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1、(完整word)哈佛幸福课第六课英文字幕Positive Psychology Lecture 6Hope you had a wonderful long weekend. So, lets jump right into it. So where did we leave last time? Last time we talked about the power of the situation, we talk about how beliefs become self fulfilling prophesies。 And how it is through the situation

2、 that we very often create expectations, believes of people。 And these believes become reality. And we talked about how social psychology essentially started with some very important experiment such as the Milgrim effect, or obedience to authority. Such as Zimbardos prison experiment, where prisoner

3、s were put in or played。. students play the role of prisoners or the role of wardens and they actually entered that role so totally that after a week the experiment had to be stop, when it was suppose to go on for two weeks. And then the question we asked was, OK, so we know that the situation is po

4、werful. We know that it makes a difference。 Can we also create a powerful, positive situation to bring out the best in people? And the answer is yes. And we started talking about it and we talk about professor Langer and her research and how she show that putting um。.elderly men in an environment wh

5、ere they were actually or where they acted as if they were 20 years younger actually became younger。 To the point of having higher levels of intelligence. To the point of improving their memory. Improving their eyesight, improving their hearing. The distance between the bones in their figures actual

6、ly became longer which is a sign of younger age。They were rated by others as well as by themselves as stronger and younger just because they acted as if it was 1959 instead of what it was really was, which was 1979。 The power of the positive situation。 And then she did another more research on peopl

7、e going for an eyesight test, and put them in a situation in a flight simulator. And the exact same eyesight test, they actually performed better just because of the situation。 And we moved on that what we ended last time by talking about priming. Priming is。.。can be done in the conscious or subcons

8、cious level。 It means planting a seed, planting a belief, planting a word, or a picture in our mind, consciously or subconsciously. And how that actually influences our behavior。So Bargh, that time of NYU, did the research where he primed to people with words associated with old. Words if you rememb

9、er such as wrinkles, words such as old, words such as Florida. And as a result of this priming, those participants in the study actually walked slower, or actually were more stooped。 When evaluated by researchers who were not aware of their condition ,meaning they didnt know whether they were primed

10、 with control words, just random words, or with words associated with old. So it was just through the priming that people actually started to behave differently. The power of the situation。 The power of the environment. And then Bargh took it step further and said, OK, lets prime the with positive p

11、rimes such as achievement, such as persistence, such as success。 These words, for example, they had to find a synonym for the word achievement。 Those who are primed with these words on intelligence test and on memory test actually performed better than the control group who wasnt primed with these w

12、ords.Two Dutch researchers - Dijksterhuis & Knippensberg, what they found was that they brought people, and they ask them to describe for future experiment, not for that experiment。 For a future experiment, ask them to describe a soccer hooligan, a secretary and a professor。 Describe these three arc

13、hetypes。 And they told them this is for the next experiment where we just want people to evaluate these archetypes。 Not knowing that actually by describing these archetypes, these individuals were primed. They were primed for a soccer hooligan, for a secretary, or for a professor。 And then they have

14、 to do intelligence tests afterwards, memory test after those primes。 Those who had to describe the day of soccer hooligan performed the worse. In terms of memory。 In term of intelligence. Then there was the secretary and those who performed the best were those who described the professor。 Now they

15、didnt study any harder before。 Nothing changed except for the fact that there was a prime, that there was something planted from the environment in their minds。 The question then is, how can we create a positive environment for ourselves, where we are primed by the positive, where we can be happier,

16、 more successful and so on. And theres many ways in which we can do it. Let me share a few。 In fact theres going to be your assignment for this week, or one of the assignments to create a positive environment.So you are some of the examples。 Have pictures of people you love or places you love, the i

17、mportance of these things is that even if you dont see them, you see them。 So on the subconscious level its still there. Even though on the subconscious level, when people are primed, they dont really see.。the word, say achievement on the screen, when its there for 25 mini-second, they dont really s

18、ee it, but it registers。 So even if a picture is there and you dont really see it or not really conscious of it, mindful of it, it still has a impact on you. So have pictures of people you love, have pleasant object, whether its memorabilia, whether its flowers, whether its art, your favorite art。 S

19、o I have in my house, and my office, my favorite art on the wall, by my favorite artists. And let me share with you a few. I actually brought them here. These are very valuable. I insured them, so its not a problem。 So。. so this is, um, this specific artist from the first phase of his career, as you

20、 can see, you know, very powerful strokes, very intense, very deliberate, and just gorgeous. And here is, by the same artist from the second phase of his career. Here you already begin to see impressionist influence on his work. But still, you know you see the same trait, the same power, the same in

21、tensity。So I have these on my wall.Theres a new and upcoming artist who I want to introduce you to. She still doesnt have a second phase, you know, shes only one years old. But, you know, this is a work done with the help of her Mom。 But again, these are on my wall and theyremind me everyday even Iv

22、e seen them hundreds of time, its still there and I think about my kids. And I also have other, you know, less known artists work on my wall. Again, this is, probably not heard of this one, um, this is Rodin, The Thinker。 And, so I have this on my wall, its my favorite sculpture. And then I have ano

23、ther piece by Rodin just to remind me that its not all about thinking, there are other things that make life make life worth living。 So this is Rodins The Kiss, for those of you who know it。 And again have these things on your wall create(s) the environment where you feel warm, where its fun for you

24、 to be there。 Quotes, you know I love quotes, and I know that many of you love quotes. Some of you have sent me your favorite quotes. I have on my wall a list of quotes and they are there even if I dont see them, I see them。 So for example, lets see if I brought some here。 Yes, here they are。 So one

25、 is by John Quincy Adams. Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish”. So priming the issue of persistence, by the way which is one thing that Bargh did it。 He primed that and people actually became more persistent. George Eliot, or also

