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1、MBA考试写作系列考试写作系列A A节节 10 10分分 80100 80100字文章字文章.一种是应用文,一种是应用文,分为信、备忘录和其它。一种是摘要。给出一篇分为信、备忘录和其它。一种是摘要。给出一篇汉语文章,写出一篇英文摘要。字数均要求汉语文章,写出一篇英文摘要。字数均要求80-80-100100个单词。个单词。B B节节 15 15分分 情景短文情景短文需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:1精选课件ppt英语写作的一般评分标准包含了所有的内容。包含了所有的内容。使用丰富的语法结构和词汇。使用丰富的语法结构和词汇。语言自然流畅,语法错误极少

2、。语言自然流畅,语法错误极少。有效地采用了多种衔接手段,文字连贯,层次清有效地采用了多种衔接手段,文字连贯,层次清晰。晰。格式与语域恰当贴切。格式与语域恰当贴切。需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:2精选课件pptHow to write Commercial English letter类型:询问信询问信抱歉信抱歉信抱怨信抱怨信致谢信致谢信需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:3精选课件ppt如何些询问信 December 9th,2009 Dear sirs,Its my great honor to

3、 have the chance to write to you.We would like to know the details about your various ranges of products,including sizes,colors,prices and the series of prices of different levels.My company is one of the largest department stores in China,and I am sure there is a promising market in our area.We are

4、 interested in various products displayed in the Fair/Expo.If you can provide the information mention above,we will be grateful to your efforts.We would appreciate it if you will let us know the results as soon as possible.We are looking forward to your reply.Yours truly,David Wang General Manager 需

5、要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:4精选课件ppt如何些道歉信 December 9th,2009 Dear sirs,Its my great honor to have the chance to write to you.We would like to say sorry about our neglect.We are grateful to your telling us this problem and giving us the opportunity to correct it.Because of our failure to

6、deal with in time,we forgot to I am terribly sorry about the loss resulted from our negligence.We are sorry for the inconvenience(不不便便)we caused,ad we will make every effort to prevent a recurrence.Yours truly,David Wang General Manager 需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:5精选课件ppt如何些致谢信 Decembe

7、r 9th,2009 Dear sirs,Its my great honor to have the chance to write to you.We are glad to tell you that all these results contribute to your efforts and cooperation with us.Owing to your warm-hearted help,we finish the project efficiently,effectively and successfully.We are looking forward to our ne

8、xt time cooperation.we highly appreciate our cooperation.If you need our cooperation at any time in the future,please dont hesitate to tell us.Yours truly,David Wang General Manager 需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:6精选课件ppt如何写英文摘要参考范文:The Demand of Relocating Teachers Role in ModernizationIn

9、 the current era of globalization,the role of teacher in education is undergoing great change.Instead of providing knowledge for students once and for all,teachers are expected to show the students how to find,obtain and use knowledge on their own.More importantly,teachers should act as a facilitato

10、r and counselor for students future development.To achieve this goal,teachers need to respond to students abilities and adapt to the changing demand readily.In brief,teaching is all about offering paths to students and keeping them highly motivated on the way.需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email

11、:7精选课件pptThe Museum is Free:the Enthusiasm of the Public is ExpectedIn March 2008,our government had made a decision that the museum would be opened free for the public.This decision is welcomed and shortens the distance between the public and the museum,which not only ensures the cultural rights of

12、 the public but also promotes economic growth though it still has some disadvantages.Specifically speaking,it provides an opportunity for the public participation and can arouse their enthusiasm.Meantime,the system construction of the public participation should be strengthened thereby to improve th

13、e utilization of the public cultural resources.Moreover,various museum exhibitions can satisfy the publics spiritual and cultural needs and cultivate their loyalty and enhance the cohesion of a nation.Besides,it also promotes the local economic development based on the development of cultural herita

