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1、(完整版)B1 Unit 3 Text 2 英汉对照Text OneThe Best Playwright in Englandby Jennifer Bassett1 The plague came and in September 1592 the City Council closed the theatres in London。 They didnt open again until June 1594。 2 After the plague years, we were busy all the time. There were new companies of players a

2、nd Will now belonged to the Lord Chamberlains Men. The Lord Chamberlain was a very important man, close to the Queen, and we often put on plays for the Queens court, and in the houses of the great lords of England. We had some very good actors. There was Will, and Richard Burbage, of course, and Joh

3、n Heminges. And there was Augustine Phillips, Henry Condell, and Thomas Pope. There were other actors, too, but those six were the real company。 They worked together for more than twenty years。 3 Will was special-because he wrote the plays。 And what plays they were! He never wrote the same play twic

4、e, like some writers. He was always trying something new, something different。 And he wrote fast, too。 4 John Heminges could never understand that。 ”How can you write so fast, Will?” he asked Will。 And you never make a mistake or change a word.”5 Will didnt really understand it himself。 ”Its all in

5、my head, he said。 ”I think about it, and then it just comes out on paper。”6 He wrote a play about love in 1595。 Young love. It was Romeo and Juliet. It was a very sad play, because the young lovers die at the end。 But the playgoers loved it. They wanted to see it again and again。 7 Will played the p

6、art of old Capulet, Juliets father。 One of the boy actors played the part of Juliet。 There were no women actors, so boys played all the womens parts. Of course, Will never put real lovemaking on stage. He did it all with words clever, beautiful words, and you forgot that the women and girls were rea

7、lly boys in dresses。 Some of the boy actors were very good, and went on to play mens parts when they were older. 8 The year 1596 began well, but that summer the weather was really bad。 Cold。 Wet. It never stopped raining, and the plague began to come back into London. 9 One wet August evening I came

8、 to Wills room。 He was just sitting there.。not doing anything, just sitting。 10 ”Whats happened?” I asked。 What is it?11 He looked at me。 Hamnet 。.” he began。 ”Hamnet was ill last week, and.。and he died, yesterday. He was only eleven, Toby, and hes dead。 My boy. My only son. Hes dead, Toby。 Dead. He

9、 put his face in his hands. 12 We sat together, silently。 I knew that Will loved that boy of hisred-haired, bright as a new penny, full of life. Just like his father。 13 Richard Burbage said once that Wills writing changed after Hamnets death。 Will still laughed at people in his plays, but he also f

10、elt sorry for them-sorry for all the world, good and bad, rich and poor, young and old. And his people were real。 No one was all good, or all bad。 14 There was a man called Shylock in his play The Merchant of Venice。 This Shylock was a money-lender and a cruel maneveryone hated him。 But in the end,

11、when Shylock lost everything, you had to feel sorry for him。 He was just a sad old man。 15 Perhaps Richard was right. And if anyone understood Will, it was Richard Burbage. 16 Every year we took more and more plays to court at Christmas。 In 1598 one of Wills plays was Henry IV。 A lot of the play was

12、 about the Kings son and his friend, Sir John Falstaff. Sir John was old, fat, lazy, drank too much, talked too much, laughed too much. But you had to love him。 He was a great favorite with the London playgoers, and there were a lot of Falstaff jokes going round at the time. 17 After the play, the Q

13、ueen wanted to speak to Will。 18 We all watched while Will walked over to the Queens chair。 She was an old woman, she wore a red wig, and she had black teeth。 But she was still a very great queen。 And if the Queen was not pleased.。 19 Mr. Shakespeare,” she began。 Then she smiled, and suddenly you kn

14、ew why all Englishmen loved the Queen。 It was like the sun coming out on a spring morning。20 Mr. Shakespeare, you are the best playwright in England。 I enjoyed your play, and I thought that Sir John Falstaff was very funny. I have known many Englishmen like him. Will you write me another play? I wou

15、ld like to see Sir John in love。”21 When Will came back to us, his eyes were bright, but he was already thinking about it. 22 Dont talk to me,” he said。 Ive got a play to write。23 He wrote it in two weeks, and we took it down to Richmond Palace and played it before the Queen on February the 20th. Sh

16、e laughed and laughed at The Merry Wives of Windsor。 24 In September we opened the Globe theatre. It was a grand, new building near the Rose。 Will, Richard Burbage, and the others paid for it themselves. It was the best playhouse in London, and soon the most famous。 The other companies had good thea

17、tres and some good actors, but we had the famous Richard Burbageand the best plays。 25 Wills next play was Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. We all met one day to talk about it. There were six of us me and Will, Richard Burbage, Henry Condell, John Heminges, and Augustine Phillips. 26 Will put his pile of

18、papers on the table and sat down. 27 ”Well,” he said。 Youve all read it. What do you think?”28 ”Its very good,” John Heminges began, but its too long. Itll take about four hours in the theatre.”29 We dont have to use it all,” Will said. ”We can cut it down to three hours, perhaps two and a half。”30

