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1、 新教材牛津译林8B Unit2一、同步知识梳理知识点1:Can I join you?(P22)我能加入你吗?join v. 参加,加入【例句】Every young man in the village joined the fight.【拓展】join/join in/ take part in 对比.join +群体,组织。He joined the Party (党)last year.join in +活动。If you cannot attend, you can still join in the conversation. take part in +活动,比赛。We sti

2、ll decided to take part in an important race across the Atlantic.知识点2:I miss you so much.(P22)我非常想念你。miss vt. 漏掉;错过;想念【例句】She went to the station to meet her husband, but missed.Im going to miss her very much.知识点3:Were having a fantastic time here.(P22)我们玩的很开心。have a fantastic time 玩的开心相似的短语有:have a

3、 good time; enjoy oneself; have fun.后面加doing【例句】They come here to relax and have a good time.=They come here to relax and enjoy themselves. =They come here to relax and have fun.知识点4:It moved at high speed and was really exciting.(P22)它高速运行,十分令人激动。1) at high speed 以很快的速度=quickly常用短语:at high/top/ ful

4、l speed 高/最高/全速 at a/the speed of.以.速度 2)exciting adj. 兴奋的 由excite v转变而来, 类似的词有:动词加ed/ ing变为形容词:vsurpriseexcitepleasetireAdj.令人.surprisingexcitingpleasing(pleasant)tiringAdj. 感到.surprisedexcitedpleasedtired批注:ing结尾的形容词用宇修饰人/事,物 ed结尾的形容词表述人的心情。excite-excitement n.兴奋知识点5:We were screaming and laughing

5、 through the ride.(P22)我们全程又叫又笑。through the ride全程ride v. 骑马;乘; n. 骑;乘坐;(乘坐汽车等的)旅行;【例句】She got on her bike and rode quickly to school.Lets go for a bus ride. 知识点6:We hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal.(P22)我们匆忙去一家餐馆很快吃了一顿饭。hurry n. 匆忙,急忙 in a hurry 立即,匆忙in no hurry 不着急;不匆忙v. 仓促(做某事);催促;(朝某

6、方向)迅速移动;迅速处理 hurry up (使)赶快 hurry to do【例句】We must hurry up, or well be late.Students hurried to the playground to enjoy the exciting match.【批注】 hurry to do sth=do sth in a hurry 匆忙地去做某事知识点7:I ran after them and couldt stop taking photos.(P22)我跟在他们后面跑,忍不住一直拍照。1)run v. 行驶;奔跑;运转;经营 n. 奔跑;赛跑;趋向;奔跑的路程【例

7、句】His car runs through the streets at high speed.Does your watch run well?【常用短语】run away 逃跑 run out 用完;耗尽;跑出; run out of 跑出.用光.run after 追赶2)cant stop doing 停不住【例句】They cant stop talking about their last night out together.【批注】stop 后面既可以跟doing形式,也可以加to do。Stop doing 停止做某事,指的是手头上正在进行的事情。stop to do是指停

8、止手上正在做的事情去做另一件事情。知识点9:I bought a couple of key rings for classmates.(P23)我给我的同学买了一对钥匙环。couple n. 对;夫妇;数个【常用短语】a couple of 三两个;一对相当于a few, several, a small number of后面跟可数名词复数young couple 青年夫妇in couples 成对地【例句】A couple of old women were chatting in the corner. The old couple will spend the whole winte

9、r in the south. 知识点10:At the end of the day, we watched the fireworks in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle.(P22) 那天结束的时候,我们在睡美人城堡前看烟火。1) end v. 结束,终止 end in 以为结果;以告终 end with 以.结束【例句】They ended the discussion at 19:00 in the evening. n. 结束,末端,终止in the end 终于,最后 by the end of 到结束时;到时为止;在之前at the en

10、d of 在.结束的时候;在.的尽头from beginning to end 自始至终【例句】Our teacher ran over the main points at the end of each lesson. Government decided to bring the programme through to the end.Wall Street is at the southern end of the island.【拓展】ending n. (故事、电影等的)结尾,结局;终结; 死亡;毁灭【批注】in the end/ at the end of前面用介词at后面需要

11、加of,表示:在.的末尾,在.结束的时候。in the end在最后,后面不需要加of。类似的用法有:in the beginning / at the beginning of知识点11:Hope youve enjoyed yourself there.希望你在那边玩的开心。这是一个省略主语的省略句,句子的主语是I. I Hope youve enjoyed yourself there.类似的用法有:May you have a very happy life!二、 同步例题分析例1:I remember she went to Hainan _ last month. A at the