14、ge.需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:8精选课件pptWhat are the most important qualities a scientist must possess?Professor Ding Zhaozhong gives his answer.First of all,a scientist must never blindly follow the conclusions made by the authorities.Only with this attitude,can he have the courage to c

15、hallenge the old and develop the new.Secondly,he must give considerable emphasis to experimentation.A theory without experimentation is simply meaningless.A scientist must also truly value creativity and innovation,and readily go his own way.And what is most precious in a scientist is his curiosity,

16、which gives him the drive to explore the unknown world.These qualities combined are what make a good scientist.需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:9精选课件pptWith the glowing importance of English as a means of global communication,learning English is becoming more and more popular in China.Many p

17、rimary schools have English classes and children begin English learning at a smaller and smaller age.This paper explores the causes of the trend of starting learning English at a younger age and analyses its advantages and disadvantages.Based on the research,the author offers suggestions about how t

18、o correctly guide this trend and create a sound environment for the overall development of the children.需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:10精选课件pptThere are many ways for British people to survive the economic recession.The main ones of them are as follows.First of all,British people should i

19、nsure their income to deal with the recession.Moreover,it is necessary for them to pick a winning credit card and overpay their mortgage while they can.Thirdly,they must keep savings in an easily accessible account.Fourthly,they are required to take control of their pension and fix their retirement

20、income.Finally,they have to shake up their share portfolio,cut the cost of essential insurance and boost their income.The above mentioned ways will help the British to weather bad times.需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:11精选课件ppt写摘要的规律The Demand of Relocating Teachers Role in ModernizationIn

21、the current era of globalization,the role of teacher in education is undergoing great change.Instead of providing knowledge for students once and for all,teachers are expected to show the students how to find,obtain and use knowledge on their own.More importantly,teachers should act as a facilitator

22、 and counselor for students future development.To achieve this goal,teachers need to respond to students abilities and adapt to the changing demand readily.In brief,teaching is all about offering paths to students and keeping them highly motivated on the way.需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:

23、12精选课件pptThe Demand of Relocating Teachers Role in ModernizationThe above passage vividly depicts the phenomenon that there is great changes about teachers roles in education.The changes will have far-reaching impact.First and foremost,there is no denying the fact that teachers are not just knowledg

24、e givers,they do more in guiding students study.Besides,it is of great importance for teachers to improve students future development.One more point that cant be ignored is that teachers need to help improve students abilities in this globalized world.If we take the above points into consideration,i

25、t will make a big difference to our education.需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:13精选课件ppt The main ones of them are as follows.There are many ways for British people to survive the economic recession.The main ones of them are as followsFirst of all,British people should insure their income to

26、 deal with the recession.Moreover,it is necessary for them to pick a winning credit card and overpay their mortgage while they can.Thirdly,they must keep savings in an easily accessible account.Fourthly,they are required to take control of their pension and fix their retirement income.Finally,they h

27、ave to shake up their share portfolio,cut the cost of essential insurance and boost their income.The above mentioned ways will help the British to weather bad times.需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:14精选课件pptThe above passage vividly depicts the phenomenon that British people are clever enoug

28、h to deal with the economic crisis.there also quite a number of factors contributing to the.First and foremost,there is no denying the fact that they try to make as much money as possible.Moreover,it is of great importance for them to make full use of the credit card.One more point that cant be igno

29、red is that they must keep a good bank account.Other factors including pension,insurance,etc.are also involved in helping English people live through the cold climate.需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:15精选课件ppt摘要的写作手法是:The above passage vividly depicts the phenomenon thatThere are quite a num

30、ber of factors contributing to the/And the following points can well account for this phenomenon.First of all,it is commonly agreed that/There is no denying the fact thatWhats more/Moreover,another indispensable case is that/it is of great importance for us toBesides,One more point that cant be ignored is that If the above points can be taken into consideration,it will make a big difference.(66 words)需要五所名校MBA辅导班讲课视频、内部讲义和特殊渠道押题的同学,请联系Email:16精选课件ppt

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