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1、齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作The Cranial Nerves齐齐哈尔医学院齐齐哈尔医学院 解剖教研室解剖教研室刘富刘富齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Names of cranial nerves Olfactory nerve Optic nerve Oculomotor nerve Trochlear nerve Trigeminal nerve Abducent nerve Facial nerve Vestibulocochlear nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Vagus nerve Accessory

2、nerve Hypoglossal nerve齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Functional componentsGeneral somatic afferent fibers(GSA):transmit exteroceptive and proprioceptive impulses from head and face to somatic sensory nucleiSpecial somatic afferent fibers(SSA):transmit sensory impulses from special sense organs of visio

3、n,equilibrium and hearing to the brain General visceral afferent fibers(GVA):transmit interoceptive impulses from the viscera to the visceral sensory nucleiSpecial visceral afferent fibers(SVA):transmit sensory impulses from special sense organs of smell and taste to the brain General somatic effere

4、nt fibers(GSE):innervate skeletal muscles of eye and tongueSpecial visceral efferent fibers(SVE):transmit motor impulses from the brain to skeletal muscles derived from brachial(gill)arches of embryo.These include the muscles of mastication,facial expression and swallowingGeneral visceral efferent f

5、ibers(GVE):transmit motor impulses from the general visceral motor nuclei and relayed in parasympathetic ganglions.The postganglionic fibers supply cardiac muscles,smooth muscles and glands齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Classification of cranial nervesSensory cranial nerves:contain only afferent(sensory

6、)fibersOlfactory nerve Optic nerve Vestibulocochlear nerve Motor cranial nerves:contain only efferent(motor)fibers Oculomotor nerve Trochlear nerve Abducent nerve Accessory nerv Hypoglossal nerveMixed nerves:contain both sensory and motor fibers-Trigeminal nerve,Facial nerve,Glossopharyngeal nerveVa

7、gus nerve 齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Sensory cranial nervesN.Location of cell body and axon categoriesCranial exitTerminal nucleiMain actionOlfactory cells(SVA)CribrifomforaminaOlfactory bulbSmell Ganglion cells(SSA)Optic canalLateral geniculate bodyVision Vestibular ganglion(SSA)Internal acoustic m

8、eatusVestibular nucleiEquilibriumCochlear ganglion(SSA)Cochlear nucleiHearing 齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Olfactory nerveOlfactory mucosa(SVA)Cribriform foramina Olfactory bulb齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Optic nerveGanglion cell(SSA)Optic canal Lateral geniculate body齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Vestibu

9、locochlear nerveVestibular ganglion(SSA)Vestibular nuclei Internal acoustic meatus Cochlear ganglion(SSA)Cochlear nuclei齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Motor cranial nervesN.Nucleus of origin and axon categoriesCranial exitMain actionNucleus of oculomotor(GSE)Superior orbital fissureMotot to superior,inf

10、erior and medial recti;inferior obliquus;levator palpebrae superiorisAccessory nucleus of oculomotor(GVE)Parasympathetic to sphincter pupillea and ciliary musclNucleus of trochlear nerve(GSE)Superior orbital fissureMotor to superior obliquusNucleus of abducent nerve(GSE)Superior orbital fissureMotor

11、 to lateral rectus Nucleus of accessory nerve(SVE)Jugular foramen Motor to sternocleidomastoid and trapeziusNucleus of hypoglossal nerve(GSE)Hypoglossal canalMotot to muscles of tongue齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Oculomotor nerveComponentsGeneral somatic efferent fibers(GSE)

12、General visceral efferent fibers(GVE)Main actionsupplies Superior,inferior and medial recti;inferior obliquus;levator palpebrae superiorisSphincter pupillea and ciliary muscleCiliary ganglion:lies between optic nerve and lateral rectusOculomotor nerve齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Abducent nerveAccessor

