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1、新教材七年级英语上册Units34 试卷 考试日期:_月_日;考试时间:_分钟;满分:_分;命题人:_一、 单项选择(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)26. Look, whats this? Its UFO。A。 a B。 the C。 an D。 /27。 There a set of keys on the dresser.A. am B。 have C。 is D. are28. Could you _ the notebook _ there?A. bring; to B。 take; to C. bring; / D。 take; /29. When you are in

2、trouble, you can call the police 119.A. to B. for C. at D。 in30。 Is that _ eraser?-No, it isnt. Its _ eraser。A。 his, youB. her, she C. your, heD。 your, his31。 This is _room and those are _ sweaters A。 Lily and Lucys;they B。 Lilys and Lucys; herC. Lilys and Lucys; their D. Lily and Lucys; their32。 My

3、 sister has two soccer balls, _she doesnt play。 A. andB。 for C。 butD。 of33. Look, a monkey is _the tree and it is eating the bananas _the tree。A。 in; in B. on; on C, in; on d。 on; in34. Is that a pencil?- _。 Its a pen.A. Yes, it is。 B. No, it isnt. C. No, that isnt. D. No, it is.35. Dont fight. You

4、can _ your teacher for help。A. ask B。 e-mail C. call D. say36。 This is not _ schoolbag。 _ is black。A。 my; My B。 mine; Mine C。 mine; My D. my; Mine37。 -_ your baseball? Its under the table。A。 What B. Whats C. Where D。 Wheres 38。 Kate and I _ know when _ Day is.A。 arent; Teachers B。 dont; Teachers C。

5、arent; Teachers D。 dont; Teachers39。 We speak Chinese, _ they dont。A. and B。 too C。 but D. or40. _, well be late (迟的)。A. Sorry B。 Come on C。 Excuse me D。 Hi41。 Timmy cant _ his book. A. found B. look for C。 find D。 lost42. Thanks for _ me。A. help B。 helps C. helping D。 to help43. -_- BOOK-CASE.A。 Wh

6、ats this in English? B. How do you spell it?C. Can you spell it? D。 What do you spell it?44. This is my little sister. _ is cute. I like _ very much。A. She; she B。 Her; her C. Her; she D. She; Her45。 How about _ for the Mid-term Exam(期中考试) this weekend?A。 study B。 studies C。 to study D. studying三、完形

7、填空。(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) This 46 Lisas room。 Its a big room. There are some pictures 47 the wall。 There is a desk and a chair 48 her room. There is also a sofa 49 a bookcase. The desk is between the bed 50 the desk。 There 51 some pencils, a pen and a ruler in the pencil 52 。 Lisas sofa in next to th

8、e desk. Her shoes and a ball are under 53 bed. Lisa and 54 friend Jim often stay in the room。 They 55 the room very much. 46。 A。 am B。 is C。 are D。 be 47。 A。 at B. in C。 on D. of 48。 A. at B. in C. on D. of 49. A. and B. but C. or D. / 50。 A。 and B. but C. or D. / 51。 A。 am B. is C。 are D。 be 52. A。

9、 book B. case C。 pen D。 ruler 53。 A. an B. the C. they D。 she 54。 A. his B。 hers C。 her D。 she 55. A。 likes B。 like C。 lives D. live四、阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)(A)One day, Ann is not happy。 Her teacherMiss Li asks her,” Whats wrong with you?” Ann answers,” I want to buy a new pair of sho

10、es, but my parents dont have enough money。 Then Miss Li says, “Today I have some homework for you count your parents shoes and tell my the number tomorrow.”The next day, Miss Li asks Ann, “Do you count your parents shoes?”“Yes. My father has three pairs of shoes and my mother has four pairs of shoes

11、.“How many pairs of shoes do you have?”“Twenty。 Anns face turns red。“Are you still unhappy now?“No, Im not。 I want to save(节省) some money to buy new shoes for my parents. 56. Ann is not happy because _。A. she thinks her shoes are too oldB。 she doesnt like her new shoes。C。 her mother has more shoes t

12、han her。D. her parents dont have enough money to buy her a new pair of shoes.57. What does the underlined word “count mean in Chinese?A。 数 B。 擦 C。 整理 D。 清洁58。 Miss Li asks Ann to _。A. buy her mother some shoes B。 clean her fathers shoesC。 count her parents shoes D. sell her parents shoes59. How many

13、 pairs of shoes does Ann have? A. Three. B. Four C。 Seven。 D。 Twenty。60. Finally, Ann wants to save some money to buy _.A。 new shoes for her parents B. new shoes for herselfC. more beautiful things D. new shoes for her teacher(B) LOST AND FOUND Lost:My school ID card。My name is Tony.Please call 6202

14、19Found:Is this your jacket?Call Mike at 4932273Found: RingIs that your ring?Please call JennyPhone 717396Lost:A blue Chinese dictionaryCall Lisa at 704-6758( )61. How many bulletin board notices(启示)in the LOST AND FOUND ?AThree B。 Four C。 Five D。 Six( )62. If you lost your ring, you may call _.A. 7

15、17396 B。 704-6758 C. 4932273 D. 620-219( )63。 If you find a dictionary, it may be (可能是)_.A. Mikes B. Jennys C。 Lisas D。 Tonys ( )64. Tony lost his _ according to the LOST AND FOUND。A. a ring B. a jacket C。 dictionary D. school ID card( )65。 If you lost your jacket, you may call_。A。 717396 B。 704-675

16、8 C。 4932273 D。 620219( C ) 仔细阅读上栏中的信息,从下栏中选出与之相对应的图片,并将最佳答案的字母编号填写在题前括号内。66。 This is my room。 Let me tell the things in it.67. Miss Wang is an English teacher。 She is from America。 Her English is very good。 She is only 25 years old。68。 Lost: My ID card. My name is Mike。 I lost it on the playground.

