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1、Season One Series Two 第二集继承人Matthew Crawley 和他的母亲Isobel Crawley来到唐顿庄园。同时,老伯爵遗孀,伯爵夫人也还未放弃Mary继承的希望。作为一名中产阶级律师,Matthew受到了庄园内上上下下很多人的偏见,尤其是Mary。母亲Isobel Crawley则坚持在领地内的医院工作,并成功救助了一名重病的农夫。管家Carson的旧交前来勒索他,不过后来事情顺利解决。1.I still dont see why I couldnt just refuse it. 我还是不明白为什么我不能直接推辞2. Theres no mechanism

2、for you to do so. 你无法这么做3. But nothings settled yet. 一切尚未确定4. Not while your mother breathes air. 老夫人只要尚有余息绝不会善罢甘休5. I have to be myself, Mother. Ill be no use to anyone if I cant be myself. 我得做我自己 妈妈 否则我将一无是处 6.Well, theyre clearly going to push one of the daughters at me.显而易见他们定要把一位女儿强嫁给我7.So what

3、 are they like? 他们是什么样的人-Shes nice enough, but hes.very full of himself. 她人挺好的但他.很是妄自尊大8. Did you hear me call or have you gone selectively deaf? 你故意当我耳旁风啊?9. And never make me remind you of it again. 只此一次 下不为例10.Well. It seems a very silly occupation for a grown man. 你是个男子汉做这工作有点可笑11.Now hes here,

4、I dont see any future in it. Not the way things are 现在他来了就目前这情形再挣扎也是无用12. Why do you always have to be pretend to be nicer than the rest of us 你怎么老充好人,让我们唱白脸13. Dont push your luck 别得寸进尺14. Glad to catch you alone. 就剩你一个人正好.15. For once in your life, will you please just listen! 请你听我说好吗哪怕这辈子就这么一次16.

5、 Stop that silly nonsense before you put your joints out 别干那种蠢事了小心关节扭脱臼17.Well, she may even have a point, but it does not seem to me realistic. 她也许确有道理 但在我看来有些不切实际18. Put an end to her meddling让她的多管闲事到此为止吧19.I see my lifes work. 我看到我倾注一生的心血20.Dont come all high and mighty with me. 别在那拿腔拿调的.21.If yo

6、u could just be patient for a little longer, sir. 请稍安勿躁先生22.He threatened to expose my past, to make me a laughing stock in this house他威胁要揭露我的过去 让我成为庄园的笑柄23.And now my disgrace is complete. My lord, you have my resignation 既然现在我已名誉扫地 老爷我向您递交辞呈24.You think youre such a big man, dont you? 你以为你是个大人物是吗2

7、5.Just because youre a lord, you think you can do what you like with me. 就因为你是个老爷 你以为你就能对我为所欲为26.Were running out of options. The lawyers I write to only huff and puff. 我们要没主意了. 与我通信的律师只会打哈哈27.She looked extremely determined. 她看起来意志坚决28.I have a feeling we will sink or swim together. 恐怕我们要共同度过这个难关29

8、.Well, I wouldnt quite put it.我倒没这么想30.Your mother derives satisfaction from her work at the hospital, I think? -你母亲在医院工作 得到了满足感不是吗 31.Some sense of self-worth? 所谓实现自我价值的成就感对吗32.Im afraid Papa wants to teach Granny a lesson. -恐怕爸爸想给奶奶个下马威33.I hope you dont judge me too harshly. 希望您不会对我有成见34.Putting on airs and graces I have no right to 摆架子;装腔作势,其实啥也不是

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