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1、(完整版)选修六unit3导学案学习目标与重点: 1。 To help Ss review some important new words and expressions.2. To get Ss to know the harmful effects of smoking and then try to persuade others to quit smoking。3. Enable students to grasp and use the information of the reading material。 Period 1 Word studyI.核心词汇与短语1。abuse。

2、 vt. & n。 _vt. Many of the kids are abusing drugs。 _Those captives (俘虏) were physically and emotionally abused. _n。 What she did was an abuse of her power as a manager。 _Child abuse is widespread in this country。 _【即学即练】Leaders _ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.2。

3、stress v._ & n。_v. I can t stress enough the need for cooperation._Studying for exams always stresses me out. _The word “machine is stressed on the second syllable. _n。 u, cShe laid / put/placed great stress on proper behavior。 _Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress。 _【思维拓展】Moving

4、to a new house is a very_ ( adj。 )experience。I always eat when Im feeling _ ( adj. )。3。 ban. vt._ n。 _Do you think smoking should be banned?He launched a campaign to ban smoking in public places。_The committee banned her from taking part in the athletics for five years。_There is a ban on/against tak

5、ing photos in the exhibition。_1) 这儿的学生不允许带手机回校。_2) 禁止摩托车在我们这个城市引起很大的争论。_4. addicted adj。_短语:be addicted to sthdoing sth沉溺于.。.。;专心做。.。.addict oneself to (doing) sth沉溺于.。.。词性变化:addictive (adj.)令人沉溺的 addiction(n)1) 据说有五百万美国人有烟瘾。_。2) 到目前为止很多孩子仍然沉迷于上网。_. 3) Playing computer games is highly _. Once you ge

6、t _to it, you will find it hard to get rid of it。 Now, Henry, one of my classmate is fighting his _ to the games.(addict)4) 辍学后,他沉溺于烟酒中。_5。 due adj。 欠款的;预定的;到期的搭配:(be) due to 因为,由于 be due (to do) 预期(做),约定(做),应该(做)用法:due to多用于be后,即构成be due to sth。(是因为),作状语时不放于句首。而owing to则不用于be后;其他表达:thanks to, owing

7、 to, because of,as a result of, on account of.(1)他的成功主要靠运气.His success was largely _.(2)我们定于明天动身。We are _ tomorrow. (3)我们幸福的童年应归功于父亲的辛勤工作。Our happy childhood _。(4)由于暴风雨,他来迟了。 _6. be/become/grow accustomed to(doing)sth。变得习惯于=be used to doingaccustom oneself to sh。/doing sth。使自己习惯于.。;养成.。.。的习惯accustom

8、ed.adj。 惯常的;习惯了的(1) Im accustomed to _(get) up so early to do morning exercise.(2) These old people are _ _(不习惯) to the pressure of modern life.(3) He took his_ seat by the fire(4) Im not_ to getting up so early7. ashamed adj. _ 搭配:be ashamed of 以为耻辱 feel ashamed for sb替某人感到羞愧 be ashamed to do sth。

9、以做而羞愧be ashamed for (doing) sth. 因为(做)而羞愧Its a shame/pity that.。.。真让人遗憾运用: 补全下列句子。(1)你应该为说这样的谎话而感到羞愧。You should _ telling such a lie.(2)她不好意思提这么简单的问题.She _ such a simple question.(3)她深深地为自己在晚会上的行为感到羞耻。She was deeply _ her behavior at the party。8。 in spite of 不管;尽管 1) They kept going in spite of thei

10、r fears。 他们不顾害怕继续前进.2) 尽管雨很大,他还是按时来了._.同义归纳regardless of不管,不顾,尽管;后跟名词,动名词,代词,名词短语等。despite=in spite ofalthough尽管,后跟从句练习 汉译英1)不管别人怎么说,我仍认为他这个人很好。_2) 尽管天气不好,他们的假期还是过得极为愉快._9。 take a risk/risks 冒险1) I know that I am _, but it is all worthwhile.我知道我是在冒险,但这非常值得.2) He took the risk of losing his own life

11、and saved my life in the cold river.他冒着失去自己生命的危险,在冰冷的河水里救了我的命.短语归纳at risk冒风险;处于危险中 at ones own risk自担风险at the risk of sth。/doing sth.冒.。.。的危险take /run the risk of doing sth.冒险做某事risk doing冒险做。练习 汉译英1)为了寻找失踪的小孩,他冒着被困风雪中的危险。_2)任何人在此游泳,后果自负。_3)战争爆发了,许多无辜的民众处于失去生命的危险之中._10. get into the habit of /the tr

