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高中英语 Unit4《Pygmalion》课件-Reading 新人教选修8.pdf

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1、Unit 4 FateCul meetings(Act One)Warming upPlease enjoy some pictures about Greek stories.Have you ever heard of the PygmalionEffect?/心理学家莫顿(Robert Merton)将 此现象名之为“自我实现的预言”。.也就是在萧伯纳名剧窈窕淑女(My Fair Lady)中为人所熟知的“皮格马翁效应”(Pygmalion effect)9 1The Pygmalion Effect is that people tend to behave as you expect

2、 they will.If you 女 expect a person to take、responsibility,they probably will.If you expect them not to even try,they probablywonll.This play by George Bernard Shaw(萧 伯纳)is an adaptation of a Greek story.Do you know this story?Pygmalion,a gifted artist,makes a stone statue,,a beautiful woman.Hes the

3、 Greek.Goddesswish is granted.to bring her Ateife.中The author-George Bernard ShawHis main works:An Irish dramatist literary critic,a socialist spokesman9 and a leading figure in the 20th century theater.丁 J*3ImmaturityWidowersf HousesPm&lionMan and Supe哨hn 磔V2),McApr Barbar(l 90?)L jl Pre-readingMy

4、Fair Lady Have you seen the film?If you have,did you like it?Have a discussion and givlWETAUDREY HEPBURNjREHARRISONWILFRID HYDE WHIIE Gladys cooper-“lN!)nnmicoior super panavisionidGEORGE CUKOR.rIHEODORl BlKfl BtRNARD SHAW CKII BlAlDN“川FREDERICK LOEWE ALAN IAY LERNER JACK LWARNERreasons.Main charact

5、ersEliza Doolittle(E):a poor flower girl who is ambitious to improve herself.Professor Higgins(H):an expert in phonetics,convinced that the quality。脩 person y English decides his/her position in society.Colonel Pickering(:an ojficAn tg army and later a friend of Higns who sets him a task.I/LF ateful

6、 meetingsAct One主旨大意1.This text is mainly about the first experience of Eliza meeting with_.A.Professor HigginsB.Colonel PickeringProfessor Higgins and Colonel Pickering D.a gentleman Si2.Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order to cask him to buy some flowers from herB.talk with himC.ask him to toac

7、h herD.beg some money from I3.Why Eliza began to cry?Because5 she thought Professor Higgins/would arrest him 羽必,B.the gentleman didnt give her sfini moneyC.Pickering beat and scolded herD.there was no reason.t4.Professor Higgins believed that hecould judge a person by A.his appearance B.his action 盟

8、 his conversation D.his manner推理判断5.From the text,we can infer that Professor Higgins is a man described below EXCEPT.A.he doesnt care about money B.he is an expert in phoneticsC.he is proud*he is greedy Q 其Comprehending Character Position in societyLower classEvidence in the playBehaviour:respectfu

9、l to people of higher class Language:calls gentleman usirw and“cap in 兼y cantain)which 典 compliment.CharacterPositionin societyEvidence in the playMiddle classBehaviour:rude t(andpatronizing)to lower class;politto same or upper c版,Language:calls Eliza Uyou silly girl and Pickering dear maf(an equal

10、and friend).CharacterPositionin societyEvidence in the playUpper classBehaviour:generally confident and polite;.but ignores Eliza Language:prepJfm to begin a conversation with Henry,whom he does not knojenermis with praise to himRelationshipsbetween charactersEvidence from the playHenry Higgins:1 At

11、titude to Colonel Pickering(H)2 Attitude to Eliza(L)Is the statement true?.1 Yes;2 Yes.1 respects his f professional work asa phonetician;chim sir andman就由笑her;notes he reactions:tasabouther in fff calls 能rEvidence from the playRelationshipsbetween charactersColonel Pickering:1 Attitude to HenryHigg

12、ins(L)2 Attitude to Eliza(L)Is the statement true?1 Yes;2 Yes1 appreciates his r .expertise;praises-,-Whim;asks his op城on.happy to be friem2 ignores her;does nbistop Henry when he Talks about Eliza inI front ofUt(w very rRelationshipsbetween charactersEvidence from the playEliza:1 Attitude to Henry

13、Higgins(H)2 Attitude to Colonel Pickering(H)Is the statement true?1 Yes;2 Unclear1 anxious;eager not to、do the wrong thing;.,ambitious to improve herself;respectfiaMnd/curious about Henry9s expertise resents not being included|i|the conversRlon hen talked aboutimpatient,rude,confident,superior,self-

