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1、ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION By Bruce JiangWrong Ideas About Pronunciation l Pronunciation is the least important skill in the second language acquisition.lPronunciation must be good if only one mimics as much as possible.lPronunciation is as easy as ABC.SyllabuslSome Troublemakers For ChineselThe Usual Ph

2、onetic Symbols lBasic Pronunciation Rules Some Troublemakers For Chinese1.i:Skill:The sound is similar to the Chinese word“一”(yi).Examples:eat sea read meet tea free lead beef2.I Skill:I shares the same mouth shape of e.Some Troublemakers For ChineseAttention should be paid to the most intriguing so

3、und.(why?)Examples:ill sit miss city lady silly silk kid I v.s.i:Ship-sheep slipsleep thisthese lipleapBill was beating a big beast with his big fist and his big fist was badly bitten by the big beast at last.The difference between the two does not just lie in the Length of the sounds but the way to

4、 pronounce.Some Troublemakers For Chinese3.u:Skill:The sound is similar to that of Chinese word“乌”(wu).Example:roof tooth June moon rule soup lose move shoot roomSome Troublemakers For Chinese4.uExample:look push good foot cook woman wood bush hook shouldRule:When“oo”occurs before k and d,“oo”will b

5、e read as u except“food”and“foot”.Sentence Drill:Id choose blue shoes to take to school to use if I were you.(eight u:s)Mr.Cook said to a cook:“Look at that cook-book.Its very good.”So the cook took the advice of Mr.Cook and bought the book.(ten us)Some Troublemakers For Chinese5.eExamples:egg desk

6、many pen dead head end lend tendSentence Drill The eggs he sells are better than everybody else sells.Some Troublemakers For Chinese6.ASkill:One can put two fingers in his mouth when producing the soundExample:bag man map bad atom happy sandal fan sample apple mad sand thatSentence Drill:A cat is si

7、tting on the mat.Canners can can what they can can but can not can things that cant be canned.Some Troublemakers For Chinese8.eiSkill:ei consists of two sounds:e and I.Examples:age date face mail fail day nail cape save break Some Troublemakers For Chinese9.EUSkill:EU is made out of E and U.Example:

8、home snow blow hope boat soul rose mow vote goSome Troublemakers For Chinese10.aUExample:loud bow town cow shout south noun mouse counter Some Troublemakers For Chinese11.f vSkill:The upper teeth should touch the underlip.Example:fan form half safe coughf phase laugh philosophyv van vase novel invit

9、e level heaven dove leaveSentence Drill:A Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure(裂缝 fiFE)in his fishing-net.(eleven fs)Some Troublemakers For Chinese12.F VSkill:the sound is similar to that of the Chinese character,“shi”(湿)but

10、the difference lies in the shape of the mouth.Example:ship shirt share shock F fishing English conditionV pleasure treasure measure leisure usually casualtySentence Drill:She sells seashells on the shining sea-shore,and shells she sells on the seashore are seashells I am sure.I shoot a sleeping shee

11、p on a ship.Some Troublemakers For Chinese13rSkill;the sound shares the tongue position with the Chinese character“ri”(日).Example:race read present very every sorry arrive write racketSome Troublemakers For Chinese14 W T Skill:one has to put his tongue between the teeth.Example:thank thing think thr

12、eat methodW mouth tooth faith author north Example:that these those thus botherT weather feather breathe southernSentence Drill:There are thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that birds throat.Father and mother went through thick and thin.Neither father nor mother likes t

13、his weather.Some Troublemakers For Chinese15 tr drExample:train truck try tr trouble trade country stranger travel destroy dr drama dress driver drunk dream address dragon laundry drawerSome Troublemakers For Chinese16 tF dVSkill:they share the same mouth shape with F.Example:China chance choice lun

14、ch watchtF catch culture nature picture teach dV danger jam jet job German jeep enjoy injure large wageSentence Drill:Facing the challenge from other big chain stores,the manager changed his mind and chose to charge customers one dollar less for the chair made in china.Usually,pleasure is measured b

15、y treasure and leisure.The Usual Phonetic symbols1 B:Example:father calm palm car army far hard armorThe Usual Phonetic symbols2 R:Example:jaw pause chalk straw morning walk horse force floor portThe Usual Phonetic symbols3 QExample:duck luck bus love study rust rush srub tub done The Usual Phonetic

16、 symbols4 EExample:away American about panda letter river doctor monitorThe Usual Phonetic symbols5 E:Example:girl sir work earth fur purse serve stir shirtThe Usual Phonetic symbols6 RIExample:oil voice coin soil toy joy toil point noise soyThe Usual Phonetic symbols7 IEExample:tear near hear fear

17、beer deer peer veer fierceThe Usual Phonetic symbols8 ZEExample:chair stairs fare care dare pear wear there air hairThe Usual Phonetic symbols9 uEExample:poor cure sure endure mature jury purityThe Usual Phonetic symbols10 aIExample:bike ice time sky life type light sight wineThe Usual Phonetic symb

18、ols11 p bExample:pen paper pit copper pipep cup leap map paste spaceb brag bit back bread burn but pub obey dub tubeThe Usual Phonetic symbols12 t dExample:time tomb attack seat tie t title tobacco retire test tipd day deep depend order rid yard tide find feedThe Usual Phonetic symbols 13k gExample:

19、kite cake pork seek truckk week cat echo Kate clockg gold glory green guest egg flag gift game photographThe Usual Phonetic symbols14 s zExample:see sip rice peace citys simple cease taste place z zoo jazz zeal zest cause maze reason zap zigzagThe Usual Phonetic symbols15 h Example:ham habit heart h

20、ide who homeland perhaps behaveThe Usual Phonetic symbols16 w hwExample:wag wait war wave west what when white where The Usual Phonetic symbols17jExample:Yankee yard yearning yellow unite usage huge pure yearThe Usual Phonetic symbols18 lExample:lab lead loss lesson color field peeler battle nationa

21、lThe Usual Phonetic symbols19 mExample:mail make moon motor grammar perfume shame limit female timberThe Usual Phonetic symbols20 nExample:name neck nose nod ban clinic knife know son manThe Usual Phonetic symbols21 NExample:tank ring string song king finger bank link tongue frankThe Usual Phonetic symbols22 ts dzExample:rats bats drafts sports statesmants Switzerland hosts parents seatsdz bands crowds codes hands floods modes kids words sands

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