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1、(完整版) Will it be hot in Haikou?教学设计Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou?九支镇富华小学 陈开林教学目标:知识与技能:1. Words: weather hot cold sunny snow rain windy2. Sentences: Will it be hot in Haikou? Yes, it will. / No, it wont.3. Using “will” to describe weather in the future.过程与方法:Describing weather in the future and ta

2、lking about weather.情感、态度和价值观:用英语进行对天气的预想德育目标:养成学生有规律的生活习惯重点:1。 Words: weather hot cold sunny snow rain windy2. Sentences: Will it be windy in Beijing? Yes, it will。 / No, it wont. w W w 。x K b 1。c o M难点: Using “will” to describe weather in the future。教学方法:对话、说唱教学过程:(一)导入:Warming up: Look say and ac

3、t: hot cold rain sunny snow windy (复习学过的有关天气的形容词,为本课的学习打好基础)(二)探究新知Presentation: Show a map pf China. Write citys name on the map.Show the cards of weather to students。 And listen to the tape then point to the pictures。 Draw the simple pictures on the board. And write the words.Learn the words and d

4、raw the pictures in the exercise books。 (同时讲解 rain与 rainy 的区分)Show the robot to the students and say “The robots will do everything。 So the robots will broadcast the weather, too. Now lets act. Listen again and repeat the text then act (表演机器人天气预报员,以小组的形式操练句型)Show CAI to students。 (看课件,模仿并跟读,引出本课的重点句

5、子,板书句子.)(三)巩固新知Practice: Game: Listen and stick。 Listen to tape and stick the cards on map。 ( 听一听,贴一贴的活动调动了学生的积极性,训练了学生的听做能力。它是让学生听到某地的天气情况,把相关的图片与城市连在一起.) Do this game in groups or in pairs. Do the exercises in AB. (4) Production: Look at the CAI and ask “What will the weather be? (出示各种天气的课件,展开游戏,让学生运用 “Will it _? 来提问。) In groups or in pairs to continue the game。(四)作业布置Homework :(五)小结:问天气情况Will it be _?板书设计Design: Unit 2 Will it be hot in Haikou?hotcold Will it be _in_?sunny Yes, it will。 / No, it wont.rainwindysnow

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