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1、(完整版)上海牛津英语3BM3U2作业3BM3U2 EX1 班级_ 姓名_学号_。 正确抄写句子,注意大小写与标点符号。what colour are the leaves kitty theyre red and yellow。 找出与划线部分发音不同的单词。( )1.A. whatB. catC。 triangleD。 fat( )2。A。 pleaseB. playC。 plantD。 pie( )3.A. withB. thankC。 thisD. brother( )4.A。 glassB. grassC. greyD. grow.写出划线单词的同类词。1。 We can see t

2、he sun and the _ in the sky.2。 The leaves are green in spring. They are yellow in _.3。 The grasshopper likes sleeping and _ in summer。4。 Its cold outside. Please come into the house。 Its _。. 用am, is, are, have, has填空。1。Look at the leaves。 They _ red and yellow。2. What colour _ the sky? It _ blue.3.

3、I _ a toy ant. It _ small and lovely.4. In winter, it _ cold outside.5. This mouse _ a long tail. It has two big ears. 读句子,填入适当的单词.1。 The sun is _ in the morning。2. Its cold _。 Please come in。3。 The leaves are green in _ and _ in autumn.4. Its hot in _ and _ in winter.5. I like _ a bicycle in the pa

4、rk。6. What _ is the moon? Its a circle。.完成对话,每空一词.A: Good morning, Kitty。 B: _ _, Ben.A: Look at the rainbow. What _ _ it?B: It is red, orange, _, green, blue, purple and _.A: _ you like the rainbow? B: Yes, I _。 And you? A: I like _ ,too。看图用英文写话,至少六句话,三种不同的句型。_3BM3U2 EX2 班级_ 姓名_学号_ . 正确抄写句子,注意大小写与标

5、点符号。what colour are the mountains theyre green. 选词填空.Where What colour How How many Who What1. _ is she? Shes Sue. 2。 _ are you? Very well.3. _ is the rabbit? Its white. 4。 _boxes are there? Eight。5. _ is that? Its a big cat。 6。 _ is Sams teacher? In the office.。选择正确答案.( )1。_ bicycles are super。 I l

6、ike _ bicycles.A. This, thisB. These, theseC。 These, this( )2.They _ like lemons but they _ apples.A. not. likeB. dont, likeC. dont, likes( )3。Taste the _. Its sour。A。 icecreamB。 rabbitC. lemon( )4.Touch the giraffe. _ tall.A。 Its B。 TheyreC。 Its a( )5._ you like elephants?Yes, I _.A. Do, likeB. Are

7、, doC. Do, do( )6。Im happy. I want _a horse.A。 rideB. ridingC. to ride( )7。_are the leaves in autumn? Theyre yellow。A. WhatB. What colourC。 How( )8.There are some_ in the sky. Its a _ day.A。 cloud, cloudyB。 clouds, a cloudyC. clouds, cloudy( )9.Lets go_ the supermarket。A。 toB. atC. in( )10。May I hav

8、e four_?A. glassB。 glassesC. the glass( )11.There is _ ant and a grasshopper on the grass.A. theB。 aC. an( )12.Kitty likes _ with me。A。 playB。 playingC。 to playing。改写句子.1. May I have five apples?(快速应答) _2. The leaves are yellow in autumn.(划线提问) _3. I like singing and dancing in the hall。(划线提问) _4。 A

9、lice has got gloves on her hands.(一般疑问句) _3BM3U2 EX3 班级_ 姓名_学号_. 按要求写单词。1。 Colours you see in the rainbow: _ _ _2. Seasons you like: _ _ _3. Animals you dont like: _ _ _4。Shapes you know。 _ _ _. 判断下列单词划线部分的发音,相同的用T表示,不同的用F表示.( )1. plant please ( )2。 hand head ( )3. cold hot ( )4. grass glass ( )5。na

10、me many ( )6。 ride bicycle。用单词的适当形式填空。1.May I _(have) a try? Sure。2. Betty _(have) some friends in school.3. What colour _(be) the leaves? Green.4。 Peter and I like _(read) and _(write)。5。It _ (be) cold in winter。 I _(not like) winter。 根据划线部分提问。1。 I want five peaches. _2. The grass is green in sprin

11、g。 _3. The grasshopper likes reading at home. _4. That is an ant. _5. I can see some white clouds in the sky. _. 用介词填空。1. Look _ the rainbow _ the sky.2. There is a plant _ the plate。 3. _ spring, the leaves are green。4。 I like reading _ home in winter。 5. We can see _ our eyes.。 阅读短文并判断,用“T或“F表示。Th

12、ere are many insects and plants around us。 Many insects like plants。 Bees, butterflies like flowers。 Ladybirds like leaves。 Theyre black and red. Theyre small。 A ladybird has six short legs and a circle body. Its head is small. Theyre harmful to plants。( )1。 Many plants like insects.( )2. Bees, Butt

13、erflies and ladybirds like flowers。( )3。 Ladybirds are red and black。( )4. Ladybirds legs are short and circles.( )5. Ladybirds are harmful to plants。3BM3U2 EX4 班级_ 姓名_学号_。正确抄写下列句子。 may i have five apples please sure。 写出与划线单词同类的词.1。 I can hear a car。 You can hear an _。 My brother can see two_.2。 The

14、 lime is sour。 The _ is sweet。 The _ is soft。3。 I dont like tigers. I like_. Do you like_?.选词填空.A。 am is are have has1. I _tall and thin. You_ short and fat.2。 The leaves _green in spring.3。 This pair of socks _for my sister.4。 Peter_ a toy. Its a mouse. It _two big ears。B。 in on with at of1. It is

15、cold _winter。 I like reading_ home.2。 We can feel and touch_ our hands.3。 I have three pairs _shoes. They are red.4。 There are some trees _the mountain.。改写句子。1. The girls like pink.(划线提问) _2。 Are these robots super?(肯定句) _3. We can see the rainbow in the sky。(划线提问) _4. I like reading at home in wint

16、er.(一般疑问句) _.阅读短文并判断,用“T”或“F”表示。 Today is Sunday. I can see the sun in the sky. I am playing with my mother in the zoo. Its not small。 There are many animals in it。 They are lions, pandas, monkeys. Theyre clever. Look, the monkeys are jumping。 How clever.( )1。 Today is Sunday。 ( )2. My mother and I are in the zoo.( )3。 The zoo is not big。 ( )4. Its a sunny day.( )5. The monkeys are clever。 ( )6。 We cant see many animals at the zoo。 看图用英语写话,至少六句话,三种句型。 _

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