19、Richard will play Prince Hamlet, yes? said Augustine.31 ”Of course! Will said. I wrote the part for him. Hes our star actor。 Ill play the ghost of Hamlets father. He looked at me. Hamlet will wear black, Toby, and Ophelia will wear white。”32 ”Its a good story, Will, with good parts for us all,” said

20、 Henry。 ”But will the playgoers like it? It moves very slowly, and they like a play to be fast and exciting. Prince Hamlet knows that his uncle Claudius murdered the king his father. But he doesnt do anything about it for a long time. He just talks about it. And in the end nearly everybody dies, one

21、 way or another。33 Augustine didnt agree with that. You havent understood the play, Henry. It is exciting, very exciting. The play is inside Hamlet himself. He wants to kill his uncle, but he cant。 Murder is wrong. But he must kill him, because of his father。 We can all understand how he feels.”34 A

22、ll this time Richard Burbage was silent. He was reading bits of the play again. Now he put down the paper in his hand and looked up。 His eyes were bright, excited。 35 Have any of you really listened to the language of this play? This is your best play yet, Willthe best of them all. Just listen to th

23、e language, the poetry! He stood up, and his great voice filled the room.36 To be, or not to bethat is the question。 37 We sat and listened, silently, while that wonderful voice brought the words to life. Will watched him, smiling. He knew that Richard, like him, was in love with words. 38 .。To die,

24、 to sleep 39 To sleepperchance to dream. Ay, theres the rub。 40 For in that sleep of death what dreams may come 41 When we have shuffled off this mortal coil 42 Must give us pause. 43 Richard Burbage was right, of course. The people loved the play, they loved Burbage as Hamlet, they cried for poor O

25、phelias death, and they shouted for the murderer Claudius to die. I think it was Wills most famous play。 课文一英国最好的剧作家詹尼弗芭斯特 1。黑死病爆发后,市议会于1592年9月关闭了伦敦的剧场。直到1594年6月,剧场才重新开放。 2。黑死病过后的几年里,我们每天都在忙。这时出现了许多新的剧团。威尔现在在张伯伦伯爵剧团干活儿。张伯伦伯爵是个大人物,与女王的关系很密切。因此,我们常在王宫或是那些达官贵人的府上演出。我们有一些非常出色的演员。这其中有威尔,当然也有理查德勃贝奇,还有约翰海明

26、;有奥古斯丁菲利普,亨利康德尔,和托马斯波普。还有其他一些演员,但这六个人是剧团的核心。他们合作长达20余年。 3。威尔是其中特殊的一员-演出同时,他还创作剧本。他的剧本极其出色。他从不象有些作家那样,重复同一个剧本。他总是尝试新的、与众不同的东西.他写得还相当快。 4。约翰海明怎么也弄不懂这一点.“威尔,你怎么能写得这么快?”他问威尔,“而且你从来不出错,也不修改一个字.” 5。事实上,威尔自己也不明白。“它都在我的脑袋里,”他说:“通常我先考虑一会儿。然后,它就泉涌而出,到了纸上。” 6。1595年,他写了一部爱情剧.年轻人的爱情。这就是罗密欧和朱丽叶。这是一部令人悲伤的剧,因为那对年轻的

27、恋人最后死掉了。但戏迷们喜欢它,而且百看不厌. 7。威尔扮演老凯普莱特,朱丽叶的父亲.一个童伶扮演朱丽叶.当时没有女演员,因此要由男孩子扮演所有女人的角色.当然,威尔从没把真正的做爱场面放到舞台上。他用语言来加以表现-听着那巧妙、优美的语言,你会忘记那些妇人和女孩子事实上都是化了装的男孩.有一些童伶演得非常好。他们长大后,就接着扮演男子的角色。 8。1596年开头不错,可那年夏天天气非常糟糕,又冷又湿。雨从来没停过。黑死病又开始在伦敦复发了。 9. 8月一个潮湿的晚上,我来到威尔的房间.他就坐在那儿什么事也不做,就那样坐着。 10。“怎么啦?我问道:“出了什么事?” 11。他看着我。“哈姆尼特

28、”他开口说:“哈姆尼特上周得了病,昨天就就死了。托比,他才十一岁,可就死了。我的孩子,我唯一的儿子。他死了,托比,他死了.”他捂住了脸。 12.我们默默地坐在一起。我知道威尔爱他那个孩子红头发、聪明活泼、充满朝气。和他父亲一模一样。 13。理查德勃贝奇曾说过,在哈姆尼特死后,威尔的写作发生了变化。在剧本里,威尔还是要嘲弄人,但他也同情他们同情整个世界,好的,坏的,富的,穷的,年轻的,年老的.他的人物很真实,没有人十全十美,也没有人十恶不赦。 14。在他的剧本威尼斯商人中,有一个人叫夏洛克。这个夏洛克是个放贷者,一个冷酷的人,所以人人都恨他。但到了最后,当夏洛克失去一切时,你又没法不同情他.他不

