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1、Unit1 Analysis of Small Signal Amplifiers in the Mid-Frequency Bandelements 元件 performance 性能mode 模式、模态 observe 遵守,转译规定load 负载 configuration 组态examine 分析 specified 指定,转译成定义与前呼应unity 1 across 跨过,转译为并联quantity 数量,量small signal amplifier 小信号放大器 midfrequency band 中频带 bipolar junction transistor (BJT) 双极

2、性晶体管 field effect transistor(FET) 场效应管 transconductance model 跨导模型 hybrid- model 混合型模型 general way(manner) 一般形式,通用形式 block diagram 框图frequency effects 频效 internal resistance 内阻voltage gain 电压增益 current gain 电流增益input resistance 输入电阻 output resistance 输出电阻configuration 组态 common base 共基极common collec

3、tor 共集电极 common source 共源极common gate 共栅极 common drain 共漏极common emitter 共射极 buffer amplifier 缓冲放大器self-bias resistor 自偏电阻 in parallel with 和并行,和并联 DC supply 直流供电电源 parallel circuit 并联电路 source follower circuit 信号源跟随电路 emitter follower 发射极输出器,射极跟随器DC blocking capacitor 直流耦合电容器,隔直流电容Unit 2 Analog to

4、Digital Converters7 / 7implementation 实现方案 decimation n. 十中抽一,抽取shaping n. 整形 prohibitively 不容许的wanted 期望sampling rates 采样率 basic form 基本形式 power hungry 功耗大 reference voltage 参考电压power consumption 能耗 exotic solution 特殊的方案output spectrum 输出频谱 quantization error (noise) 量化误差(噪声)full-scale 满量程 effectiv

5、e signal 有效信号converter resolution 转换器分辨率(精度) trade off 交替换位Over-sampling 过采样 processing gain 处理增益base band 基带 digital filtering 数字滤波the measurement band 测量频带 uniformly distributed 均匀分布digital cellular phone 数字移动电话 sigma-delta converter 转换器anti-aliasing filter 抗混叠滤波器 successive approximation 逐次逼近法 Mu

6、ltipass 多通道法 Interpolating 插值法Subranging 子区法 Bit-Per-Stage 逐位处理法performance specifications 性能指标FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) 快速富立叶变换ADC Analog to Digital Converters 模数转换器SNR the effective signal to quantization noise ratio 信噪比GSM . Global System for Mobile Communications n 全球数字移动电话系统Unit 5 Digital Si

7、gnal Processorsfollow v. 遵循 memory n. 存储器register n. 寄存器 access v. 访问overlap v. 重叠 pipelining n. 流水线操作multiplier n. 乘法器 accumulator n. 累加器shifter n. 移位器 reference n. 寻址mantissa n. 尾数 exponent n. 指数cycle n. 机器周期 customize v. 定制,用户化package v. 封装 digital signal processor 数字信号处理器von Neumann architecture

8、 冯诺伊曼结构shared single memory 单一共享存储器program instruction 程序指令harvard architecture 哈佛结构fetch from 从获取circular buffer 循环缓冲区,环形缓冲区address generator 地址产生器fixed point 定点floating point 浮点binary point 二进制小数点available precision 可用精度dynamic range 动态范围scale range 量程smallest Resolvable Difference 最小分辨率scientific

9、 notation 科学计数法assembly language 汇编语言multi-function instructions 多功能指令parallel architecture 并行结构looping scheme 循环机制sampling frequency 采样频率on-chip memory 片内存储器well-matched 非常匹配software tools 软件开发工具low level programming language 低级编程语言high level programming language 高级编程语言third party software 第三方软件boa

10、rd level product 板级产品data register 数据寄存器ALU=Arithmetic Logical Unit 运算逻辑单元program sequencer 程序定序器peripheral sections 外设single integrated circuit 单片集成电路cellular telephone 蜂窝电话 printed circuit board 印刷电路板licensing agreement 专利使用权转让协定custom devices 定制器件extra memory 附加存储器stand alone 单机third party develo

