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1、 SINOMACH CNEEC PENTA JOINT OPERATIONPLTU 1 JAWA BARAT INDRAMAYU 3X330MW COAL FIRED POWER PLANTElectrical Operation ManualDocument Number: SCP-OM-031Revised Edition: 3Owner: PT PLNPrepared by: EPC Contractor SCP JO September 20, 2010106序 言Preface本电气运行手册根据PLTU 1 JAWA BARAT INDRAMAYU 3X330MW 燃煤蒸汽电厂电气主

2、辅机设备制造厂提供的设备使用维护说明书和相关图纸编制的,仅适用于本项目运行操作。The Electric Operation Manual is prepared based on the O&M Instructions and relevant drawings provided by electric equipment manufacturers. It is only suitable for the operations in PLTU 1 JAWA BARAT INDRAMAYU 3X330MW COAL FIRED POWER PLANT PROJECT.目 录Contents

3、序 言APREFACEA3.1发-变组运行手册13.1 OPERATION MANUAL OF GENERATOR-TRANSFORMER UNIT13.1.1范围13.1.1Scope13.1.2 规范性引用文件13.1.2Specified reference13.1.3概述及技术规范33.1.3Overview and technical specifications33.1.4发-变组继电保护及同期装置303.1.4Generator-transformer unit relay protection and synchronization303.1.5发-变组的启动473.1.5Ge

4、nerator-transformer unit startup473.1.6 发-变组的运行维护623.1.6 Operation and maintenance of generator-transformer unit623.1.7发-变组的停止793.1.7Shutdown of generator-transformer unit793.1.8发-变组异常运行及事故处理853.1.8 Abnormal operation and emergency treatment for generator -transformer853.1发-变组运行手册3.1 Operation Manua

5、l of generator-transformer unit3.1.1范围3.1.1Scope本运行手册规定了印尼INDRAMAYU 3330MW 燃煤电站项目发电机组设备规范、机组启动、正常运行调整及维护、机组停运、事故处理、辅助设备运行操作和机组联锁保护试验等。This O&M Manual covers the equipment Specifications, unit start-up, regulation and maintenance during normal operation, unit shutdown, trouble-shooting, operation of

6、auxiliary Equip and interlock protection test of INDRAMAYU 3330MW Coal-fired Power Plant.本运行手册适用于印尼INDRAMAYU 3330MW 燃煤电站项目汽轮发电机组设备、系统的运行和事故处理,凡从事该机组运行、检修及管理的人员均应熟悉或掌握本手册的全部或部分内容。This manual is only suitable for operation, maintenance and trouble-shooting of the STG equipment, unit. Thus, any one tha

7、t will join the operation, maintenance and management of this unit should be familiar with the whole or part of this manual.3.1.2 规范性引用文件3.1.2Specified Reference下列文件中的条款均是中国电力管理的相关文件,通过本手册的引用而成为本手册的条款。Terms in the documents below, which are the relevant documents of Chinese Power Administration, hav

8、e been quoted to be some items of this manual.防止电气误操作装置管理规定国家电网安监2006904号Regulations to Prevent Incorrect Electrical Operations 2006 No.904 State Grid Safe Production Supervisory 防止电气生产重大事故的二十五项重点要求 国家电力公司200025 Requirements for Preventing Severe Accidents during Power Generation National Electrical

9、 Power Corporation 2000发电机运行规程 国电发1999579号Regulation on Generator Operation National Electrical Power Co. 1999 No.579 汽轮发电机技术条件 SD27088Technical Conditions of STG SD27088继电保护及安全自动装置运行管理规程 (82)水电生字第11号Regulations on Operation & Management of Relay Protections & Safe Automatic Devices (82) Hydraulic P

10、ower Generation No.11高压断路器运行规程 电供199130号Regulation on HV Circuit Breaker Operation Utility (1991) No.30变电站运行导则 DL/T 969-2005Guideline on Sub-station Operation DL/T 969-2005电力变压器运行规程 DL/T 572-95Regulation on Electrical Transformer Operation DL/T 572-95电力电缆运行规程 (79)电生字第53号Regulation on Electrical Cabl

11、e Operation Power Generation No.53电力设备预防性试验规程 DL/T 596-1996Regulation on Preventive Test for Electrical Equipment DL/T 596-1996电力系统用蓄电池直流电源装置运行及维护技术规程 DL/T 724-2000 Regulation on Technology of O&M of DC Power Device of Batteries for Electrical System继电保护及安全自动装置运行管理规程 西电调字(1993)7号Regulations on Opera

