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1、剑桥英英语青少版入青少版入门级第第13单元元课件件recording studioWho are we Fans fans Where are we Recording studio recording studio What do we like Autograph autograph Who is your favirate starFever love the BeatlesThe Beatles was a famous English rock band.The band was from Liverpool.There were four young man in the Beat

2、les.They were John Lennon,Paul McCartney,George Harrison and Ringo Starr.They made lots of fantastic songs.It started from 1960 and stopped in 1970.John LennonHe is only 40 years old.Underline the answerDid somebody die Who Where was John and his wife When did the thing happen(发生)发生)How was he dead

3、listen On 8 December 1980,ex-Beatles John and his wife were in New York.ex-Beatles前任前任披头士(成员)披头士(成员)前前妻妻ex-wifeex-girlfriend前任前任女朋友女朋友ex-work前前工作工作Underline the answerWho was the murder(凶手)凶手)Mark ChapmanTwo times How many times did Mark talk to Jhon What did he do at the first time What did he do a

4、t the second time In his hand,there was a piece of paper and a pen.“Mr.Lennon!”he said.“Can I have your autograph”Jhon signed his name and Chapman went away.Guess There was a man at the door.It was Mark Chapman.This time,there wasnt a pen in his hand but a gun.“Mr.Lennon!”he said.Suddenly,there were

5、 five shot and John Lennon was dead.Guessgunsshott n.开枪;子弹开枪;子弹 T:shot;S:countfour shotstwo shots I shot John Lennon.shootu:t shot 过去式过去式 She shoots Sara with five shots.s:r tu:tListen the text and Underline the words you cant understand(理解).In the afternoon,they Were on their way to a recording studio to work on a new song.on way to my yourhis/her ourtheir学校学校 医院医院 录音棚录音棚家家 On way home五体投地apartmentp:tmnt一套公寓一套公寓 apartmentLETS read the text Listen and mark the sentence T or F.教学资料资料仅供参考

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