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1、人教版英语必修一基础知识检测题 一、 请写出下列英文单词或短语的中文意思或中文意思对应的英文单词或短语。1.有力的;有权势的 11. go through 2.上台;当权 12. on purpose 3.表达;表情 13. as far as I am concerned 4.辨认出;认识到 14. official 5.充分利用 15. come up with 6.偏好;偏爱的人或物 16. reliable 7.毕业;毕业生 17. in the end 8.态度 18. injured 9.改变他们的主意 19. relative 10. 失去勇气或信心 20. congratula

2、tion 二、请用每句括号中所给的单词的正确形式完成下列句子。1. As far as I am _, it is quite natural that the farmers are _ about the sale of the land because it is a matter that _ all of them. So youd better let them see all the official documents _ the sale of this land. (concern)2. I was very_ to my teachers for their help a

3、nd my _ to them was beyond words.(grateful)3. The band played many songs, _some of my favorites.(include)4. He _ in his _ speech tha the will support us and the _ on his face suggested that he meant what he said.(express)5. Mr. Wang, a teacher with _ experience, encouraged us to _ our life by joinin

4、g in all kinds of avtivities after class. (rich)6. She is _politician. She is famous for her _.(determine)7. He is so _ a man that no one can resist his _.(persuade)8. The _of this _is a lady from the United States. She _some cultural and sports activities to make people from different countries und

5、erstand each other better. (organize)9. The _ scene _the girl and we could see from her _expression that she was _.(fright)10.I am well _for the coming exam as I have done a lot of _.(prepare)11. The storm _ many houses, and the _ if the railway ws the biggest loss in the storm, which was the most _

6、in 30 years.(destroy)12. A child receives its early _ at home. A well _ mother will have a great influence on her childs future.(educate)13. He was _ and he treated them with _ and thoughtfulness.(generously)14. Mr. Johnson was a _ teacher because he had had his teacher _ for more than ten years. (q

7、uality)15. _, you can pass the examination and then your life will be changed. So dont feel so _ because I think your future is full of _. Lets _ for the best, OK? (hope)单词拼写测试:1. I would be g_ if you could give me some advice.2. I greeted her but she just i_ me and went away.3. The patient r_ and w

8、ent home after a few weeks.4. He s_ from a serous illness so that he had to take medicine wherever he went.5. It is time to p_ up your bags. We are leaving in an hour.6. You can find a s_ of reading materials in the library.7. Although I had not seen him for years, I r_ him at once.8. Passengers wer

9、e r_ not to smoke on the train.9. we should make full use of every chance to enlarge our v_, 10. Languages f_ change when cultures communicate with each other.11. The general(将军) c_ his soldiers to fire at the target.12. English is spoken as an o_ language in Singapore.13. Although he is a n_ Englis

10、h speaker, he has made many grammar mistakes in his speech.14. After learning English for five years, he is f_ in English now.15. As a g_ of Beijing University, he is proud of his school.16. Our new building has been completed three months ahead of s_.17. Standing on the top of the hill, you can get

11、 a good v_ of the whole city.18. They made a long j_ across China to make a survey.19. It was his sister who insisted on o_ the trip properly.20. A r_ friend is someone whom you can depend on.21. In the past, the goods were t_ to village by horse.22. He was so s_ that no one could make him change hi

12、s mind.23. Sometime we are _ to buy what we dont need.24. We know that no one is perfect and everyone has _.25. He said he p_ the blue shirt to the red one. How about you?26 After the accident the i_ were sent to hospital immediately.27. He tried his best to r_ the boy from the big fire, but failed.

13、28. Many buildings were d_ in the earthquake, leaving many people homeless.29. It is certain that reading in the sun does great d_ to your eyes.30. The news of his death s_ the whole nation.31. J_ from his dress, he is from a rich family.32. Hearing the good news, students _ out a cry happily.33. He

14、 has d_ all his life to serving the people.34. A 100$ r_ has been offered for information about the necklace.35. Luckily, he e_ for the big fire and was slightly injured.36. Mandela offered g_ to the blacks on their problems.37. This is the third time in one month that the town has been under a_.38. Peoples o_ on this matter vary from person to person.39. We must realize that v_ is not the best way of solving problems.40. Since he was well e_, he had no trouble getting the job.

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