26、known as Mary Anne Evens, my favorite author。 She wrote,” The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men. Ill talk about perfectionism which is a very important, very personal thing for me in about three weeks。 So she is a very much a role model. Camus, In the

27、 depth of winter, I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer。A quote that has helped me through difficult, through hard times. Henry David Thoreau, ”If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet wit

28、h success, unexpected in common hours ”. Again, I have these quotes up on my wall, and a few others, that many of the quotes that youve seen in the course. And they prime me, they remind me, they create the environment for me. Well talk about art in the next section, and its importance. Have you fav

29、orite books next to you. Listen to music, but listen to it mindfully, notjust as background music but the music that inspires you, whether its rocky, whether its Eminem, whoever it is。 Watch films that inspire you, all these things help you to create an environment that is conducive to growth, to su

30、ccess, to well being. A lot of this is done on the subconscious level which is the power of the priming。 A priming studies。 And finally this is what positive research is about。 If we constantly focus on ”negative research, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, we are primed by this research, we are pr

31、imed by this work. And it creates reality。 You know, this indirectly and conjunctionally relates to, some of you may know, the Isenberg principle, is that when you measure a phenomenon, you are changing the phenomenon; when you are measuring a phenomenon, you are also changing yourself。 So by resear

32、ching the positive we are also priming ourselves with the positive。 Now, a lot of this work that Im talking about today and Ill talk about next time actually comes from the self-help movement. In many ways the selfhelp movement was founded, was started in the 20th century。.。 was started with the und

33、erstanding that we create the world through our thinking, that our mind creates the world。 And books like these came out, back in the 1930s, Thinking Grow Rich。This book since 1930s sold over 60 million copies. Its still selling。 Its selling, its the best seller in the US, its the best seller in Chi

34、na, in India, its the best seller in Africa, its the best seller in Europe。 It has an impact on people and heres one of the things that Napoleon Hill says, Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve。” Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Very empowering. And

35、this had an impact on many different people, on the masses, again,60 million copies, one of the best sellers in history。 Henry Ford had a similar idea, ”Whether you think you can or cant, you are right。” And people were drawn to this message。 Why? Because its empowering, because it makes them feel t

36、hat things are possible. Another very influential book, The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale。 ”Have great hopes and dare to go all out for them. Have great dreams and dare to live them。 Have tremendous expectations and believe in them. How inspiring for people to hear that, all you n

37、eed to do is think, all you need to do is believe, and affluence will come to you。 Whether its intrapersonal affluence, whether its monetary affluence. And this is been the message that has drawn the masses and continues to do so today。 The best selling book today, No.1 best seller all over the worl

38、d, thats right, The Secret。 The secret to success is, what they call, the law of attraction. The law of attraction is that you attract to your life whatever you imaging ,whatever you believe it。 Again, a powerful message, millions and millions of copies of this book being sold. As we speak, continue

39、 to be sold。And the message is again simple: believe, and you will achieve; conceive, and it will be conceived。 In reality, in the world, it will come to you。 Very convincing, very inspiring message. But, is this message right? Well,we talked about this and we saw the Roger Bannister story. You know

40、 one day, or six weeks after Roger Bannister runs a mile in 4 minutes, or in 359,John Landy runs it in 357。9。 The year after 37 runners run the mile in under 4 minutes. So there is something to it. Once they believed it was possible, it became possible. And here is the issue, with much of whats goin

41、g on in the self-help today, selfhelp realm today, it draws on a truth, a real truth and then blows it out of proportion。 So yes, there is some truth in the fact that our mind creates reality. But thats only part of the truth. We create reality or rather we cocreate reality。 There has to be somethin

42、g out there or in there, for example, when it comes to The Secret. If you believe that you are likely to succeed, you are much more likely to succeed。 But that has to come with a lot of hard work and persistence, it has to come with a lot of failure, and learning from that failure。So its just half o

43、f the equation and what these selfhelp books and messages do is overpromise and under-deliver, which at times can be destructive。 For example, if everything is based on the law of attraction。 I created everything that everything is up to me and also everything is my fault。 Even taking to the extreme

44、, is a 3 years old girl responsible for being abused? Is a 30 years old man responsible for being paralyzed as a result of an accident by a drunken driver? There are certain things that are out there and when we say that everything is up to us, everything is created by the law of attraction, then it

45、s a prescription maybe in the short term for inspiration and for belief and for wellbeing, but in the long term, its for frustration, for guilt, and for unhappiness。 And also for less success because if I really believe that its all about thinking, then this is going to be my mind set。 All I need to

46、 do is believe and then all the money will come to me。 All the success in a relationship will come to me。 And that does away with the hard work, with the persistence, with the failure that is necessary, part and parcel of a successful, happy, fulfilling, human life。 I want to show you a quick video.

47、 This is of an ad I saw online and I actually called the Royal Bank on Scotland and asked them to send me the original. Because it captures some of the misunderstanding that there is today about the power of the mind。 Just a very cute ad。Douglas from the conference. James Aderson。 Oh, yeah。 Thats a

48、lot of green. What kind of bird is it? Whats that?I dont know。Its ok guys! Ive done a course. -What? Positive thinking. Positive thought makes a positive impact。 OK? Positive thought has a positive impact。 Look at me. Thats right. Okay,come on. (Emergency Start) Talk is no substitute for action. Tha

49、ts the power. Make it happen。 The Royal Bank of Scotland Group.I am good。 Yes, you are。 It captures part of the truth but not the whole truth. So lets see what serious research has to say about the power of the mind。 A real phenomenon, actual phenomenon, but one that we need to also apply real research to see what works. Albert Bandura, on your reading about for this week, has done a lot of work on the concept of selfefficacy which is essentially the academic term for believing in one

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