1、初中生如何学好英语何谓“学好英语”?2have fungood grades3If you were a teacher,which would you choose A.both A and B B.neither A nor B C.either A or B4what about both5win,moustache,canteen,ambulance,ambition,strong,hermit.67亡:口:月:贝:凡:8Lets learn about the sentences that we have made!9What have we learnt10 a very fat
2、man really wanted to get lose.Although he tried many times,he still failed again and again.One day,he got the courage once more,and he went to a Beauty-hospital,Of course,paid much money.the next day,Somebody knocked at his door,when he opened the door,to his surprise,a pretty pretty lady with a car
3、d was standing there.The card saidI am from the Beauty-hospital,if during the 10days,you can catch up with me,I will be with you!the man get excited,then,ran quickly.11On the ninth day,he really lost 20 kg,he thought,it will be the last day,so I have to reach her!And,he was too excited to get sleep.
4、the next day,really came.somebody was knocking the door again!.12动力动力 和和 压力,你压力,你才可以成功!才可以成功!13enjoy yourselves when you are learning!we can make it fun!14Thank you!15我们小学的英语学习450个四会词汇。主要以简单的词汇,句型积累为主,学习内容比较单一。课堂丰富活跃,树立对外语的兴趣。不以强调词类用法为主,很少涉及系统的语法点。除特殊班型外,小升初招考题目很简单,或没有此科目的英语考试。16初中英语学习词汇量的翻倍增加庞大的系统语
5、法知识课文文章的加长科目太多,无暇顾及英语中考应试的压力17 18分析每个年级的难易七年级:衔接过渡。积累基础词汇,建立语法框架。八年级(60%):词汇加大,夯实语法基础,提升综合能力九年级(30%)(上学期):“滚雪球”;词汇,时态,句型 的融合,为中考做缓冲。九年级(下学期):第一轮复习-课本复习 第二轮复习-词法,句法复习 第三轮复习-模拟考卷 第四轮复习-冲刺阶段1920分析教材结构词汇部分(音标,词类,具体用法)基础语法(词类的判断和联想,短语的用法,句型,时态)听力原文课文(sectionA,sectionB,SELF-check)写作从哪里来?2122了解我们的词汇分布23让我们
6、分析一下可怕的试卷,并记录你存在的问题听力单项选择题(词法,固定搭配,时态)完形填空(词义辨析,固定搭配,文章大意理解,句型)阅读(选择性阅读,任务型阅读)翻译(固定搭配,句型的应用)短文填空(词性之间的转化,固定搭配,时态)写作(分析问题,语言的综合应用能力)24分析学生存在的普遍问题单词记不住怎么办?上课该怎么记笔记?很少复习笔记,或是复习的没有效率,怎么办?不知道 选择填空 这类题型在考什么?不知道 完形填空 这类题型在考什么?在规定的时间内做不完试卷,怎么办?阅读理解的文章短文填空基本能看懂,可是得不了几分。补全对话 不能得满分。看到写作 无从下手。对英语学习没有兴趣怎么办?25如何分配我的时间26谢谢观赏谢谢观赏27教学资料资料仅供参考