12、tion & Management of Relay Protections & Auto Safety Devices Western Power Dispatch No. 7 (1993)微机继电保护装置运行管理规程 DL/T 587-96Regulations on Operation & Management of Micro-computerized Relay Protection Device DL/T 587-96干式电力变压器技术参数和要求 GB/T 10228-1997 Technical Parameters & Requirements of Dry-type Elec

13、trical Transformer GB/T 10228-1997干式电力变压器 GB 6450-86Dry-type Electrical Transformer GB 6450-86电业安全工作规程(发电厂和变电所电气部分) DL408-91 Power Industry Safety Code (Electrical Part of Power Plant & Sub-station) DL408-913.1.3概述及技术规范3.1.3Overview and Technical Specifications印度尼西亚INDRAMAYU电厂工程位于西爪哇省Indramayu Regen

14、cy市Sukara区Sumuradem村,位于雅加达以东约180公里。The Indramayu Project is constructed in Sumuradem village of Sukara district in the city of Indramayu Regency in Western Java and is located approximately 180km to the east of Jakarta.INDRAMAYU电厂安装3330MW国产亚临界燃煤湿冷发电机组,电厂内设150KV配电装置,出4回线路接入印尼150KV系统。3330MW sub-critic

15、al coal-fired water cooling generation units are installed in Indramayu power plant where 150KV switchgear is equipped and four outgoing lines are connected with the 150KV system of Indonesia.本工程燃用来自Sumatera和Kalimantan的煤炭,驳船运输进厂,厂内设煤码头。The coal for this project comes from Sumatera and Kalimantan and

16、 is transported into the coal jetty with a barge in the power plant.冷却系统采用海水直流冷却,冷却水取自爪哇海的海水。厂内设置海水淡化站,以海水淡化后的生水作为生活用水和锅炉补充用水。The cooling system adopts seawater flow cooling for which the water is obtained from Java Sea. One water desalination station is available in the power plant and the treated

17、water is used as the raw water for domestic water and water supply of boiler.机组主要承担基本负荷,并具有一定的调峰能力(30%90%范围)。The units mainly carry the basic load and is capable of peak regulation in certain scope(30%90%).设备日利用小时数:20小时Daily availability of equipment in hrs: 20h设备年利用小时数:6000小时Annual availability of

18、equipment in hrs: 6000h锅炉为北京巴布科克.威尔科克斯有限公司提供的1050t/h,亚临界压力、一次中间再热、单炉膛、自然循环、平衡通风、固态排渣、前后墙对冲燃烧、汽包型燃煤锅炉,露天布置,全钢构架。The boiler in use, which is provided by Babcock & Wilcox Company, is designed in this way: it is of sub-critical pressure, primary intermediate reheating, single furnace, natural circulatio

19、n, balanced ventilation, solid slag discharge, cross firing between the front and rear wall, steam drum coal-fired boiler, outdoor arrangement with a whole steel framework.汽轮机由北京北重汽轮电机有限公司提供的330MW亚临界参数、一次中间再热、单轴三缸双排汽凝汽式汽轮机。型号:N330-17.75/540/540The turbine, which is produced by Beijing Beizhong STG C

20、orporation, is of 330MW sub-critical parameters, primary intermediate reheating. This condensate-type steam turbine is of primary intermediate reheating and has one single shaft, 3 casings and dual exhaust. Its model is N330-17.75/540/540.发电机由北京北重汽轮电机有限公司提供的QFSN-350-2型自并励静止励磁、水-氢-氢冷却的发电机组。The QFSN-3

21、50-2 generator provided by Beijing Beizhong STG Corporation is of self-shunt static excitation with H2O-H2-H2 cooling. 发-变组及自并励励磁系统概述及技术规范3.1.3.1Overview and Technical Specifications for generator-transformer unit and Self-shunt Excitation System3. 发电机-变压器组接线概述3. General Descrip

22、tion about Connection of generator-transformer unit3台330MW汽轮发电机组,以发电机-变压器组单元接线型式接入厂内150KV配电装置。发电机出线端和中性点端的出线套管各装设4组电流互感器,发电机出线端配置3组电压互感器和1组避雷器,发电机中性点经单相接地变压器二次侧电阻接地。发电机与主变压器之间的连接采用全连式离相封闭母线,高压厂用变压器和励磁变压器由发电机与主变低压侧之间引接。发电机励磁采用静态自并励系统。Three 330MW STG units are connected with the 150KV switchgear in fo

23、rm of generator-transformer unit. 4 CTs are installed at the busbar bushings on the generator outgoing side and neutral point side respectively. 3 PTs and 1 group of surge arresters are equipped on the generator outgoing side. The generator neutral point is earthed via a single transformer whose sec