13、y nerve齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Hypoglossal nerveHypoglossal nerve齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Oculamotor paralysisAbducent nerve injury 齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Mixed cranial nerves齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Trigeminal nerveComponents of fibersSVE fibers:originate from motor nucleus of trigeminal

14、 nerve,and supply masticatory musclesGSA fibers:transmit facial sensation to sensory nuclei of trigeminal nerve,the GSA fibers have their cell bodies in trigeminal ganglion,which lies on the apex of petrous part of temporal bone 齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作BranchesOphthalmi

15、c nerve 眼神经眼神经(1,sensory)leave the skull through the superior orbital fissure,to enter orbital cavityBranchesFrontal nerve额神经额神经:Supratrochlear nerve 滑车上神经滑车上神经Supraorbital nerve 眶上神经眶上神经Lacrimal nerve 泪腺神经泪腺神经Nasociliary nerve 鼻睫神经鼻睫神经齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Distribution:Sensation from cerebral

16、dura mater Visual organ Mucosa of nose Skin above the eye and back of nose齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Maxillary nerve 上颌神经上颌神经(2,sensory)Leave skull through foramen rotundum BranchesInfraorbital nerve 眶下神经眶下神经Zygomatic nerve 颧神经颧神经Superior alveolar nerve 上牙槽神经上牙槽神经Pterygopalatine nerve 翼腭神经翼腭神经齐 齐 哈

17、尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Distribution:Sensation from cerebral dura mater Maxillary teeth Mucosa of nose and mouth Skin between eye and mouth齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Mandibular nerve(3,mixed)下颌神经下颌神经Leave the skull through the foramen ovale to enter the infratemporal fossaBranchesAuriculotemporal nerve

18、 耳颞神经耳颞神经 Buccal nerve 颊神经颊神经Lingual nerve 舌神经舌神经Inferior alveolar nerve下牙槽下牙槽神经神经 Nerve of masticatory muscles 咀嚼肌神经咀嚼肌神经齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Distribution:Sensation from cerebral dura mater Teeth and gum of lower jaw Mucosa of floor of mouthAnterior 2/3 of tongue Sk

19、in of auricular and temporal regions and below the mouth Motor to masticatory muscles,mylohyoid,and anterior belly of digastric齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Facial nerve()Components of fibersSVE fibers originate from nucleus of facial nerve,and supply facial musclesGVE fibers derived from superior sali

20、vatory nucleus and relayed in pterygopalatine ganglion and submandibular ganglion.The postganglionic fibers supply lacrimal,submandibular and sublingual glandsSVA fiber from taste buds of anterior two-thirds of tongue which cell bodies are in the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve and end by sy

21、napsing with cells of nucleus of solitary tractGSA fibers from skin of external ear 齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Course:leaves skull through internal acoustic meatus,facial canal and stylomastoid foramen,it then enters parotid gland where it divides into five branches which

22、supply facial muscles 齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Branches within the facial canal Chorda tympani 鼓索鼓索:joins lingual branch of mandibular nerveTo taste buds on anterior two-thirds of tongueRelayed in submandibular ganglion,the postganglionic fibers supply submandibular and sublingual glands齐 齐 哈 尔 医

23、学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Greater petrosal nerve岩大神经岩大神经:GVE fibers pass to pterygopalatine ganglion 翼腭神经节翼腭神经节 and there relayed through the zygomatic and lacrimal nerves to lacrimal glandStapedial nerve 镫骨肌神经镫骨肌神经:to stapedius齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Branches outside of facial canal Temporal Zygomatic Bu

24、ccalMarginal mandibular Cervical齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Pterygopalatine ganglion 翼腭神经节翼腭神经节:lies in pterygopalatine fossa under maxillary nerveSubmandibular ganglion 下颌下神经节下颌下神经节:lies between lingual nerve and submandibular gland齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Injury to the facial nerve齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解