12、 end B at the end of C in the end D in the end of解析:at the end of在.结束的时候,in the end后面不加of.答案:B例2:When the boy lost his toy bear, he couldt stop _.A cry B to cry C to crying D crying解析:couldnt stop doing 停不住做某事。答案:D例3:The trains running between Nanjing and Shanghai are fast. Its top s_ can be as high

13、 as 350km per hour.解析:火车运行的速度非常快,最高速度能够达到350千米每小时。答案:speed例4:Thegirlfeels_atthe_news.A.excited,excited B.exciting,excited C.excited, exciting D.exciting, exciting解析:ed修饰人的心情,ing修饰事,物;感到兴奋,一个令人兴奋的消息。答案:C例5:Itissucha_tripthatIwill_forgetitforever.Afun,ever Bfunny,never Cfun, never Dfunny,ever解析:fun 名词

14、funny 形容词 never绝不ever曾经;答案:B三、 课堂达标检测检测题1:根据所给中文完成句子1.Icouldntstop_(拍照)withthem2.Iwasnt_(兴趣)ineating.3.MyparentsandIarehavingareally_(美妙的)timehere.4.Thetrainmovedathigh_(速度).5.Peoplescreamedwith_(激动)whentheparadebegan.taking photos; interested; fantastic; speed; excitement;检测题2:句型转换1. We spend the w

15、hole day in Hong Kong Disneyland. We played there happily.(合并为一句)We _the whole day_ _ in Hong Kong Disneyland.2. Im sure that I can finish the work.(改为简单句)Im sure _ _ the work.3. Look, the train is running fast.(同义句转换)Look, the train is running _ _ _ .4. The girl kept crying because she couldnt find

16、 her mother.(同义句转换)The girl _ _ crying because she couldnt find her mother.5. My father bought me a dictionary as a birthday present.(同义句转换)My father _a dictionary _ me as a birthday present.答案:1 spent playing happily; 2 to finish; 3 at high speed; 4 couldnt stop ; 5 bought; for检测题3:翻译句子1.你曾经去过那里吗?不

17、,没有。但是我去过长城。- you _ there?-No, I _. But I have _ _ the Great Wall.2.我到香港已经两天了。I _ _ _ Hong Kong for two days.3.我忍不住给这些卡通人物拍了很多照片。I _ _ _ _ photos for these cartoon characters.4.在整个乘坐期间,我们叫着笑着。We were _ and _ _ the ride5.我们匆忙到餐馆很快地吃了一顿饭。We _ _ a restaurant to have a _ _ .6.在一天结束的时候,我们观看了烟火表演。_ _ _ _

18、the day, we watched the fireworks show.7.我给我的同桌买了一对钥匙扣。I brought_ _ _ key rings for my classmates.答案:1 Have been, havent been to; 2 have been in ; 3 could not stop taking; 4 screaming laughing through; 5 hurried to , quick meal; 6At the end of; 7 a couple of二、 语法讲解一、专题精讲 知识点1:have/ has been to, have

19、/ has gone to, have/ has been in的区别(1) have/ has been to:曾经去过,强调以往的经历。如: The old man has been to Egypt when he was young.(2) have/ has gone to:去了某地,强调还没有回来。如: -Where is your uncle? - He has gone to the supermarket.(3) have/ has been in:待在某地,住在某地。如:例 :用have(has) been 或have(has) gone 填空。A: Where _ Li

20、Fei _?B: He _ to Hainan Island.A: How long _ he _ there?B: He _ there for three days.A: When will he come back, do you know?B: Im afraid he wont come back recently.A: Could you tell me the way to Hainan Island?B: Sorry, I _ never _ there.A: How many times _ Li Fei _ to that place?B: He _ there only

21、once.Keys: has, gone , has gone, has, been, has been ,have ,been , has ,been, has been.知识点2: since和 for 的用法区别和联系(1)since的用法A. since后可加时间点例:They have been here since last week.B. since引导时间状语从句时,后面的时间状语从句动词用一般过去时,主句动词用现在完成时例:They have learned English since they were 10 years old.(2)for的用法:for后加一段时间。Th

22、ey have learned English for ten years.(3)since 和 for 用法的相互转换:for +一段时间= since+ 一段时间+ agoThey have learned English for ten years. = They have learned English since ten years ago.(4)对since和for的提问用how long。如:-How long have you been in Nanjing?-For three years. / Since three years ago. 例:用for, since, ag

23、o填空。1. Sally has been away from London _ last Saturday.2. Our school has changed a lot _ the new building was built.3. Tommy has had this motorcycle _ three years.4. I have been in Nanjing _ eight years.5. My parents has been married since twenty years _.6. My cousin joined the army three months _.1