11、per 第三方开发商multimedia operations 多媒体操作merged into 融合calculation-intensive algorithm 运算密集型算法Unit 7 Magnetic Theory and Circuits electromagnetism n. 电磁,电磁学electrical apparatus 电器,电器设备motor n. 电动机generator n. 发电机fractional adj. 分数的,几分之一magnetic field n. 磁场coupling device 连接设备static transformer 静态变压器elec

12、trical power distribution circuits 送变电电路circuit breakers 电路断路器automatic switches 自动闸relay 继电器quantity n. 变量,数量magnetic flux n. 磁通量simplify the computations 估算Amperes Circuital Law 安培环路定律horizontal plane 水平面right-hand rule 右手(螺旋)法则flux density 磁密度tesla n. 特斯拉,磁通密度的单位permeability n. 磁导率,磁导系数henries 亨利

13、(电感单位)henries/meter 亨利/米 (磁导率的单位)absolute permeability 绝对磁导率relative permeability 相对磁导率Deltamax 克镍铁磁性合金ferromagnetic material 铁磁性材料 effective area n. 有效面积normal component n. 法线方向分量weber n. 韦伯,磁通的单位common flux 共有磁通Magnetic Field Intensity H 磁场强度electrical machinery 电机ampere-turns/meter 安培圈/米Amperes c

14、ircuit law 安培回路定律magnetomotive force 磁势magnetization curve 磁化曲线demagnetization n. 退磁residual flux density 剩余磁通密度 剩磁retentivity 记忆力saturation 饱和hysteresis 磁滞现象hysteresis loop 磁滞环coercive force 矫顽磁力coercivity 矫顽力 矫顽性magnetic circuit 磁路mask v. 补偿clearance n. 间隙,空隙equivalent circuit 等效电路reluctance n. 磁阻

15、examination n. 观察dimension n. 量纲cross-sectional area 横截面proportional to 与成正比inversely proportional to 与成反比Unit 4integrator n. 积分器 amplitude n. 幅值slope n 斜率 denominator n. 分母impedance n 阻抗 inductor n. 电感capacitor n 电容 cascade n. 串联passband n 通带 ringing n. 振铃damping n. 阻尼,衰减 conjugate adj. 共轭的stage v.

16、 成为low-pass filters 低通滤波器building block 模块linear ramp 线性斜坡log/log coordinates 对数/对数坐标Bode plot 伯德图transfer function 传递函数complex-frequency variable 复变量complex frequency plane 复平面real component 实部frequency response 频率响应complex function 复变函数Laplace transform 拉普拉斯变换real part 实部imaginary part 虚部angular f

17、requency 角频率frequency response 频率响应transient response 瞬态响应decaying-exponential response 衰减指数响应step function input 阶跃(函数)输入time constant 时间常数first-order filters 一阶滤波器second-order low-pass filters 二阶低通滤波器passive circuit 无源电路active circuit 有源电路characteristic frequency 特征频率quality factor n. 品质因子,品质因数cir

18、cular path 圆弧路径complex conjugate pairs 共轭复数对switched-capacitor 开关电容negative-real half of the complex plane 复平面负半平面Unit 8gate 门 diode 二极管transistor 晶体管 三极管 terminology 术语,专门名词logic circuit 逻辑电路 digital circuit 数字电路hand-held calculator 便携式计算器 building-block circuit 模块电路 logic gate circuit 逻辑门电路digital

19、 computer circuit 数字计算机电路digital logic 数字逻辑 multiple-state devices 多态设备computational arithmetic 算术运算decimal number 十进制数arabic number 阿拉伯计数制logic function 逻辑函数binary combination 二进制数组logic symbol 逻辑符号logic variable 逻辑变量logic condition 逻辑状态input lead 输入端output lead 输出端internal point 中间点Boolean algebra

20、 布尔代数 Boolean equation 布尔方程truth table 真值表binarysequential order 二进制次序assembled circuit 集成电路logic equation 逻辑方程algebraic equation 代数方程primary logic functions 基本逻辑函数logic AND function 逻辑“与”函数logic OR function 逻辑“或”函数logic NOT function 逻辑“非”函数 logic NOR function 逻辑“或非”函数simple algebra 初等代数 inclusive O