24、ondary side is connected with a shunt resistor; one end of the resistor is earthed. In addition, the generator is connected with the transformer with whole connection isolated-phase enclosed busbar and the HV auxiliary transformer as well as the excitation transformer is connected between the genera

25、tor and the main transformer. The exciter adopts static self-shunt excitation system.150KV配电装置采用采用3/2断路器接线方式,3台发电机组经主变压器升压接入150KV母线。全厂设置2台起动/备用变压器,作为电厂机组起动和备用电源,由150KV配电装置母线引接。设置1台150/20KV城市供电变压器(TFT)由150KV母线引接。150KV系统共有3回发-变组进线,2回起备变出线,1回TFT出线,4回线路出线,组成5个完整串。除过TFT外,所有变压器进线及出线回路均装设三相电压互感器,在150KV母线装设

26、单相电压互感器。The 150KV switchgear adopts two thirds CB connection and the 3 generators set are stepped up by 3 main power transformers and then connected to the 150KV busbar. 2 set of start-up/standby transformers are installed in the plant, serving as plant start-up and standby power source, which are c

27、onnected from the 150KV busbar. One 150/20KV TFT is equipped, which is originated from the 150KV busbar for the 150KV system, there are totally 3 in-coming lines are available for generator-transformer unit, 2 outgoing lines for SST, one outgoing for TFT and 4 outgoing lines. Therefore, 5 complete i

28、ncoming and outgoing loops are formed. Except the TFT, all the transformers are fitted with 3-phase PTs for in-coming and outgoing lines. Additional, single phase PTs are fitted for the 150KV busbar system.150KV配电装置采用屋外中型布置型式,为了减小配电装置纵向尺寸,加长横向尺寸以利于变压器能够直接架空进线,断路器采用双列布置,每一串的进出线回路占用2个间隔。在母线的两端设置母线接地开关

29、。The 150KV switchgear adopts outdoor intermediate-type layout to decrease the vertical size and extent transverse size so that the transformer can be directly connected with the overhead in-coming. The CB is arranged in 2 columns and each bunch of in-coming and outgoing occupies 2 chambers. For each

30、 busbar, 2 earthing disconnectors are installed on the both ends.发电机技术规范3. Technical Specifications of Generator发电机由北京北重汽轮电机有限公司提供的QFSN-350-2型自并励静止励磁、水-氢-氢冷却的发电机组。The generator provided by Beijing Beizhong STG Corporation is of self-shunt static excitation, H2O-H2-H2 cooling. Its mod

31、el is QFSN-350-2.型号T255-460(QFSN-350-2型)额定电压24KV电压波动5额定功率因数0.85额定功率330MW视在功率388MVA最大连续输出容量347MVA额定电流9339A额定转速3000rmin额定效率98.85额定励磁电压542V额定励磁电流2495A相数3相极数2极额定频率50Hz稳态负序电流I2/In=12%暂态负序电流(I2/In)2t=10s励磁方式机端自并励定子绕组联接方式Y/Y绝缘等级F级生产厂家有限责任公司北京北重汽轮电机ModelT255-460(QFSN-350-2 Type)Rated Voltage24KVVoltage Fluc

32、tuation5Rated Power Factor0.85Rated Power330MWApparent Power388MVAMax. Continuous Output347MVARated Current9339ARated Rotation Speed3000rminRated Efficiency98.85Rated Excitation Voltage542VRated Excitation Current2495A2495ANumber of Phases3Number of Poles2Rated Frequency50HzStable Negative Sequence

33、CurrentI2/In=12%Transient Negative Sequence Current(I2/In)2t=10sExcitation ModeSelf-shunt Excitation from Generator SideStator Winding Connection TypeY/YInsulation LevelFManufacturerBeijing Beizhong STG Corporation3.发电机冷却系统规范3. Technical Specifications for Generator Cooling System发电机采用

34、水-氢-氢的冷却方式,发电机定子绕组采用水内冷,转子绕组与定子铁芯采用氢气冷却方式。发电机内部为密闭循环通风系统,氢气由外部氢系统供给,并经发电机两侧的四个氢气冷却器冷却。定子线圈的冷却水由外部独立循环的内冷水系统供给。The generator adopts H2O-H2-H2 cooling mode which means the stator windings are cooled by internal water, the rotor winding and stator core are cooled by H2. The inside of the generator is o

35、ne sealed circulation ventilation system and H2, which is cooled by the 4 coolers at both ends of the generator, is filled into the generator by the external H2 system. In addition, the stator winding cooling water comes from the independent external circulative internal cooling water system.