12、ouble陷入。.1)他学他的父亲,染上了吸烟的习惯._2) 如果你总是取笑别人,你会惹上麻烦的。_.11。 survival n。幸存重点用法 survive v。幸免于,幸存 survivor n.幸存者1) As is known, we need food and water for survival。_2) The house survive the storm。_练习 汉译英1) 没有人能够在这次空难中幸存下来。 _2) 她比她丈夫多活了十年。 _II重点句型学习1。 原句:Your mother tells me that you started smoking some tim

13、e ago and now you are finding it difficult to give it up。你妈妈告诉我,你不久前开始吸烟了,而且现在很难把它戒掉。句型:find/consider/feel it +宾补+doing/to do/that 我们的老师认为我们每天练习口语是必要的。_ 我们认为和他吵是没用的._ 你也许发现在这里工作很令人兴奋。_2原句: Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a nonsmoker. 模仿要点 句子结构:every time 引导

14、时间状语从句。其他名词短语也可起连词的作用:the second/minute/instant/moment; the first/last time, each/every time, next time; the week, the year, the month。每次你感到压抑的时候,做一些放松运动._我们二十年没有见面了,但是我一见到他就人出他来了._。3. 【原句】It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon。 模仿要点 (It seems +

15、adj。 + that 引导主语从句 )网上我们几秒钟内就能获得世界上发生的一切事情的信息似乎令人惊叹._ Period II Reading。Fast reading1. What is HIV? _2. What is AIDS?_II. True or False1. Only bad people get AIDS。 ( )2。 I can become infected with HIV by swimming in a pool, holding hands or kissing someone with HIV。 ( )3. People who have not injecte

16、d drugs do not need to get tested for HIV. ( )4。 If I had HIV, I would know because I would feel sick。( )5。 Evidence show that men get AIDS more easily than women.( )6。 It is very likely that you will die if you become infected with HIV。 ( )III。 Reading 1。 The word “homosexuals means _.A。 People onl

17、y attracted by the same sexB. People who dont care about themselvesC。 People who are very sexy。 D. People who often have sex。 2。 We can infer from the passage that _。A. HIV is equal to AIDS B. HIV is different from AIDSC。 HIV weakens a persons immune systemD. people can have HIV in their blood for q

18、uite a long time3. In order to stay safe, you _。A. should not share needles with someone elseB。 have to avoid using anything else that the person has used while injecting drugs。C. should use a condom if you have sex with another one.D。 All of the above.IV. Fill in the blank with proper Pre。(介词)1. At

19、 present we have no evidence _ life on other planets.2. The virus can be spread _ blood.3. Scientists predict they will be able to find a cure _ cancer by learning how to switch cells on and off。4. Part _ the building was destroyed in the fire.5。 People tend to work hard at this stage _ life。 Period

20、 III GrammarI. Proverbs(谚语) with “It” It is never too old to learn. It is easier to fall than to rise. It is no use crying over spilt milk. It never rains but it pours。 It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open. It takes three generations to make a gentleman。 II. Read and analyze the

21、 sentences。1. It is Friday today。2. It was very cold last Monday. 3. It is about 8:30 now.4. It is about 25km from Longxian to Bazi.5. It lies in the south of Shaoguan city.6. It is 40C! You got a high fever!Conclusion: it 可以用作非人称代词, 表示_,_, _, _, _, _等.。7. It is obvious that the water was to blame。8

22、. It is true that he will treat me for breakfast tomorrow。9. It is certain that our class will do a good job in the final exam.10. Is it possible that he will become the chairman of our country?11. It is amazing that at my age I still look like a student!Conculsion: it是 _, 句子真正的主语是_. III. Some patte

23、rns:Its no good/use doingIts (well) worth doingIts (well) worth ones while doing/to doIts (well) worth while doing/ to doIts no use crying over spilt milk。IV。 Tell the function of “it:1. Its difficult to remember all their names。2。 Its very quiet in the caf。 3. It rained for three days。4. He made it

24、 clear that he didnt want to speak to me。5. It was nice to meet you。 6。 It was on Tuesday that Smith came。7. Its three miles from here to the nearest garage.8. A tall man stood up and shook hands. It was captain Lawrie.9. I hear you bought a new bike。 Can you show it to me? 10。 It was five oclock wh