14、importantkind,polite,generous,enthusiastic,eager,confide anxious,eager,emotional,ambitious,unsureLanguage points1.Professor Higgins(H):an expert in phonetics,convinced that the quality of a person,s English decides his/h position in society.希金斯教授是一位语音学专家,他认为一个人的英需水平决定 处(她甲J 社会地位。解1 convince vt.to ca

15、use to believe or feelcertain;to persuade说月艮;使相信;说(某人);We convinced him to go by train krather than plane.我们说服了他坐火车去,不要搭飞机。I tried to convince my wife that we cant afford a new car.我试图说服我妻子我们买不起新车。convinced adj.坚信的;意志坚定的 convincing adj.令人心月艮的a2.Colonel Pickering(P):an officer inthe army and later a

16、friend ofHiggins5 who sets him a task.皮克林上校(简称P):陆军军官,后心 成为希金斯的朋友。希金斯给他安排了一项任务 officer-officialofficer主要用于指军官,也可指公司 或政府机构中的高级职员;埔official指政府内的文职官员,用横 容词时指“官方的,正式的”。The officers live at headquarters ad the soldiers live in the camps.f 军官住在总部,士兵住在军营。_ The president and his ministers a,government offic

17、ials.总统和部长为政府高级官员。setM安地布置(岗哨);定(时间、标准);创造(记录);专心于 Set guards around the gate.”在大门I!1!l/nj布下卫兵。The time and date of the meeting have not yet been set开会时间与日期尚未确期 t(3)He set a new record.他创下了一项新记录。Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.世上无难事,只怕有心人。Vt.使做某事;使处于某种状态 I opened th

18、e cage and set the birdfree.我把鸟笼打开,让鸟自由飞翔。A spark set thwoods on fiije.星星之火使整个森林燃牖(3)谴(日、月等)下落;下沉 It will be cooler when the sun has set日落后天就会凉爽起来。(4)儿一套,一组;电器设备I boughta set of Lu Xun?s short stories.我买了 一套鲁迅短篇小说集。I need a radio我需要一台收音机。set off出发,动身 set out出发,着手 set about开始,着手 set up建立,成立 set sb.go

19、od example为某人树立好榜样Its ten years since the scientist onhis life work of discovering the valuable chemical.(2004 江苏)A.made for set outC.took off D.turned up3.While watching,he makes notes.他一边观察,一边做笔记。while watching 为 while he waswatching 省略句。在以 when,while,if,unless等引导的状语从句中,如果从,中的主语与主句主语一致且从句谓语动词含有be动

20、吨的形式,往往将从句中的主语及be动词省略,而以秋词形式或过去分词形式来代替o同的pg After finishing the work,he went home.完成工作后他就回家了。After being discussed,the plan should be carried out at once.计划讨论后,应立即实施。.While crossing the street,look out for cars passing by,过马路时,小心过路车辆。通 t1)When help,one often says“Thank you.or“Its kind of you.”A.offe

21、ring B.to offer C.to be offered80 offered.二2)While crocodile.A.to crossC.crossthe river,he saw a big(二)crossingD.crossed3)Before,the play must be examined by the director.A.putting onC.put onB.to be put on 二 being put 皓4)-Whafs the matter with you?-the window,my finger was cut unexpectedly.A.Cleanin

22、g B.To clean C.While cleaning()While I was Cleaning5)Never faith in himself,the scientistwent on with his research.B.to lose.C.lost D.to be lost4.I aint done nothing wrong by speaking to that gentleman.我跟那位先生说话,又没做什么坏事呀;aiif t是不规范的语言,相当于am叫七|is not,has not,have notT We ain5t coming.我们不来了。They ain5t

23、got ft.他们没有那玩意儿。nothing wrong中的wrong是形容词 作后置定语,修饰nothing。形容词修后。饰不定代词时,必须置于不定住两者;Theres something wrong with mywatch.我的表出毛病了。Please come earlier.Somethingimportant will be announced.请早点来,有重要的事情要宣布。Is there anything interesting?有什么有趣的事吗?5.Here you are(hands over the papercovered with writing).给你(他把写满字

