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1、 新外研版四年级下册英语Module3-Module4检测卷 班级_姓名_分数 (满分100分)_一、 选出不同类的一项。(5分)( )1. A. hot B. long C. cold( )2. A. London B. Sanya C. Yinchuan( )3. A. windy B. old C. small( )4. A. talk B. walk C. robot( )5. A. snow B. cake C. rain二、翻译短语,将正确的中文选项填入题前括号内。(5分)( )1.take a kite A. 为什么不?( )2.on Saturday B. 拜访我的奶奶( )3

2、.why not C.做家庭作业( )4.visit my grandma D.带上你的风筝( )5. do homework E. 在星期六三、单项选择。(10分)( )1._ you take a cake? Yes, I will. A.will B. Will ( )2. Today is Saturday and tomorrow is _. A.Sunday B.Wednesday ( )3. Will you go swimming on Monday? No, I _.A.will B. wont ( )4.On Thursday Ill _ my teacher. A.hel

3、p B.read( )5.What will you do tomorrow? Ill _ a picnic. A.play B.have ( )6. -Will you take your ball tomorrow ? -_. A.Yes,I am. B.No ,I dont . C.No ,I wont .( )7. Robots will do _. A.everyone B. everyday C. everything ( )8.I will _my kite tomorrow. A. takes B.ake C.taking( ) 9. Were going to have a

4、picnic _Friday.A.on B.at C.in( ) 10. On Thursday ,Ill do _homework.A.her B.my C.his四、读句子并将相应的图片的选项填入题前括号内。(10分)( )1. On Tuesday Ill play with my friends.A. ( )2. On Thursday Ill do my homework.B. ( )3.On Sunday Ill read my books.C. ( )4. On Saturday Ill help my mother.D.( )5. On Friday Ill visit my

5、grandma.E. 五、阅读句子,选择恰当的词,并认真抄写在四线格内。(10分)Because Thursady take picnic homework1.Were going to have a on Saturday.2.Will you a ball?3.- Why not?- tomorrow is Friday.4.- What will you do on Saturday?- Ill do my .5.On Ill play with my friends.六、情景问答,请将答语选项填入题前括号内。(10分)( )1. What will you do on Friday?

6、A. Because tomorrow is Friday.( )2. Will you take your kite tomorrow? B.Yes,it is.( )3. Why not? C.Its Buckingham Palace.( )4. Whats that? D. Ill go swimming.( )5. Is the River Thames long? E.No, I wont.七、将下列单词分类写下来。(15分)foot bus pear Sunday monkey leg plane apple lion Saturday train banana Friday t

7、iger ear car orange hand Tuesday1.foot _ _ _ _ _ _ 2.bus _ _ _ _ _ _3.pear _ _ _ _ _ _ 4.monkey_ _ _ _ 5.Sunday_ _ _ _ 八、连词成句,并注意大小写及标点符号。(15分)1.It /be / will / hot / tomorrow / Haikou / in ( . )2.What, do, will, on, you, Sunday (?)3.your / kite / you / Will / take (?)4. a ,picnic, We, are , going,

8、to , have , tomorrow ( . ) 5. robots , do , will , One day , everything ( . )九、阅读短文,选择正确的答案(20分) Next week is a holiday. Sam will play football on Monday. Amy will play the flute on Wednesday. Daming will fly kites. On Friday. Lingling will visit her grandma on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday Sam, Am

9、y ,Lingling and Daming will have a picnic. They will take some food and some toys.( )1. Sam will play football on _. A. Tuesday B. Monday C. Saturday( )2._ will play the flute on Wednesday. AAmy B.Sam C.Lingling( )3. They will _ on Sunday. A. go to park B. go swimming C. have a picnic( )4. Will they go to school next week? A. Yes, they will. B. No, they wont. C. No, they arent. ( ) 5.What will they take? A.Some food B.Some toys C.Some toys and some food

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