29、过是一个不幸的老人。 15. 或许理查德说对了。如果说,还是有人理解威尔的,那么这个人就是理查德勃比奇. 16。 每年圣诞,我们都给宫廷带去更多的戏剧。威尔1598年的创作中,有一个剧本叫亨利六世.剧中许多是关于王子以及王子的朋友约翰福斯塔夫的。约翰爵士年老、体胖、懒惰、酗酒、多话、爱笑。但你又没法不喜欢他.他在伦敦那些戏迷中深受欢迎。而且当时流传着许多关于福斯塔夫的笑话. 17.看完这出剧,女王有话要对威尔说. 18。 在我们的注视下,威尔向女王的坐椅走去。女王是一位老妇人,戴着红色的假发,牙齿也发黑.但她仍然是一位伟大的女王。而且,要是女王不高兴 19.“莎士比亚先生,”她开口说道。接着她

30、微笑了一下,忽然间,你明白了为什么所有的英国人都喜欢女王.看到她微笑,就象在春天的早晨看到太阳初升一样。 20。“莎士比亚先生,你是英国最好的剧作家。我喜欢你的剧作,我觉得约翰福斯塔夫爵士非常有意思。我认识许多像他那样的英国人。你愿意为我再写一出剧吗?我想看看恋爱中的约翰爵士是什么样儿。 21。威尔走回到我们中间,他的双眼分外明亮。不过,他已经在构思新剧本了。 22。“不要和我说话,”他说,“我得写一出剧。 23.他用一周时间写成了这部剧。2月20日,我们到里士满宫为女王上演了这部剧。她一边观看着温莎的风流娘儿们,一边笑个不停。 24.9月,我们的环球大剧场开张了.它位于玫瑰剧场近旁,是一座宏

31、伟、崭新的建筑,由威尔,理查德勃贝奇等人自己出钱建造。它是伦敦所有剧场中最好的、很快也成了最出名的那一个。别的剧团有好的剧场和不错的演员,而我们有著名的理查德勃贝奇和最好的剧本. 25。 威尔的下一部剧是丹麦王子哈姆莱特。一天,我们聚到一块讨论这部剧。有六个人在场我和威尔,理查德勃贝奇,亨利康德尔,约翰海明,以及奥古斯丁菲利普。 26.威尔把他那叠稿纸放到桌子上,坐下来。 27.“那么,他说,“大家也都看过剧本了。觉得怎么样? 28.“写得非常好,约翰海明开口说,“不过太长了。在剧院里上演要花大约四个钟头呢。” 29。“没有必要全用,”威尔说,“我们可以把它删到三个钟头,或者两个半也行。” 3

32、0.“理查德将扮演哈姆莱特王子,是吗?”奥古斯丁问道。 31。“当然了,”威尔说:“我就是为他写的这个角色,他是我们的明星演员。我来扮演哈姆莱特父亲的鬼魂。”他看着我说:“托比,哈姆莱特穿黑色衣服,奥菲利娅穿白色的。” 32。“剧情不错,威尔,而且我们都有适合自己的角色演,亨利说。“不过戏迷会喜欢吗?剧情进展太缓慢,而戏迷喜欢节奏快、能让他们激动起来的剧。哈姆莱特王子知道他的叔父克劳狄斯谋害了他的父王。但过了那么久,他却还是什么都没做。他只是嘴上说说。而到了最后,几乎所有的人都这样或那样死掉了。” 33. 奥古斯丁不同意这一点,“亨利,你没懂这部剧。它令人激动,非常令人激动.剧情其实就在哈姆莱

33、特自己心中。他想杀死他的叔父,但又不能,因为谋杀是不对的.但他又必须杀死他,来报杀父之仇。我们完全可以理解他的感情。 34。这段时间里理查德勃贝奇一直沉默不语。他在重读部分剧本。现在他放下了手中的稿纸,抬起了头.他目光炯炯,神情激动. 35。“你们真正听过这部剧的语言了吗?威尔,这是你目前为止最好的剧本所有剧本中最好的。听听那语言,那诗!他站了起来,他那绝妙的嗓音充满了整个房间。 36。生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题 37. 我们坐下来默默地听,他那奇妙的声音赋予了语言生命.威尔看着他,面露微笑。他知道理查德象他一样热爱语言。 38。死了,睡去了; 39。睡去了,也许还会做梦。唉,问题就在这儿: 40。因为,当我们摆脱了这一付朽腐的皮囊以后, 41.在那死亡的睡眠里, 究竟将要做些什么梦, 42。这不能不让我们顾虑踌躇。 43.当然,理查德勃贝奇说对了。人们喜欢这部剧。他们喜欢勃贝奇扮演的哈姆莱特,他们为奥菲利娅的死而哭泣,他们叫喊着,要杀人犯克劳狄斯死。我想这就是威尔最为有名的剧作了

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