24、. since 2. since 3. for 4. for 5. ago 6. ago 知识点3:延续性动词和非延续性动词的用法(1)现在完成时与一段时间连用时应注意句中的谓语动词必须是延续性动词,非延续性动词不能和一段时间连用。如:翻译:这本书我从图书馆已经借了两个多星期了。误:I have already borrowed the book for over two weeks. 正:I have already kept the book for over two weeks. (2) 非延续性动词与一段时间状语连用时可采用将非延续性动词转化为延续性动词的方式。如:comebe her

25、e;gobe there; die-be dead; borrow-keep; buy-have; join-be in(be a member);leave-be away等。批注:补充强调一下,非延续性动词可以用于现在完成时,只是不能与一段时间连用。非延续性动词延续性动词现在完成时形式borrowkeepShe has kept this book for three weeks.leavebe awayThey have been away from home for two days.arrive/reach/get/movebe in/atKitty has been in Hong

26、 Kong for a e/gobe in/at My mum has been in Beijing for two months.begin/startbe onThe film has been on for an hour.stop/finish/endbe overThe meeting has been over for two hours.diebe deadThe lamb has been dead for some time.joinbe in/be a member of Simon has been a member of the Football Club since

27、 last year.becomebe How long has your sister been a teacher? openbe openThe shop has been open for ten hours.closebe closedThe market has been closed since 2010.buyhaveHe has had this motorcycle for two years.fall asleepbe asleepThe dog has been asleep for several hours.catch a coldhave a coldHow lo

28、ng have you had a cold?fall illbe illMike has been ill for ten years.get marriedbe marriedThey have been married for fifteen years.get upbe upThey have been up for two e back be backThe lost cat has been back since last night.go out be outThe old man has been out since last Friday.批注:加粗的部分是书面后面补充的,可

29、根据学生的情况进行删减。例1:Do you miss your parents far away?Yes, very much. They the hometown for over two years.A. left B. have left C. were away from D. have been away from解析: 考查动词的时态。从句中的for over two years 可知谓语动词是现在完成时表示时间段的延续动词。leave 是瞬间动词,应变成其延续动词“be+形容词”形式。故选D。例2:Alice in Wonderland _ for 15 days and man

30、y of us like the film very much.A. begins B. has begun C. began D has been on解析: 考查动词的时态。从句中的 for 15 days 可知谓语动词是现在完成时表示时间段的延续动词。begin是瞬间动词,应变成其延续动词“be+形容词”形式。故选D。例3:British Prince William(威廉王子) and Kate _ for nearly two months.A. married B. have married C. have been married D. have got married解析: 考

31、查动词的时态。从句后的for nearly two months 可知谓语动词是现在完成时表示时间段的延续动词。marry 是瞬间动词,应变成其延续动词“be+形容词”形式。故选C.例4:Could you tell me how long _ the football club?A. you have joined B. have you joinedC. you have been in D. have you been in解析:该句是一个含有宾语从句的句子,从句必须用陈述语序,故排除B、D;join不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用,故答案选C。二、专题过关检测题(一)用所给词的正确形式

32、填空1. Would you like some bananas? No, thanks. I (eat) one already.2. -Turn off the radio, dear. Baby is sleeping. -There is no need. He _(wake) up.3. Jerry, its the third time that you _ (forget) to bring your math book. 4. Jack and John_ (not speak) to each other for nearly five years before they b

33、ecome friends again.5. The Greens (collect) more than 1000 old clocks and watches in the past 5 years. 6.Do the old soldiers from Taiwan enjoy the welcome party ? Yes. They are so excited to see their friends again. Most of them _(not see) each other since 1949.7. She _ (live) in this city for years

34、 .8. He has long wished to go to Dalian on business, but he _ (not have) the chance yet.9. By the time he gets home, his wife _ (do) all the housework. 10. They _ (eat) up all the food, but they still feel hungry.答案:have eaten; has waken; have forgotten; havent spoken; have collected; havent seen; h

35、as lived; hasnt had; has done; have eaten;检测题(二):同义句转换1) They borrowed it last week. They _ _it since _ _.2) I bought a pen two hours ago. I _ _a pen for _ _.3) He has gone to Beijing. He _ _ _ Beijing for two days.4)He joined the league in 2002.He _ _ a _ _ the _ for two years.5) My grandpa died in

36、 2002.My grandpa _ _ _for _ _.6)The shop closed two hours ago. The shop _ _ _ for _ _.7)The door opened at six in the morning.The door _ _ _ for six hours.答案:1. have kept , last week; 2. have had , two hours; 3.has been to; 4.has been ,member of, league; 5.has been dead 12years;6.has been closed, two hours 7.has been open

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