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1、(完整版)M1U3 学考同步复习学案 M1U3 学考同步复习学案Part单元考情分析:已考内容及题型:P43 Reading (2010年双向翻译)Dear Amy,My computer was broken so I couldnt read your two emails until today. Im so sorry to hear about your problems, 61. but Im glad youre feeling better and are recovering. Im amazed that in China someones liver matched yo

2、urs! 62。 这真是件令人感动的事a stranger who donated part of his liver to a gift he doesnt even know! You are right。 We shouldnt be embarrassed about our weight。 63。 I think you look great as you are, and youre a wonderful person。 I know that the pressure to stay slim is a problem, especially for an actress. H

3、owever, your mother knows best: 64。 没有什么比健康更重要.65。Its the same in Chinamany people, some of whom are not overweight at all, are always going on diets or taking weightloss bills. I hope they can learn from your story.Love,Zhou Line61. _。62. _。63. _。64. _.65. _.Part单元考点预测:预测一:完型填空:(P45E)Dear Dr Health

4、,I think too many people take weight-loss pills without really knowing that they can 1_ their health。I read about a Canadian actress who had to go to hospital because she takes some weightloss pills。 She 2_ 7kg in two months。 However, the pills 3_something that causes liver 4_, so she had to get a n

5、ew liver. A young Chinese man donated part of his liver to save her life。Recently, my cousin read about a new weightloss pill and she 5_ wants to try it。 Ive told her the story of the 6_, but she 7_ listen. She is only 12, but has become a girl who is worried about her 8_ and how she looks。 She ofte

6、n refused to eat。 My aunt is worried that my cousin will buy the pills in secret. She says health is 9_。 She thinks that children must eat properly 10_ they are growing all the time。 What do you think I should do? How can I help my cousin?Best wishes,Guo Xilin1。A。 destroyB. damageC。 hurtD. injure2。A

7、. put onB。 increasedC。 lostD。 remained3.A。 containedB。 includedC。 includingD. containing4。A。 failB。 failingC。 fallingD。 failure5.A. properlyB. completelyC. exactlyD. really6。A. ChineseB. actorC。 actress D。 host7.A。 wontB. cantC. shouldntD. mustnt8。A。 futureB。 studyC. friendshipD。 figure9.A. worthles

8、sB. pricelessC. importanceD. invaluable10。A. asB。 thoughC. butD. until预测二:语法填空:(P36 Project)Exercise is something 1._ can help make you look good, feel good and be 2。_(health)。 Experts suggest that teenagers spend at least 30 minutes exercising, five times a week。 That is easy to do! Walking and rid

9、ing your bike count, and so 3._(do) school sports。 Often, teenagers give up sport, 4。_(say) they have no time left after their studies。 Many teenagers are surprised to learn that when you exercise, your body produces some chemicals that make you feel peaceful and 5._(relax) and increase your ability

10、 6._(concentrate) when you study。 These chemicals can even help you sleep at night。A good amount of sleep every night 7。_(be) also important for your health. When you sleep, your body prepares you 8。_ the day to come。 Teenagers need eight to ten hours of sleep each night。 As 9._ matter of fact, loss

11、 of sleep can make you look tired, 10。_ even cause you to gain weight。预测三:单句改错:(定语从句+语言点)1. Im taking some weight-loss pills, that are quite popular here。 1. 2。 My cousin, his body is slim, still wants to lose some weight.2。 3. I am doing different types of exercises, all of them are quiet helpful.

12、3. 4. Many people, some of them are not overweight, are going on a diet. 4. 5. Neither of you will have coffee, wont you? 5。 6. I dont suppose he is telling a lie, isnt he? 6. 7. I used to going to the gym three times a week。 7. 8. Healthy eating along with regular exercise are the only way to keep

13、fit. 8。 9. Jacks parents died, leaving him orphan. 9. 10。 If you follow the suggestions above, you will feel much more better soon.10。 Part。 单元基础词汇构词法1。_ adj。精力充沛的,充满活力的energy n。能量,精力2。recover vi。复原,恢复健康 vt.重新获得,恢复 _ n.恢复,康复3._ n.衰退、衰竭;失败;故障;失灵fail vt。vi.失败 4._ n。治疗;待遇;处理treat vt。治疗;对待;处理 5.attracti

14、ve adj.有吸引力的,有魅力的attract vt。吸引_ n.吸引力6.embarrassed adj。尴尬的embarrass vt.使尴尬 _ adj.令人尴尬的fort n。/v。安慰;舒适comfortable adj。舒适的_ adv.舒适地8.loss n.丧失,丢失,损失lose vt.丢失,迷路_ adj。丢失的,迷路的构词法填空:1. What you said made the guests very _ and also _ me。(embarrass).2. He is _ faster than expected and proper rest will do

15、good to his _.(recover)3. The Great Wall is an _, whose scenes are very _。 (attract)4。 Professor Lee responded well to the_ and is now walking again。 (treat)M1U3同步学案答案。 考情分析: 61。 但让我感到高兴的是,你现在感觉更好了.62. This is really a moving thing.63. 我觉得你目前这个样子看上去很棒.64。 Nothing is more important than health。65。 在中

16、国也是一样的情况。. 单元考点预测预测一 1-5 BCADD 3640 CADBA预测二 1.that 2.healthy 3. do 4。 saying 5。 relaxed 6。 to concentrate 7. is 8. for 9. a 10。 and预测三 1。 which 2。 whose 3. which 4。 whom 5。 will6。 is 7。 go 8。 is 9. him后添an 10。 去掉more. 单元基础词汇构词法1. energetic2。 recovery3。 failure4. treatment5. attraction6。embarrassing7. comfortably 8. lost 构词法填空: 1. embarrassed; embarrassed 2。 recovering; recovery 3. attraction; attractive4。 treatment3

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