25、 剖 教 研 室 制 作Glossopharyngeal nerve()Components of fibersSVE fibers:originate from nucleus ambiguus,and supply stylopharygeusGVE fibers:arise from inferior salivatory nucleus and ralyed in otic ganglion,the postganglionic fibers supply parotid glandSVA fibers:arise from the cells of inferior ganglion

26、,the central processes of these cells terminate in nucleus of solitary tract,the peripheral processes supply the taste buds on posterior third of tongueGVA fibers:visceral sensation from mucosa of posterior third of tongue,pharynx,auditory tube and tympanic cavity,carotid sinus and glomus,and end by

27、 synapsing with cells of nucleus of solitary tractGSA fibers:sensation from skin of posterior surface of auricle and 齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Course:leaves the skull via jugular foramenBranchesLingual branches 舌支舌支:to taste buds and mucosa of posterior third of tonguePha

28、ryngeal branches 咽支咽支:take part in forming the pharyngeal plexusTympanic nerve 鼓室神经鼓室神经:GVE fibers via tympanic and lesser petrosal nerves to otic ganglion,with postganglionic fibers via auriculotemporal(3)to parotid glandCarotid sinus branch 颈动脉窦支颈动脉窦支:innervations to both carotid sinus and glomusO

29、thers:tonsillar and stylophayngeal branchesOtic ganglion 耳神经节耳神经节:situated just below foramen ovale齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Vagus nerve()components of fibersGVE fibers:originate from dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve,synapse in parasympathetic ganglion,short postganglionic f

30、ibers innervate cardiac muscles,smooth muscles and glands of visceraSVE fibers:originate from ambiguus,to muscles of pharynx and larynxGVA fibers:carry impulse from viscera in neck,thoracic and abdominal cavity to nucleus of solitary tract GSA fiber:sensation from auricle,external acoustic meatus an

31、d cerebral dura mater齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作CourseExits the skull from jugular foramenDescends in the neck in carotid sheath between internal(or common)carotid artery and internal jugular vein Right vagus nerve Enter thoracic inlet on right side of tracheaTravels downw

32、ard posterior to right brachiocephalic vein and superior vena cavaPasses posterior to right lung rootForms posterior esophageal plexusForms posterior vagal trunk at esophageal hiatus where it leaves thorax and passes into abdominal cavity,then divides into posterior gastric and celiac branches齐 齐 哈

33、尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Left vagus nerveEnter thoracic inlet between left common carotid and left subclavian arteries,posterior to left brachiocephalic veinCrosses aortic arch where left recurrent laryngeal nerve branches offPasses posterior to left lung rootForms anterior esophageal plexusForms anteri

34、or vagal trunk at esophageal hiatus where it leaves thorax and passes into abdominal cavity,then divides into anterior gastric and hepatic branches齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Branches in neckSuperior laryngeal nerve:passes down side of pharynx and given rise to Internal branch,which pierces thyrohyoi

35、d membrane to innervates mucous membrane of larynx above fissure of glottisExternal branch,which innervates cricothyroid Cervical cardiac branches:descending to terminate in cardiac plexusOthers:auricular,pharyngeal and meningeal branches齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Superior laryngeal nerveExternal br

36、anchInternal branch齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Branches in thoraxRecurrent laryngeal nervesRight one hooks around right subclavian artery,left one hooks aortic archBoth ascend in tracheo-esophageal grooveNerves enter larynx posterior to cricothyroid joint,the nerve is now called inferior laryngeal ne

37、rveInnervations:laryngeal mucosa below fissure of glottis,all laryngeal laryngeal muscles except cricothyroid Bronchial and esophageal branches齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Branches in abdomenAnterior and posterior gastric branchesRun close to lesser curvature and innervate anterior and posterior surfa

38、ces of stomachAs far as pyloric antrum to fan out into branches in a way like the digits of a crows foot to supply pyloric partHepatic branches:join hepatic plexus and then supply liver and gallbladderCeliac branches:send branches to celiac plexus to be distributed with sympathetic fibers to liver,p