21、R function 广义“或”函数NOR gate 或非门universal gate 全能门integrated circuit of the large-scale或 large-scale integrated circuits(LSI)大规模集成电路very large-scale(VLSI)types 超大规模集成电路De Morgans Theorem 德摩根定理(德摩根是19世纪英国数学家)Unit 3ferroelectric n. 电 铁电物质;adj. 铁电的 volatile adj. 易失,易变,挥发 bipolar adj. 双极性的 hybrid adj. 混合的

22、router 路由器 dynamic adj. 动力学的,动态的leakage n. 漏,泄漏 refresh v. 刷新,更新offset v. 弥补,抵消,n. 偏移量 mask n. 掩码,掩模,屏蔽lithographic 平版印刷的 erasable adj. 可擦除的,可抹去的programmable adj. 可编程的 ultraviolet (UV) n. 紫外线,adj. 紫外线floppy disk n. 软盘magnetic memories 磁存储器optical memories 光存储器electronic memory 电存储器module format 模块形式

23、flip flop 双稳态多谐振荡器;触发器in parallel 并行的,平行的address pointer 地址指针pay off 带来利益,偿清interface circuitry 接口电路cache memory n. 高速缓冲存储器extra drive 附加驱动data comparator 数据比较器storage cell 存储单元trench capacitor 沟道式电容器RAM Random Access Memory 随机存储器MOS abbr. (Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) 金属氧化物半导体CMOS abbr. (Complementar

24、y Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) 互补金属氧化物半导体SRAM Static Random Access Memory 静态随机存储器DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory 动态随机存储器ROM Read Only Memory 只读存储器EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM 电可擦除可编程只读存储器ECL Emitter Coupled Logic 射极耦合逻辑电路CAM Content Addressable Memory 内容寻址存储器ALU arithmetic logic uni

25、t 逻辑运算单元Unit 9DC machine 直流电机Shunt excited 并励series excited 串励separately excited 他励self excited 自励field winding 励磁绕组volt-ampere characteristic 伏安特性speed-torque characteristic 速度转矩特性dynamic-state operation 动态运行steady-state operation 稳态运行precise control 精确控制stator 定子rotator 转子salient poles 凸极field coi

26、ls 励磁绕组field poles 磁极field axis 磁轴direct axis 直轴air-gap flux distribution 气隙磁通分布armature coil 电枢线圈rotating commutator 旋转(整流子)换向器brush 电刷mechanical rectifier 机械式整流器armature m.m.fwave 电枢磁势波90 electrical degrees 90电角度quadrature axis 正交轴,横轴geometrical position 几何位置magnetic torque 电磁转矩speed voltage 速度电压s

27、patial waveform 空间波形flux distribution 磁通分布sinusoidal flux-density wave 正弦磁密波space-fundamental component 空间基波分量external armature circuit 电枢外电路number of parallel paths 并联支路数slot (电机)槽rippling line 波浪线commutator segments 换向器片speed voltage 速度电压design constant 设计常数distributed winding 分布绕组concentrated coi

28、l 集中线圈SI units SI单位制instantaneous electric power 瞬时电功率instantaneous mechanical power 瞬时机械功率magnetization curve 磁化曲线 perpendicular 垂直的,正交的effects of saturation 饱和效应 direct-axis air-gap permeance 直轴气隙磁导率operating characteristics 运行特性steady-state characteristics 稳态特性dynamic behavior 动态特性rated armature

29、current 额定电枢电流power amplifier 功率放大器feedback control systems 反馈控制系统series generator 串励发电机shunt generator 并励发电机compound generator 复励发电机residual magnetism 剩磁self-excitation process 自励过程movers 原动机steady-state e.m.f 稳态电势terminal voltage 端电压rheostat 变阻器squirrel-cage induction motor 鼠笼式感应电动机commutating condition 换向状况cumulatively compounded motor 积复励电动机differential connection 差复励连接speed-load characteristic 速度负载特性instantaneous mechanical power 瞬时机械功率number of ampere-turns 安匝数sawtooth armature m.m.fwave 电枢磁势锯齿波commutatorbrush combination 换向器电刷总线

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