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1、新外研版小学英新外研版小学英语五五上上Module3Unit2-Damimg-took-a-photo-of-his-fatherLook and say.Where did you go at the weekend?I went to Qingyuanshan.How did you go there?I went by bus.Look and say.Where did you go at the weekend?We went to thepark at the weekend.What did you do there?We had a picnic.Where did they

2、go last Sunday?They went to Hainan.What did they do there?They swam in the sea.They went there by plane.How did they go there?1.Who took the first photo?2.Who took the second(第二)(第二)photo?Daming took it.Lingling took it.Listen and answer.Words.arrivethe Great WallmountainWords.take photosflowersplan

3、tsgreenmountain withRead.Daming and his father went to the Great Wall at the weekend.They went to Badaling by bus.They arrivedthere at ten oclock in the morning.The wall is very old and very long.They walked on the wall for an hour.在早上在早上长达一个长达一个小时小时在在10点钟点钟Read.There were lots of people.They took p

4、hotos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants.Daming took a photo of his father.为为拍照拍照许多人许多人拥有,具有拥有,具有Listen and answer.1.Who went to the Great Wall?Daming and his father.2.How did they go there?They went there by bus.3.When did they arrive there?Read and answer.They arrived there a

5、t ten oclock.Listen and answer.3.How(怎么样怎么样)is the Great Wall?Its 4.Did they walk on the wall?very long and very oldYes,they did.Yes,there were.Listen and answer.5.Were there lots of people?6.Did they take photos?Yes,they did.They took some photos.4.What did they see?5 What did Daming do?They saw an

6、d .mountains with beautiful flowers and green plantsRead and answer.He took photos of his father.lots of people6.They wall is .A.very old B.very long C.very old and very long7.They walked on the wall .A.four twenty minutes B.for an hour C.for half an hour8.Daming took a photo of .A.his father B.the

7、flowersC.lots of peopleCBRead and choose.A 想想下面句子的意思想想下面句子的意思.They walked on the wall for an hour.They took photos of the mountains with beautiful flowers and green plants.Daming took a photo of his father.We arrived there at ten oclock in the morning.我们上午十点到的那儿我们上午十点到的那儿.他们在长城上走了一个小时他们在长城上走了一个小时.他们

8、拍了满是花和绿色植物的山的照片。他们拍了满是花和绿色植物的山的照片。大明为他的爸爸拍了一张照片。大明为他的爸爸拍了一张照片。Read and draw tick()or cross().(1)Daming visited lots of places at the weekend.()(2)They went there by bus.()(3)They walked on the wall for an hour.()(4)Damings father took a photo of him.()the Great WallDaminghis fatherListen and repeat.

9、ar,aarmclass partyfastListen and repeat.odogboxmorningwalkor,alListen and repeat.oobookfootballou,oosoupfood1.-took this photo?-Daming.A.Where B.What C.Who2.We to the Great Wall.A.by bus B.took a bus C.by a bus 3.We arrived there nine oclock.A.at B.in C.of选择。4.-We watched TV two hours.A.for B.and C.

10、to 5.There were flowers in the park.A.much B.lot of C.lots of 6.?-We took some photos of the mountains.A.Where did you go B.What did you see C.What did you do选择。补全对话。补全对话。-_-I went to Mount Emei with my father.-_-We took a car there.-_ -We arrived there at 9 oclock.-_ -We took photos of the mountain

11、s with lovely monkeys.A.What did you do there?B.What did you do last Sunday?D.How did you go there?C.When did you arrive there?BDCAWhat did you do at the weekend?arrived,at,They,ten,there,oclock.They arrived there at ten oclock.连词成句。连词成句。do,weekend,you,the,did,at,What?They walked on the wall for an hour.took,a,Daming,his,of,photo,father.Daming took a photo of his father.连词成句。连词成句。walked,They,for,the,wall,an,on,hour.ReadforwallmountainofarrivewithplantReadThey arrived there at ten oclock.They walked on the wall for an hour.Daming took a photo of his father.汇报结束谢谢大家!请各位批评指正

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