39、ancreas,spleen,kidneys,intestine as far as left colic flexure齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作The Visceral Nervous System齐齐哈尔医学院齐齐哈尔医学院 解剖教研室解剖教研室刘富刘富齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作The Visceral Nervous SystemComposition Visceral motor nerves(autonomic nervous system)Sympathetic part 交感部 Parasympathetic part 副

40、交感部Visceral sensory nerves 齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Visceral motor nerves齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Main differences between somatic motor and visceral motor n.Somatic Visceral EffectorsSkeletal musclesCardiac,smooth muscles and glandsKind of fibersOne Two:sympathetic an

41、d parasympatheticFrom lower center to effect requireSingle neuronTwo neurons:preganglionic neuron(fiber)and postganglionic neuron(fiber)Fibers Thick myelinatedPreganglionic:thin myelinated postganglionic:unmyelinatedDistributive formNerve trunkNerve plexusesControl Voluntary(consciousness)Involuntar

42、y(unconsciousness)齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Sympathetic part 交感部交感部Lower center:located in lateral gray horn of spinal cord segments T1L3Sympathetic gangliaParavertebral ganglia 椎旁节椎旁节Prevertebral ganglia 椎前节椎前节齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Paravertebral ganglia 椎旁节椎旁节Arranged on either side of verteb

43、ral columnConsist of 1922 of oval-shaped ganglia Three cervical1012 thoracic 4 lumbar 23 sacralGanglion impar奇神经奇神经节节:unpaired on the anterior face of coccyx 齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Sympathetic trunk 交感干交感干Formed by paravertebral ganglia and interganglionic branches Lie

44、 on either side of vertebral column from base of skull to coccyx The trunks of two side unite in front of the coccyx at a small swelling,the ganglion impar齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Prevertebral ganglia 椎前节椎前节Lie anterior to vertebral column and near the arteries for which they are namedCeliac gangl

45、ion 腹腔神经腹腔神经节节Aorticorenal ganglion 主动脉肾节主动脉肾节 Superior mesenteric ganglion 肠系膜上神经节肠系膜上神经节Inferior mesenteric ganglion肠系膜下神经节肠系膜下神经节齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Three fates of preganglionic fibersPreganglionic fibers 15 pairs white communicating branchSympathetic trunk(only spinal levels T1L3 have whi

46、te communicating branch)齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作 Three fates of preganglionic fibersRelay in corresponding ganglionAscend or descend in sympathetic trunk and relay in higher or lower gangliaPass without synapse to a prevertebral ganglion for relay齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Greater splanchnic nerv

47、e 内脏大神内脏大神经经 formed by preganglionic fibers from T5T9 ganglia,and relay in celiac ganglion.Lesser splanchnic nerve 内脏小神内脏小神经经 formed by preganglionic fibers from T10T12 ganglia,and relay in aorticorenal ganglion.The postganglionic fibers supply the liver,spleen,kidney and alimentary tract as far as

48、the left colic flexure.齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Lumbar splanchnic nerve 腰内脏神经腰内脏神经Formed by preganglionic fibers from L1L4 ganglia,and relay in prevertebral ganglia.The postganglionic fibers supplydescending and sigmoid colon,rectum,pelvic viscera and lower limbs.齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作 Three

49、fates of postganglionic fibersBack to a spinal nerve along gray communicating branches(31 pairs)to terminate in blood vessels,arrectores pilorum and sweat glands of head,neck,trunk and limbsThe fibers from their networks around blood vessels passing to visceral end organsTerminate directly in certai

50、n organs齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Distribution of sympathetic nervePreganglionic fibersPostganglionic fibersT1T5Head,neck,upper limb and thoracic visceraT5T12Abdominal visceraL1L3Pelvic viscera and lower limb齐 齐 哈 尔 医 学 院 解 剖 教 研 室 制 作Parasympathetic part 副交感副交感部部Lower center:located in four pairs

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