17、 Please call 443-410。69。 Bill likes football very much. He has a great football collection. He is free on Sunday。70。 Please take these things to me。A. Things to take The watch is under the sofa。 The notebook is on the desk and my ID card is in the backpack.B。 Wanted Is your English very good? Do you

18、 want to be an English teacher? Please call us at 076986186206。C Found Lily found an ID card on the playground。 But she cant find the owner (物主)。D. My room I have a bed, a table, two chairs and a computer in my room。E. United Manchester Soccer Team The players plan to visit Hong Kong, Beijing and To

19、kyo on Saturday and Sunday.F。 Football Club You can enjoy football games and share your sports collection here. It opens on weekends。 Tel: 89890888。G.。 Sports Club Do you like playing sports? Welcome to our club. It opens on Friday。第二卷 综合语言运用能力(共55分)五、词汇运用(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)A)品句拼词:根据句子中的音标提示,写出正确的

20、英语单词,并将答案写在答题卷相应位置上。71。 I look for my notebook everywhere, but I cant _/faind/ it.72。 We should keep our classroom clean and _ /taidi/。73. Some _ / wtiz/ are on sale.74. We can say _ /k/ you when someone helps us.75. Mary needs many English Chinese _/diknriz/。B) 随机应变: 根据括号中所给的单词,填入单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卷相

21、应位置上。76. This is not my eraser, its _(you).77。 Here _ (be) Tommys black and white TV。78. Are _ (this) your books?79。 We want to buy some _ (video)。80。 Wow, they are _( man nurse).六、翻译下列句子。(本大题有5小题,每题2分,共10分)根据下列中文句意将其英文句子补充完整.将答案填写在答题卷相应的答题位置上.(1空多词)81. 我必须找到我的学生证。I _ find my _。82. 他的铅笔盒掉了。His _ is

22、_.83. 快点, Eric. 我们去钓鱼。_, Eric。 Lets _.84。 吉娜的帽子到处都是。Ginas _ are _.85。 我的棒球在沙发上。My baseballs are _。七、图文填词(本大题有10小题,每小题1。5分,共15分),将答案填写在答题卷相应题目的答题位置上。(每空1词)Ann: Hello, Joe!Joe: Hello, Ann! I need some 86 for class this afternoon。 _87_ you bring them to school for me, please?Ann: What do you _88_? Joe:

23、 I need my _89_. Ann: Dictionary? _90_ is it? Joe: Its on the chair. And I also need my keys and my notebook。 My keys are _91_the drawer. Ann: OK. Is the notebook on the desk?Joe: I dont _92_。 I think its on the bed。 And I need my math book, too. Its on the _93_.Ann: All right。 Anything else?(还有别的什么

24、吗)?Joe:My CDs. _94_ are on the desk. I will _95_ them to my friend after school。 Ann: OK。 八、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共25分)A)信息归纳(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 根据以下内容,完成信息卡。注意要完整回答. Teacher: OK, class. Lets do this English exercise (练习). First, think about your things at home: your books, CDs, your schoolbag, and other th

25、ings. Where are they? Bob, where are your books? Bob: Theyre in the bookcase。 Teacher: And wheres your clock? Bob: Its on the table。 Teacher: Is your ruler on the table? Bob: No, its in my schoolbag. My schoolbag is here in class。 Teacher: OK. Now, Lisa, are your CDs in the bookcase? Lisa: No, they

26、arent。 Theyre under the bed。 Teacher: Is your math book in your schoolbag? Lisa: Yes, it is. Teacher: Where are your computer games? Lisa: Theyre on the desk. Teacher: All right.Where are Bobs books?96. _.Wheres Bobs ruler?97. _。Where are Lisas CDs?98。 _.Where is Lisas math book?99. _。Where are Lisa

27、s computer games?100。 _。B)书面表达(共20分)根据英文提示,描述一下自己教室布置的情况。题目:Welcome to Our Classroom . 内容包括:教室的布置及物品的位置(有40张桌子和41张椅子,讲台,书,书架,地图,书包,时钟,无线电广播,足球) 书写要求:1. 字迹规范。 2。 不少于60 词。 3。 提示词: Welcome , There are , This is , and 新教材七年级英语上册Units3-4试卷答案二、单项选择(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)26272829303132333435ACDCDDCCBA3637383

28、9404142434445DDDCBCCBDD三、完形填空。(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)46474849505152535455BCBAACBBCB四、阅读理解(本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)56575859606162636465DACDABACDC6667686970DBCFA五、词汇运用(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) A)品句拼词 71。 find 72. tidy 73. watches 74. thank 75. dictionariesB) 随机应变:76. yours 77. is 78. these 79. videos 80。men nur

29、ses六、翻译下列句子。(本大题有5小题,每题2分,共10分)81。 I must find my school ID card。82. His pencil box/ pencil case is lost。83. Come on, Eric. Lets go fishing.84. Ginas hats/caps are everywhere.85. My baseballs are on the sofa.七、图文填词86. things 87. Can/ Could 88. need 89。 dictionary 90。 Where91. in 92. know 93。 floor 94。 They 95。 take/give八、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共25分)A)信息归纳(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)96。 Theyre in the bookcase。 97。 Its in his/ Bobs schoolbag。 98。 Theyre under the bed. 99。 Its in her/ Lisas schoolbag。100. Theyre on the desk。

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