36、.3.1定子绕组的冷却3. of Stator Windings冷却方式直接冷却冷却介质除盐水定子绕组水流量60m3/h出线端子水流量9m3/h定子绕组进口水温45定子绕组出口水温60定冷水导电率0.5ms/cm定冷水PH值78定冷水硬度210-3mol/m3定冷水机械杂质5mm定冷水冷却器台数4冷却器冷却水流量120t/h冷却器冷却水入口温度正常20 最高33冷却器冷却水出口温度正常28.7 最高41.7Cooling ModeDirect CoolingCooling MediumDemineralized WaterWater Flow in Stator

37、 Winding60m3/hWater Flow at Outlet End9m3/hInlet Water Temp. of Stator Winding45Outlet Water Temp. of Stator Winding60Conductivity of Stator Cooling Water0.5ms/cmPH of Stator Cooling Water78Hardness of Stator Cooling Water210-3mol/m3Mechanical Impurity of Stator Cooling Water5mmQuantity of Stator Co

38、olers4Water Flow of Stator Cooler120t/hInlet Water Temp. of Cooler20 as normal 33 as Max.Outlet Water Temp. of Cooler20 as normal 33 as Max.定子铁芯和转子绕组的冷却3. Cooling of Stator Core and Rotor Winding冷却方式表面冷却冷却介质H2氢气压力0.3MPa氢气纯度98%氢气流量36m3/h氢冷器数量4布置方式轴向冷却器冷却水流量325t/h总冷却面积736m2冷却器冷却水额定

39、温度26.7冷却器冷却水最高温度39.7水室压降0.05Mpa(0.5bar)冷氢温度30(水温20) 43(水温33)热氢温度44(20) 57(水温33)Cooling ModeSurface CoolingCooling MediumH2H2 Pressure0.3MPaH2 Purity98%H2 Flow36m3/hQuantity of H2 Coolers4LayoutAxialWater Flow in Cooler325t/hTotal Cooling Area736m2Rated Temp. of Cooling Water of Cooler26.7Max. Temp.

40、of Cooling Water39.7Pressure Drop of Water Chamber0.05Mpa(0.5bar)Cold H2 Temp.30(Water Temp. at 20) 43(Water Temp. at 33)Hot H2 Temp.44(Water Temp. at 20) 57(Water Temp. at 33) 励磁系统概述及其技术规范3. Overview & Technical Specifications of Excitation System#1、#2、#3发电机组励磁系统均采用自并励静止励磁系统,通过励磁变压器

41、从发电机机端取得励磁电源,为高起始快速响应系统。随发电机配套体提供励磁设备,主要技术指标为:Static self-shunt excitation system is used for unit #1, #2 and #3. In this system, excitation power is obtained from the generator output via one excitation transformer and it is one quick responding system with high initiation. The excitation equipment

42、 is provided with the generator as a whole set. The parameters are shown as follows:顶值电压倍数:2.0强励时间:20s响应时间:0.1s (高起始响应)Peak Voltage Multiple:2.0Forced Excitation Duration:20sResponse time:0.1s(High Initiation Response)励磁系统主要由励磁变压器、励磁整流柜、磁场开关柜、发电机起励和励磁调节器柜等装置,以及监测、保护、报警辅助装置组成。The excitation system co

43、nsists of one excitation transformer, an excitation rectifier panel, a magnetic field CB panel, one AVR panel as well as devices such as monitor, protections and alarms. 励磁变压器3. Transformer励磁变压器采用励磁系统配套干式变压器,能满足机组正常运行及强励时的需要。满足发电机做空载、短路试验的需要,参数如下:One dry-type transforme

44、r, which is provided with the excitation system as a whole set, is used as the excitation transformer to meet the demand of normal unit operation and forced excitation. Also, needs of no-load test and short-circuit test can be satisfied. Parameters of this transformer are listed as follows:型式单相干式变压器

45、组容量4313KVA满载二次侧电流3000A满载二次侧电压900V额定电压240.9KV频率50Hz联结方式Y,d11阻抗8.14冷却方式自然风冷/强迫风冷TypeSingle Phase Dry-type TransformerCapacity4313KVAFull-load Current on Secondary Side3000AFull-load Voltage on Secondary Side900VRated Voltage240.9KVFrequency50HzConnection modelsY,d11Impedance8.14Cooling ModeNatural/For

46、ced Air Cooling3.励磁整流柜3. Panel for Excitation可控硅整流装置并联可控硅元件有1/4并联支路退出运行时能满足发电机强励要求,有1/2并联支路退出运行时能保证发电机在额定工况下连续运行。If 1/4 of the parallel thyristor elements of the rectifier are out of operation, the demand for forced excitation can still be satisfied; if 1/2 of the parallel thyristor elements are out of operation, the generator can operate under the ra

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