24、的纸递过来);ai J hand over移交;在与;交给某Nk The captain was unwilling to hand over the comm.d of his ship.船长不愿移交军舰的指挥榜 t The thief was handed over to thepoliceman.小偷被交给警察处理。hand down 传给hand on传递 hands up 举手hand out分给,分发,It is certain that he will hisbusiness to his son when he gets old.A.take over B.think over

25、 油 hand over D.go over上偈 tj.鼠 covered with writing为过去分词短语作后置定语,相当于定语从句which/that is covered with writing.The concert given by him was a griatsuccess.由他举行的音乐会很成功。The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.改 最早为外语教师而写的英语课本做 在18世纪。8(3)Some of the

26、m,born and brought up in villages,had never seen a train,c 他们当中的一些人生长在农村,从未 见过火车。.(4)The meeting held yesterday proved to be a success.昨天笄的那次第证明很颦。ql)Some of the suspects refused toanswer and kept their mouths shutA.questioningquestionedB.being questionedD.to be question/2)You will find the word“psy

27、chology”under P in any dictionary.A.have listed B.to be listed.C.listing itself listed.Ar W1rL 3)The amount of moneyfor theseriously sick child was soon collected.A.to needC.needingneededD.which needel4)A11 cars nowadays are equippedwith safety belts,are helpful to drivers.A.being produced;theyB.to

28、be produced;which/produced;which D.produced;theya6.What if I was?如果我是又怎样呢?此句为省略句。原句为:What if Iwas born in.?fl*What if意思为“要是又会怎 样?”。a7.People begin their working life in a poor neighbor of London with 80 pounds a year and end in a rich one with 100 f thousand.人们在伦敦的一个贫穷地区开始工痣,年薪80英镑,而最终成为拥有10万竭 的富人。此

29、句为并列句,主传为people begin.and end in.;in a poor.with,in lith在句中作状语。,8.But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.但是他们一张嘴就露了馅。Dont stop every time you come to word or phrase you dont know.你遇到一个你不会的单词或词组不要每 次都停下来。_.Youre welcome to come back any timeyou want to.你想什么时候来我们都欢迎。He called to

30、see me the first time hecame to Nanjing.第一次他来南京就打电话来看我。Next time you come,youll see him.下次你来的时候就看见他了 o有些表示时间的短语可引导时间状语 句,如:the instant,the moment,t day,the year,each(every)time,next time,the first(setond.)time等。,a釐l)The minutelove.A.whenC.that2)I come heA.While C.The lasthe saw her,he fell inD.which

31、reading.Every time D.Afte03)By the time you arrive in London,wein Europe for two weeks.A.shall stayB.have stayed have stayedD.have been staying4)The moment I her,I knewsomething wrong.A.have seen;goneB.had seen;had;V saw;wasv WD.see;had gqne9.Now once taught by me一旦由我来教9When finished,the homework wa

32、shanded in.作业一完成就交上了去。Although tired,he continued climbing.尽管很累,但他仍继续爬着。比较:While being operated,the machine sent off a lot of smoke.机器被操作时,冒出许多烟。%以once,if,as,unless,when,though,although引导的状语从句,若从句主语 与主句主语一致,且从句中谓语动词为be+v.-ed形式,或从句中主谓结构为is(was)+时,则从句结构可以直接由以上连词加射-ed或,代替ol)When first to the market,the

33、seproducts enjoyed great success.A.introducingC.introduceintroduced,D.being introduced2),the vitamin C in them will bedestroyed.If vegetablesare cooked too longB.If cooked too longC.If cooking too longD.If being cooked too longoil3)This is an illness that may result in total blindness if left.A.bein

34、g untreated 传,untreatedC.not treatingD.not having twated4)Ask him go take you home possible.A.at B.whileg if D.if they10.But,sir,(proudly)once educated tospeak properly,the girl could passherself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassador garden party.=可是,先生(自豪地),一旦那个女孩热 会说正确的英语,她就能够在三个月后由一位大

35、使举办的舞会上冒充一公爵。这是一个复合句,从句为once she is educated to speak properly 的省略形 式。J面 pass off.as7.冒充 She passed herself off as an American.她冒充是美国人。He passed his secretary off as wife.他把秘书冒充他的妻子。pass off停止;顺利地举行;躲开pass by走过;不理会pass on 传递pass through逋过,穿过Homework:Preview grammar by finishing Exercise 1&2 on Page 32,all 二*医 exercises on Page 33 and exercise W page 73 of using structures.

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