25、en we got back home yesterday。11. It was dirty and wet below the ship where the slaves were kept。 12. It was on this coast that lots of his people disappeared. 13。 It was most likely that one third of them had lost their lives.V。 Exercises:1. I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full。 A. it B

26、. that C。 these D。 them 2. In which play is _ your brother will appear? A。 that where B. this when C。 it that D. it where3. _ the harder you work, the better result youll get. A. Its believed that B。 What we believed that C。 Its fact D. What the fact is 4. Nothing can stop us, _? A。 cant it B。 can i

27、t C。 cant we D. can we5. -Can you tell us how the war was won in the end ? - I dont know, _。 A。 Its hard to say B. It doesnt matter C。 Its no use saying D. It depends on the work6。 Does _ matter a lot whether she will come here by bus or by taxi? A. The thing B. that C. it D. her mother7. -Listen! S

28、omeone is unlocking the goods. -_ must be your father coming back from Beijing. A. It B。 There C. That D。 This Period IV Revision(巩固复习案)I.单词拼写1。_n。酒;酒精 _adj. 酒精的2。_n. 压力;重音;vt。 加压力于 _adj。 产生压力的;紧张的3。_n。青少年;adj。 青春期的_ n. 青春期4. _vt.禁止;取缔_ v.(同义词)禁止;阻止5._vt。 使习惯于_adj. 惯常的;习惯了的6。_n。 收回;撤退;戒毒过程_v。收回;撤退7.

29、_adj.无意识的;自动的 _adv。无意识地;自动地8。 _adj. 精神的;智力的_adv。精神上地;智力上地9。_n.结果;效力_v.影响10. _adj。畸形的;异常的_adj. 正常的11。_adj.不健康的;不合适的;不合格的_adj。 健康的;合适的12。_v.加强;巩固;使坚强;变强_n。力气;力量_adj。 强壮的;坚固的13。_adj。 绝望的;拼命的_adv. 拼命地,绝望地_n. 绝望,不顾一切14。_adj。失望的;沮丧的_v. 使失望;使沮丧_n.失望;沮丧15._adj。感到惭愧或羞耻的_n. 惭愧;耻辱;羞耻16._adj。 不合法的,违法的_adj.合法的17

30、。 _n.幸存;幸存者_v. 存活;经历;还活着_n.幸存者18。_n.看法;判决;判断_ v。判决;判断19。_adj.尴尬的;陷入困境的_ v。 使困窘;使不安_n. 不安;尴尬II短语填空:1。 _to 由于 2。 be _ to 对有瘾3。 be/become/grow _to习惯于某事 4。 _ on 对作出决定5。 feel _(doing) 想要(做) 6. in _ of 不管;不顾7. stand _ 支持;代表 8. be _ of/that.。 为感到惭愧/羞愧 be _ to do sth. 羞于做某事 9. at _ 处境危险;遭受危险 10。 take _/_ _

31、冒险III.单词拼写1。The accident is d_ to your careless driving.2.My children have become hopelessly a_ to television。3。She found it necessary to a_ her child to getting up early.4。He was a_ of his body so he decided to go on a diet and do more exercise.5.With exams only a week away, I am under a lot of s_.

32、6。 _(精神的)health is as important as physical health。7。Now that I am _(怀孕的),I eat a good diet because I want my baby to be born healthy.8.Ill never forget the days when I lived in the country with the farmers,which has a great _(影响) on my life。9。My father has _(戒掉) smoking。10.The door opened _ (自动地) a

33、s we approached。IV选用所给短语的适当形式填空addicted to; due to; decide on; be accustomed to; manage to;at risk; leave out; a great deal1.His father has become _ drugs。2.Im sorry for _ the important point in your speech。3.His grandfather has _ life in the mountains from his childhood。4。I benefited _ from my teac

34、hers advice.5。How do you _ carry such a heavy box?6。I have _ buying a bike for my brothers birthday.7。You will be _, if you go on board in such bad weather。8。His success is entirely _ his hard work。V 完成句子1。Her worldwide fame is _ _his support。 她名扬四海应归功于他的支持.2。She found it necessary to _ her child _ getting up early.她觉得有必要让孩子养成早起的好习惯.3。She cant see very well _ _ _ her glasses.尽管戴着眼镜她还是看不很清楚。4.Its so hot today! I _ _ going swimming。 今天好热啊!我想去游泳。5。The girl has _ _ the habit of playing with her hair while reading.那个女孩养成了阅读时玩弄头发的习惯。12勤勉耕耘 博雅精进

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