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1、(完整版)冯玲玲Transportation教案Unit 4 Transportation Part BI: Analysis the teaching materialThe vocabularies about transportation have been occurred before this lesson。 And there are few new words in this part。 So it is not difficult to learn the lesson.II: Analysis of the studentsStudents have a good sens

2、e of learning English as they have already learnt for more than one year。 And they have great interests in learning English。III: Teaching aims and difficult points:1. Enable Students master the new words and sentences. 2. Make Students talk about transportation in English。3. Have a sense of safety w

3、hen we are outing.IV: Teaching Methods:Skeleton text teaching method, pair works and games would be used in my class。V: Teaching aids:Word-cards, PPT and videos VI: teaching procedures:Step1。 Warming up 1. Review the transportation words in part A.2. Have a chant: To Shanghai。(Design Intent: Reviewi

4、ng the old knowledge and having a chant to make students relax and warm up the class。)Step2. Leading in 1. Talk about the chant。2. Lead in the new lesson: “P25 Unit 4 Transportation Part B” (Design Intent: It can be more nature to lead in the topic and present the new words by talking about the chan

5、t in part C。)Step3。 Presentation and text learning1. Listen to the tape and rank following pictures.2. Listen again and then match the text and pictures.3. Watch the video and then answer the following questions.4. Read after the radio and imitate sentence by sentence。5. Pair works to fill in the fo

6、llowing blank and act it out.(Design Intent: The reason why I design the five steps to present the new text is to practice the students comprehensive abilities like listening, speaking, reading and writing.)Step4。 Consolidation1. Listening game and Bump Game to practice the new words。2. Pair works t

7、o practice the text and then come to the blackboard to role play。3。 Discuss how to make ourselves safe when we are going out。(Design Intent: Having games and pair works to consolidate the words and sentences is more interesting。 And discussion is the safe education)Step 5. Summary1。 What have we lea

8、rnt in this lesson? 2。A chant to practice again。(Design Intent: Teacher and students summarize all the content together to make the teaching aims more clearly.)Step6. Homework1。Read the text fluently2.Write the new words each for two lines。3。Finish the exercise in this unit.(Design Intent: Reading text and writing the new words can help students consolidate text better.)VII: Blackboard designsP25 Unit 4 Transportation Part B New words Sentences (Evaluation)aunt Do she go to Taiwan by? G1 G2 G3 G4plane Yes, she does . /No, she doesnt。 正 正 正 正shipis a place. 正 正 正place 正train

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