needs,protectionsneeds,protections16th Century16th CenturyPuritan“child depravity”viewsPuritan“child depravity”views17th Century17th CenturyJohn Locke“tabula rasa”or“blank John Locke“tabula rasa”or“blank slate”view;continuous slate”view;continuous developmentdevelopment18th

15、 Century18th CenturyJean-Jacques Rousseau“noble Jean-Jacques Rousseau“noble savages”view;natural maturationsavages”view;natural maturationCopyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Early Scientific Studyof DevelopmentEvolutionary Evolutionary TheoryTheoryDarwins ideas of natural selection Darwins ideas of natural se

16、lection and survival of the fittest are still and survival of the fittest are still influential.influential.Normative Normative ApproachApproachHall&Gesell:Age-related Hall&Gesell:Age-related averages based on measurements averages based on measurements of large numbers of childrenof large numbers o

17、f childrenMental Mental Testing Testing MovementMovementBinet&Simon:Early developers of Binet&Simon:Early developers of intelligence testsintelligence testsCopyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Freuds Three Parts of the PersonalityIdn nLargest portion of the mindLargest portion of the mindn nUnconscious,present

18、 at birthUnconscious,present at birthn nSource of biological needs&desiresSource of biological needs&desiresEgon nConscious,rational part of mindConscious,rational part of mindn nEmerges in early infancyEmerges in early infancyn nRedirects id impulses acceptablyRedirects id impulses acceptablySupere

19、gon nThe conscienceThe consciencen nDevelops from ages 3 to 6,from Develops from ages 3 to 6,from interactions with caregiversinteractions with caregiversCopyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Eriksons Psychosocial StagesBasic trust Basic trust v.mistrustv.mistrustBirth1 yearBirth1 year Identity v.role Identity

20、v.role confusionconfusionAdolescenceAdolescenceAutonomy v.Autonomy v.shame and shame and doubtdoubt13 years13 yearsIntimacy v.Intimacy v.isolationisolationEmerging Emerging adulthoodadulthoodInitiative v.Initiative v.guiltguilt36 years36 yearsGenerativity v.Generativity v.stagnationstagnationAdultho

21、odAdulthoodIndustry v.Industry v.inferiorityinferiority611 years611 yearsIntegrity v.Integrity v.despairdespairOld ageOld ageCopyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Behaviorism&Social LearningClassical ConditioningStimulus ResponseStimulus ResponseOperant ConditioningReinforcers&Reinforcers&punishmentspunishments

22、Social-Cognitive ApproachModelingModelingSelf-efficacySelf-efficacyCopyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Copyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Piagets Stages of Cognitive DevelopmentTable 1.2Copyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Vygotskys Sociocultural TheoryTransmission of culture to new generationn nBeliefs,customs,skillsBeliefs,cus

23、toms,skillsSocial interaction vital for cognitive developmentn nCooperative dialogues Cooperative dialogues with more with more knowledgeable knowledgeable members of societymembers of societyFamily Life Royalty FreeCopyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Ecological Systems TheoryFigure 1.4Copyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Dynamic Systems PerspectiveFigure 1.5Copyright Allyn&Bacon 2011Questions

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